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The procession strategy notes that transition is ongoing without a predetermined end point. Change is
often a "complicated" mechanism influenced by the background, community, and internal dynamics of
an institution. As such a set of steps to handle transition is not prescribed by a theoretical framework.,
Social Behavior and Action Study, which developed an interconnected, comprehensive and permanent
to Change Process along with the 3-Step model, have gained less and less publicity. Sometimes the
management team isn’t getting a good return but with an instant change within an organization they get
a rapid return. However the risks are involved whenever the organization has to manage change.  In
these articles some organizations changed their management styles in order to improve efficiency and
to motivate employees which was somehow good but it also had some adverse effects to which most of
the employees do not adjust and which increases a labor turnover. The organization was following a
democratic management style but the organization was not performing well due to this they changed
their style into autocratic style which led to the high labor turnover.  (Burnes, 2004).   


Planned change and procession is a strategy of planning and implementing long term strategies which
are done for long term. In the combinations of these articles these approaches to change modified the
companies strategies, policies, internal operations,  the product and services which benefited the
organizations in the long run. The abrupt technological change also led to a lot of job loss and on the
other hand it increased efficiency. A change model was created that involves three steps: unfreezing,
changing, and refreezing. The change process involves creating the impression that a change is
necessary, then moving towards the new, desired level of attitude and, eventually, strengthening the
new situation as the norm. This first level of unfreezing stage of transition involves educating the
company to acknowledge the need for change, which means tearing down the current system before
you can establish a new way of working, the second stage of Changing After unfreezing is completed the
stage is set for change and  the third stage include freezing  includes Strengthening and institutionalizing
the improvements needed, ensuring that they are universally adopted, used all the time, and integrated
into the culture of business and organization.

 This temporal lens helps us to see trends of continuity and transition in the system and helps us to
construct a fine structure context. The core research focused on implementing initiatives for change
based on common frameworks, such as expected change, as identified by writers and experts in
business. The management team has to show the resistance to overcome the change.  This also
facilitates employee participation. 

The study shows that networks are essential, evolving, increasing and improving life forms over time.
Networks are far more than an extension of the creative asset base, but fixed in their history. Our data
demonstrates how a two types of data collection of the essence of collaboration is called for; one that
supports an interpretation of the interpersonal dynamic as a systemic structure reflecting the
entrepreneur global environment social structure. This strategy is the reverse of that embraced, which
expressly chose a progressive framework where the predominant management and trade system would
be the economic model implied by market mechanisms. Instead of showing the intensity of network
exchanges, our primary goal was the abundance of data collection. The view was that if the power of
these forces could be defined, planned and formed, it would be able to know not just why people,
groups and organizations behave as they do, and what powers would have to be weakened or
strengthened in response to variations. He viewed community participation as a slow process 
nevertheless, he did understand that the different forces in the sector can change rapidly under some
conditions, such as a private, organizational or social crisis. In such cases, developed habits break down
and the status  establishment is no longer viable. New event habits can evolve quickly and a market
paradigm can emerge. (Bamford and Forrester, 2003)

Strategic transition can be continued by organizations experiencing profound gaps in values. By drawing
on a longitudinal case study of strategic change in an organization, we explain how supporters and
challengers play in promoting their own valuation ideas and views at the same time and searching for
ways to allow change. In specific, we describe a trend where the debate shifted from original claimant to
growing agreement through incremental consolidation. The organizational development design method
from the study is provided. This publication's focus lies primarily in expanding the perception of
organizational change by the management team. It also reveals the fundamental rationalizations for
steering (scheduled or emerging) reform efforts and discusses the key factors on planned culture. It
offers and reinstates the required terminology, enabling managers to know the different components of
corporate transformation and operate on it. (Ericson, 2001)

As there are some strengths and weaknesses observed in these articles. We aim to design a pattern as
people and stay with that as well.  And as challenging as it is to completely change our routines and
develop a new way of doing things, change, particularly in terms of company, is necessary and
sometimes needed for success. For any variety of factors such as new technical innovations, new laws
and federal regulations, or declining consumer interest, corporations may have to change strategies.
They really know what comes down the tracks, so seems like the best way to navigate it is to adapt to
shift. In one of the above articles it mentions the change of the management which shows these
changes have benefited the organizations in the long run which however was hard in the beginning to
accept but in the future it gives the company more benefits. 

On the other hand the weaknesses shows One of the main drawbacks of organizational change refers
back to the fundamental concept that the potential cannot be predicted. It's wise to also have
procedures for change management prepared to go for likely openings. Yet life will take odd plot twists
occasionally. In general, the constraints of the organization of transition are clearly connected to the
constraints of our creativity. But for the most previously unseen, we still don't have the resources or
money to make additions of organizational change. Instead, given current developments in the
economy, economics, the climate and evolving times, we should prepare for what is probable to result. 
In order to have a critical review on planned and procession approaches to managing change in all of the
above article descriptions it clearly states in order to thrive and prosper in the current challenging
market and rapidly changing market climate, this can be found that large strategy implementation is
important for any company. A conceptualistic structure makes it possible to imagine models of

transition as complex rather than static, providing a contextual environment that has many triggers that
function as loops rather than simple lines. The certain changes in the organizations have led to
improvements in the tasks. Therefore the aim of this article is to provide a critical overview of some of
the key styles and concepts to the success of business change as an important initial step toward this
creation of a new paradigm for organizational change. Instead, Challenges seek and manage change with
options. Although few of the companies faced failure due to the planned and processual act a lot of
companies had become successful with these strategies.  (Dawson, 2005)


BAMFORD, D. R. & FORRESTER, P. L. 2003. Managing planned and emergent change within an
operations management environment. International journal of operations & production management.

BURNES, B. 2004. Kurt Lewin and the planned approach to change: a re‐appraisal. Journal of
Management studies, 41, 977-1002.

DAWSON, P. 2005. Changing manufacturing practices: An appraisal of the processual approach. Human
Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 15, 385-402.

ERICSON, T. 2001. Sensemaking in organisations—towards a conceptual framework for understanding

strategic change. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 17, 109-131.

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