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Hi, my name is Natasha, one of the RNs from

I medical ward. I am looking after patient

Natasha. Am I talking to her doctor?

She shows the signs of deterioration and her vitals

S are unstable, and she is hypoxic, tachypnoeic,

febrile, hyperglycaemic and tachycardic.

Natasha is 44-year-old female, got admitted with

suspected glomerular nephritis and UTI. She has a
medical history of HTN, T2DM and stage 2 renal

B disease.

A: Airway patent

B: Her RR is 31 bpm, spo2 93% in RA, oxygen

A started via nasal prongs 2L/min

C: BP 110/70, HR: 127 BPM, CRT < 3 sec and

hands are cold.

D: Alert and oriented, pain score is 7/ 10

E: Temperature is 38.7 C, has no wounds or drains

F: No IV fluids, not voided since arrival.

G: 9.2 mmol/L
R I am calling a rapid response. Can you come and
review her in 10 minutes? Is there anything you
want me to do in the meantime?

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