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Aidan Anderson

EN 101

Definition Essay

5 November 2020

A community in need of change

Rudolf Steiner, an Austrian philosopher, once said, “A healthy social life is found only

when, in the mirror of each soul, the whole community finds its reflection, and when, in the

whole community, the virtue of each one is living.” As Steiner’s words suggest, a healthy social

group should be a dainty balance between individual and group needs. Preferably, by working

with the social life of the class, the needs of the group, and the needs of the individual become

one. Peter Lovenheim, author of “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” verbalized in his text that we

often do not know our neighbors very well. A necessary need in a community is knowing our

neighbors so our community will grow and be strong. A community involves everyone knowing

each other, helping each other out when in need, and coming together.

One important thing in a community includes everyone knowing each other the best

they can. Knowing our neighbors in the community helps accomplish things faster and more

efficiently. Jon Maples, Chief of Police in Chillicothe, said, “Knowing people in the community

helps us get things done, such as putting events together and supporting the small businesses.

We host the wine walk and the Chautauqua that bring many people together, [but] sadly this

year we will not have the Chautauqua which will make a dent in the community.” Also, the

football games at the high school bring people together since Chillicothe is a sports-centered

town. That is another thing stopping us this year because of the virus.” We can host these sorts
of events here in Chillicothe because the community is very close. The events bring people

together and help people conversate with people they would have never talked to before. Our

community is strong and supportive of one another. Whenever someone has a problem or

needs help, it gets done right away. Helping each other out makes us grow and become more


Helping one another in our community allows us to be supportive and strong. My family

owns Shooter’s Taproom and Kitchen and every week we do Give Back Tuesdays. It consists of

giving 200 dollars to a small business in need during the rough times of Covid-19. It helps those

businesses buy supplies, pay their rent for the month, and even helps them stay determined to

keep going. Maples said, “Members donate a lot in our community, such as Shooters doing the

Give Back Tuesdays and donating 200 dollars to a random business during Covid.” We also have

fundraisers for people in need. A big example of this is the lighting ceremony in the park. People

donate lights, which helps us have something fun going on during the holidays. Also during this

time, we do the boot fundraiser for the fire department raising money for breast cancer.” It is

important to ask our neighbors for help so we can make the best out of our town. Growing

those close bonds let us know our community is going in the right direction. Getting together

with our neighbors doesn't always mean asking for help or money It can mean going out and

doing something fun as a town together.

Chillicothe has so many events that can help us come together as a community. Events

such as wine walk, Chautauqua, and Boo Fest all draw hundreds of people together to socialize.

“The chautauqua is a big event we have brought people together and also it brings lots of

money into our town. It helps small businesses be recognized. A fun thing we host here at the
station is the softball game against the fire department. It lets everyone know we are in this

together. It also helps with fundraising for our departments,” says Maples. Events that draw

people together are very important to becoming a strong community. We make these strong

bonds with our neighbors and even though people wouldn't think it would help, it does in the

biggest way. It helps achieve our goals by making Chillicothe a better and safer place. Just as

Maples stated earlier, “We need to make those bonds to achieve anything. If we didn’t have

those bonds, there would be constant fights and hatred all throughout the town.” The

Chautauqua is the biggest event we host in Chillicothe. As thousands of people are walking in

and out of the parks, you will see many members of the community volunteering at the gates

saying hello as you walk in, and asking you if you need directions around the park. These kinds

of acts are one of the greatest qualities Chillicothe has. No matter what event you go to, you will

see many happy faces as you walk around helping others. Without the events, there would be

no communication or social experience for anyone. You need that communication to have a

strong and supportive community.

Knowing your peers in your community will help you succeed in the future. When a

community involves everyone knowing each other, helping each other out when in troubled

times, and coming together, it will accomplish many of the goals your town has to offer. As

Rudolf Steiner said, “A healthy social life is found only when, in the mirror of each soul, the

whole community finds its reflection, and when, in the whole community, the virtue of each

one is living.”
Works cited

"104 Rudolf Steiner Quotes - Inspirational Quotes At Brainyquote". Brainyquote, 2020,

Maples, Jon. "Community Description". Police Station, 2020.

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