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Philosophy of Education

I have always enjoyed my physical education classes, from General PE, Health, and
Weight Training. I think each class has a very important aspect that people can grasp and use in
their everyday life to carry out daily tasks. Physical Education can also play a big role in the
youth’s life. If kids are educated on how to live a proper and healthy lifestyle while in school,
they are able to carry this with them throughout life.
I believe physical education is important in younger kids life’s because it can model a
healthy lifestyle. In most cases a physical educator can impact a kid more than a math, science,
english, or other elective teachers, because the time the kids spend with them is often considered
fun. I believe when a kid is having fun they tend to pay more attention and get more out of the
lesson. One of the biggest times in a child’s life to help them see physical education as fun is in
elementary school when their minds are still being molded. After elementary school, there are
still physical education classes that kids can learn from. A general physical education class can
teach kids about movement and why it is good to be active. A health class will be able to teach
kids about not only sex but healthy choices when it comes to food and exercise.
To make sure that I am in line with the standards while leading a physical education
class, I will make sure to read the standards each year and also talk to other physical educators in
my district and state to get new ideas. Also depending on which grade level I teach I will have
different things that I incorporate in each lesson or things around the gym that promote a healthy
lifestyle. For example in the gym at the elementary school I did field experience for, the gym had
different paintings on the wall such as drinking water throughout the day and getting a certain
amount of physical activity. The gym also had pictures painted of kids playing basketball,
soccer, tag, and football to show some examples of physical activities that the kids can do
outside of Physical Education class. For a middle and high school gym you could possibly have
boundaries for different games on the hardwood, such as my high school had a basketball
outline, volleyball outline, and a few pickleball or badminton outlines. Some of the main themes
I would make sure to cover would include safety, constant movement, muscular development,
and a fun environment with teamwork included.
In order to assess my students and be the best physical educator I could be I would make
sure to do activities everyone can participate in. I would make sure that even if kids did not dress
out that they would be able to be involved in physical activity that day and not have to sit out like
some teachers do. To present my content for games or sports I would give an intro as to how the
sport started and the elements of the sport that promote physical activity as well as the rules of
the game. I would also have a few stations that would help students develop the essential skills
needed to play the game before going into gameplay. For a workout circuit with different
exercises I would be sure to explain clearly and demonstrate what should be done at each station
and make sure it is done properly to prevent injury. While the students are going through the
game or workout, I would make sure to be walking around and helping those who need help
while also encouraging that everyone does what they need to do.
All in all, I will make sure to always actively engage my students in each lesson and
make sure to point out the important aspects of a healthy lifestyle. I will also make sure that the
students understand the reason for physical education and why they should participate regularly
even outside of the classroom. Finally I will always make sure to have the kids actively engaged
in each game so that everyone will be involved and get the most out of their experience in my

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