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Classroom Layout

In my classroom I am choosing to seat my students with a partner. This will give a chance for
students to work together to solve answers, or for games. There will be a small space between
the desk, so students don't feel too close to another student. All desks will be facing forwards
toward the projectors and towards the whiteboard. My teacher's desk in the corner, when sitting
at it I am able to be visible to all students and I can see all students as well.

In my philosophy of education, I said I want to make my classroom feel safe and inviting. I will
have self-motivation posters placed in a college format on top of the whiteboard. I want it in this
location because students will be facing forward able to read them when feeling low.

My bulletin board and supplies bookshelf are next to the door on the right wall. I placed them
there so as students walk in, they can take a look at important notices and grab supplies
needed for the day.

I've also placed the trash can by the door so they can throw trash away on the way out or into
my classroom.

I only gave myself 3 computers because I want to give students the chance to use their own
technology in my class. If they just so happened to not have any, they are more than welcomed
to use my computers.

In my layout there are “runway” style walkways where I can walk down and interact with my

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