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//* season 10

LV.1 LV.2 LV.3 LV.4

*Garen O O O(*) X \\ F. I. LT. NC. Tra.
| Long sword [if he takes 2 point on Q you may loose LV.3]
*Renekton O O X X \\ F. I. LT. BP. Rev.
| Long sword
*Cho`gath O O O O \\ F. I. LT. NC. Tra.
| Long sword
*Wukong O O X X \\ F. I. LT. BP. Rev.
| Doran blade [dont take to long trade, he outscale you with his passive,
just aa and E sping damage back]
*Nasus O O O O \\ F. I. LT. NC. Tra.
| Long sword [the secret with nasus is proper wave manipulation, after
lv.6 you may loose without ulti]
*Sett X X X X \\ F. I. LT. NC. Tra.
| Long sword [dont start trade with E, you need it to dodge sett E or
to escape. In this match up you have to outscale impossibili short trade]
*Singed O O X X \\ F. G. LT. NC. Tra.
| Long sword [even if you win early singed can kyte you well, so build
tiamath push and try to ratate, ghost help you trying killing him if he doesnt take
speed scale runes]
*Malphite O O O O \\ F. I. LT. NC. Tra.
| Long sword [the match up is actually easy before malph first recall,
once he get tabi no matter how you are ahead you will loose.

Proper wave management take prio for lv.2 stack third wave zoning him, take
lv.3 into recall. in this way he shouldnt have enough gold for tabi and you force
him to stay in lane.

Try to run him down and keep freezing to avoid him having resources to spend
every time that he back.

In the process build tiamath cause you want be able to face him once he get
*Camille O O O ? \\ F. I. LT. NC. Tra.
| Long sword [aa with E back damage seems to be ok, ok cheat recall but
care when she slow push into you level 4 not greeding for creep, if she leap on you
you die.]
*Riven O O O ? \\ F. G. LT. BP. Rev.
| Long sword [Good riven player can kite you pretty easily with 20% cdr,
she wins short trade but trynda win all in. Bone plating and revitalize cut a bit
of riven short trade potential

while ghost help stay stick to her for all in. Rush tier 2 boots]
*Aatrox O O O X \\ F. I. LT. NC. Tra.
| Long sword [Cheat recall into early executioner calling]
*Urgot O O X X \\ F. G. LT. SW. Unf.
| Doran ring [If you take level 2 prio, try to crash wave into the tower
and scale up, don`t try early trade cause you are without Ignite]
*Darius O O X X \\ F. I. LT. NC. 
Tra. | Doran blade [against ghost darius if e all in you level 1 full fight
between your minions with ignite and you should win, against tp

and dominance darius try to crash the second wave into the tower and avoid
take bad trade early, you will out scale his tp]
*Maokai O O X X

Mordekaiser O O O O \\ F. G. Gra. (BP) Tra. LS.

| Doran blade [Trade when grasp up dodging as much morde Q as you can.]
Fiora \\ F. G. LT. BP. Rev.
| Long sword [Basically you want to keep feeze until you have all in
potential, whan pushing slow pushing into a big wave otherwise

she all in us. As first buy you may prefer to buy executioner]
Kalista \\ F. G. LT. SW.
Rev. | Doran shield [Kalista reset aa whan target go out of vision so use bush
wisely, let her push in to you wait your power spike and ghost in her face. It will
be difficoult to hit your W due to her passive]
Wukong X X X X \\ F. I. LT. SW.
Rev. | Doram shield [Due to his passive evety all in pre item are risky, only if
he play into your minions wave you can beat him. Play sustain lane and outscale
him. He wins every short trade]


Gnar O O O O \\ F. G. LT. SW. Rev/Unf

| Doran shield [play around Gnar E and your E CD, sping in once when his E
is on CD spin again for win trade. Dont fight in his mega form]
Darius X X X X \\ F. G. LT. SW.
Unf/Unf | Doran shield [Dont fight Darius for level 2 but play passive trying
to freeze and wait your power spike. You outscale him]
Camille O O O O \\ F. G. LT. SW.
Unf/Unf | Doran shield [the match up is all about how you play around camille
passive and spell cooldown, avoid taking free damage with her 2nd Q and trade back
whan her skill are in cd. If she W, insta spin (but not too far) and auto to deal
damage before she
Urgot X X ? ? \\ F. G. LT. SW. Rev/Unf
| Doran shield [Dont fight for level 2, just sit back and farm. Save your
E,if he dash into you you sping back. You can aa trade every time he goes for a
minion but never commit too hard.]
Volibear X X ? ? \\ F. G. LT. SW. Rev/Unf
| Doran shield [early on you cant never commit into him, aa to prok his
boneplating while he goes for a last hit. Just like garen matchup he doesnt scale
well with levels. Farm and outscale]

can prok her passive. If she waste her E on you, pop ghost and run her
Garen X O O O \\ F. G. LT. SW. Rev/Unf
| Doran shield [Garen is strong in early leverls but doesnt scale well
with level up. Take safe trade and outscale. Once you get Kraken slayer try for
opportunity to all in.]
Illaoi O O O O \\ F. G. LT. SW.
Rev/Unf | Doran shield [The matchup is all about baiting and dodging her E
and Q. On a succesfull dodge try bait ulti by committing into her but keep E to
spin away once she ults. All in her after even if she hit E on you.

If she hit E on you with ulti up go away.]

Irelia O O O O \\ F. G. LT. SW.
Rev/Unf | Long sword [You must take prio for level 2 and 3. Cheat by
pushing third wave into her tower. Stay away from her whan she can stack her
passive easily or when she has it stacked up.

Like Yasuo matchup the best trade you can get are when there are no ally
minions that she can use to kite you with.

Bramble vest is good for the stats that provide you at 800 golds.]
Warwick X X X X \\ F. G. LT.
SW.Rev/Unf | Doran shield [Ww Q deals a ton of damage. Dont try to fight
him early levels, just take safe trade if he use Q on minions spinning back before
his E ends. Once you have Kraken and gravious wounds you can find search

opportunity to fight him]

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