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Journal of Hydrology 237 (2000) 169±183

Forest ¯oor water dynamics and root water uptake in four forest
ecosystems in northwest Amazonia
C. ToboÂn Marin*, I.W. Bouten, S. Dekker
Department of Physical Geography and Soil Science, University of Amsterdam, Nieuwe Prinsengracht 130, 1018 VZ Amsterdam, Netherlands
Received 29 July 1999; revised 4 May 2000; accepted 14 July 2000

A common feature in the undisturbed forest ecosystems in the Middle Caqueta (Colombian Amazonia) is the presence of a
thick litter layer with abundant ®ne roots over mineral soils which are highly weathered and very low in available nutrients. In
these situations, the litter layer or the forest ¯oor (FF) may play an important role in the forest water balance, controlling water
¯uxes and nutrient cycling. We investigated the forest ¯oor water dynamics in four representative forest ecosystems in the
Middle CaquetaÂ, Colombian Amazonia (tertiary sedimentary plain, high terrace, low terrace and the rarely inundated ¯ood
plain). Meteorological conditions were measured on hourly basis, FF water storage capacity, TDR water content in the FF and
litter¯ow or FF drainage were measured daily over a two year period. A dynamic model was developed to simulate FF water
storage, root water uptake and drainage to the mineral soil. The four-parameter model was calibrated applying a step-wise
procedure. Analysis of collected data showed that FF water content was generally lower in the sedimentary plain than in the
other ecosystems, whereas FF water storage was the highest due to a high FF mass. The average storage capacity per unit FF
thickness was 1.23 mm cm 21. The sensitivity analysis and calibration of model parameters highlighted the relevance of storage
capacity as the most sensitive parameter for the FF water dynamics. For the validation period, there is a good agreement
between predicted and measured FF water storage and especially between predicted total drainage from the forest ¯oor and
measured litter¯ow. Model predictions indicate that water uptake from the FF's during the validation period (190 days) differed
between ecosystems, ranging from 15 to about 28% of the reference transpiration. This seems to be related to the fraction of ®ne
roots in the FF in each ecosystem and to the water availability. On the other hand, total drainage to the mineral soil was very
similar among ecosystems, except for the sedimentary plain, where total drainage was the lowest with about 87% of incoming
throughfall. q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Amazonia; Forest ¯oor; Water content; Water storage; Water uptake; Modelling

1. Introduction hematite. This leads to a very low cation exchange

capacity and most of this capacity is located in the
Amazonian soils are highly weathered and leached. litter layer which covers the mineral soil. In these
Soils generally consist of a mixture of quartz and impoverished ecosystems, the litter layer, here
secondary minerals, such as kaolinite, gibbsite and referred to as the forest ¯oor, is the main soil compart-
ment with respect to nutrient stocks and nutrient
cycling (Tiessen et al., 1994; Salati et al., 1979).
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 131-205257442; fax: 131-
205257431. Apparently, related to the concentration of available
E-mail address: (C. ToboÂn Marin). nutrients in the forest ¯oor, ®ne roots of trees often
0022-1694/00/$ - see front matter q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0022-169 4(00)00302-4
170 C. ToboÂn Marin et al. / Journal of Hydrology 237 (2000) 169±183

concentrate in this compartment to form a `root mat' in Colombian Amazonia. To that purpose, data on FF
(Jordan, 1989; Cuevas and Medina, 1988; Golley, water content and drainage collected over a two-year
1983). In soils with very low fertility, shallow rooting period are analysed. Further issues of this study are to
is prominent and small feeding roots are concentrated model the water uptake from the FF and total litter-
in the forest ¯oor and topsoil. (Longman and JenõÂk, ¯ow to the mineral soil, to identify the most important
1990; Lawson et al., 1970). Such root mat plus mycor- parameters in¯uencing FF water ¯uxes and to estab-
rhizal mycelia are assumed to be capable of capturing lish the hydrological differences or similarities
released nutrients and even extracting these directly between the FF's of the ecosystems studied.
from the litter (Stark and Jordan, 1978). Conse- The canopy water balance of the forest ecosystems
quently, in these ecosystems, uptake of nutrients in the research sites was described by ToboÂn (1999).
takes place almost exclusively in the forest ¯oor and Encountered amount of throughfall to the FF is used
in the top of the mineral soil, thus leading to a very as the upper boundary condition for this FF water
tight nutrient cycling (Burnham, 1989; Jordan, 1989). balance study and free drainage to the mineral soil
In these speci®c Amazonian ecosystems, the forest as the lower boundary condition. Water content of
¯oor (FF) may also play an important role in the forest the FF was established by the Time Domain Re¯ecto-
water balance and related water ¯uxes due to the high metry (TDR) technique. Travel time measurements
proportion of ®ne roots in this compartment. The FF were transformed into volumetric water content by
intercepts part of the throughfall, affects runoff applying a calibrated linear regression equation,
amounts, protects soil from erosion and contributes based on TDR measurements and measured gravi-
to the stability of soil characteristics (e.g. in®ltration metric water content of a large set of FF samples
and soil storage capacity). According to Duivenvoor- (ToboÂn, 1999). FF storage dynamics were assessed
den and Lips (1995) and this present study, the from the calibrated TDR water content measurements
amounts of litter and ®ne root content in the FF vary at different depths and FF thickness. Drainage was
considerably, depending on the soil nutrient status. measured through plastic plates installed under the
Consequently, the FF water dynamics, including the FF.
root water uptake and drainage to the mineral soil, are
likely to vary considerably and this gives rise to differ-
ences in site conditions affecting germination and 2. Site description
growth of seedlings (Longman and JenõÂk, 1990) and
microbial activity. In spite of the important ecological The area of study is located within an Indian
role of the FF, in particular for water and nutrient community territory near Araracuara, Middle
supply to plants, there has been little progress in the CaquetaÂ, Colombia (0837 0 and 1824 0 S, 72823 0 and
study of the water dynamics of this compartment. In 70843 0 W). It forms part of the Amazon basin and
most forest hydrological studies, the FF is neglected comprises a large dissected Tertiary sedimentary
or treated as part of the mineral soil for which van plain at about 250 a.s.l. and the alluvial system of
Genuchten parameters (van Genuchten, 1980) have the River CaquetaÂ, including a high and low terrace
been estimated. Only a few studies deal with the deter- and the rarely inundated ¯ood plain (FP). Soil types
mination of the water storage capacity and temporal vary, ranging from well drained (sedimentary plain
variability of water retention by the FF and these and high terrace) to hydromorphic (low terrace and
mainly pertain to coniferous and other temperate ¯ood plain), with predominantly clayey textured
forests (Schaap et al., 1997; Putuhena and Cordery, subsoil and topsoil with a texture of clay loam to
1996; Walsh and Voigt, 1977; Golding and Stanton, sandy clay loam. They are very poor to relatively
1972; Helvey and Patric, 1965). The storage capacity, poor in nutrients, except for the ¯ood plain soils,
water content and ¯uxes in the FF of Amazonian rain which regularly receive fresh, nutrient rich sediments
forest ecosystems have not yet been investigated. from the River CaquetaÂ. The vegetation is very rich in
This paper deals with the FF water content species and typical for mature forest in the western
dynamics and the contribution of FF moisture to forest part of the Amazonian rain forest. The bulk of the
transpiration in four representative forest ecosystems vegetation is in the form of large tree crowns in the
C. ToboÂn Marin et al. / Journal of Hydrology 237 (2000) 169±183 171

Table 1
Forest ¯oor characteristics and average litter mass content in the four forest ecosystems in the Middle CaquetaÂ, Colombian Amazonia. Data was
collected from forest ¯oor samples of 1 m 2. Std is the standard deviation (values of total dry mass and ®ne root content correspond to the average
forest ¯oor thickness in each ecosystem)

Forest ecosystem Mean FF Std Total dry Std Fine roots dry Std n
thickness (cm) mass (kg m 22) mass (kg m 22)

Sedimentary plain 16.36 4.22 9.81 4.41 2.12 1.03 31

High terrace 6.21 2.00 6.11 1.46 1.16 0.34 17
Low terrace 5.25 2.51 4.28 2.04 0.69 0.31 14
Flood plain 3.96 2.04 3.27 1.39 0.32 0.16 16

upper canopy, about 30 m above the forest ¯oor and especially in the sedimentary plain. This is similar to
some emergent trees reaching up to 45 m. The lower those values found in Venezuelan Amazonia by
canopies with small palms and shoots are relatively Jordan (1989). The FF consisted mainly of dead
unimportant in terms of forest cover. The most impor- leaves and debris (twigs, bark, wood material, fruits
tant differences in vegetation among the landscape and seeds). The lower part generally contained
units pertain to total standing biomass, species diver- mineral material brought up by termites, worms and
sity, tree density and the structure of the forest ants. `Root mat' consisted of a dense network of
canopy, as de®ned by the canopy cover. A more mostly medium and ®ne roots in a matrix of decom-
detailed description and vegetation classi®cation of posing organic matter, evidencing high macro faunal
the research sites is presented by Duivenvoorden activity. This has been also found by Cuevas and
and Lips (1995), Alvarez (1993) and LondonÄo Medina (1988) for the Upper Rio Negro (Venezuelan
(1993). The climate of the area is classi®ed as equa- Amazonia) and by Duivenvoorden and Lips (1995)
torial superhumid A® (KoÈppen, 1936). Annual aver- for Colombian Amazonia.
age gross rainfall in the area is about 3400 mm year 21 The forest ¯oor (FF) varied in thickness both within
and daily mean temperature is 268C with day-time and between ecosystems, but clearly increased with
relative humidity generally above 75%. Detailed decreasing soil fertility (Table 1). In the sedimentary
descriptions of the research sites and climate condi- plain, thickest FF's occurred on the crests. In the other
tions are presented by ToboÂn (1999). units, the FF thickness was less variable with the thin-
nest layer in the ¯ood plain ecosystem. Concerning
®ne root distribution, a detailed study in the research
2.1. Forest ¯oor description sites showed that the average percentage of ®ne roots
Duivenvoorden and Lips (1995) de®ned eight types in the FF, relative to the total amount of roots over a
of terrestrial humus in the Middle Caqueta area, with depth of 1 m, was 34% for the sedimentary plain, 19%
associated differences in amounts and distribution of for the high terrace, 19% in the low terrace and 12% in
®ne roots and in its structure. They also indicated that the ¯ood plain. Results within the framework of the
upland (non-¯ooded) ecosystems commonly have a current research agree with results from Duivenvoor-
thicker organic horizon with high root content and den and Lips (1995) who observed that a high propor-
root density. They concluded that the amount of ®ne tion of ®ne roots concentrates in the forest ¯oor.
organic matter and ®ne root content of the forest ¯oor
generally increase with decreasing nutrient concentra-
tion in the mineral soil, i.e. from the ¯ood plain, 3. Methodology
through low terrace and high terrace, to the sedimen-
tary plain. To study the water dynamics and the water balance
A forest ¯oor survey in the research plots showed of the FF, three subplots of 50 £ 20 m2 were selected
that the thickness of the FF in the studied forest in the sedimentary plain and two subplots in the high
ecosystems ranged from 5 to 30 cm and even thicker, terrace, the low terrace and the ¯ood plain. In each
172 C. ToboÂn Marin et al. / Journal of Hydrology 237 (2000) 169±183

plot gross rainfall above the forest, net rainfall weight. Samples were air dried until constant weight
(throughfall and stem¯ow), litter¯ow, FF and soil and ®nally weighed (dry weight). In total 78 samples
water dynamics were monitored. Meteorological were collected during four sampling periods to deter-
data were collected with an automatic weather station mine the water storage capacity and the volumetric
(AWS) equipped with a CR10 datalogger (Campbell water content of the FF.
Scienti®c Instruments), located in an open area of Plastic drainage plates were used to measure the
about 20 ha on a bank of the River CaquetaÂ. This proportion of throughfall that passes through the FF
area is at approximately 3 km from the plots some- and drains to the mineral soil. Commercial plates,
where in the centre. Parameters measured included normally used for domestic purposes, with an open
gross rainfall, temperature, air humidity, incoming area of 683.5 cm 2 and 5 cm depth were installed hori-
solar radiation, wind speed and wind direction. Aver- zontally in the contact zone between the FF and
age and total values were recorded every 20 min. mineral soil. As the plates have a very low capacity
Rainfall in the AWS was measured by tipping to store water, they were connected to plastic collec-
bucket raingauge with a resolution of 0.2 mm provid- tors of 20 l installed in a soil pit dug at a distance of
ing information on the number and duration of approximately 0.2 m of the position of each plate. To
showers and total rainfall. Above the FF subplots, connect the plates to the collectors, small hold of 5 cm
gross rainfall was measured in two ways: (1) auto- of diameter was open in the bottom of the plates.
matic measurements with a tipping bucket raingauge Small funnels of 10 cm diameter were sealed to the
installed in the top of an emergent tree crown, after bottom of the plates to collect the water incoming to
clearing all branches; and (2) manual measurements the plates as drainage from the selected FF sites.
with two raingauges per subplot suspended from cords Funnels were connected with a plastic tube to the
attached to two emergent trees. In the same FF collectors in the soil. To avoid any solid material to
subplots, throughfall was measured by 20 collectors enter the plate and funnel, a ®ne net was attached to
randomly located in each subplot. Evaporation from the upper part of the plates and to the bottom of the
the collectors was avoided by using an internal plastic funnels.
tube running from the funnels to the bottom of the Net rainfall onto the forest ¯oor shows a consider-
collectors (ToboÂn, 1999). able variability due to forest structure (ToboÂn, 1999;
To determine the water storage capacity of the FF Jetten, 1996; Ford and Deans, 1978). Therefore, large
and to obtain ®eld data that can be compared with the number of collectors is needed to estimate throughfall
calibrated values of parameters from the model, the accurately. A high variability of FF litter¯ow can be
amount of water retained by the FF after free drainage also expected due to the variability of FF thickness. In
had ceased was investigated. To that purpose within the sedimentary plain, which shows the largest varia-
the research areas, plots of 1 m 2 of undisturbed FF bility of FF thickness, 45 plates were installed in three
were randomly selected. The thickness of the FF subplots (i.e. 15 per subplot) and in the high terrace
layer were measured at different points within the plot, 30 plates in two subplots. In the other units, the
selected 1 m 2 and average value of these measure- installation of FF plates caused dif®culties due to the
ments were used. To avoid water uptake, during the thin FF layers, and was therefore not measured.
experiment, roots within the selected 1 m 2 plots were Collectors were measured manually on daily and
cut and separated from the adjacent areas. Selected FF weekly basis, as were gross rainfall, throughfall and
plots were in situ saturated by manually sprinkling stem¯ow (ToboÂn, 1999). Weekly measurements were
water until water excess was observed in the drainage carried out from September 1995 until August 1996
and the FF plots showed to be completely wet. This and daily measurements, whenever rainfall occurred,
process was repeated another 2 days every 24 h. After were performed from August 1996 until August 1997.
each saturation, the plots were covered with a plastic For a better determination of FF drainage, collectors
sheet to assure complete saturation (e.g. lower sides of were randomly relocated once to new sites.
leaves). In the morning of the fourth day, after 24 h of For the characterisation of the FF water content and
free drainage, the total litter and roots in the 1 m 2 plots the spatial and temporal FF storage dynamics, Time
were sampled and weighed in the ®eld for the wet Domain Re¯ectometry (TDR) technique was used
C. ToboÂn Marin et al. / Journal of Hydrology 237 (2000) 169±183 173

Pn and, more speci®cally, serves to determine the relative

contribution of the FF to forest transpiration and the
total litter¯ow or FF drainage to the mineral soil. The
UFF = b (E SFF/Sc) FF is considered as composed of a single continuous
(1-a)Pn aPn layer with a speci®c storage capacity, which intercepts
and redistributes net rainfall. The input to the model is
SFF (m) throughfall, either as measured or as calculated with
the calibrated dynamic forest interception model
If SFF > Sc, DFF = d (SFF–Sc) (ToboÂn, 1999) and reference transpiration (Monteith,
If SFF ≤ Sc, DFF = 0 1965). Free evaporation from the forest ¯oor is
assumed to be negligible because the air within the
forest remains almost saturated, the radiation ¯ux is
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of a single layer forest ¯oor inter- low and patchy and the wind speed near the soil
ception model. surface is nil (Roberts et al., 1980; Shuttleworth and
Calder, 1979; Odum and Pigeon, 1970), which is
with three wire TDR sensors of 50 cm length (Heimo- especially the case in the studied forest ecosystems.
vaara et al., 1993). Sensors were installed horizontally Outputs from the model are the FF water uptake and
in the FF subplots at three different depths and ®ve total drainage to the mineral soil, which is assumed to
locations in the sedimentary plain plot, as the FF is occur whenever storage capacity is exceeded and in
considerably thicker than in the other units. In the high that case will continue during and after rainfall events
terrace, low terrace and ¯ood plain, sensors were till storage becomes equal or lower than storage
installed at two depths and three locations. In each capacity.
site, the ®rst sensor was installed approximately at The FF dynamic water balance model is a single
5 cm below the FF surface and the second was layer model with four parameters (Fig. 1):
installed at approximately 5 cm from the FF bottom.
In the sedimentary plain the third sensor in each ˆ Pn 2 UFF 2 DFF …1†
subplot was installed somewhere in the middle of Dt
the FF layer, which varied according to the FF thick- where SFF (m) is the water storage of the FF, t (day) the
ness in each site. As the FF in the low terrace and time, Pn (m day 21) the net rainfall rate to the forest
mainly in the ¯ood plain is somehow thinner than in ¯oor, here taken as the throughfall rate, UFF (m day 21)
the other units, TDR sensors were installed at approxi- is the rate of water uptake from the FF, E (m day 21)
mately 3 cm from the surface and the second near to the reference transpiration rate (Monteith, 1965) and
the FF bottom. Measurements were carried out every DFF (m day 21) is the drainage rate to the mineral soil.
day, from August 1996 until August 1997. TDR The model parameters are: a is the dimensionless
measurements of FF water content were calibrated interception ef®ciency parameter while …1 2 a† is
against volumetric water content measurements of the fraction of throughfall that passes the FF as prefer-
FF samples collected during some periods at the ential ¯ow without contributing to the wetting, b is the
same time and same sites where TDR measurements water uptake ef®ciency parameter, d (day 21) stands
were executed (ToboÂn, 1999). The temporal dynamics for the drainage parameter and Sc (m) is the storage
of FF water storage were deduced from the calibrated capacity of the FF. Total litter¯ow to the mineral soil
FF water content measurements (u ff) and the weighed includes the preferential ¯ow and drainage from the
FF thickness. FF. The Penman±Monteith equation (Monteith, 1965)
is used to calculate the reference transpiration of the
3.1. FF water balance model forest. The water uptake by roots from the FF is calcu-
lated as the fraction (b) of the transpiration that is
The concept of Rutter's forest interception (Rutter taken up from the FF and a dynamic saturation frac-
et al., 1971) was used to derive a dynamic FF inter- tion (SFF/Sc).
ception model, which describes the FF water ¯uxes The Penman±Monteith reference transpiration is
174 C. ToboÂn Marin et al. / Journal of Hydrology 237 (2000) 169±183

Table 2
Water storage capacity of forest ¯oor in four forest ecosystems in the Middle CaquetaÂ. Means are at 95.0% of the con®dence level

Forest ecosystem Mean storage capacity (mm) Std Dry bulk density (kg m 23) Std n

Sedimentary plain 16.29 8.17 78.17 22.04 31

High terrace 7.62 3.10 85.61 27.72 17
Low terrace 8.12 4.57 90.94 22.39 14
Flood plain 4.57 2.33 92.90 40.54 16

evaluated by using collected data from the AWS. The model to each parameter. First, large numbers of
aerodynamic resistance parameter (ra) is calculated simulations are run with different parameter sets,
from the general equation for the wind pro®le, using randomly selected from pre-set parameter ranges.
a height, z ˆ h 1 2 …m†: Then, a parameter set is accepted if its corresponding
   simulation ®ts a speci®c point of the reference run
z2d 2 within the con®dence interval of the measuring tech-
z0 nique. Each point in time thus reduces the range of
ra ˆ …2†
K uz one or more parameters. We can now de®ne the
measurement's information content with respect to a
where h (m) is the average height of the forest, k the model parameter, as the proportional decrease of the
von Karman's constant (0.40), d (m) is the displace- standard deviation of that parameter in the accepted
ment height (0.67 h), z0 (m) is the roughness length, sets. The information content is then used to split the
0.1 h (Brutsaert, 1982). As the wind speed above the total set of measurements into independent subsets
forest canopy was not measured, the measured wind which each contain information on a speci®c para-
speed at the AWS (3 m) was extrapolated to a height meter. Thereupon, each subset is used to identify its
of 50 m and further interpolated down at 2 m above corresponding parameter. To evaluate the model
the mean forest height of 30 m (ToboÂn, 1999; Rutter results and to assess the goodness of ®t between
et al., 1975). predicted and measured values, two objective func-
The surface resistance in the Amazonia exhibits a tions were used: the normalised root mean square
strong diurnal variation with relatively low values error (NRMSE) between predicted and measured FF
from 8:00 to about 16:00 h and large increases during water storage and FF drainage and the explained
the night (Shuttleworth et al., 1984). Therefore, variance (R 2).
hourly values of surface resistance (rs) deduced from Speci®c sets of measured TDR water content in the
the study by Shuttleworth et al. (1984) are used in this FF were used for the calibration of the model para-
study, as those were gathered from similar conditions meters, according to the results from the sensitivity
in Central Amazonia. Net radiation was calculated analysis. Six months daily data on FF water storage
from the standard empirical relationship which uses and FF drainage were used for the validation of the
surface measurements of clear sky global solar radia- model.
tion, air temperature and humidity (Stewart et al.,
1982). Parameters deduced by Brunt (1932) were
used for the determination of the effective emissivity 4. Results and discussion
for cloudless skies …aB ˆ 0:52 and bB ˆ 0:065†: The
vapour pressure ea, was calculated using Teten's equa- 4.1. Forest ¯oor storage capacity
tion (Murray, 1967). A value of 0.121 was used for the
albedo as the mean value deduced for the Amazonian Mean water storage capacity and dry bulk density
conditions (Culf et al., 1995). of the FF's are presented in Table 2. The differences
The FF water balance model was programmed in between ecosystems in water storage capacity can be
Matlab. A reference run of FF water dynamics on explained by the differences in amounts of FF mass
20 min basis was used to evaluate the sensitivity of the (see Table 1), since a clear linear relationship exists
C. ToboÂn Marin et al. / Journal of Hydrology 237 (2000) 169±183 175



FF interception (mm)


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Net rainfall (mm)

Fig. 2. Forest ¯oor water interception as calculated from the difference between daily measurements of net rainfall and litter¯ow, versus net
rainfall in the sedimentary plain forest ecosystem (Colombian Amazonia).

between FF water storage capacity and FF dry mass and 0.649 (^0.290) in the high terrace. Comparing
…R2 ˆ 0:93†: The bulk density of the forest ¯oor is the average values between subplots in each ecosys-
very low, with the lowest value for the sedimentary tem, the CV was 0.22 (^0.16) in the sedimentary
plain. plain and 0.15 (^0.16) in the high terrace. The daily
The average storage capacity of FF's in the ecosys- average percentage of litter¯ow ranged from 25 to
tems was 10.5 (^7.5) mm or 1.51 (^0.30) mm kg 21, 93% of the throughfall, depending on rainfall amounts
when expressed as the weighted mean storage capa- and characteristics. In agreement with the lower FF
city per unit dry mass. The FF in the sedimentary plain storage capacity, interception by the FF in Amazonian
had the lowest storage per unit FF thickness ecosystems seems to be lower than that by Eucalypt
(0.99 mm cm 21), which may be explained by its and Pine forest in Australia (Pitman, 1989), where the
loose structure (low density) and its composition, FF retained 47% of the simulated rain.
i.e. only a thin layer of fresh litter and many very Although litter¯ow was not observed for most gross
®ne and ®ne roots. The FF in the other ecosystems rainfall events lower than 5 mm, occasionally some
is rather compact and has far less ®ne roots. When litter¯ow was collected for small throughfall values
comparing the storage capacity of the FF of Amazo- (lower than 5 mm). These different behaviours can be
nian ecosystems with that of FF's in temperate regions explained by the following facts: the ®rst relates to the
(Coniferous, Douglas ®r and Bracken forests), it high canopy interception combined with antecedent
appears that the value found is lower than rainfall. In some of the observed cases, both the forest
4.83 mm kg 21 reported by Pitman (1989) for Bracken canopy and the FF were almost dry, therefore they
forest, and slightly higher than the 1.30 mm (^0.32) interception was high. The second case refers to
found by Pradham (1973) and 0.97 mm found by events during the wet periods in which the forest
Pitman (1989) for a Eucalyptus plantation in the canopy and the FF were close to their storage capa-
UK. It has to be stated that the amount of FF dry city. Consequently most of the incoming water passes
mass per unit area in the ecosystems studied is higher through these layers. Moreover, independent from the
than most values reported by Pitman (1989) and wetting state of the FF, during the short rainfall events
Perkins et al. (1978) for temperate forests. with very low intensity the water did not pass the FF,
and on the contrary, in those high intensity events,
4.2. Measured FF water drainage although short, most of the incoming water passed
through the FF without wetting it completely.
The coef®cient of variation (CV) of litter¯ow from It is relevant here to explain the wetting process of
individual drainage plates against the average per the studied FF, as observed in the ®eld. During the
subplot was 0.626 (^0.219) in the sedimentary plain experiments for determining the FF storage capacity,
176 C. ToboÂn Marin et al. / Journal of Hydrology 237 (2000) 169±183

0.2 SP 0.2 HT

FF water content (m3 m-3)

FF water content (m3 m-3)

0.16 0.16

0.12 0.12

0.08 0.08

0.04 0.04
200 300 400 500 600 200 300 400 500 600

Time (days) Time (days)

0.2 LT 0.2 FP
FF water content (m3 m-3)

0.16 FF water content (m3 m-3) 0.16

0.12 0.12

0.08 0.08

0.04 0.04
200 300 400 500 600 200 300 400 500 600

Time (days) Time (days)

Fig. 3. Temporal dynamics of measured water content in the forest ¯oor of four forest ecosystems in Colombian Amazonia, (day 200 ˆ 18 Jul
1996; 300 ˆ 26 Oct 1996; 400 ˆ 3 Feb 1997; 500 ˆ 14 May 1997 and 600 ˆ 22 Aug 1997).

some drainage occurred immediately after the water related to the asymptotic nature of the wetness curve,
was added to the surface, although at least part of the as explained above: the FF wets slowly by retaining
FF layers were partially dry. This was also observed in higher percentages of throughfall during the earliest
the ®eld during some rainfall events. Therefore it stage of the rainfall event. If the event lasts long
seems that, similar to that in the forest canopy, enough, the FF storage capacity reaches its maximum
the FF wets slowly and the time for complete value and total drainage and uptake rate become equal
wetting may depend on the amounts and intensity to the throughfall rate.
of the rainfall events and on FF thickness. For the
studied litter layers, it appeared that storms of 4.3. FF water content and storage dynamics
long duration (more than 2 h), although low inten-
sity (6±10 mm h 21) are required to completely Fig. 3 shows the measured FF water content in the
saturate a layer of 10 cm. four forest ecosystems. The FF in the sedimentary
The arithmetic means of daily litter interception in plain exhibited the lowest water content over the
the sedimentary plain and high terrace were separately whole period while in the low terrace and ¯ood
plotted against measured throughfall in each plot. The plain water contents were highest. Furthermore, the
trend points to a logarithmic relation between FF in the sedimentary plain and high terrace dried out
throughfall and its interception by the FF's for small to lower values than in the ¯ood plain and low terrace.
rainfall events and a linear relation for larger events As a general tendency, the dynamics of the FF water
(Fig. 2). This tendency in rates of litter interception is content in the different forest ecosystems showed a
C. ToboÂn Marin et al. / Journal of Hydrology 237 (2000) 169±183 177

Parameter a


Relative reduction of the sdt

Parameter b



Parameter d



Parameter Sc


FF water content (m m )




0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Time (hours)

Fig. 4. Sensitivity analysis of parameters in the forest ¯oor dynamic model. Relative reductions of the standard deviation (std) according to
speci®c parameter information in the reference run of calibration data.

clear response to rainfall events: increases in water either did not exist or amounts were that small that
content in the FF were only observed after rainfall they are masked by water uptake from the FF.
events. This behaviour and the decreasing FF water Time series of total water storage by the FF's show
content during droughts suggest that upward (capil- that storage differs among forest ecosystems and that
lary) ¯uxes of water from the mineral soil to the FF these differences were mainly due to the difference in
178 C. ToboÂn Marin et al. / Journal of Hydrology 237 (2000) 169±183

Table 3
Values of calibrated parameters of the forest ¯oor model for the studied forest ecosystems, with the standard deviation and objective functions
from comparisons between measured and simulated values

Parameter Sedimentary plain High terrace Low terrace Flood plain

Value Std Value Std Value Std Value Std

a 0.357 0.210 0.249 0.218 0.190 0.182 0.152 0.141

b 0.387 0.062 0.316 0.148 0.320 0.186 0.169 0.156
d (day 21) 63.3 25.6 67.8 24.6 65.3 22.2 72.5 21.5
Sc (m) 0.0192 0.0021 0.0094 0.0039 0.0096 0.0026 0.0069 0.0025
FF water storage
NRMSE 0.101 0.168 0.186 0.130
R2 0.85 0.80 0.82 0.80
FF Litter¯ow
NRMSE 0.28 0.22
R2 0.94 0.98

litter mass (FF thickness). During the period of 4.4. Model results
measurements, FF water storage ranged from 7.0 to
23.1 mm in the sedimentary plain, 3.9±12.4 mm in 4.4.1. Sensitivity analysis
the high terrace, 3.8±11.4 mm in the low terrace and Distributed sensitivity analysis showed that para-
2.7±8.1 mm in the ¯ood plain. Although some meters are not interdependent and that they differ in
measurements were carried out a few hours after rain- their sensitivity to moisture conditions in the FF. Fig.
fall, the maximum measured values also showed a 4 shows the relative reduction of the standard devia-
trend of storage capacity decreasing from the sedi- tions of the accepted model parameters, with respect
mentary plain to the ¯ood plain, which agrees with to the reference run of FF water dynamics. From Fig.
the results from the ®eld experiments. 4 it is evident that the standard deviation (std) of the
For the studied conditions, free water in the FF Sc parameter is reduced during the droughts, reaching
layers can be taken up either by roots or drain to the the lowest value at the lowest FF water content. This
mineral soil. Water depletion from the FF's was indicates that the information about the FF storage
analysed during the two dry periods (from day 384 capacity is optimal at the end of wet periods, followed
to 403 and from day 445 until 461), when drainage by a long dry period. This parameter appeared to be
was zero since water storage in the FF's remained the most relevant parameter for which the model is
below the measured storage capacity. Therefore, most sensitive. The water uptake ef®ciency (b) seems
uptake was assumed the only hydrological process to be the second important parameter. Its standard
active during these periods. In all ecosystems, the deviation is lowest at the end of long dry periods.
FF water content decreased, implying that the forests This parameter mainly controls the water dynamics
took up a certain amount of water from this compart- during the drying phase, which can be expected
ment. This uptake differs between forest ecosystems since available water in the FF decreases as a result
and between periods: depletion rates during the dry of uptake by roots. The interception ef®ciency para-
periods were 0.51 and 0.61 mm day 21 in the sedimen- meter (a) seems to be less sensitive to the FF wetting
tary plain, 0.20 and 0.34 mm day 21 in the high terrace, conditions. A reduction of its standard deviation was
0.21 and 0.40 mm day 21 in the low terrace and 0.19 observed with increasing amounts of rainfall immedi-
and 0.24 mm day 21 in the ¯ood plain. The relatively ately after the long dry periods. The drainage para-
high uptake rate in the sedimentary plain can be meter (d) is the least sensitive in the model and its
related to the relative high proportion of ®ne roots in standard deviation is only slightly reduced during
the FF of this ecosystem. heavy rainfall events.
C. ToboÂn Marin et al. / Journal of Hydrology 237 (2000) 169±183 179


FF water storage (m)



Predicted Measured

360 385 410 435 460 485 510 535 560
Time (days)

Fig. 5. Comparison of predicted and measured forest ¯oor water storage in the sedimentary plain forest ecosystem, as an example, in Colombian
Amazonia. (Day 360 ˆ 25 Dec 1996; 385 ˆ 19 Jan 1997; 410 ˆ 13 Feb 1997; 435 ˆ 10 Mar 1997; 460 ˆ 04 Apr 1997; 485 ˆ 29 Apr 1997;
510 ˆ 24 May 1997; 535 ˆ 18 Jun 1997 and 560 ˆ 13 Jul 1997).

4.4.2. Calibration ti®ed in the sedimentary plain lies in the fact that the
The result of the sensitivity analysis was used to FF in the sedimentary plain dried out at a higher rate
split the total set of TDR measurements, used for than in the other ecosystems, as indicated by the
model calibration, into four independent subsets, analysis of the water content dynamics. Therefore,
which contain information on a speci®c parameter. data from the sedimentary plain provided better infor-
The value for the Sc parameter was set ®rst; using mation for parameter identi®cation during those peri-
data from the dry periods and applying an iterative ods than that from the other ecosystems. The
procedure until the standard deviation does not interception ef®ciency (a) and drainage (d) parameters
decrease. Afterwards the value for the b parameter were less accurately identi®ed (high standard devia-
was identi®ed following the same iterative procedure. tion), because of the low information contained in the
Using speci®c data from the wettest period of calibration data and due to the lack of high resolution
measurements, the values for the a and d parameters in temporal measurements of FF water content during
were identi®ed. Moreover, the calibration procedure such periods, data being only available on a daily
indicated that the accuracy of the other parameters basis. Low values of drainage and the dominance of
depends on the accuracy at which Sc can be identi®ed. preferential ¯ow in the total litter¯ow may explain the
The values of the different parameters found through uncertainties in the de®nition of the d parameter
the calibration procedure and their corresponding during the calibration period. Looking back, the cali-
standard deviation are shown in Table 3. The Sc para- bration procedure showed that the model and the cali-
meter was easily identi®ed for all ecosystems during bration method could have been used for a more
the drying curve in the FF, as available measured data optimal planning of the speci®c time for ®eld
contained information for two signi®cantly dry peri- sampling.
ods. The values of the calibrated Sc parameter The sensitivity of the FF model to the parameters
decreased from the sedimentary plain to the ¯ood and the relative importance of these parameters in the
plain, which is consistent with the results from the model performance are clearly related: the storage
®eld experiments and with the measured FF storage capacity of the FF controls the amount of water that
capacity. drains to the mineral soil and FF interception, and it
Although the b parameter showed a high standard partially controls the water uptake. Parameters values
deviation, except for the sedimentary plain ecosystem, can also be evaluated in terms of their physical plau-
the values indicated that the FF's differed in their sibility. The calibrated values of storage capacity are
contribution to forest transpiration in each ecosystem. close to those found through the measurements (see
The reason why this parameter value was better iden- Table 2). The evaporation ef®ciency parameter is
180 C. ToboÂn Marin et al. / Journal of Hydrology 237 (2000) 169±183


Total d rainage from the FF (m)

Predicted Measured




360 385 410 435 460 485 510 535 560
Time (days)

Fig. 6. Comparison of predicted and measured total drainage from the forest ¯oor of the sedimentary plain forest ecosystem, as an example, in
Colombian Amazonia. (Day 360 ˆ 25 Dec 1996; 385 ˆ 19 Jan 1997; 410 ˆ 13 Feb 1997; 435 ˆ 10 Mar 1997; 460 ˆ 04 Apr 1997; 485 ˆ 29
Apr 1997; 510 ˆ 24 May 1997; 535 ˆ 18 Jun 1997 and 560 ˆ 13 Jul 1997).

related to the amount of ®ne roots in the FF's and the high terrace was also used to validate the calibrated
resemblance between values of interception ef®ciency model with a dataset independent of that used for the
among ecosystems is consistent with the tendency as calibration. Fig. 6 presents the litter¯ow predicted by
observed in litter¯ow measurements. the calibrated model accumulated on event basis, and
the measured FF litter¯ow. In both ecosystems, the
4.5. Model predictions and measured data model yields a very high explained variance of the
observed FF drainage (R 2 above 0.94). In spite of
Calibrated parameter values were used to predict the uncertainty in the identi®cation of parameters a
the FF water uptake, storage and drainage to the and d, differences between predicted and simulated
mineral soil in the studied ecosystems for another litter¯ow from the FF are very low and the largest
period than that used for the calibration of parameters. differences are observed at high rainfall events,
As an example, predicted and measured FF water when predicted values are higher than measured.
storage in the sedimentary plain is presented in Fig. It is clear that the model is well capable of predict-
5. Although parameters exhibit a large standard devia- ing the FF water storage dynamics and amounts in all
tion, the overall agreement is good with a NRMSE ecosystems, while it predicts total drainage with high
below 0.186 and explained variance higher than accuracy. Therefore, the calibrated model was used to
0.80 (Table 3). This good ®t between the predicted predict the water uptake from the FF's as the partial
and measured FF water storage and its dynamics is contribution to the reference transpiration in each
partly explained by the accurate estimation of the Sc ecosystem for the period between January and August
parameter. This agrees with the statement by Heuve- 1997. Simulated temporal dynamics of water uptake
link (1993) that improvement of model predictions is in the ecosystems studied showed that uptake from the
achieved most ef®ciently by improved identi®cation FF's was strongly reduced during the droughts. In the
of parameters for which the model is most sensitive. sedimentary plain, the amount of water uptake from
The largest differences between predicted and the FF represented 28.3% of the reference transpira-
measured FF water storage generally occurred during tion and the average uptake rate was 1.04 mm day 21.
the droughts when predicted storage decreased more In the high terrace, the FF water uptake corresponded
than measured values. Apparently, the linear function to 20.2% of the reference transpiration with an aver-
applied for the water uptake is not valid at low water age uptake rate of 0.74 mm day 21. In the low terrace,
content of the FF. the predicted water uptake was 19.2% and the uptake
Measured litter¯ow in the sedimentary plain and rate was 0.71 mm day 21, whereas in the ¯ood plain
C. ToboÂn Marin et al. / Journal of Hydrology 237 (2000) 169±183 181


Throughfall (m) 0.002

Predicted FF drainage (m)







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Time (days)

Fig. 7. Dynamics and amounts of forest ¯oor (FF) drainage as predicted by the dynamic model and measured throughfall in the sedimentary
plain forest ecosystem, as an example, in Colombian Amazonia.

ecosystem, this FF uptake was 15.4% of the reference throughfall passed through the litter layer as total drai-
transpiration with an uptake rate of 0.57 mm day 21. nage to the mineral soil; 91.8% in the high terrace;
The difference between the reference transpiration by 92.0% in the low terrace and 93.2% in the ¯ood plain.
the forests and the percentages of water uptake from
the FF's in each ecosystem corresponds to the water
uptake from the mineral soil and is presented by 5. Conclusions
ToboÂn (1999).
Drainage from the FF, as predicted by the model, Forest ¯oors of the ecosystems studied show simi-
follows similar dynamics of throughfall in studied lar drainage dynamics, but amounts of water retained
forest ecosystems (Fig. 7). There was an immediate are different for each ecosystem: the FF in the sedi-
response of the FF to throughfall, to produce litter¯ow mentary plain consistently had the lowest water
even with small rainfall events. This behaviour is content and dried out stronger than the other ecosys-
similar for all ecosystems studied. As it has been tems. In terms of water storage, the sedimentary plain
described earlier in this paper, this is caused by the showed the highest values during the studied period
dominance of preferential litter¯ow in the FF. This while the ¯ood plain showed the lowest. Differences
con®rms that preferential ¯ow within the FF occurs between ecosystems in FF water storage amounts are
even when the storage has not yet exceeded the mainly the result of differences in the FF thickness
storage capacity, in clear agreement with ®eld obser- and to a lesser extent of their moisture conditions.
vations: litter¯ow was collected short time after rain- Our results indicate that it is appropriate to use the
fall started while the FF was still partly dry. Results Rutter's interception approach to model FF water
from the model also indicate that depending on the dynamics and uptake for the studied conditions,
antecedent FF moisture content and on rainfall considering the FF as a continuous layer, which inter-
amounts, drainage from the FF may continue during cepts and redistributes net rainfall. The results from
the event and until approximately 3 h after rainfall has the calibration show the sensitivity of the model to
ceased. Predicted percentages of total litter¯ow rela- parameters and the requirements for a proper identi®-
tive to total throughfall between January and August cation of the parameter values. The identi®ability of
1997 are as follows: in the sedimentary plain 87.2% of the values of the FF model parameter is determined by
182 C. ToboÂn Marin et al. / Journal of Hydrology 237 (2000) 169±183

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