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Gian Gerard/1741040

Classical literature refers to the great masterpieces of Greek, Roman, and other ancient
civilisations. The works of Homer, Ovid, and Sophocle are all examples of classical literature.
The concept is not limited to novels. It may also include epic, lyrical, tragic, satire, pastoral, and
other types of literature. The study of these texts was once seen as a priority for scholars of the
humanities. Ancient Greek and Roman writers were considered to be of the highest quality.

Classical literature is generally accepted as works that meets some common high
standards of quality, appeal, longevity and influence, classical literature is often regarded as an
expression of life, truth and beauty. At least for the era in which it was written, it must be of high
artistic quality, a classic can be admired for its architecture and literary art, while other genres
can come and go. It may not be a bestseller today because of its pace and dated language, but
you can learn from it and be inspired by its prose.

Great works of classical literature affect readers to their very heart, partially because they
incorporate concepts understood by readers from a wide variety of perspectives and levels of
experience. Themes of love, hatred, death, life, and faith, for example, touch on some of our
most basic emotional responses. By covering topics common to the human experience and doing
so in the way that the time test stands, the classics remain important to everyone. Because of the
high quality of the characters, the plot, and the writing, people can read the classics in their youth
and get a simple understanding of the author's themes. These characteristics of classical literature
make them suitable for study purposes. Although younger students may find them less available,
older students and adults may be enlightened by reading them as part of a structured study, book
club, or ongoing reading.

While most people, when referring to classics, refer to literary fiction, each genre and
category of literature has its own classics. For example, Steven King's novel The Shining, the
story of a haunted hotel, might not be considered by the average reader to be a classic, but those
who study the horror genre may be. Books that are considered classical are those that are well-
written and/or have cultural significance. A novel that does not have the finest writing but was
the first book in a genre to do something innovative is considered a classic.

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