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Chemistry Matters for GCE ‘O’ Level (2 Edition): Textbook Answers Chapter 21

Chapter 21 An Introduction to Organic Chemistry

Test Yourself 21.1 (page 414)

1. (a) Hydroxyl group

(b) Carbon–carbon double bond
(c) Carboxylic group

2. Yes they do. Both contain the hydroxyl and carboxylic groups.

Test Yourself 21.2 (page 418)

1. Fractional distillation. Petroleum contains a mixture of hydrocarbons with different boiling points.
Fractional distillation thus separates the mixture by the use of a fractionating column. Smaller
fractions contain smaller hydrocarbons (less carbon atoms) and have lower boiling points. These are
thus collected at the top of the fractionating column. Heavier fractions contain bigger hydrocarbons
(more carbon atoms) and have higher boiling points. These are thus collected at the bottom of the
fractionating column.

2. (a) Petroleum gas; used as fuel for cooking and heating

(b) Bitumen; used for paving road surfaces and roofing

Test Yourself 21.3 (page 420)

1. Aluminium is lighter than steel. Thus, cars made of aluminium consume less petrol.

2. (a) Petroleum is used both as a fuel and also as chemical feedstock for the manufacture of
chemicals. However, the supply of petroleum is limited, so the two uses are said to compete for
this limited supply.
(b) We could cut down on the use of petroleum by reducing the number of motor vehicles on the
road or use alternative sources of energy like biofuel.

Get it Right (page 422)

(a) False. Organic compounds in the same homologous series have similar chemical but different
physical properties.
(b) True
(c) False. Petroleum is a mixture of hydrocarbons that boils over a range of temperatures.
(d) False. Petroleum gas is not natural gas.
(e) True
(f) True

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