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Brief description/explanation of the activity

In this activity, different materials will be set up at the center. The children will be
instructed to make a guitar out of the materials that they see. It is intended for them to
use the tissue boxes or the jar lids as the body of the guitar, but the children have the
freedom to use their creativity and make a guitar in their own way. This center will be
a continuation project if they do not finish.
1. Objective
The goal is for children to develop creative thinking, problem solving, relationship of
materials, and fine motor-skills. In this activity, the objective is for the children to think
about what a guitar is and what it sounds like. Using their knowledge of the
instrument, they will construct it using recycled materials.
1. Makerspace
The Makerspace approach was considered in this activity because instead of
providing children with direct instructions and steps on how to create the target
instrument, the children are given the freedom to decide how they want to make it.
The makerspace approach explains that restricting choices and pressure can restrict
children’s creativity. This activity therefore showcases how children can choose the
materials they need without the limitations of direct steps and instructions.
1. QEP competencies being addressed and how.
#1 Children will be developing their fine-motor skills through exploration and
interaction with various materials in order to put parts together and build an
#5 Children will exercise problem-solving skills by figuring out how materials can work
together to produce a whole as well as constructing their own thinking about the
inside functions of instruments.
#6 Children will develop perseverance by carrying out the project despite challenges
and use resources appropriately to carry out the activity.
1. Description of the activity
In this activity, the children will be guided to make a xylophone with water and glass
cups. They will add water to the jars and food colouring to distinguish the different
notes. Using mallets, the children can play them by tapping on the glass. They will
discover how putting different amounts of water affect the sound that it makes.
1. Objective
The objective of this activity is for children to experiment with sound, how it is created,
and how it is effected. In changing the water levels in the jars, the children can
discover the similarities between a xylophone and the water jars (lengths of
xylophone keys and the amount of water). The goal is for children to begin developing
their understanding of how musical instruments produce sound.
1. Competencies
Competency 1: Children will develop their fine-motor skills by putting the materials
together to make a xylophone.
Competency 3: Children will develop collaboration skills as they share the jars and
play music together. They can work with one another to play notes that and/or create
a song.
Competency 6: Children will develop perseverance and continuation as they work
towards completing their project of making the xylophone.
1. Description of the activity
In this activity, children will be making a shaker instrument (maracas). With the use of
materials laid out in the centre, they will be able to use their creativity to construct an
instrument and decide how they want to make it. When they are done, they can spend
time playing the instrument.
1. Objective
The objective of this activity is for children to explore the different sounds that can be
made with the different kinds of materials. Through experimentation of shaking Q-tips,
balls of tin foil, buttons, or pipe cleaners, they can discover how the sound varies.
They will develop an understanding of what makes a maraca sound the way it does
and how these sounds can differentiate based on what the material in it is.
1. Makerspace
This activity incorporates the makerspace approach by allowing children the freedom
of manipulating different objects, textures, and materials to freely create the
instrument. The only guideline is that they are making a shaker (maraca). With limited
guidelines, children are invited to experiment with different combination of materials
and take an active stance in their own learning.
1. Competencies
Competency 1: Children will develop their fine-motor skills through manipulation of
the material and objects. They will construct their instruments by adjusting and
transforming small materials and fitting them into a bigger container to make the
Competency 3: Children will develop cooperation skills with others as they are
sharing the material and respecting the projects around them. As all the children work
together at the table, they can help solve challenges that their peers run into.
Competency 6: Children will carry out the project and activity throughout different
days in order to complete the goal of making the shaker.

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