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Crash Course Government and Politics #7 ~ Congressional Committees

1. What are the permanent committees of Congress called?

Standing committees

2. Why do committees exist?

To handle day to day business in congress

3. What is the “gatekeeping authority”? Who has this power?

The authority to decide what ideas do or do not become bills. This is the committee chair.

4. What is legislative oversight?

After the fact authority to check how a law is being implemented

5. What are the two types of Congressional staffers?

Staff assistants and staff agencies

6. What is meant by “scoring” a bill? Who is responsible for doing this?

When the CBO looks at the cost of it.

7. What are Congressional Caucuses? What’s their purpose?

Caucuses are semi formal groups of congresspeople organized around particular identities or interests.
They develop legislate stargates to coordinate getting bills developed. These groups also discuss these
issues deeply in order to propose the correct legislation.

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