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I have chosen Adil Hossain Nobel who is a Bangladeshi model and actor to endorse the brand
Starbucks. In source attributes there are there segments. 1) Credibility 2) Attractiveness and
3) Power. Using a celebrity to endorse a brand falls in the category of source attractiveness.
Physical (outer beauty) and personality (inner psychological characteristics) attractiveness are
two types of attractiveness. Similarity, familiarity, and likability are all factors in source
attractiveness. Similarity refers to a perceived similarity between the sender and the message
recipient, while familiarity refers to sensitivity to the source. Likability refers to a person's
fondness toward them as a result of their facial presence, actions, or other personal
characteristics. Consumers also respect the physical image, ability, and/or personalities of
sources who are not celebrities or movie stars. As we all know that Starbucks is a big brand
and it sells premium quality coffee, so it’s quite obvious that normal or lower middle class
people will not be able to connect themselves with it so easily because they go to such posh
place often. Here similarity refers to the fact that every simple, normal people will be able to
connect them with the spokesperson easily and quickly. Since Starbucks is a premium quality
place and it not only sells coffee but also gives a premium ambiance. So, I had to choose a
celebrity who gives the same vibe as Starbucks. Who carries a cool at the same time a
charming personality which will attract the target customers of Starbucks. As we know that
the target customers of Starbucks are middle to upper class men and women. In the source
attribute likeability, we can see that Customers are more likely to respond positively to
spokespersons they prefer. A customer may like a celebrity because of a film or an athlete
because he or she represents his or her favorite team. Younger customers will also be more
affected by a bond move. Celebrity endorsements would have less of an effect on older
buyers. Many marketers already feel that celebrity endorsements help identify a brand's
identity and increase brand recognition. Advertisers understand the importance of having
celebrities, athletes, artists, and other cultural personalities as spokespeople. When a celebrity
endorser's seal of approval boosts a product's market loyalty, the advertiser hires them.
Celebrities may also aid in the creation of social relationships between brands and their
customers. The aim is to transfer the relationship that remains between the celebrity and the
public to the commodity being promoted. According to an analysis, celebrities are used most
often in fashion, sporting, and teen magazines, although they are used least frequently in
general news and business publications. Upper middle class to Upper class men and women
who are willing to pay high price to Starbucks for their premium quality coffee and ambiance
will definitely get influenced by a model like Nobel. Nobel is not a model of today’s young
generation but he is such a model who is loved by every middle aged people to today’s young
generation. He carries such personality which will influence his fans to go to Starbucks.

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