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Speed of Spinners Spinning

March 26, 2021

Urot, Jeo
Mrs. Zander
Science Fair 2021, 7th

The purpose of this experiment was to answer the question: What is the best design for a fidget spinner to
have the longest spin time? This can be a very important question that can help during the production and
construction of propellers, or any machine that requires a fan-like contraption. The main aspects focused on during
this experiment were the mass and size of a fidget spinner. The hypothesis stated that: If a fidget spinner had a
greater mass and size, then the spin time would have a longer duration of time. This was tested by spinning 4
different fidget spinners that varied in size and mass. Each spinner was spun and timed. This testing process was
repeated 5 times for each spinner. The spin times were then averaged for each object. The data and results found did
not prove nor disprove the hypothesis. It showed that the Spinner 2 (the heaviest spinner) had the longest spin time,
and Spinner 4 (3rd heaviest with the smallest size) followed behind it. The potential errors could be possible damage
to the spinners, difference in quality, and inaccurate equipment readings. This makes it unclear whether mass and
size are strong determining factors. The possible strongest determining factors may be the condition and quality of
the fidget spinner. A possible conclusion could be that having a greater mass, but a smaller size can lead to a fidget
spinner having a long spin time.

This experiment will test the main theory and question: Does the mass and/or size affect

the time at which a spinner can spin? (Or in other words) What is the best design for a fidget

spinner to have the longest spin time? This can become helpful during the construction of

propellers or any machine that needs a fan. In order to properly test and prove the theory, the

physics and mechanics of a fidget spinner must be explored. Its origins began with its first

patented design in the mid 1990’s, from a woman suffering from myasthenia gravis—muscle

weakness—named Catherine Hettinger. The first design was a hand-held two to three pronged

propeller, with a ball bearing in the middle, covered by pads for the fingers. The most common

use for it is to distract the minds of people with an attention deficit disorder (ADD/ADHD; “H”

refers to hyper), or to reduce fidgeting—hence the name.

To get a greater understanding of this toy-like tool, the parts will be broken down. The

first main and most important part is the ball bearing. This little gadget is the key piece for the

fidget spinner. The ball bearing is a set of two thick metal loops, with a belt of metal balls in

between them. The main purpose is to reduce friction between the prongs and the finger pads

being held. When spun, the outer bearing is being twisted around the inner bearing, rolling on the

balls almost effortlessly with little friction. The ball bearing must be placed in the center of mass,

or the rotations would be off, giving it an odd spin. Without this necessity, the fidget spinner

wouldn’t work properly. The only other pieces are the prongs, or the “wings/branches”

(propeller-like tips). The main purpose is to increase the spin rate, and act as a grip to spin the

ball bearing.

With a better understanding of the spinner itself, the physics involved can be broken

down too. The first basic law is angular momentum, stating that all things spinning will keep

spinning if not it does not come in contact with other objects. In other words, the fidget spinner

will keep spinning as long as something doesn’t hit it. This mainly happens with the ball bearing,

allowing the outer ring not to touch the inner ring (prongs are technically part of the outer ring

since they’re connected). The next law is exponential decay. This states that all things have a

limited spin time, and cannot spin forever. This explains why the fidget spinner can only spin for

so long, and that there is a limit on how fast/long it can spin. The last law is Newton’s second

law of motion. This states that things with a higher mass require a higher force to accelerate it

(Force=mass×acceleration). It is very important to note that mass ≠ weight-- weight changes

depending on force/gravity; mass never changes. However in this case, mass will be a primary

focus during this experiment. Therefore, with prongs that have a large mass, it requires a large

force to accelerate itself.

Although there are many factors to consider when making a fidget spinner, designs and

layouts can be changed and played with. There are also different aspects and details that can be

changed, like the mass or size of a spinner. The experiment will test whether certain aspects can

affect the spin time of a fidget spinner. With all the basics laid out, testing can begin and data can

be found. Testing can be conducted by spinning the spinner, and averaging the times. It will then

be observed and compared. The hypothesis states: if a fidget spinner has a greater size and mass,

then it will spin for a longer duration of time.

● Fidget spinners of different shapes, sizes, and masses (at least 2 different spinners)
● Timer
● Kitchen Scale
● Flat Surface

First, find the mass of each spinner with a scale, and record the data in a chart. Then,
place the fidget spinner in the middle of a flat surface. Remove objects around the area to avoid
damage to things by getting hit by the spinner or hand. Next, set up a stopwatch so it is ready as
soon as you begin spinning. Once everything is set up, push the fidget spinner down with one
finger on the pad, keeping it stable. Then, spin the spinner as hard as possible whilst keeping the
fidget spinner stable (There is no need to continue holding the spinner down after it starts
spinning). Immediately after it begins rotating, start the stopwatch. If the stopwatch was started
significantly late, spin it again and start the stopwatch quickly. Let the spinner keep spinning,
making sure it doesn’t start moving toward the edge of the flat surface. As the fidget spinner
starts slowing down, be ready to stop the stopwatch. Keep glancing back and forth between the
spinner and stopwatch until it stops spinning. Right as the fidget spinner stops spinning, stop the
stopwatch. Record the time, and conduct multiple tests (3-5 spins) for each spinner. Average out
the spin time for each spinner, and observe/compare sets of data.

Safety Precautions:
There are no safety measures needed. All materials aren’t dangerous. The only problems
that may be caused are that the spinner may fall and cause damage, or it may bang off nearby

Figure 1: Mass of Each Spinner
Spinners (1) Normal (2) Heaviest (3) Lightest (4) Smallest
(numbered 1-4): Spinner Spinner Spinner Spinner

Estimated mass 300g 500g 200g 285g


Figure 2A: Spin Time

Spin 1 (sec) Spin 2 (sec) Spin 3 (sec) Spin 4 (sec) Spin 5 (sec) Average(sec)
Spinner 1 66.84 sec 67.1 sec 69.72 sec 63.92 sec 66.61 sec 66.838 sec
Spinner 2 143.74 sec 132.97 sec 134.25 sec 146.8 sec 144.47 sec 140.446 sec
Spinner 3 61.01 sec 64.61 sec 64.06 sec 59.64 sec 65.97 sec 63.058 sec
Spinner 4 84.47 sec 93.59 sec 100.4 sec 102.93 sec 89.1 sec 94.098 sec

Figure 2B: Spin Time

Each spin had an added second for the delay of starting the timer. The data was averaged
by the formula of total data ÷ amount of numbers added. For example, Spinner 1 had the times of
about (67+67+70+64+67) ÷ 5 = 67. From the data shown above, it shows that Spinner 2 had the
longest spin time of about 140 seconds. Spinner 4 came in 2nd, by a difference of about 45
seconds. Spinner 1 came in 3rd, about 30 seconds behind Spinner 4, and Spinner 3 followed
close behind Spinner 1 by about 5 seconds. Spinner 2 > Spinner 4 > Spinner 1 > Spinner 3

The hypothesis stated that: if a fidget spinner had a greater mass and size, then the spin

time would be greater. This hypothesis wasn’t proved nor disproved. The results did not clearly

support or undermine the hypothesis. The initial idea was that the mass and size of the prongs

were the strongest determining factors. From the collected data, it shows that the heaviest spinner

(Spinner 2) had the longest spin time. However, the 3rd heaviest spinner with the smallest size

(Spinner 4) had the 2nd longest spin time. Therefore, mass and size may not be the strongest

determining factors. The spin time may be affected by this, but it eventually comes down to the

quality and condition of the object. Possible conclusions could be that having a greater mass, but

a smaller size increases spin time. Possible effects of making this experiment inaccurate could be

that the spinners may have been damaged, some are of higher quality, and the timing wasn’t

exact. The experiment may have been more clear if there were more samples/tests, and if the

only difference was one aspect. For example, one set of spinners would have the same mass, but

they would be of different sizes. Another set would be the same size, but have different masses.

The data would’ve been more accurate if the tools and equipment used were more precise and

exact as well.


The main question was: What is the best design for a fidget spinner to have for the

longest spin time? Another question was: Does mass or size affect the spin time of a fidget

spinner? The data and results did not clearly prove the hypothesis. Spinner 2, heaviest fidget

spinner, had the longest spin time, but Spinner 4, the 3rd heaviest fidget spinner with the smallest

size, had the 2nd longest spin time.

The possible conclusions could be that having a greater mass, but smaller size increases

the spin time of a fidget spinner. However, these may not be the strongest determining factors.

The strongest factors may come down to the quality and condition of the fidget spinner. The

experiment could be greatly expanded with more precise equipment, and more sets of samples.

Personal Reflection:
I personally found this lab both easy and difficult, which was a perfect balance with a
challenge. Overall, this lab was pretty easy. The only difficulty was drawing the conclusion, due
to the fact that the data did not prove nor disprove the hypothesis. I also had a little trouble
understanding how fidget spinners work, but I eventually got it. I did learn more about physics,
and I did like how this really got the gears in my head to turn. Although this took a lot of time
and effort, this was very enjoyable. I think I had minimal stress due to the fact that this
experiment was surprisingly pleasant.


Allain, Rhett. “Let's Explore the Physics of Rotational Motion With a Fidget Spinner.” Wired,

Conde Nast, 17 Aug. 2017,

Bryner, Jeanna. “How Fidget Spinners Work: It's All About the Physics.” L
​ iveScience​, Purch, 4

May 2017,

English, Trevor. “Understanding the Physics of Fidget Spinners.” ​Interesting Engineering,​


“Fidget Spinners Were Originally Created to Bring Peace in the Middle East.” The Independent,

Independent Digital News and Media, 27 June 2017,


“Home.” Flight Mechanic,

“Propeller.” ​Wikipedia​, Wikimedia Foundation, 12 Dec. 2020,

Newstalk. “Where Did Fidget Spinners Actually Come from?” Newstalk, Newstalk, 5 May 2017,

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