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Matric Number: T22EE0029
Section: E1S3

Matric Number: T22EM0051
Section: E1S3

Matric Number:
Section: E1S3

Lecturer’s Name: NOR NAIMAH SHAARI

Badminton is a sport for two or four people. Player use rackets to hit a shuttlecock over a net. The aim of the
game is to hit the shuttlecock over the net in a way that the other player or pair cannot hit it back properly
before it hits the floor. Badminton's history goes back to a game called Poone played in Pune, India. The rules
of the game have changed over time and will keep changing. Badminton is a very simple game but it also
involves a lot of physics between the players and the ground and the racket with the shuttle cock and many


Badminton has a lot of physics’ concepts that we can discuss about. The basic concepts are about speed,
velocity, acceleration, gravity, reflection, refraction etc. But there are many theories on them which has built by
our scientists. There is a great impact of the physics behind the shuttlecock also like size, shape, mass etc. This
assignment will cover all the basic theories of Newton, the effects of shape, size and mass of shuttlecock (the
physics behind it) and the impact of reflection and refraction in the game badminton with three concepts named
Laws of Newton, Impact of Shuttlecock's physics and Reflection & Refraction.
Badminton is a game of speed, acceleration, balance, gravity. Without these concepts badminton can’t be
thought. Relying on these Sir Issac Newton gave theories named Law of Motion and Law of Gravity.

The physics concept that involves in this situation is Newton’s law of motion and Newton’s law of Gravity.

Sir Issac Newton’s law of motion has three laws and they explain the motion of an object and the
force responsible for that motion.

First law,
An object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion remains in motion at constant speed in a
straight line unless acted on by an unbalanced force. That is also called inertia which means the
resistance to change in motion. But in nature there is always some external force working like the
gravity, air resistance. But if there were no external force or all the external force cancelled each
other that object in motion would always remain in constant motion.
This means the shuttlecock won’t move until a force is applied to it. The racket applies force to the shuttlecock
which is at rest to make it move and then it keeps moving until a racket, net or the floor stops the movement.
The first law is very simple in Badminton.

The law of Inertia

Second law,
Newton’s second law of motion is “The force experienced by an object is proportional to its mass times the
acceleration it experiences”. The acceleration of an object depends on the mass of the subject and the amount of
force applied. If an object of mass m is subjected to a force F that object will go through acceleration to the
same direction as the force. That can create motion in a still object or could cause a moving body to change
direction, accelerate or decelerate.
While hitting a shuttlecock it is force that makes the shuttlecock go so fast or using force players can
control the movement of the shuttlecock. That is how we get the idea of force from badminton like
in the video.
But if the mass is as little as the shuttlecock the amount of force exerted would increase the acceleration of the
shuttlecock. If the racket is heavier then more force is required to hit the shuttlecock than when the racket is

This law is applicable in Smashes

Third law,
For every action in nature, there is an equal and opposite reaction
whenever one object exerts a force on a second object, the second object exerts an equal and
opposite force on the first
This applies to badminton because when the racket hits the shuttlecock both sides create
movement. the shuttlecock goes flying across the court. And the racket creates a vibration, often
Newton’s Law of Gravity,
Suppose there is no gravity when we are playing badminton. What will happen then? The shuttlecock would
just float in the air and maybe we couldn’t even touch it. So, gravity is very important physics concept in this
game. And Newton gave a beautiful theory on this. Whatever it is fell on his head , apple or anything, the
gravity is same for all.

Newton's law of gravitation, statement that any particle of matter in the universe attracts any other with a force
varying directly as the product of the masses and inversely as the square of the distance between them.
Gravity keeps the game very simple, and down to the earth (no pun intended). Gravity is the force that pulls
everything towards the ground and keeps things from floating around. The part of motion of the shuttle cock
when hit in badminton is curved. This is due to gravity’s influence on the shuttlecock. Without any gravity the
shuttlecock would keep going. The gravity also keeps the players and net down. It would also be harder to
swing the racket without gravity and a force pulling the racket downwards. Gravity keeps the game going but
not forever!
Formula/ mathematical concept
The general formula that uses in this concept are:
1. F = ma
2. P = mv – mu
3. ∑𝑖=𝑛
𝑖=1 𝑚𝑖 𝑢𝑖 = 𝑚𝑓 𝑣𝑓
4. 𝐹1 = −𝐹2

𝑚1 ×𝑚2
5. F = G 𝑟2
F= force
M= mass
A= acceleration

Hitting a football, throwing a basketball, playing tennis etc.

Concept :
The Concept on impact of the Shuttlecock Shape and Mass

Explanation :

For some background, the scientists note that contemporary badminton originated from the Indian game
"tomfool." The shuttlecock is traditionally made of 16 goose feathers (or plastic mesh) planted into a cork. It is
considered a lightweight and extended object, with a weight of 5 grams and a length of 10 cm, giving it a very
large drag. Despite the large drag, shuttlecocks can still achieve top speeds of more than 300 mph (137 m/s).
Due to the distinct shape of the shuttlecock, when it is floating, the feather will have more
resistance than the shuttlecock. Hence whether the shuttlecock falls down or goes up, the shuttlecock will tend
to lead and the feather lags. The shuttlecock being denser than the skirt, a shuttlecock has distinct centers of
mass and pressure, and thus undergoes a stabilizing aerodynamic torque setting its nose ahead. The geometry of
commercial shuttlecocks is empirically chosen to minimize flipping and
stabilizing times.
A regulation standard shuttlecock weighs around 4.75 to 5.50 g. The mass will affect the speed
of the shuttlecock in two different ways. The greater the mass the less the acceleration
assuming the same striking force. This means less speed initially after being struck. However,
assuming the same physical size and shape but greater mass, the shuttlecock will have less
acceleration due to the greater mass, assuming the same force due to air resistance slowing it down.
Mathematical Concepts :
1. Newton’s Second Law : F = m . a
2.Newton’s Third Law : F1 = -F2
3. Displacement Law: s = ut + ½at²
4. Torque: τ = r⃗ × ⃗F⃗

Examples :
- A table being pushed
- The recoil from a gun being fired
- A person running a marathon
Okay! Now, last but no the least. Can we play badminton without seeing the shuttlecock or without the response
of our body and organs? The answer is “NO”. So, now the question arose, how we can see the shuttlecock?
How to brain process the position of that moving objects? How, we can detect an object which is very very fast
with a speed of 200 mph? Let’s find out the answers.


The physics concept involves in this situation is know as the Geometrical Optics of Light (Reflection –
Starting with the beginning.
How actually organs response?
Firstly our brain collects the inputs. Like seeing the shuttlecock. Then processing the motion and the changes of
the positions of the shuttlecock brain makes an interprets and decisions. And then these decisions transfer
through neurons and nerves to the organs and according to that our organ like hand muscles, our legs, balance
of the body responses. One of the most important input for the brain is seeing the shuttlecock.
How can we see the shuttlecock?
It’s the concept of reflection and refraction. First of all there has to be light where we will play. When the
shuttlecock in a position, the firstly light from the light source fell upon the shuttlecock. Then on the surface of
the shuttlecock the light will be reflected. Here, one thing is to be mentioned that the which angle the light will
be incident, in that angle the light will be reflected. Because according to the Fermat’s principle, the incident
angle and the reflected angle are the same.
Point to ne noted that, as the surface of the shuttlecock is rough, that’s why it is called the ‘Diffused Reflection’.
Then the reflected light goes to the eyes. In our eyes there are many parts like cornea, retina, lens, rod cells,
cone cells etc. which help us to see. At first, light goes through cornea and the lens. Cornea and lens both are
convex. These convex lenses converge the light and make the light bent. Here the refraction occurs. After being
refracted it creates inversed image on retina. If it remains the same we would see the world upside down. But
luckily our Creator has given that power to the brain to process the image and make it normal at occipital lobe.
But, here the ciliary muscles of eyes play a vital role. The reason is when shuttlecock is at a normal distance we
can see it correctly. But when it comes closer if the eyes stay same then the image will be formed behind the
retina as a result there will be blurry image. For making this focus perfect sometimes the ciliary muscles extend
to make the lens of the eyes thicker and the help to create the image exact on the retina. Some the ciliary
muscles shrank to do the same.
This was the basic things about positioning an object using the basic concept of reflection and refraction.
But, tracking a shuttlecock with a faster speed, this concept is little bit concept. brain does this by calculating
the speed of the moving object. However, a new study from MIT shows that the brain’s approach is more
The new findings suggest that in addition to tracking speed, the brain incorporates information about the
rhythmic patterns of an object’s movement: for example, how long it takes a shuttlecock to complete one
projectile path. In their new study, the researchers found that people make much more accurate estimates when
they have access to information about both the speed of a moving object and the timing of its rhythmic patterns.
This concept is known as ‘Flash Drag Effect’.
However, all the things will end up with the basic concepts of reflection and refraction. Because, if the
reflection of light doesn’t occur and being refracted the image doesn’t create in brain then all other theories will
not work anymore.
Formula / Mathematical Concept
The general formula that used in this concept are:

1. ∠Incidet light = ∠Reflected Light (Fermat’s Principle)

SinI Ca
2. = (Snell’s Law)
SinR Cb

1 1 1
3. = (μ − 1)(r − r ) (For measuring the focus distance of the Lens)
f 1 2

1. Hitting homerun in Baseball
2. Smashing in Lawn Tennis
3. Hitting Sixer in Cricket etc
Let’s Have Some fUn-

1. Which sport do ghost love to play? – Boo-Minton

2. Which is sheep’s favorite game? – Baaa-dmintion
3. Why was the fish terrible at badminton? – Because they always kept getting
caught in the net.
4. Why did the badminton players keep losing the game? – Their racquets were full
of holes.
5. And after doing this assignment, we feel like

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