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Carlos Rodriguez Delghams

Page 26 ex. 1:
 1- B
 2- C
 3- A

1- I am against the first extract, because I think that playing violent games do
not affect the way to act of the people, I think if those teenagers are
aggressive it is because of their home teachings. Me and my friends we all
play violent videogames, and we are not aggressive and personally I haven’t
cheated on a girlfriend in my entire life, and I think I wouldn’t be capable to
do it
Page 26 ex. 2A:
1. The woman
2. The man
3. The man

Page 26 ex. 2D:

Giving opinions Agreeing

I’m really against it. that makes sense.

I’m in favour of… I see what you mean
Partially agreeing Disagreeing

I see your point, but… Actually I …(didn’t found it)

I agree to a certain extent, but… I’m still not convinced.

Page 26 ex. 3A:

Giving opinions Agreeing

Personally, I think… Exactly!

Basically, I think Good point.
I do think…
Partially agreeing Disagreeing

I suppose so. I totally disagree

Fair enough, but… I’m not so sure
Page 27 ex. 5:
a) To give an example:
 For instance, …
 Like…
 Such as…
b) For facts which you have read, heard or believe to be true:
 According to one article I read…
 Apparently, the games…
 As far I know…
Page 27 ex. 6A:
 According to this article
 For instance, for memorizing content
 Such as spending time
 Apparently, homework is essential
 like in that magazines
 As far as I know

Page 27 ex. 7A:

 Disturbing – shocking and unacceptable
 Unethical – morally wrong
 Reasonable – having good reasons
 Irresponsible – not thinking about the results of your actions
 Outrageous – very worrying
 Illegal - against the law

Page 27 ex. 8A:

1. I totally agree with the first topic because all the kids should be at school
and it is against the children’s rights
2. I disagree with the last topic; in my opinion I don’t think that eating on public
transport must be illegal because sometimes the people who got to go to
their job don’t have enough time to eat at their homes and public transport is
the only place when they have this time.
3. I agree with the fourth topic, because the train it´s a public place which we
should take care of and in addition it is polluting.

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