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MSED Elementary Portfolio Project

Rosaria A. Micks

February 7, 2021

An Elementary Portfolio Project submitted to the

Faculty of the Graduate School of Education of

Medaille College

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Science in Education

Rosaria Micks
Student Name
Medaille College Graduate Student

Faculty Advisor’s Name with Title
Project Director

Section One: Teacher Candidate Introduction to the Elementary Portfolio Project

Introduction, Overview and Rationale

The purpose of education is to help shape the minds of students and encourage them to be

individuals that are equipped with knowledge and character traits to be an active member of

society. Education helps children use their learned knowledge and learned skills to take care of

themselves and to be able to work collaboratively with others in the world. This will help ensure

that we are moving toward a world where everyone is seen as an individual that is treated equally

and with respect. In an average school week, children are allocated more time with their teachers

and peers than their own parents/guardians. A teacher is an important piece in molding the way

children think, behave, and understand which is why teachers must be good role models and lead

by example.

Growing up in the education system opened my eyes to many different things. I attended

both public and catholic schools and the differences between the two different approaches to

education helped shape me into the person I am today. Both the catholic and public schools had a

heavy focus on the character traits that one should embody as a good human being. Those 6-

character traits were caring, cooperation, honesty, inclusiveness, respect, and responsibility. If

you learned and embodied these character traits that you yourself were a good person. In a world

with such diversity in terms of culture, religion, and background these character traits were a

way to be inclusive and teach everyone morals without touching upon what culture, religion, or

background says. The school held assemblies in which a character trait was discussed every

month and students from every grade or class would receive awards if their teacher saw them

demonstrating the specific character trait during that month. These awards were a way of

celebrating the actions of students that demonstrated the trait and made the students proud of

being a good human being. Growing up in my household my mother cared more for me growing

up and learning to be a good human being over the marks that I achieved. She would look to the

comments and disregard the marks on my report cards. It is important and essential that I help

students and teach students that being a good human being that is hardworking can take you a lot

further in life. I can role model this for them and teach them the skills in which they can embody

these traits as well.

I wanted to be a teacher for as long as I could remember. I truly find working with

children and teaching them a huge joy. I volunteered for many hours at a daycare when I was

younger and completed a co-op in an elementary school while I was in high school. Gaining the

most amount of experience I could possibly have to decide which way my post-secondary

education would go. I worked for 10 years at a center for children with autism and joining many

charities and events to help support funding for the children. I since have move into the school

board and current work with behavioral students in kindergarten to grade 5. I thoroughly love my

job but am thriving from more. Being a lifelong learner is an essential key to being the best

possible teacher because it ensures that you are constantly reeducating yourself to make sure you

are best fit to teach and be aware for your students.

This portfolio is put together to show case the abilities required to be a successful teacher

in person and on the online platforms. The artifacts included in will highlight these abilities by

pointing out the skills I have obtained. Planning, instructing, assessment of children,

understanding of the curriculum and the different ways to deliver it, incorporating technology,

differentiated instruction, classroom management, and culturally responsivity within the

classroom. This portfolio will also showcase my capabilities to future employers, allow me to

personally reflect on my educational experiences and hard work. Being able to have anecdotal

records of things that I could look back to will help me improve as a teacher by being able to

reflect on what worked, what did not work, what could be added, and what could be taken out to

make the experiences more impactful within the classroom.

In the next section of this portfolio, Portfolio Development, you will be introduced to

various sections that will be included in the portfolio’s overall completion. Introductions to

teacher candidate portfolio project introduction, teacher candidate background experiences,

teacher candidate artifacts, alignment to the curriculum and professional standards, teacher

candidate reflection and teacher candidate teacher interview video. Following this will be a

section on Theories, Theorists, and Experts in the Field of Education which will educate the

reader on how the theories, theorists, and experts in the field of education have influenced and

played a part in building the foundation for my views on educational practices. Lastly, it will end

with a conclusion which will summarize the importance of the portfolio as well as addressing my

readiness and preparation to teach in the field of education.

Portfolio Development

Within the MSED Elementary portfolio you will see six different sections which will

allow the reader to understand who I am on a wider scale and what kind of educator I strive to

be. The six components of this portfolio consist of the following sections;

Section one: Teacher candidate portfolio project introduction

Section two: Teacher candidate background experiences

Section three: Teacher candidate artifacts

Section four: Alignment to the curriculum and professional standards

Section five: Teacher candidate reflection

Section six: Teacher candidate teacher interview video


Above you have already read the first section of this portfolio which is the teacher

candidate portfolio introduction. In the introduction it highlights the purpose for the portfolio as

well as the importance of it. A brief description of the six sections as well as connections to

pedagogy, best teaching practices, skills, and one’s own reflections and understanding. Section

one will conclude with touching upon three educational theorists and the importance of the work

they have done in the educational field.

Section two, teacher candidate background experiences, will be outlining my educational,

work-related, and classroom experiences as well as the application of my learning within these

different experiences. Connections to my work experience in education, the philosophy of

education that I carry, and my up-to-date resume will assist in defining a large part of this


Section three is Teacher candidate artifacts. This section will display the assignments and

lesson plans that I have completed throughout the MSED which showcase my skills and

knowledge to be an effective teacher in the elementary classroom. Included in this section are

lesson plans, classroom management plans, assessment tools, PowerPoint presentations, SMART

Board presentations, class website, and a Google classroom platform. Through these artifacts

you will see examples of subject matter, best teaching practices, skills, professional disposition,

and professional development.

Section four, Alignment to the curriculum and professional standards, is where I will

demonstrate my knowledge and ability to align curriculum and professional standards to what is

expected of an elementary teacher through work and responsibilities. I will provide required

standards and the purpose for them in connection to the artifacts included in section three. This

section will portray my ability to be a supportive, understand, and effective teacher by modeling

my knowledge, best teaching practices, subject matter, and pedagogy.

Section five consists of my Teacher candidate reflection where I demonstrate the ability

to reflect on all that I have learned, what this assignment means, and how much I have gained in

the process. Overall experiences in which I have acquired in developing this portfolio project

will be mentioned as it will allow me to look back and explain the process, collection of

materials, specific research material, specific artifacts, and the organization of the content.

The final section, Section six, is the Teacher candidate teacher interview video. The

interview simulation I will be conducting will showcase my ability to carry myself professionally

among other teaching professionals, answer questions that may be asked in a job interview and

make connections by providing examples within my portfolio artifacts, standards, teacher skills,

strategies, and professional character. Within the interview I will make connections to the

Weebly class website that we had created in the MSED program in EDU 571.

Theories, Theorists and Experts in the Field of Education

In the field of education there are many influential and important theorists who had a

huge impact of the education field. These individuals were experts in their own fields which

played a crucial role in changing the outlook on education, curriculum, and behavior /classroom

management over the years. Jerome Bruner, Lev Vygotsky, B.F Skinner are three theorist that

brought new outlooks to education in different ways. There work has been studied for many

years and continues to inspire change within the education system today.

Jerome Bruner was focused on how knowledge is represented and organized through

different modes of thinking. He aimed to make education about creating autonomous learners

and believed that education should also develop symbolic thinking in children. While completing

research on the cognitive development of children he proposed three modes of representation

which are known as: enactive, iconic, and symbolic. Enactive representation is action-based,

Iconic representation is image-based, and symbolic representation is language-based. These

modes of representation relate to the ways in which information or knowledge is stored and

remembered in your memory. Unlike Piaget, Bruner believed that knowledge was not based on

age-related stages but more so how the stages of representation connect with each other and

integrated in building knowledge. Bruner also suggest that learners at any age can learn any

material if the instruction to learn the information is organized properly. Although Bruner

focuses on the main theme of knowledge, he believed that the purpose of education is not to

teach knowledge, but instead enable a child’s ability to think and problem solve which can then

be shifted to a range of situation a child may encounter.

Lev Vygotsky, like Bruner, emphasized a child’s environment more specifically their

social environment when it comes to learning. They both agree that adults play a large and active

part in a child’s learning. Learning is seen as a social nature which indicated that people should

help a child develop skills through steps taken to reduce the degree of freedom in the task’s

children are completing which allows the child to focus on the more difficult aspects with

support. This is also known as scaffolding. Vygotsky became the foundation of a large portion of

research and theory in the cognitive development part of education. This has become to be

known as the sociocultural theory. His theories suggest the fundamental role social interaction

has on cognitive development. Famously known for his second important principal of his work,

the Zones of Proximal Development, Vygotsky emphasizes on the concept that shows the

difference between what a child can learn independently and what a child can achieve with

guidance and encouragement.


B.F Skinner, formally known as Burrhus Frederic Skinner, is best known for his

influence on behaviorism. His own philosophy is referred to as ‘radical behaviorism’ and is also

known for his tool which is known as the ‘Skinner box’. Radical behaviorism suggests that the

concept of free will is simply an illusion. He believed that every human action was a direct result

of how a person was conditioned. His ideology and literature imply that education has two major

purposes. The first major purpose is to teach verbal and nonverbal behaviors and the second

purpose is to encourage students to have an interest in the learning. Skinner suggests that for a

student to learn they must engage in behavior not just receive the information passively. Positive

reinforcement was a more effective way to change and establish behavior over punishment of



In conclusion, section one of the MSED Elementary Portfolio introduces the portfolio by

touching upon the overview and a rationale, a brief description of what the six sections are about

and what they will include, theories, theorists, and experts in the field of education. As a teacher

candidate this portfolio is a reflection on who I am as a person, what my educational dispositions

and beliefs are, and the knowledge and experiences I have accumulated over the course of the

MSED program. Throughout this portfolio you will find references to my philosophy on

education, lesson plans, culturally responsive lesson plans, work, and related experiences in

education that all sum up the professional I am in the field of education. The artifacts that are

present in the portfolio will provide evidence of my professionalism, knowledge for best

teaching practices, subject matter, differentiated instruction, planning for special needs, as well

as being a supportive, open minded, and inclusive teacher. This portfolio is a great opportunity to

showcase my knowledge and skills to walk into the role of a teacher prepared to adapt to the

changes in education and the delivery of curriculum material whether that be in a brick-and-

mortar school or delivery on the online portal.


Section Two: Teacher Candidate Background Experiences


This essay will showcase my personal and educational experiences. Section one includes

my educational background, work experiences, school observations, classroom applications,

philosophy of education, resume, cover letter, and conclusion. Most of my personal experiences

are working with children from a-typical developing children to children of all different types of

exceptionalities. I have gained a lot of experience throughout my school and working years.

Through these experiences I have a lot of background and practical knowledge and have made

use my educational knowledge. Section two includes sections of introduction, personal

background, goals of the project, philosophy of education, resume/cover letter, and conclusion. I

have always had a love for children and naturally enjoyed the teaching aspect of it and how

rewarding it truly is. I have always been an open-minded and empathetic individual and have had

a life-long learner mindset. Hence, all my personal and work-related experiences have led me to

pursue the path of becoming an educator to help instill the love of learning into my future

students. I believe that teaching could be a very rewarding job and takes a lot of work but it is

also the most amazing job because of all the little minds that we help shape and teach throughout

our profession.

Teacher Candidate Educational Background and Work Experiences

Growing up I was never a confident learner. I was an athlete that competed at a national

and international level which caused me to miss a lot of school. Subject areas such as math and

grammar were a struggle for me to understand. I was not a confident reader and struggled with

the confidence to learn. No matter how many times I stayed in for extra help in all subject areas I

was not excited to learn and felt like I just did not understand. I was a low-level reader which

caused me to not comprehend what I was reading therefore did not allow me to learn the way the

rest of the class was. I went through all my elementary school grade years struggling to pass the

subject areas that would create the foundation of knowledge I would need to succeed in high

school. I was a very hands-on learner so areas like art, science, music, and drama were the areas

in which I was confident but were not the subjects that I needed to be able to apply to post-

secondary schools.

It was not until I reached college that I started really understanding math and once I felt

like I understood math and what was required to find the sum of the questions being asked. I

finally took a liking to it. I started to enjoy math and enjoy being in math class, the teacher was

able to break down the equations into a very simple form and it made it so easy to understand.

This teacher also taught so many ways to solve problems that I was able to find which one made

sense to me. I have kept this notebook and I use each of these strategies today. Step by step

everything that caused me so much confusion and embarrassment finally started to make sense to

me because the teacher took a different approach to teaching other than the cookie-cutter way of

solving problems. This teacher instilled a love of teaching in me by taking the time to explain in

many ways so that all different types of learners were able to choose what worked for them and

what made sense to the way they understood numbers.

When it came to English, more specifically reading and writing, it was not until grade 10

that I found a teacher that was able to break things down to me and really pull my love for

writing out of me. She allowed me to express myself on paper and through my own thoughts she

taught me all the grammar rules, comma rules, proper sentence structures, and essay formats. I

was so engaged in this class because it was the first time, I felt, that a teacher believed in my

abilities to be a great student in areas that I always struggled in. This teacher really allowed me

to find a love of reading and writing and was the reason I took other English courses and went

into post-secondary as an English major. I hope that I can see the potential in each of my

students and pull knowledge from them and instill the love of subject areas in them by catering

to their way of learning.

Lastly, another teacher which really had an impact on me was my Gr. 7 teacher. He was

the first male teacher I had, and it was such a different experience within the classroom. The

classroom management that he had was so great that we were able to learn so much more than

just listening to his discipling the students that were not behaving. The way he managed the

behavior in the classroom allowed for an environment where we could all learn. In previous

years, the classroom management was a huge part of why learning was hard, so this was a

different experience for me. Although I feel like my understanding in math, reading, and writing

still fell through the cracks this teacher allowed me to feel confident in trying and attempting to

learn. What I took aware from this teacher was not curriculum based but more classroom

management based, and I could see and feel what a difference it made for our classroom at

I am hoping that I can employ the same classroom management within my future

classroom so that all children feel comfortable to learn as well as know that there is control and

expectations for behavior within the classroom. Creating a safe and comfortable place for all

students to strive for greatness is something I want to strive for as I feel that all children can

prosper in an environment that they are comfortable to try and learn in.

School Observations and Classroom Application

My experiences with a wide range of children in many different roles as an educator have

shaped not only who I am today but how I carry forward in pursuing my dream of becoming a

classroom teacher. In terms of experience, I have had many placement experiences which range

from day care, school grade classrooms, and before and after school programs. I have

volunteered at a music camp for children with special needs, worked as a senior therapist at a

centre for children with autism, a tutor, and an educational assistant within the school board.

Throughout all of these roles I have gained new experiences which have taught me many

different strategies, gave me a wide range of experience in de-escalation, programing, and

delivery of activities and programs. I believe these skills that I have accumulated over time are

all skills essential to becoming an adaptive, engaging, and understanding educator. Finding the

interests of your students, how they learn, and how they can excel within the classroom has been

my goal for the students I currently work with and within all the schools I have had the pleasure

of working as an education assistant in, I have been able to accomplish this goal and ensuring

that the students I work with have the best possible chance at success within the classroom.

Furthermore, working in the many different professional roles that I have it has prepared

me to enter the classroom with understanding multiple intelligence and the different methods that

can be used to grasp the attention and engage students of all different levels of understanding.

Understanding and knowing numerous ways to engage, introduce, explain, and teach new ideas

and curriculum are very important within the classroom. Having this knowledge and the ability

to exercise it adds value to not only the teacher I wish to become but to the classroom that I want

my students to walk into. Working within the school board currently keeps me up to date on new

information in terms of self-regulation, technology, de-escalation strategies, engaging young

minds, anti-black racism, cultural diversity within the classroom, and culturally responsive

teaching practices. I think it is important that going into the job of an educator we too are

keeping ourselves up to date and educated on best practices for the sake of our students and

school community.


I helped students from kindergarten to grade 5 with specific skills such as letters,

numbers and sounds to general homework overview. Providing extra support to reinforce

concepts that they are struggling to understand in the classroom. Through understanding that not

all children learn the same it is my job as the tutor to figure out the ways in which they are

already being taught and provide another innovative way to teach the same concepts in ways that

the student understands. Providing manipulatives, online games, online quizzes, matching

games, and cue cards and adapting to the child way of learning has taught me many skills which

I can employ within my classroom for my students to make sure I am meeting the needs of all

my students.

Senior Therapist

As a senior therapist at the centre for children with autism I was able to learn so much

when it comes to programming, delivering, and modifying curriculum and work tasks. I was in

charge of doing diagnostics to see what level of learning and understanding each child was at,

creating programs for them based on school curriculum and their level of understanding, and the

techniques in which the programs would be delivered. Through this I was able to learn so much

on how to modify curriculum within the classroom in a fun and engaging way for any students

with special needs that are placed within my classroom. I think it is important that I have these

skills as it will make me a very versatile teacher and again meet the needs of all my students in

the classroom not only the a-typical developing children.

Music Camp volunteer


As a volunteer I was really able to sit back from the technical aspect of the behind the

scenes work and really take in what this music camp had to offer children with special needs.

The joy the music brought to them and how they learned skills through music. This volunteer

position was a great experience and many of the activities I learned at this camp I have been able

to use within my current profession as an education assistant within the school board. I was able

to interact with children of all different diagnosis which gave me a wide range of experience with

different exceptionalities. Being versatile with exceptionalities allows for me to be familiar with

more than just one type of student that may enter my classroom and different strategies for

working, rewards, and de-escalation.


As a co-op student, I worked in a wide range of placements such as daycare, school age

classrooms, and before and after school programs. Due to my background in Early Childhood

Education and then completing my bachelor’s in child development I was required to complete a

certain number of hours, activities, lesson plans, and evaluations. I gained so much real-life

experience within the classroom and all different age groups that I learned many different

techniques, curriculum-based ideas and lessons, and engaging activities within the different age


As an employee of Peel District School Board as an educational assistant I have also have

the pleasure of working with a wide range of students from kindergarten to grade 6 with a wide

range of exceptionalities to behavior needs. I have been apart of many team meetings to help

create goals and plans for students (IEPS, safety plans, positive behavior intervention plans

[PBIP]) and carried out the work that was done within the classroom. I have created lesson plans,

daily schedules (visuals), cooking social groups, girl talk groups, and social behavior groups in

order to teach the students that I work with in a innovative and engaging way. I believe with

every year and every new student I am assigned I learn new strategies and skills which I add to

my knowledge to carry forward in my future classroom.

Philosophy of Education

When it comes to my philosophy on education many things come into play. The

individual aspects of the school, the curriculum, the learning, the learner, assessments, classroom

management, and the teacher all come into consideration in an overall view. All these things are

important in creating a successful and safe classroom with the hope that all students will flourish

in the environment you have built for them to succeed. Some of the contributions such as the

school, curriculum, and assessments are already put into place for you and others are a

requirement that must be completed. I base my philosophy views with that of John Dewey and

his views and theories on education. The reason I believe his theories and view align with mine

is because he is pragmatic which means that values are situational and or relative. This is held

true when it comes to all areas of the school and what the school includes, teachers, curriculum,

learning, and classroom management. He believes that children learn better hands on which I

believe to be true.

The school is one of the most important parts of society. To create relevant, quality

education in a child centered learning environment is the theory that I resonate the most with.

The reason it is so important is because it teaches children at a young age into much of their late

teen years on how to be a good and contributing member of society. Children learn the basics of

their knowledge when it comes to school subjects such as math, reading, writing, science,

language, and different streams of the arts. Through these subjects’ children gain insight on the

subjects that interest them most in hopes that they will find a field in which they enjoy working

in to become that contributing member of society. School also teaches children character and

moral education. This education proves to be more valuable and more essential than the

curriculum subjects. Character and moral education help shape children into good human beings.

Children start at a young age learning what character traits are that are considered good and try

to exemplify them within the school and home settings. Children are taught right from wrong,

what is good and bad, and learn about decision making. Not to say that this is not done at home,

but together within the school and at home it is an essential part of what the school teaches

children. The school is also great exposure to children on learning to get along, work, and

communicate with others efficiently and respectfully. As adults we are able to tell who we get

along with, who we do not like, but in the workplace and in society we know to be respectful and

understand that we will not always get along or like everyone but we will always be put in a

position where we have no control of the people around you. School teaches children the basic

understanding of getting along, working with others, open communication, and respectful

interactions. Children are often taken aside to discuss issues that present themselves, so they are

aware they have a voice to express themselves when something is going good or bad. The school

itself plays such a huge role in molding the overall child into the adult they will be that I consider

it one of the most important things in society for children.

The curriculum is another essential part of the education system. Although, the

curriculum is forever changing, adapting, and being revised it is an essential part of what we put

forward to children to learn from. Although the curriculum can be looked at as one way fits all

type of learning, the curriculum is there to teach children in steps the information children need

to know within certain age groups to be the most successful in that grade. These steps and

information are elaborated on as they make their way through the grades until they can choose

their own interests and courses in high school. There are many things I believe the curriculum

has left out but due to recent revision, to be specific, the math curriculum has changed. I believe

providing a curriculum that is beneficial to students as they grow up and placing more

importance on the things in the curriculum that will be beneficial to the overall success of

students in the real world is the key in making sure the curriculum has relevance and worth. If a

child is learning than the worth of the curriculum is there but if they are unable to apply their

knowledge to the real world than what would its relevance be. The curriculum has the power to

teach children the basics of knowledge and the way the teacher is able to implement the lessons

and the learning that is supposed to be taking place is what the students will remember and carry

forward. Overall, as important as the curriculum is in making sure the basics of what is supposed

to be taught at a certain age only makes up for half of what the children learn within the school.

The learning that can take place can look like many different things. There are many

learning styles that students have and by allowing children to explore all learning options is the

best way in making sure they are learning. Some learning styles include the verbal learner, the

visual learner, musical/auditory learner, physical/kinesthetic learner, logical/mathematical

learner, social learner, solitary learner, and a combination learner. All these learning style play a

part in how curriculum is taught and how the school can adapt to the different types of learning

styles. Through these learning styles students absorb, process, and retain knowledge so it does

not matter how the learning is taking place as long as it is. The learning styles can be adapted to

the students’ needs to make sure the curriculum material is being understood and children

because successful and confident based on their understanding of the lessons being presented to

them. The nature of learning can be described as one’s ability to internalize information and

apply it in a general situation. This can apply to any area of life not only within the curriculum

information provided. The nature of learning can be towards other things as well, like right from

wrong, good from bad, and appropriate interaction and play. If a child is taking in any

information based on any of their 5 senses it is considered learning, and children like most

people will become life-long learners and constantly strive to learn more than they know at any

point and time. Learning is endless and there is never a time that we will be done learning.

The learner is the most important part of the education system. The learner is the focus of

every other aspect mentioned in this paper. Again, resonating with the theory that education is a

product of the learners’ effort and experience to reorganize knowledge for content mastery while

interacting with a learning goal. The learner, being the focus, are the students in which enter the

school with the hopes that they will receive the best possible education while receiving the tips

and tools to succeed moving forward in their lives. The learner must take initiative in knowing

how they contribute to their own learning and that their efforts in learning will create larger and

greater outcomes. The developmental stages that a child goes through are taken into

consideration within the school and curriculum as well as the teachers that are teaching the

specific age group. The learner is given all the tools and presented material in different ways for

the learner to have the best possible success within and outside of the classroom. The common

goal for the learner is that they can absorb, retain, and implement the learning that is taking place

and generalizing it in other areas. The nature of a child is most often very innocent, loving,

curious, and kind. Building the learning goals, the curriculum, and classroom management

around the nature of the child would allow for the most possible success for the learner and help

each student flourish into their own individual.

Assessments are a critical part of the education system. Assessments are put in place to

make sure that students are understand the material that is being taught to them. Although I do

not feel that all assessments that are required for the curriculum that is put in place is the best

indication of what the student know. Assessments can be carried forward in other ways other

than tests. Creating displays, presentations, verbal conversations, and giving examples of their

learning are all ways in which assessments can be done without having to test students on their

knowledge. If the learners are anything like me tests do not show any indication of what they

know and understand. Often students get lower marks on tests because of the stress the term

“test” brings, which causes students to do worse, when in actual fact they know and understand

the information that has been given to them. Providing other ways of assessments other than

testing would be a step forward in the education system. Just like we have learned to adapt to

different learning styles we need to adapt the assessment styles as well to allow for the best

possible success of each child. Assessments have the power to make or break student’s

confidence within themselves. If we allow so different styles of assessment, we can be sure that

each student will thrive on the knowledge they know and therefore become a more confident

learner and speaker within the classroom setting. Building a student’s confidence within the

classroom will be a trait they will carry forward and outside of the education setting as well.

Classroom management is an integral part of instruction. Maintaining classroom

management is essential to the success of the children and allows children a safe and happy place

to learn. I believe that if you set expectations and rules within the classroom of what is

acceptable and what is not acceptable children will have clear direction. There is consequences

given when they do not follow the classroom rules so that they are aware of the boundaries

within the classroom. Children thrive when they have rules with set boundaries, and it makes for

children to learn how to adapt to different surroundings. By placing no expectations on the

children within the class there is room for chaos and a loss of control.

The teacher is a key part in the success of the education system. The teacher is one who

can allow children to feel safe, loved, and understood. A teacher is a person that children look up

to for the knowledge in which they will teach. It is a teacher’s job to make lessons fun and

interactive and make sure that each student is getting what they need to understand (i.e., learning

styles). Teachers have the most important role in the classroom. They are to set the rules of the

classroom, enforce that the rules are being followed, teach the curriculum while making it

interesting, assessing knowledge, building relationships with each student and helping them

flourish into their own individuals are some of the thing’s teachers do within the classroom.

Teachers are required to be life-long learners and forever adapting to the change in curriculum,

assessment types, learning styles and staying educated or various topics. Figuring out strategies

and tools that are beneficial for their students, teachers are forever learning on how implement

things for the best possible success of each of their students. They are idolized by their students

in and outside of the classroom and because they hold such a high role within the school it is

important for teachers to act accordingly outside the school as well. Maintaining their

professionalism in society is the same as maintaining their professionalism within the classroom.

It takes a special person to become a teacher as it is one of the hardest professions there is, but it

is one of the most rewarding as well. Teachers hold certain personal and professional

characteristics which are usually the reason that they become a teacher and are great teachers.

There characteristics include being inclusive, accepting diversity, loving, caring, inspiring, hard

working, life-long learners, honest, and responsible. I believe that depending on what a teacher is

teaching they could have any background of school knowledge. I do not think any specific

background knowledge would make for a better teacher over another specific background of

knowledge. Teachers are people not what they took in school therefore the individual themselves

has the power to be a great teacher based on their love of teaching, not what they were taught.

In conclusion, I think my philosophy on education is for the school, the curriculum, the

learning, the learner, assessments, classroom management and teachers to all work hand in hand

to create a safe and interactive place that allows students to flourish and become the best possible

versions of themselves with the goal of become a great and contributing member of society. The

education system is meant to inspire and build up individuals with not only knowledge but

morals and character as well. If we can ensure above all the students are walking out of school

and good, honest, and hardworking individuals with a love for learning than the education

system has done its job.


111 Pine Hollow Crescent, Vaughan, ON. L6A 2L5 647-620-1505
2016 Honours Bachelor of Child Development
Seneca College
• Applied Research Proposal: Perspectives on Play-based
Curriculum; researched and discussed the benefits of play-based
curriculum in developing multiple areas of a child’s development

2011 Early Childhood Education

Seneca College
• Studied the physical, cognitive, social and emotional needs of
children and applied the necessary program planning for children
to optimize their learning and individual development

2019 CPI Certified
2017 Red Cross Standard First Aid & CPR/AED


Nov. 2019 – Present Burnhamthorpe Public School – Peel District School Board –
• Supported students with ASD, ADD/ADHD as well as behavioral
students in a mainstream classroom
• Successfully collaborated with classroom teachers to ensure best
strategies were used for students’ I.E.P goals
• An active member of a team to create IEP’s, safety plans, and
PBIP (positive behavior intervention plan) for students
• Created a cooking social club for vulnerable students
• Built a secure and supportive environment for a student with
ADHD, promoting independence, confidence, and expression of
• Successfully de-escalated behaviors as well as confrontation
between students and their peers
• Worked closely with BTA to learn different strategies that would
be beneficial to children (i.e Dr. Stuart Shanker theory of Self-Reg)
• Promoted academics such as reading and writing for student with
ADHD by creating a positive and confident work environment
• Demonstrated flexibility to support children with all different
needs when required

Sept. 2019 - Nov.2019 Hanover Public School – Peel District School Board – LTO
• Supported a grade 5 behavioral student in a mainstream classroom
• Successfully collaborated with classroom teachers to ensure best
strategies were used for student
• Built a secure and supportive environment and relationship with
student, promoting appropriate behavior, confidence and
expression of feelings in a positive manner
• Successfully de-escalated behaviors as well as confrontation
between student and their peers
• Worked collaboratively with the school boards Intensive Support
Team to ensure support was consistent with all professionals

May 2019 – June 2019 Sunny View Middle School – Peel District School Board – LTO
• Successfully supported a student with down syndrome in a
mainstream classroom
• Collaborated with grade 6 rotary classroom teachers to support
learning as per I.E.P – modifying classroom learning, preparing
tasks, building visual schedules etc.
• Preparation and follow through of tasks to support individual needs
of each student

• Effectively collaborated with T.As to prepare enhanced learning

materials (i.e. visual schedules, cause and affect boards, file folder
games, matching boards, first-than boards)
• Supported classroom teacher in DD/Medically fragile class with
non-verbal students
• Worked alongside two T.As for toileting, feeding, circle time and
hand-over-hand tasks
• Promoted age appropriate independence, inclusion and learning for
each individual student’s needs.

Oct. 2018 – Apr. 2019 Burnhamthorpe Public School – Peel District School Board – LTO
• Supported students with ASD, ADD/ADHD as well as behavioral
students in a mainstream classroom
• Successfully collaborated with classroom teachers to ensure best
strategies were used for students’ I.E.P goals
• Built a secure and supportive environment for a student with
ADHD, promoting independence, confidence and expression of
• Successfully de-escalated behaviors as well as confrontation
between students and their peers
• Worked closely with BTA to learn different strategies that would
be beneficial to children (i.e Dr. Stuart Shanker theory of Self-Reg)
• Promoted academics such as reading and writing for student with
ADHD by creating a positive and confident work environment
• Demonstrated flexibility to support children with all different
needs when required

July. 2013-Aug. 2018 Hand In Hand Therapy Centre – Intensive Behavioural Intervention
Vaughan, Ontario
• Worked one on one with children and collected their data using
clickers, data collection sheets, behaviour management graphs and
cumulative graphs to measure the child’s development and the
success rate of each target and program
• Successfully collaborated with staff members, psychologists and
school IPRC Teams to implement and facilitate individualized
programs to teach the foundations of life skills, academic skills and
social skills in a means to improve each child’s development and
create an authentic and representative ISP for each child
• Demonstrated leadership and critical thinking skills in planning
field trips to meet the diverse needs of each child; remained
flexible, adaptable and used problem-solving skills to respond
effectively to situations such as weather conditions and the
children’s temperament

• Demonstrated communication skills and professionalism by

building excellent rapport with colleagues, parents and families;
worked collaboratively with parents to create an at home program
with a focus on routine to create a smooth transition for the child
and was approachable for additional questioning and advising to
ensure success and family support

June. 2015 – Sept. 2015 Building Bands Canada – Working with At-Risk Youth
Pickering, Ontario
• Assisted in designing lessons focused on musical experiential
learning for youth from a diversity of backgrounds, needs and
• Built excellent rapport with youth; was an active role model for
youth and was approachable for additional questioning, advising
and advocating

Sept. 2012 – Dec. Shining Through Centre – Centre for Children with Autism
2012 Placement Vaughan, Ontario
• Collaborated with colleagues to design and create a sensory and
calming room; applied theoretical foundations, learning objectives
and safety measures to ensure optimal utilization such as
cushioned walls, music, lighting and fidget toys
• Successfully collected and analyzed children’s development
through the use of the Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) method
of data collection; implemented change to the child’s
individualized plan based on the social, motor, verbal behaviours
and reasoning skills demonstrated; analysis of data and alteration
of the child’s individualized plan was approved by the supervising
Jan. 2011- Sept. 2012 CH.I.L.D – Centre for Children with Autism
Vaughan, Ontario
• Worked one on one with children to facilitate their individualized
programs based on their area of development; took the initiative to
learn new technological programs and gather support materials to
further enhance the child’s learning and ensure the child remains
engaged throughout their individualized programs
• Worked cooperatively with colleagues in the implementation of
group socials such as classroom skills, group directed activities and
behaviour management; focused on behavioural management
strategies such as redirection, token boards and visual schedules
Sept. 2011 – Dec. ABC Daycare – Infant Room Daycare
2011 Placement Vaughan, Ontario
• Implemented Ages & Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) to assess a
child’s development and created strategies to further enhance the

child’s development by using known skills and the ELECT

Document to create learning objectives
• Was extremely flexible, adaptable and used self managing
techniques to cater to the needs of each child such as food
management, sleeping schedules and diaper routines
• Communicated with parents to discuss the progress of their child’s
development and daily feedback; worked collaboratively with
parents to implement strategies to ensure child’s wellbeing
Sept. 2010 – Dec. Blessed Trinity Catholic School – Before and After School Program;
School Age
2010 Placement Vaughan, Ontario
• Developed and implemented programs related to the child’s
development in math, science, language and literacy and health
and physical education through play-based learning and inquiry
while using the ELECT Document to support the learning
• Developed proficient professionalism and communication skills
while working in a team oriented environment

• Exhibits proficiency in Microsoft Office and PC and Mac interface


June 2016 – June 2018 Building Bands Canada – Working with At-Risk Youth
Pickering, Ontario

Claudio Moschella Nica Apa Laren Emms
Burnhamthorpe Public School Sunny View Middle School Hanover Public School
Former Vice Principal Former Vice Principal Former Principal


In this section of my portfolio, I introduce myself sharing my personal experiences and

what has guided me to pursuing a career in education. Over the years, I have gone through many

hardships in my life and have experienced so many different rolls as an educator and I have

never strayed from my love for teaching and inspiring young minds. I believe that my

experienced have shaped me and taught me ways that I can impact and teach my future students

with a deeper understanding of hardships that they may be enduring. I have learned that teaching

is not only about informing and finding engaging and innovative ways of teaching curriculum

but also about being flexible to life and teaching students how to be good human beings that help

contribute to society in a positive manner. For instance, I have worked with families from low-

income houses that taught me so much about what students endure before even getting to school

and how things like lack of sleep, food, and attention can impact a student’s behavior and shape

their school day. However, even with all the negative experiences and failures as an educator it

has taught me to reflect, think on the spot, and to try different strategies. Being an educator is so

much more than the name that we associate with because it is so much more than just teaching

curriculum, it is about being available to confide in, being able to be trusted, being a support

system, protection, and most of all a great role model.



Cherry, K. (2020, April 27). B. F. skinner: The life of Psychology's Radical behaviorist.

Retrieved February 04, 2021, from


Influence on education. (n.d.). Retrieved February 04, 2021, from

McLeod, S. (1970, January 01). Bruner - learning theory in education. Retrieved February 04,

2021, from

McLeod, S. (2019, July 19). Constructivism as a theory for teaching and learning. Retrieved

February 04, 2021, from

McLeod, S. (2020). Lev Vygotsky's Sociocultural Theory. Retrieved February 04, 2021, from

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