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Lessons from the

Medicine-less Hospital
Accessing its wisdom, teachings
and healing methods today

Based on a conversation with Master Yuantong Liu

Lessons from the Medicine-less Hospital

Accessing its wisdom, teachings and healing methods today

Based on a conversation with Master Yuantong Liu

Published by Zhineng Qigong Students Hub

As part of the Words of Wisdom series

Written by Cathy McDonald and Torsten Lueddecke

Copyright © 2021 Level 6 Limited

Publisher: Zhineng Qigong Student’s Hub
First edition, March 2021

All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any
form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the publisher or author, nor be
otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published.

The Words of Wisdom series consists of a number of e-books that tap into the expertise,
knowledge and wisdom of selected Zhineng Qigong Masters and Teachers.

The series captures the essence of conversations between the Zhineng Qigong Student’s Hub and
renowned Zhineng Qigong Masters. By their very nature, these conversations reflect the personal
and unique perspectives of each Zhineng Qigong Master and Teacher and, as a result, their views
are mostly, but not necessarily always, in alignment with those of other prominent Zhineng
Qigong Masters. We trust that for students worldwide, the diversity of views and ideas will add to
and enrich their understanding of Zhineng Qigong.

In our third contribution, Cathy McDonald spoke to Master Yuantong Liu, reflecting on what
can be learned from the first medicine-less hospital, and how its wisdom, teachings and healing
methods are relevant to this day, despite the closure of the Hua Xia Zhineng Qigong Healing
Centre in China in 2001.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction to Master Yuantong Liu

2 Introduction to Grandmaster Prof Dr Pang Ming
3 Huaxia Centre
4 Recovering people’s health
5 The Method
5.1 Using external Hunyuan Qi for healing
5.2 Where the mind goes, the Qi follows the flow
6 Selected lessons of the Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Centre
6.1 Discover the power of consciousness
6.2 Cultivating morality of the heart and mind
6.3 The importance of free-flowing blood and Qi
6.4 The importance of the correct body posture
6.5 The motion law of Hunyuan Qi
6.6 The law of change and transformation of Hunyuan Qi
6.7 The present: the best moment to live your life
6.8 Organising the Qi field: the power of the group
6.9 Handling Qi reactions: the effectiveness of Qi healing
6.10 Believing in your own self-healing ability
7 The medicine-less hospital of today
8 In conclusion


1. Introduction to Master Yuantong Liu

Master Liu has been sharing Zhineng Qigong theories, principles and methods for over 37 years,
and was trained directly by Dr Pang Ming during the rigorous teachers’ programme in the Hua
Xia Zhineng Qigong Centre, recognized globally as the first “medicine-less hospital” in the world.

He continued to work closely with Dr Pang Ming for 10 years and has supported the healing
of thousands of people, including mental, chronic and terminal illnesses. Today he teaches
the theories, principles and methods of Zhineng Qigong healing in his own Zhineng Qigong
Centre in China, as well as in Europe, the USA, Mexico, South Africa, Indonesia and Malaysia.
His commitment to travelling all over the world is based on his vision to share the wisdom,
power and benefits of Zhineng Qigong Hunyuan Qi Therapy, as taught and practiced at the Hua
Xia Zhineng Qigong Centre (hereinafter “the medicine-less hospital”) with as many people as


2. Introduction to Grandmaster Prof Dr Pang Ming

Zhineng Qigong was developed by Dr Pang Ming in the late 1970s. As a doctor trained in Eastern
and Western medicine, as well as a Qigong and Tai Chi Grandmaster, he was inspired to create a
Qigong form that was not only very effective, but also that people could learn easily. His intention
was, in particular, to support people whose aim was to develop and uplift their own health and
well-being. Dr Pang himself started to practice Tai Chi and Qigong at the age of six. He was
trained by 19 Grandmasters, and devoted several years in solitude in order to complete his own
deep understanding of Qigong, ultimately creating the diverse principles, methods and profound
theories of Zhineng Qigong.

Dr Pang was one of the first to combine old Chinese tradition with the modern science of
Western medicine. In fact, since the late 1070s to date, he has been a pioneer in creating the new
Qigong Science. He is the founder and president of different scientific institutions, which focused
on the research, impact and effects of Qigong. In 1979 he founded the Beijing Qigong Association
and initiated the first national convention on Qigong. He was the first Qigong Master who broke
with tradition and began sharing the power of Qigong with a broader group of people. Zhineng
Qigong is thus also referred to as an “open Qigong form”. At the beginning of the 20th century,
Zhineng Qigong was officially recognized as the most effective Qigong form and, at that time,
over 10 million people were practicing it.


3. Hua Xia Zhineng Qigong Centre

In 1988 Dr Pang founded the Hebei Shijiazhuang Zhineng Qigong College. In November 1991,
he moved the Centre to Hebei Qinhuandao and changed the name to the Hua Xia Zhineng
Qigong Training Centre, consisting of a Qigong Training Centre, a Healing Centre and a
Research Centre. Over the years, the Centre became known as the first medicine-less hospital
that has treated more then 400 000 patients with more than 180 different diseases, achieving an
overall effectiveness rate of 95%.

People who sought healing at the medicine-less hospital joined a 24-day healing retreat as
beginners, where Zhineng Qigong Level 1 was practiced and taught. During this time, Dr Pang
himself would give eight lectures to participants, teaching them the principles of self-healing,
while the class teachers would teach the Level 1 methods and coach the participants with more
detailed information.

In the lectures that Dr Pang offered to participants during their 24-day or 50-day healing
retreat at the medicine-less hospital, he shared a comprehensive and thorough introduction to
Zhineng Qigong Science. People who visited the medicine-less hospital to receive healing did not
necessarily have any prior knowledge of Qigong. The basic principles were therefore explained
during their introduction to Zhineng Qigong Science.

Hua Xia Zhineng Qigong Training Centre

Participants were first introduced to Qi, where the meaning of Qigong was explained, as well as
the difference between Zhineng Qigong and other types of Qigong. They learned that, in essence,
the practice of Zhineng Qigong improves and strengthens the function and ability of the human
being on a physical, emotional and mental level, simultaneously developing their wisdom and
intelligence, and influencing the way that they understand life.

At this stage, participants were ready to be introduced to the theories and the methods of
Zhineng Qigong. Dr Pang’s lectures explained the characteristics of Zhineng Qigong, based on
the complete theories of Zhineng Qigong Science, namely the Hunyuan Whole Entity Theory, the
Hunyuan Qi Theory and the Yi Yuan Ti (Mind Oneness Entity) Theory.

In addition to Dr Pang’s lectures, the complete method system of practice, including the skills and
techniques, were shared with participants by their class teachers.

The Zhineng Qigong Methods were taught by a group of teachers at the medicine-less hospital,
as Dr Pang did not teach these himself. During the 24 days and 50 days that people spent at the
medicine-less hospital, they were taught Level 1 of Zhineng Qigong Science, namely the “Hold
Qi Up and Pour Qi Down” Method, the “Three Centres Merge Standing Posture” Method, “Wall
Squats”, “Chen Qi”, and “La Qi” for healing and organising the Qi field for healing.

Participants also learned the Eight Verses song called the Eight Verses of Meditation.

This formed the content of the 24-day and 50-day healing retreats at the medicine-less hospital.

Dr Pang’s teachings went into the details of the Hunyuan Qi Theory because, in order to practice
Zhineng Qigong using Hunyuan Qi, it is necessary to understand its meaning. He explained
Hunyuan Qi and which levels are used when practicing. He also explained that there is a
difference between your own life Hunyuan Qi and the Hunyuan Qi of nature, and that there are
different levels of Hunyuan Qi in nature, for instance, the primordial Hunyuan Qi of the universe.


4. Recovering your Health

People arrived at the medicine-less hospital with different kinds of diseases. Around 20% of them
were very ill. Many of them did not want to go to “normal” medical hospitals and preferred to
seek help at the medicine-less hospital. There they were coached and trained in the use of external
Hunyuan Qi. The teachers assisted them by giving them Hunyuan Qi therapy treatments, and
many of them recovered by combining these treatments with self-healing. This was despite the
diagnosis of Western medical doctors where, in certain cases, people were told that they would
not live longer than, for example, one month. In many of these cases, the patients recovered fully
and are still alive and healthy even after 30 years. When Western medicine could not help them,
they came to the medicine-less hospital and, through the Hunyuan Qi Therapy treatments they
received, studied and practiced themselves, they recovered fully.

Many people recovered within the 24 days or 50 days of the healing retreat. After receiving these
treatments, they found that their symptoms were gone. Upon visiting the hospital for a check-up
20 days later, it was found that many of their problems were resolved. Over 16% of the cancer
patients recovered completely, as subsequently confirmed by hospital tests. With diabetics, the
recovery rate was over 19%. Over 40% of people with gallbladder or kidney stones recovered. For
those with high blood pressure, the recovery rate was over 65%. Others recovered in the following
months by rigorously continuing to practice back home.

Other people had been in car accidents, resulting in broken spines. They could not walk after
these accidents and were bedridden or in wheelchairs. After attending the healing retreat at the
medicine-less hospital and studying for one month, they would return home, continuing to
practice seriously by themselves, and eventually fully recovering. Some people went to extreme
lengths, such as the man who practiced every day for never less than two to three hours per day.
On some days he would practice for up to eight hours. Because he was bedridden, he had plenty
of time to practice. After three years, he could walk and even run again, despite initially having
been told by his doctors that he would never walk again. In other cases, people with damaged
spines, who could not even stand up, recovered completely in less than three months. There is a
beautiful book available called 101 Miracles detailing more than a hundred of these stories.


All participants in the 24-day and 50-day healing retreat learned how to gather the Qi of nature
through La Qi, sending the Qi to their own bodies to do self-healing. Some of these people came
from very poor families and they could only afford to stay for 24 days. To help these people, they
were taught, within those 24 days, how to use the external Hunyuan Qi and to organize the Qi
field for their own self-healing practice. After the 24day healing retreat, they were already getting
better and, when they went back home, they continued to practice self-healing by themselves.
Many of these people also completely recovered, some after another month or two, while others
recovered after half a year, or even up to three years later.

In the medicine-less hospital, people were never given any medicine. If a patient had medicine
in their possession when they arrived, they were advised to continue taking their medicine, but
to combine it with Zhineng Qigong practice. Only when they were visibly getting better were
they able to reduce their medicine intake until they were fully recovered and could stop taking
the medicine altogether. The doctors at the medicine-less hospital did check-ups to determine
whether the patients were truly getting better and, if so, their medicine was reduced. Apart from
this, participants in the programme were not given any medicine. The only medicine used at the
medicine-less hospital was Hunyuan Qi, given while receiving treatments.


5. The Method

5.1 Using external Hunyuan Qi for healing

External Qi
There are two sources of Qi: the external Qi or Qi of nature, and the Qi of the human body
(internal Qi). These two are in continuous interrelation and interpenetration – they transform,
balance and benefit each other, and thus represent the very evolution and regeneration of life.

For therapists, this is about how to use Hunyuan Qi to give treatments and how to use Hunyuan
Qi for healing. Using external Qi for healing applies to both self-healing and giving Hunyuan Qi
Therapy treatments to others. Zhineng Qigong is an open system, meaning that when Hunyuan
Qi therapy is used for healing, external Qi, or Hunyuan Qi, is used to do treatments so that the
therapist does not lose their own life energy.

Hunyuan Qi
In the science of Zhineng Qigong, the specific term “Hunyuan” refers to the merging of
substances and their transformation into a whole entity (or holon, from the Greek). The famous
yin-yang symbol represents this principle.

“Hunyuan Qi” is formed by the merging of two or more substances. It has three forms of
existence: physical matter, energy and information. It thus represents the informational content
of all objects in the universe with its own nonlocal, holistic information substructure.

Through Qigong practice, you consciously exchange your own life Hunyuan Qi with the
Hunyuan Qi of nature. In this way, you gather and absorb the Hunyuan Qi of nature inwardly
so that your own life Qi is recharged. In recharging your life Qi this way, it becomes abundant.
The Chinese teach that if the vital Qi of your body becomes abundant, the “evil” Qi, or “evil”
information, cannot harm you.

In using Hunyuan Qi for healing, you do not use your own life energy. In Zhineng Qigong, the
Hunyuan Qi of nature is used. For example, La Qi is used for healing through the open-close
movement in order to consciously collect and gather the Hunyuan Qi of nature. By gathering the
Hunyuan Qi of nature and using the consciousness of your mind to integrate with this external
Qi, the Hunyuan Qi is created and sent to clients with a healing intention.

5.2 Where the mind goes, the Qi follows the flow

In his lectures, Dr Pang addressed the very important principle of using our consciousness.
Consciousness is unique to human beings and, in the process of living our daily lives, we always
use the consciousness of our true self, or “Yi Yuan Ti”. It is very important to know how to use the
consciousness of our “Yi Yuan Ti”, to help us to live our lives in an honourable way. The Hunyuan
Qi, or the energy, follows the mind’s intention to work and it immediately manifests as true. If
your mindset or thoughts are unhealthy consciousness activities, the Qi will be created to work
according to these unhealthy consciousness activities, and this can result in mental, emotional or
physical illness.

Likewise, if you have a healthy mindset and positive thoughts, the consciousness activities of your
true self will be honourable and healthy. This will cause the Hunyuan Qi to work according to
these positive, honourable consciousness activities, bringing value and resulting in great mental,
emotional and physical benefits. These healthy consciousness activities improve and strengthen
the function and ability of your body, which will therefore become healthier. The mind becomes
peaceful and clear, your emotions positive and more joyful. Your body becomes healthier with a
heart of true love.

The principles and laws of Hunyuan Qi are applied in order to use our consciousness to work
towards our life intentions. Qigong for self-healing is also practiced this way. Once participants
in the 24-day and 50-day healing retreats understood the Hunyuan Qi Theory, the next step was
to learn about Yi Yuan Ti. Dr Pang used a simple way to teach beginners about it, explaining
it as the holistic existence of our own true self, or the oneness of body and mind. All activities
of consciousness take place within Yi Yuan Ti, or within the complete true self. After learning
about the function, ability, features and characteristics of Yi Yuan Ti, participants could apply
its conscious ability and the Hunyuan Qi Theory in order to use the mastery of consciousness to
practice Qigong.

Yi Yuan Ti
Yi Yuan Ti is developed by the whole entity of the human brain; it is a formless existence – the
information substance existence. Yi Yuan Ti is the Qi of the central nervous system of humans,
which can be thought of as the foundation of human consciousness. In contrast to the two
other types of Qi, namely the Primeval Hunyuan Qi and Hunyuan Qi, Yi Yuan Ti has initiative
(autonomy and intention) and selectivity.

A person who learns to stay mindful and focused, as taught in Qigong training, has the ability to
direct Qi to chosen targets, to manifest healing or other life intentions. The main functions of Yi
Yuan Ti are to receive information, store information, process information, select information,
create and send information.


6. Selected Lessons of the Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Centre

6.1 Discover the power of consciousness

It is important to understand the power of our consciousness. The Hunyuan Qi Theory explains
that the Hunyuan Qi, with our Yi Yuan Ti, can pass through everything, break down anything,
generate anything and bring everything back to recovery, because those are the abilities of
the Yi Yuan Ti. It is through these abilities of our true self, the Yi Yuan Ti, that we can use our
consciousness according to the basic law of nature, namely life’s perfect development and the
principles and laws of our consciousness; in other words, the conscious law of life’s self-perfection
of development. This is how we use our consciousness in an honourable direction, to bring our
lives onto the right path.

Other Qigong systems also teach the use of consciousness. There are four basic concepts in
Qigong practice that are the same for all Qigong systems, and are done in the same way: using
consciousness, regulating body posture, cultivating your morality, and regulating your breathing.
In Zhineng Qigong, regulating our breathing simply means to breathe naturally, while Traditional
Qigong has a specific approach to breathing.

6.2 Cultivating morality of the heart and mind

Another lecture that Dr Pang liked to share was the one on cultivating your morality. Cultivating
the morality of your heart and mind is the foundation of the Qigong practice and the foundation
practice of Zhineng Qigong Science. Using consciousness is the keystone. When we cultivate
the morality of our heart and mind, it means that we are cultivating our own Hunyuan Qi. This
relates to the internal world of the true self, or the self centre.

Within the self centre there are several parts. One such part we call the ego centre, the ego of
our self. Another part relates to the ethical standards of our self. The ethical standards are our
virtues, which relate to our morality. Yet another part is the selfish requirement of the self centre.
Everyone has their own selfish requirements of the heart and mind while going about their daily
lives. These three parts represent our own ego, our own selfish heart and mind requirement, and
our own ethical standards or virtue of the heart, also referred to as the morality of the heart.
Together these three parts form our internal self centre.

In going through life, most people use these three parts together in order to measure the things
happening in their daily lives. If we measure what is happening in this way, and it fulfills our ego,
the needs of our selfish hearts and minds, and our ethical standards or virtues, or morality, then
we accept it and we enjoy it.

If what happening is measured against these parts and they do not fulfill what we want, based on
these three parts, then we become fearful, worried, angry, unhappy or sad, and we cannot accept
it. When this happens, it burns the vital energy of our bodies and we lose life energy. This is why
we need to cultivate our morality, and by this we mean cultivating our own life Hunyuan Qi, the
vitality energy of our bodies. If we properly cultivate our own life Qi Hunyuan Qi, we do not ever
lose it. This means that we do not lose it through our emotions or negative thoughts of the heart
and mind, and we can live more healthily and be stronger. The immune system of the body also
becomes stronger.

Dr Pang gave an example of cultivating the morality of the heart. When two people meet
each other, and one tells the other that she has an ugly face, that person will immediately feel
unhappiness in her heart. The minute we get upset with another person, we start to lose our life
energy, or to burn our life energy. If we keep an open heart and mind, and say to ourselves that
that is just the other person’s view, and that we genuinely feel happy and enjoy life regardless
of what the person said; if we know that we have inner beauty and believe that we are beautiful
people inside and out, we can continue to happily enjoy life from our own perspective and not
endure the other person’s opinion. We can simply smile and say “thank you, that’s your point of
view, but I am a beautiful person, heart and soul”. In this way, we can be happy without losing any
vital life energy.

Many people get sick because they do not know how to cultivate the morality of their heart and
mind. When things happen in their lives and their emotions surface, they develop unhealthy,
negative thoughts through their habitual behaviour. This brings more negative emotions, burning
the vital energy inside their bodies, and causing them to lose life Qi and to develop problems.

Modern scientific studies have found that over 85% of diseases in the human body are caused by
our negative mindset and emotions. Everyone knows this, but they do not know how to resolve it.
In Zhineng Qigong, the “Hun Yuan Ling Tong” and “Hao La” approach is followed to transform
all negative information into positive information, and to consciously and happily live this way.
At the medicine-less hospital, this really important lecture changed the lives of many people.


6.3 The importance of free-flowing blood and Qi

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, when Qi and blood are flowing freely, hundreds
of diseases will not be able to develop in the body. When the life force of Qi is abundant, it is
important for the Qi and blood to flow freely, so that the Qi pathways can support the exchange
of Qi. In this way, all the functions of transforming, transporting and transferring Qi are normal.
When the Qi and blood are flowing freely, the functions and abilities of the body are also normal.
Many diseases can be overcome when the recovery functions of the body, as well as the body,
become stronger and stronger.

6.4 The importance of the correct body posture

Dr Pang’s lectures moved on from the Hunyuan Qi Theory, to the importance of the correct
body posture. The correct posture mobilises the energy or the Qi to flow in the right channel,
which improves and strengthens the function and ability of the body. Equally, the wrong posture
will mobilise the Qi to flow into the wrong channel, ultimately causing problems. If you observe
people in daily life, you often notice that people who have neck or lower back problems are those
who have adopted an incorrect sitting or standing posture. For example, if you lean your head
to one side while you are watching a movie because it feels more comfortable, this posture will
eventually result in neck problems if you do this regularly over a period of years. The correct
neck and head posture will not lead to problems. For this reason, the lecture on the requirement
of adopting the correct body posture was an important one at the medicine-less hospital.
Participants were taught the correct, upright posture for each body part, from the head to the

6.5 The motion law of Hunyuan Qi

Hunyuan Qi is governed by certain principles and laws, one of which is the law of motion of
Hunyuan Qi. Here we are referring to the movements open-close, out-in, expand-contract
and transform. According to the Hunyuan Qi Theory and Dr Pang’s point of view, we see that
everything in the whole universe follows this law of motion and the transformation of life’s
activities. For example, human beings breathe in and then breathe out. This is the open-close
movement of releasing and absorbing. Our lungs expand and contract. The heart also follows the
motion of expanding and contracting. Through medical scientific studies, it has been discovered
that the cells inside our bodies also follow the motion of expansion and contraction. These are all
examples of the law of motion.


6.6 The law of change and transformation of Hunyuan Qi

The other law governing the Hunyuan Qi is the law of change and transformation of life’s
perfection of development. When the Hunyuan Qi is gathering, fusing and condensing, the
Hunyuan Qi forms energy, and then this energy continues the process of fusing and condensing
so that the energy transforms into physical matter. Looking at it another way, we see that when
the Hunyuan Qi dissolves, releases and disappears, physical matter can be melted, released and
dissolved, disappearing by transforming into energy. The energy then dissolves, releases and
transforms into Hunyuan Qi, with no physical form.

In our daily lives, we see examples of this law, for example, when we burn wood. The physical
structure of the wood disappears as it turns into heat, energy and fire. When the fire is gone,
the Qi of the wood still exists in that space, but we cannot see it and feel it as it has become
formless. An example of the process in reverse is, for example, when you cannot see individual
water molecules but, when many of these individual water molecules are gathered together, they
transform into clouds. If the process of gathering the water molecules together is continued, they
eventually transform into water drops and then become rain. If the temperature goes down, these
drops can become snow or hail. All of these processes are examples of the law of transformation,
also called the law of change and transformation of life’s perfection of development.

According to the Hunyuan Theory, everything and all living beings in the universe always behave
according to the law of motion and the law of transformation of life’s perfection of development,
through the activities of life’s transformation in the present. This process never, ever stops.
Beginners are taught that physical matter forms energy and energy forms Hunyuan Qi. Once the
beginners have progressed in their Zhineng Qigong scientific studies, they are taught that energy
forms information. Looking at it another way, when Hunyuan Qi is gathered, it forms energy.
Gathering energy forms physical matter that we can see, thus changing the structure of the
Hunyuan Qi. The physical structure, the energy field structure and the Hunyuan Qi structure are
referred to as the information structure of Hunyuan Qi, with exchanges taking place between the


6.7 The present: the best moment to live your life

Each present moment of life is different, even though they seem similar. In Zhineng Qigong it
is believed that each present moment of life is perfect and beautiful. This means that nothing is
ever wrong or bad. Even when someone is experiencing pain, this experience too is perfect. The
present always shows us the best moment of life and therefore the present is the best moment in
which to live life. This is also how Hunyuan Qi therapy healing is done.

6.8 Organising the Qi field: the power of the group

Another practice that Dr Pang shared with participants in the 24-day and 50-day healing retreats
at the medicine-less hospital, was how to organise the Qi field in order to use it to help us in our
daily lives, in our practice, our self-healing, and to assist in the process of giving treatments to

Organising the Qi field is a specific Zhineng Qigong Science practice technique. For whatever
you do as a beginner, advanced student, teacher or Master, you always organise a Qi field.
Teaching at the medicine-less hospital took the form of teaching through demonstrating physical
movements, teaching verbally, as well as teaching through the heart and mind. In Zhineng
Qigong, teaching through the heart and mind is done by organising a Qi field.

Everyone and everything has its own energy field. By organising the energy field, or the Hunyuan
Qi field, your Yi Yuan Ti is allowed, together with your own true self, to consciously integrate
with your whole body Qi field, or life Qi field, into oneness. Then you consciously cause your
life Qi field to integrate with the Hunyuan Qi field of nature, or the Hunyuan Qi field of another,
thereby transforming it into one huge, strong, energy field, or Hunyuan Qi field. You must
always consciously remain aware that you are living inside this Hunyuan Qi field, filled with only
positive, healthy life information.

Many people benefited greatly at the medicine-less hospital, because an extremely powerful
Hunyuan Qi field was set up there. Westerners call this an energy field, but in Zhineng Qigong
is referred to as the Hunyuan Qi field. When people practice in a group, the group Hunyuan
Qi field is stronger than the Qi field of a single person. When hundreds or thousands of people
practiced together at the medicine-less hospital, you could feel the energy field become even
more powerful. In the summer of 1994, there were over 7 000 people practicing a strong powerful
Qi field, practicing at the same time. Many people recovered from different kinds of illnesses in
less than an hour of practice. That is how powerful the group Qi field is.


6.9 Handling Qi reactions: the effectiveness of Qi healing

Dr Pang also presented a lecture on how to correctly deal with Qi reactions. Because Qigong
practice is so effective, it is easy to get a Qi reaction. Different Qi reactions will result from the
process of the body recovering during Zhineng Qigong practice. It is a good thing when you
develop a Qi reaction as a result of practicing, and you should continue practicing. When the Qi
reaction is over, you will notice that your body has really changed and is much healthier, with
fewer problems than before.

There are many types of Qi reactions, such as the Qi reaction when the Qi penetrates into the
disease itself and, as a result, the disease is released or melted away. There can also be a Qi
reaction when the ability of the body to function recovers. This is called a progress Qi reaction.
There are many types and levels of Qi reaction, which we call “cleaning the thoughts of the mind”
Qi reaction, or “developing the super intelligence ability” Qi reaction, and so on.

Beginner practitioners easily get Qi reactions, which often take the form of a fever. This is not like
the fever you develop when you are ill. The symptoms of a fever developed during a Qi reaction
and those developed because of a fever resulting from an illness, are different and feel different.
The mind of a sick person with a fever is not clear and the person usually also has a headache. If
the fever is the result of a Qi reaction, the mind is very clear, there is no headache and the body
is energised. Feverish, sick people have low energy levels. Another example of a Qi reaction is
diarrhea. If the diarrhea is a Qi reaction, you will not get very tired and will in fact feel very
energetic, no matter how many times you go to the toilet. On the other hand, if the diarrhea is as
a result of an illness, you will feel very tired and will have low energy levels, even if you go to the
toilet only once or twice.

Qi reactions are good and you should be extremely happy when this happens. Normally, within
three to five days, but no longer than a week, you will fully recover and your body will be
permanently healthier and stronger. Of course, if you are not really sure whether you are dealing
with a Qi reaction, you can visit your doctor for a check-up. If he finds nothing wrong, then you
can be sure that it is a Qi reaction. Qi reactions were a common occurrence at the medicine-less


6.10 Believing in your own self-healing ability

Believing in your self-healing ability means trusting your intentions. This is not the same as
trusting your intuition. The teachers at the medicine-less hospital taught the Zhineng Qigong
Methods to those taking part in the 24-day or 50-day healing retreats. These classes consisted of
between 30 to 65 students. In these classes participants were taught to believe in their own self-
healing ability, trusting their intentions.

Our self-healing ability is not only a reference to our physical self-healing ability. The physical
self-healing ability relates to what Western medicine refers to as the physical immune system. In
Zhineng Qigong, the immune system and the self-healing ability each consist of different parts.
One is a conscious self-healing ability, which is like the immune system referred to in Western
medicine. The other is the mental immune system, which is the conscious immune system. The
conscious immune system results in a conscious self-healing ability. Therefore, you need to trust
your willpower, or the willpower of your conscious ability of the true self.

You also need to trust and believe in the self-healing ability of your emotion hormone immune
system. This is when people experience the power of love from a true heart, the joy of happiness,
really showing the power of positive emotions. Happiness and joy from the heart improves and
strengthens the function and ability of the chemical reactions within the hormone system of the
physical body. If you live in this way, you live with your heart and mind completely open, happily
enjoying your life in the present. This is how to train a powerful intention, and where the slogan
“powerful intention, perfect life, hao la, hao” comes from. At the medicine-less hospital students
were coached to fully trust their own intention and their self-healing ability.

In addition, the Hunyuan Qi field of the body has a self-healing ability called the body’s Qi
field self-healing ability, as well as a natural self-healing ability and a conscious self-healing
ability. In Zhineng Qigong you learn how to use the conscious ability of the true self to improve
and strengthen the ability of your conscious self-healing ability. This is used to improve and
strengthen the natural self-healing ability of your body, which improves your general health even

7. The medicine-less hospital of today

Even though the medicine-less hospital no longer exists, the work that started there is being
continued today. In 2001, Dr Pang consciously closed the medicine-less hospital, known as
the Hua Xia Zhineng Qigong Centre, which had three divisions: the Hua Xia Zhineng Qigong
Training Centre, the Hua Xia Zhineng Qigong Healing Centre and the Hua Xia Zhineng Qigong
Research Centre. All three divisions were closed at the same time, and all the teachers and
Masters returned home.

Today, more and more of these former medicine-less hospital Masters and teachers are sharing
Zhineng Qigong in their local communities, as it was practiced and taught at the medicine-less
hospital, in order to help people. They continue to share Zhineng Qigong Science and teach about
the body’s self-healing ability.

Some teachers travel around the world to continue to spread the word about Zhineng Qigong
Science in order to help people outside of China. The Zhineng Qigong Science, methods and
theories that are shared by these travelling teachers and Masters are the same as those taught
at the medicine-less hospital before its closure. In respect of the methods, Levels 1, 2 and 3 are
taught. For Level 1, the methods include Holding Qi Up and Pouring Qi Down, Three Centres
Merge, Chen Qi, La Qi and Wall Squats. For Level 2, the methods are the Body and Mind
Method, Tapping Along the Meridian Channels, the Taiji Ball and also the latest methods as
taught by Dr Pang, namely the Eight Methods of Qi Practice, like Swallowing Qi, Massaging Qi,
Chen Qi, La Qi, Uniting Qi, Transforming Qi, and so on. Level 3 methods include the Five Zhang
Organs Oneness Hunyuan Method, relating to the Five Zhang Organs, emotions and chanting.

The theories taught today are the Theories of the Hunyuan Whole Entity of Zhineng Qigong
Science, namely the Hunyuan Qi Theory, the Hunyuan Qi Field Theory and the Yi Yuan Ti
Theory. The medicine-less hospital programme was a Hunyuan Qi Therapy Programme and
teaching is continuing today on the same basis.

Since 2006, Master Yuantong Liu has been presenting healing retreats in China, inviting friends
from the West to visit his home to attend a two- to three-week healing retreat, where the
programme is as exactly the same as at the medicine-less hospital. Other teachers started doing
the same thing.

In 2009, Master Yuantong Liu started developing the idea of training international Hunyuan
Qi therapists to take the healing programme of the medicine-less hospital to the outside world.
There are not many Chinese Zhineng Qigong teachers or Masters, so training Hunyuan Qi
therapists in their own countries would enable such therapists to take the Hunyuan Qi healing
therapy programme of the medicine-less hospital into the world. With this in mind, Master
Yuantong Liu continued training people at his home for four years, from 2011 to 2014.


In 2011, Master Yuantong Liu met Britta Stalling. She was part of the first group of international
Hunyuan Qi therapists trained by Master Liu. In 2014, they discussed the value of taking the
Hunyuan Qi Therapy Programme, as it used to be offered at the medicine-less hospital, to the
rest of the world. In 2015, Master Yuantong Liu and Britta jointly established the International
Hunyuan Qi Therapy Organisation. They have been training therapists through this organisation
ever since. Every year they have three group training events, training people across the various

The Hunyuan Qi Therapy Programme that is currently offered by Master Yuantong Liu and
Britta Stalling is the same as what was taught at the medicine-less hospital, but with the added
benefit of sharing the theories and philosophies as developed by Dr Pang after he consciously
closed the medicine-less hospital in 2001. Since then, Dr Pang has worked at home, writing many
new books and continuing to evolve the Theories of Hunyuan Whole Entity, namely the Theory
of Hunyuan Qi and the Theory of Yi Yuan Ti, bringing them to another level. He subsequently
developed a new philosophy called the Hypothesis of Three Levels of Substances Philosophy. This
new philosophy really brought the Hunyuan Qi Theory and the Yi Yuan Ti Theory (the Theories
of Hunyuan Whole Entity) to a higher level, completing the theories of Hunyuan Qi and Yi Yuan
Ti. It became a scientific study and, based on this new philosophy, many scientific studies have
been done, with the complete Theories of Hunyuan Whole Entity now called the Three Levels
of Substances Philosophy. As a result, the therapists trained today through the International
Hunyuan Qi Therapy Organisation in the Hunyuan Qi Therapy Programme are also being
trained to integrate the new philosophy with the medicine-less hospital’s healing programme,
evolving it into an exciting new programme, and becoming more and more successful.

Dr Pang was very happy about the Hunyuan Qi Therapy Programme

and the International Hunyuan Qi Therapy Organisation when
he was informed about this in 2016/17. Other Masters prefer not
to train therapists, but they do offer healing retreats, also with the
same programme as was followed at the medicine-less hospital.
The Hunyuan Qi Therapy Programme offered by the International
Hunyuan Qi Therapy Organisation is currently the only programme
of its kind training therapists according to the teachings and
programme followed at the medicine-less hospital before its closure,
but also incorporating the Three Levels of Substances Philosophy
Hunyuan Qi Therapy
that was subsequently developed by Dr Pang.
Training in China

By consciously closing the medicine-less hospital, Dr

Pang in fact paved the way for Master Liu and other
Masters and teachers to take the medicine-less hospital’s
work to the whole world, training international Hunyuan
Qi therapists to bring the medicine-less hospital to their
own countries to help their own people. This is the great
value of the programme, namely that the world his now
an arena for a big medicine-less hospital.
Hunyuan Qi Therapy 20
Training on Cyprus

8. In conclusion

The Hua Xia Zhineng Qigong Healing Centre may have closed its physical doors in China in
2001, but in reality, it never really closed. Its wisdom and teachings live on worldwide in the
Masters, teachers and therapists who are still sharing, teaching and training in the methods of
Zhineng Qigong science today.

With an open heart and mind, control of one’s own consciousness is not only possible, but a
logical outcome. A properly set healing intention for yourself and others is already the start of
a healthier and more authentic life! We must learn to control our thoughts and know how to
activate the Hun Yuan Qi for holistic health promotion to heal ourselves and others to live our
best life. – Yuantong Liu

Zhineng Qigong Students Hub:

To learn the “Hold Qi Up and Pour Qi Down” Method:

Or contact a Zhineng Qigong Teacher of your choice:

For the Hunyuan Qi Therapy Programme:

To get in touch with Master Yuantong Liu:

Lessons from the Medicine-less Hospital

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