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Activity 1.2.

Activity & Answer Sheet

Basic Outputs Programming (Distance Learning)

Objective: Students will use VEXcode VR to control outputs.


Computer programs are used in many applications in our daily life. Devices that are
controlled by a processor are called outputs. These devices have a variety of functions
such as producing motion, light, and sound. In this activity, you will use VEXcode
VR to control outputs.

1. Navigate to VEXcode VR.
2. Near the PLAYGROUND button, click the   (Monitor) button to open the
Monitor panel.

3. Review the following algorithm expressed in natural language.

Display the message “Hello World” on two lines of output using two different
colors of text.

4. In the Looks section of Vexcode VR are three blocks, whose actions can be
abbreviated as:
 print
 set print color
 next line
Using the abbreviations, write pseudocode for the natural language algorithm

5. Create a program based on your pseudocode. Select Playground and use the
Grid Map playground shown in the dropdown list. Click the Play button to test
Activity 1.2.3
Activity & Answer Sheet

your program. Observe that the printed output appears in the lower section of
the Monitor panel.

Screen clip your code and Monitor panel with the “Hello World” message.

Part 1: Planning an Algorithm

You will design an algorithm that displays a specific message every time you run the

Figure 2. Output to Duplicate

6. Create pseudocode for your program. 
Activity 1.2.3
Activity & Answer Sheet

7. After you have completed your pseudocode, write your program. Before you
run your program, you need to click the CLEAR button in the lower section of
the monitor to remove the previously printed text. In addition to the play and
reset buttons in the PLAYGROUND view  START and   STOP buttons
are above the Monitor button. Use these to run your program.

8. Test and debug your code until your output matches the output in Figure 2, and
you can get the output repeatedly by only clicking stop and start without using
the Clear button. This may require a new block that you did not pseudocode.
(*Hint: You can use the clear all rows block, placed at the beginning of
your algorithm, to clear any output from previous programs.)
9. Screen clip your code and Monitor panel.
Activity 1.2.3
Activity & Answer Sheet

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