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The first picture I am proud of is myself because of all the years and
dedication I have put into football. I have been playing football for ten years
and have been on countless competitive teams and traveled up and down
California for. I won two defensive player of the years in highschool and in
hopes to get my third defensive player of the year and also get first team all
league in the district.

2. The second picture that I am proud of are my grades. I am proud of my

grades because of how many hours and studying I have done and it finally
paid off in the end because I have got accepted into all the schools I
applied for and I’m going into my first year of college paid off already. It
feels good knowing that I won’t be in debt because of all my hard work.

3. The third picture that I am proud of is my family. They strive me to be the best
that I can be. I have three siblings and a Mother that I live with. They are my
support system and I would have no idea what I would do without them. I love
them with my heart and it’s going to be hard next year when I move out the
house into a dorm and not see them there.

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