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Are you getting enough exercise?

using a lot of energy to do something

Many students in Taiwan are vigorous to study because the final exam is coming.

walk slowly

Every time my co-workers see me sauntering in the office, they think I’m lazy.

quick and energetic (the opposite of sauntering)

When every time I am running I feel brisk.

When I am running I feel brisk.

Every time I am running I feel brisk.

Jump rope make me feel brisk.

Jump rope makes me feel brisk.

build something in (to your day or your life)

include it from the beginning

I try to build learning English to my life by listening BBC learning English.

I try to build my English skills by listening to BBC learning English.

I try to build positive thoughts by being grateful to all the things I get every day.

gradually increasing in size

I hope my wealth gain incrementally.

sedentary (job or life)

Most people live a sedentary life.

Should we wear face masks?
difficult to interpret because it seems to have two opposite or contradictory meanings

it stands to reason (that)

is obviously true from the facts

heated debate
discussion or argument in which people become angry and excited

sending out into the air, for example a noise or smell or a virus

mask shaming
criticising, mocking or humiliating someone for not wearing a face covering

false sense of security

belief that you are safe when you are not

Objectification: is there really a perfect body?

the noun for when we reduce a human being to an object, we don't think of them as a
real person anymore

role model
someone whose behaviour is a good example that others want to copy 

aspire to
aim to be, hope to achieve

an adjective for something that is bad for you, something that has a negative effect
the term for someone who is so obsessed with their own body and life that they don't
care about anyone else

self-conscious (about their body)

someone embarrassed about their body losing confidence in themselves as a result

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