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Dream 11-07-2020

I visit the apartment of a physician who may also be a friend. He examins my pectoral region near the
nipple where there are some bumps. He rubbs some ointment on the area, perhaps as a precaution for
lice, since he knows I'm in martial arts attending a MMA gym. The bumps have nothing to do with that,
however. They have to do with pumping up my nipples to temporarily enlarge them, simulating female
breasts. It's part of a secret transgender fetish perversion.

The fellow is younger than me (reminds me of Joe Woo* PM&R/sports med). At the end of the physical
he asks if I can pay him $5.00. I say, "you mean as a copay?" But then I catch on that he wants me to
make regular payments, which, I presume, is to support a drug habit. I refuse, but tell him I'll give him
free therapy and martial arts instruction as a way to treat his addiction.

Turns out that he practiced martial arts, too, but found it impossible to apply it advantageously. Could
never throw anyone, except by strength. So, I explain principles of balance/offbalancing and lowering
the center of gravity relative to the opponant's center. For this I use two sticks, one long and one short.

Joe quickly loses interest and turns his attention to family matters. Apparently a relative has dropped off
a little girl he must watch. She is here. I turn my attention to her, maybe showing her the lesson with
the sticks. Of course she is too young to get it, but she does take the sticks and play with them.

In any event, I see that Joe is young, overwhelmed by responsibility, and needs time to mature and grow,
part of which he must do by bearing with his drug problem. The drug problem is actually a part of the
growth process. He must accept working it through before he can overcome it. It actually helps keep his
head above water. As Jung pointed out, the symptom is the key to (symbol of) the cure.

I leave Joe, or then he takes me out of his apartment through the basement of the apartment building to
a place with drawing boards and studios. It recalls the Kubert School, which BTW was established in a
real old fashioned school building, similar to this one. At first it is unrecognizable as such. it's more like
the Blakeslee Garage.

I'm in a room where I see drawings on bristol board. One is of interior design showing a row of track
lights that is supposed to be in perspective, but looks distorted. I start to give a suggestion, then hold my
tongue when I realize that there is more to it than I thought. The young man who did this is being
reviewed by the instructor, so I just hold my piece and soak up what I can. That seems to be the right
move, since after that I'm not only allowed to tag along, but am given a tour and assigned some tasks to

Feels good to be part of the group, though I'm not sure what our activity is all about. We are in the dirt
on hands and knees picking up staples (reminds me of 1) picking brass at the range, and 2) making the
targets on my living room floor pulling and resuing the staples). In any event, I'm aware that the dirt may
be contaminated with toxins from the garage (i.e. as toxins from the range). It doesn't stop me from
putting my heart into it. In fact, I start coaching others on how to pick the staples and put them bottle
caps for collection. My thought is that if we do this mindfully everytime, there won't be all these staples
littered about.

From here I wander over to an outlying area where there is a sylvan glade in which some fellow is
dressed in Japanese garb, wearing a western holster and gun, and practicing with a samurai sword. He is
Jewish, has a black beard, glasses and yamacca. May be pudgy. I see, too that there is another man
similarly dressed ; he is older. He turns out to be Joe Kubert. I then understand that this fellow and
others are immitating JK, who is the master.

As I go over to get a closer look and inspect the details of the carryings on, the young man tells me not
to cross the pond. He means a n oval of rich dark soil, covered in dark leaves that have been moisten
with buckes of water, so it's a mud pit of sorts. The area is assigned the role of a pond. I'm to pretend it
is a pond, or treat it as such. I am a little pissed off that he demands that I play along with him on this,
but I take it that it is one of the rules of this place or organization, so , despite the illogic, I concede. I try
to ascertain what purpose it serves in the training ritual/game. I suppose that it would spoil the mood if
someone walked on the water.

Soon after that I am met by Joe Kubert regailed in kimono, sword and six gun. It's a friendly, glancing
moment and he quickly moves along, yet it seems to be a moment of recognition and validation
showing everyone, including me, that, yes, indeed, I belong here and am accepted - that I'm not a
foreign body/stranger to be expelled.



* Just realized this now (2:35 PM !2/30/2020) - I had this dream and recorded it on the morning that I
later drove to Halterman's to drop the warranty and service contract, after which I visited Sunset Hill.
After inquiring after an RSO position, I was encouraged to apply. I FILLED OUT A JOB APPLICATION they
handed me and HANDED OVER MY ART RESUME! At first I was told to wait for the manager. But then,
turned out, he was occupied. So Reggie told me he'd call me. Several days passed and he didn't call me.
So toward the end of the week I assembled a better bunch of materials, professional resume, martial
arts resume, safety report, etc., and sent them off on December 11. After two weeks, still no response,
so on the 26th of December I sent an e-mail to follow-up on receipt of the materials. Plan to wait until
Jan 2nd before taking another step.

After some research online, identified the characters from the dream: Joe is like Max Hyun, practitioner
of Chinese Medicine and pistol sharpshooter, with whom I experienced strong resonance. The bearded
man resembles Range Master Dylan Molinaro. General Manager Carl Cimino resembles the Joe Kubert

May come to nothing, but, Gosh! It does look like a map for manifesting reality.

All of this closely resembles the experience of 1982 that opened with a dream of Bryant Avenue and
climaxed when, on my return from an interview at the soundshore district, I turned into the gates of NYH
onto Bryant Avenue, where I put in applications for two posted positions, qualified for one (CSS Case
Mgr) and, eventually got it.

Considering how miserable i was in that job, it's hard to explain my excitement over this dream and
prospective adventure. All I can say is that I'm older, more experienced, and ready to do more work.
Hopefully, with the capability of cultivating the good, enjoying the experience, and not simply enduring
it. Increased insight into my nature should serve me well. If not, the experience will encourage the
necessary growth.

Dream notes:

His name is not Woo, it is Wong. Interesting slip. Points perhaps to Wu? as in Wu Lie, or Wu wei, or
Wei wu wei? Action through inaction, or effortless action, Flow, or effortless being. Reference to the
Tao. In this context it would seem to indicate acceptance of what is, in order to work-through, instead of
stalling which is what happens by resisting/denying what is . Would seem to be supported by his not
being able to use Judo (gentle way, wu wei) effectively.

Make regular payments - reminds me of car installments. (Post Dec. 3rd).

The next part going through the basement reminds me of the interview at Charlton Comics, where I got
a tour of the facility, including the basement where the presses were housed. This, and, increasingly the
rest, seems to presage in highly detailed ways the impromptu job application to Sunset hill exactly one
month to the day later on Dec 7 th 2020.

Interesting equivalence/aggregation of martial arts, guns, range practice and cartooning/art. Invested in
all and despite the change in the focus of interest, none of it would seem to be lost.

Blakeslee garage/art studio: recalls Pocono Pistol Range RSO training and application for employment of
October 18, 2020.

The Pond recalls the firing range at Tobyhanna - a mud pit. Not allowed to cross it when the range is hot.
Rules and regulations form the basis of rituals. More than that, however, as I discovered subsequently,
such a pond actually exists at Sunset Hill. Seeing it in a video online stunned me. It's more of a mud pit
partially filled with water and debris, as described above. It's located toward a glade to the right of the
stalls and short range. This area is cleared for longer distance rifle shooting and trap.

Because my initial application of Dec. 7th, was sloppy and illconsidered - an art resume and a partially
filled out application that I wasn 't prepared to complete - I mailed a packet of application material on
Friday, after receiving no word for an interview (they said the manager would call me, but he didn't.) So,
I wrote a charming cover letter, rehabed a professional resume with supporting materials for Psychology,
Martial Arts, Art. Collected references. Sent it out Friday December 11, 2020. Let's see what happens.

Note that the 2004 Celica at 65K broke down at the range on October 2nd, aniversary of Grizadora's
death. The bottom was rusting. The sub frame finally gave out - strut, knuckle, control arm - causing the
driver's side rear wheel to cave in toward the wheel well. Lucky it happened in the parking lot, not on
the highway at over 70 mph. Was able to use Kevin's Rav4 and truck for a week, then he gave the Rav to
daughter, then moved to Fla. No car for two months. Then December 3rd, bought the 2014 Rav4
Limited. Stressfull time in which I turned inward to dreams, to study Taoism, Narcissism, codependance,
cars, car buying. Time to reflect, then a time to act. Took NRA Course for certification as RSO (October
18th) and submitted resume to Pocono Pistol Range where I took the course since they were soliciting
applications. After buying the Rav4, submitted resume to Sunset Hill Shooting Range.

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