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Civil Engineering project

Minutes of Kick-Off Meeting

Name of Group: Civil Tech Entrepreneurs

Date: 08/12/2020

Location: Zoom (Online Chat Room)

Time: 9:15PM

1. Donna Ramnarine (Group Leader)
2. Jasmine Gayadeen (Member)
3. Kevin Rambally (Member)
4. Abraham Mohamed(Member)
5. Edwin Christmas (Member)
6. Adrian Jogie (Member)

Call to order: Mrs. Donna Ramnarine

Items on the agenda:

 Welcome and introductions

 Project overview
 Roles and responsibilities
 Processes and procedures
 Expectations
 Closing comments
Schedule Discussions:

 Welcome and Introductions

Mrs. Ramnarine greeted all participants in the meeting. All members introduced themselves stating their
strengths toward our project. Mrs. Ramnarine started off by stating her skills also giving everyone at least 2
minutes to state their strongest point to help with the final project. Mrs. Ramnarine said that her strength
sketches and documentation etc., basically all-round anything that need to be done. Ms. Gayadeen stated that
any type of work will work for her, because she adapts to all skills. Mr. Rambally also said that his best strength
was researching information and presenting. Mr. Christmas spoke more on the design and drawing aspect which
fits him best he also said presenting is not a problem to him as well. Mr. Jogie said in the meeting, that wording
any documents was his strongest point. Mr. Mohamed said that summarization of any document and
information research is a skill he is best.

 Project overview:
For our project overview Mrs. Ramnarine discussed the
1. Project Charter
 Background/ Objectives
 Scope/ Risks
 Stakeholders ,Customers or Client
 Managers / Team Members
 Budget / Sponsors / committees
2. Project Proposal

3. Contract
4. Other background documents or information.
Project Name: To reconstruct the Longdeville Community Center and upgrade the
Sporting ground.
Project Sponsor: Self-Sponsored Project Leader: Mrs. Donna Ramnarine
Date of Project: 03/11/2020 Last Date of Project: TBD
Background/Objective: Our main objective is to Reconstruct the Longdenville Community Centre and
Upgrade the Sporting Ground to a comfortable and safe place.

Scope: Crime and Infringement have flooded the streets of central in the recent years
and more young people are engaging themselves in gang-related and sexual
activities. Youths and even minors are under this influenced due to peer
pressure and unhealthy abusive living environments. Hence, the nature of the
project is to Reconstruct the Longdenville Community Centre and Upgrade the
Sporting Ground to a comfortable and safe place where members of all ages in
the community can become involved in social and sporting activities setting
the right part for our future generation.

Stake Holder/ Client: Longdeville Community Center Members.

Team Members: Mrs. Donna Ramnarine, Ms. Jasmine Gayadeen, Mr. Abraham Mohamed, Mr.
Kevin Rambally, Mr. Edwin Christmas, Mr. Adrian Jogie.
Budget/Sponsors/Committee TBD

 Roles and responsibilities:

Name: Role: Responsibility:
Donna Group leader. Project Manager, Organizer, Documenting and research and
Ramnarine Editor, IT specialist. collecting Information
Jasmine Member. Editor, Organizer, IT specialist. Documenting and research and
Gayadeen collecting Information
Kevin Rambally Member. Organizer. Research and Collecting Information
Abraham Member. Organizer. Research and Collecting Information
Edwin Christmas Member. IT specialist, Editor, Organizer. Documenting and research and
collecting Information
Adrian Jogie Member. Organizer. Documenting and research and
collecting Information

Chart Organization

Self sponsored No
Stakeholders Yet

Project manager:
Mrs. Donna Ramnarine

Mr. Kevin Rambally and Mr. Mr. Edwin christmas and Mr.
Abraham mohamed. Mrs. Donna Ramanrine and
Adrian jogie
Ms. Jasmine Gayadeen

 Processes and procedures:

 Expectations:

 Closing comments:

Adjournment: 11:15PM

Name, signature and position of compiler: ______________________________

Mrs. Donna Ramnarine
(Group Leader)

Minutes submitted by: Ms. Jasmine Gayadeen

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