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Course: Textbook Development Part –I (6552)

Assignment no 2
Level: M.Ed. / M.A
Semester autumn 2019
Q.1Explain the ethical consideration in writing .Discuss the models of of co writing.
Ethical considerations
It is imperative that ethical issues are considered during the formulation of the evaluation plan. Ethical
considerations during evaluation include:
Informed consent
Voluntary participation
Do no harm
Only assess relevant components
Informed consent
Informed consent means that the person participating in the evaluation is fully informed about the evaluation
being conducted. Participants need to be made aware of the purpose of the project, who or what group is
funding it, how the findings will be used, if there are any potential adverse impacts of their participation and
who will have access to the findings. The main purpose of informed consent is that the participant is able to
make an informed decision as to whether they will participate in the evaluation or not. Additional
information should also be provided in the event that the participant becomes distressed in any way during
their participation.1,2
Voluntary participation
Voluntary participation means that people participate in the evaluation free from coercion. Participants are
free to withdraw their participation at any time without negatively impacting on their involvement in future
services or the current program2 and relationships with any of the researchers or research bodies involved.
It can be challenging to encourage high risk youth to become engaged in a program and it is therefore
difficult when participants choose not to continue in a program. It is the right of participants to leave a
program of this nature at any time, therefore no pressure should be placed on those who choose not to
continue. Explanations are also not required.
Do no harm
Harm can be both physical and/or psychological and therefore can be in the form of: stress, pain, anxiety,
diminishing self-esteem or an invasion of privacy.2 It is imperative that the evaluation process does not in
any way harm (unintended or otherwise) participants.
Confidentiality means that any identifying information is not made available to, or accessed by anyone but
the program coordinator.2 Confidentiality also ensures such identifying information is excluded from any
reports or published documents. Given that there are often small numbers in peer based programs, it is very
important to consider how reports are worded to ensure that there is no opportunity for people to be
identified even though names are not used.
Anonymity is a stricter form of privacy than confidentiality, as the identity of the participant remains
unknown to the research team.2 This is more difficult to achieve than confidentiality as participants in the
context of social research are usually known to the program coordinator.1
Only assess relevant components
Only assess those components that are of relevance to the program/initiative being conducted. High risk
populations are sometimes being used as guinea pigs or a captive audience to ask all sorts of questions in
evaluations that are of interest to groups conducting the program/initiative but not relevant to the program
nor will be to the group who are involved in the program. It is important to keep evaluations as simple as
possible and to remain focused on the intention of the evaluation and what the data gathered will be used for.
The models of of co-writing
Collaborative writing involves two or more persons working together to produce a written document. Also
called group writing, it is a significant component of work in the business world, and many forms of business
writing and technical writing depend on the efforts of collaborative writing teams.
"Collaboration not only draws on the expertise and energy of different people but can also create an outcome
that is greater than the sum of its parts." -Rise B. Axelrod and Charles R. Cooper
Guidelines for Successful Collaborative Writing
Following the ten guidelines below will increase your chances of success when you write in a group.

Know the individuals in your group. Establish rapport with your team.
2. Do not regard one person on the team as more important than another.
3. Set up a preliminary meeting to establish guidelines.
4. Agree on the group's organization.
5. Identify each member's responsibilities, but allow for individual talents and skills.
6. Establish the time, places, and length of group meetings.
7. Follow an agreed-on timetable, but leave room for flexibility.
8. Provide clear and precise feedback to members.
9. Be an active listener.
10. Use a standard reference guide for matters of style, documentation, and format.
Collaborating Online
"For collaborative writing, there are various tools which you can use, notably the wiki which provides an
online shared environment in which you can write, comment or amend the work of others...If you are
required to contribute to a wiki, take every opportunity to meet regularly with your collaborators: the more
you know the people you collaborate with, the easier it is to work with them...
"You will also need to discuss how you are going to work as a group. Divide up the jobs...Some individuals
could be responsible for drafting, others for commenting, others for seeking relevant resources." -Janet
MacDonald and Linda Creanor.
Collaborative Writing
"The meaning of the terms collaboration and collaborative writing are being debated, expanded, and refined;
no final decision is in sight. For some critics, such as Stillinger, Ede and Lunsford, and Laird, collaboration
is a form of 'writing together' or 'multiple authorship' and refers to acts of writing in which two or more
individuals consciously work together to produce a common text...Even if only one person literally 'writes'
the text, another person contributing ideas has an effect on the final text that justifies calling both the
relationship and the text it produces collaborative. For other critics, such as Masten, London, and myself,
collaboration includes these situations and also expands to include acts of writing in which one or even all of
the writing subjects may not be aware of other writers, being separated by distance, era, or even death." -
Linda K. Karrell
Andrea Lunsford on the Benefits of Collaboration
"[T]he data I amassed mirrored what my students had been telling me for years: . . . their work in groups,
their collaboration, was the most important and helpful part of their school experience. Briefly, the data I
found all support the following claims:
1. Collaboration aids in problem finding as well as problem-solving.

2. Collaboration aids in learning abstractions.

3. Collaboration aids in transfer and assimilation; it fosters interdisciplinary thinking.
4. Collaboration leads not only to sharper, more critical thinking (students must explain, defend, adapt) but to
a deeper understanding of others.
5. Collaboration leads to higher achievement in general.
6. Collaboration promotes excellence. In this regard, I am fond of quoting Hannah Arendt: 'For excellence,
the presence of others is always required.'
7. Collaboration engages the whole student and encourages active learning; it combines reading, talking,
writing, thinking; it provides practice in both synthetic and analytic skills."
Feminist Pedagogy and Collaborative Writing
"As a pedagogical foundation, collaborative writing was, for the early advocates of feminist pedagogy, a
kind of respite from the strictures of the traditional, phallogocentric, authoritarian approaches to teaching.
Feminist Pedagogy and Collaborative Writing
"As a pedagogical foundation, collaborative writing was, for the early advocates of feminist pedagogy, a
kind of respite from the strictures of the traditional, phallogocentric, authoritarian approaches to teaching...
Q.2 Elaborate the importance of the basic theories in developing textbook.Discuss the implication f
instructional taxonomies for thedeveloping textbooks.
importance of the basic theories in developing:
Designing a language textbook is a multi-dimensional task that requires a nuanced understanding of the
objectives of the language curriculum, a sound knowledge of the theories of language learning and their
pedagogical implications, an understanding of the requirement of the examination boards and the language
policies of the Government. In order to make a language textbook result-oriented, the author has to
understand and appreciate the correlation between the theory and practice of curricular material development
in language. A language textbook is not merely a collection of texts drawn from different genres; it reflects a
particular pedagogic point of view arrived at by the textbook designers after taking into account the broad
educational objectives that inform the curriculum followed in a particular context. In this paper, therefore, I
will discuss the theory and practice of designing a language textbook in English in general and critically
analyse the process of designing an English textbook for class IX in particular. I will record the theoretical
considerations that prompt textbook designers to form a specific perspective of English language teaching. I
will also highlight the pedagogical principles that inform the choice of the material in consonance with the
theories and practice of teaching English as a second language in a multilingual non-native context in which
the learners have little exposure to real English outside the English classroom.
Discourses on Textbooks
The notion of a textbook evokes mixed reactions among its stakeholders. The role of a textbook and the
politics of textbooks are debatable topics across the globe. Koutselini (2012) observes that textbooks play a
protagonist’s role in the classroom, downgrade students’ autonomous learning and annihilate teachers’
political sensitivities. The Position Paper on Curriculum, Syllabus and Textbooks prepared and published by
the National Council of Educational Research and Training points out how “teaching the textbook” becomes
the whole of education in India. Lamenting the misuse of textbooks in the Indian classrooms, the said
position paper observes.
The Background
The involvement of Indian States in the production of school textbooks goes back to 1969. In its first
meeting held on 5 April 1969, the National Board of School Textbooks established under the Chairmanship
of the Union Minister of Education recommended that school textbooks up to class X should be produced
under the control and supervision of the State Governments.
The Preparatory Stage
The exercise started with a brainstorming workshop in the month of September 2014. It was decided in the
workshop that the proposed English textbook would encompass a range of genres and themes suitable for the
target group and the activities presented in the textbook would be designed in such a way that they triggered
the learners’ interest in using English for communicative purposes. It was also decided that the textbook
would be context specific in terms of language and culture and the materials used in the textbook would be
drawn from authentic sources.
Salient Features of the New English Textbook
The new English textbook follows a communicative functional approach which aims at enabling a learner to
acquire a communicative as well as a functional competence in the target language. The selection of the
materials and the presentation of the activities in the new textbook were based on the principles of the
functional communicative approach which regards language as a tool, a means for communication and
language functions in particular social contexts.
Instructional Design Process
Step 1: Analyze Requirements
Analysis is perhaps the most important step of the Instructional Design process. When analyzing, never limit
your efforts to understanding just the training and business needs. Stretch your analysis to include four other
areas as well: Audience, Content, Technology, and Expectations.
Business And Training Needs
Business needs differ from training needs. A business need helps you understand the holistic need for
training. The training need, however, helps you understand how the training will help to meet the business
Business And Training Needs Tip: A good understanding of the business needs comes handy while
evaluating the impact of training on business after final implementation.
Learners’ Profile
Analyze learners’ profile based on their roles, responsibilities, professional experience, educational
qualifications, skill sets, age, technical proficiency, ethnicity, and geographical location. In addition, gather
information about their existing knowledge about the topic, challenges faced, and most importantly, find out
the learning gap that this training is expected to fill up. Also, find out their learning needs and/or preferred
mode of training. Learners’ Profile Analysis Tip: Ask your client for an opportunity to interview some
Instructional Designers are not Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), but a thorough understanding of the content
is a must. Read the source content multiple times to understand its key message. Note down your questions
and forward them to an SME for clarification. In addition, ask for examples, scenarios, and case studies that
can be used to support the content and/or assess the learner.
How: Ask your client to schedule a meeting with the SMEs.
The eLearning industry is rapidly evolving with new technology and new tools. Hence, it is critical to
understand the technology that the client organization and the learners are most familiar with. Ask questions
to understand the client’s preferred development tool, prevalent Learning Management System (LMS),
available devices to launch the course, etc. Technology Tip: Stay up-to-date with the changing trends in
technology, weigh the pros and cons of each tool, and suggest the best option available for development to
the client.
Brand is what gives an organization its unique identity. Hence, understand the writing (tone, tense, voice,
vocabulary) and graphical standards (images, fonts, characters, icons) that are followed in their organization.
Also, ask the client to share samples of previously designed courses, if possible for reference. Branding Tip:
Visit the client’s website and study their marketing/promotional material to analyze their preferred design
strategy and understand their brand identity.
Step 2: Identify Learning Objectives
Once you analyze the requirements, frame the learning objectives. Learning objectives help you distinguish
between the ‘good-to-know’ and ‘must-know’ content, and determine the emphasis every piece of
information needs in the training. Also, your assessments should be drafted mapping to these learning
objectives. Learning Objectives Tip: Ask your client to validate the learning objectives in terms of the
expected learning outcome.
Step 3: Develop Design
Design development is a process in itself. First, segregate the content into small chunks of information and
organize them in a logical sequence. Once the topic list is ready, determine an instructional approach for
your course (story-based approach, problem-based approach, video-based approach, game-based approach,
etc.) in line with the scope defined during analysis. Insert engagement points into your Instructional Design
by adding an attention-grabbing activity, motivational videos, reflection questions, interactivity, scenarios
and examples, a summarizing activity, etc. Design Development Tip: Ask your client to validate the design
strategy, especially when developing a curriculum. This will help ensure consistency in all modules and
relevant resource materials.
Step 4: Create A Storyboard
A storyboard is a visual document that lets you organize your content with visuals and present a flow for the
topics. Identify the type of content you are dealing with. It could be facts, principles, process, classification,
or relationship. Present the content for each page using relevant text, images, icons, characters, development
notes, etc. Storyboard Tip: Simultaneously develop other related documents, such as glossaries, job aids
and voice-over script, and share them with the storyboard, so that the clients can review all the deliverables
Step 5: Develop Prototype
Develop a functional prototype before starting the complete development. Identify four to five unique pages
of different types and develop them using the approved design strategy and the client’s branding guidelines.
A prototype will help your client visualize how the storyboard will be transformed into a functional module.
Prototype Development Tip: Ask the client to validate the prototype and point out any deviations from
expectations. Managing deviations at this step will save time and development efforts during complete
Step 6: Develop Training
Once storyboard and prototype are signed off, initiate the development of training that will be finally
uploaded on the LMS. This will include developing visuals, interactivities, knowledge checks, and
assessments per approved storyboard along with recording and integrating voice-over of a professional artist.
As a resource, you can download ready-to-use eLearning templates to expedite your development process.
These eLearning templates present visually appealing layouts and include placeholders for content. Simply
download and integrate eLearning templates that cater to your content type—introduction, scenario, process,
assessment, etc. and customize them further as needed. Training Development Tip: Include three rounds of
review in this step by instructional designers, graphic designers, and quality assurance to ensure the training
is instructionally, graphically, and functionally sound.
Step 7: Deliver Training
LMS is a platform to host eLearning courses for an organization. Ensure your course is compatible with the
LMS on which the training will be hosted. Also, understand the different features of the client’s LMS like
tracking learners’ progress and assessment performance, generating course completion report, and adding
pre-training and post-training resources. Training Delivery Tip: Ask the client for an opportunity to
communicate with their LMS administrator to understand the features typically leveraged in their
Q.Explain the importance of instrucation in science textbooks at secondary level .Highlights some of
the basic principles of illustration Used for textbooks.
Textbooks can be boring. Remember those class periods that you spent reading them aloud as a class? Or
reading them on your own while taking notes? You swore that when you were a teacher you would never do
that. Then, you became a teacher and reality set in. Sometimes you need to read from the textbook. So, how
can you make this more exciting? Teaching textbooks in engaging ways is possible, but it takes planning.
Here are 7 ideas for your consideration.
Choose Random Partner Pairings
Rather than reading through the textbook as a class or having students read it on their own, have students
read in pairs. You could have them answer questions, complete a graphic organizer, or prepare a mini
presentation. Make it fun by choosing the partners randomly. Use an app, draw names from a hat, etc.
Provide Choices
Let your students decide how they want to interact with the text by giving them choices. Provide different
ways that they can respond to the material. Some examples could include writing a fake journal entry, filling
out a graphic organizer, or creating quiz questions about the material with an answer key. Make a list for
students to choose from, and then set them free to select one.
Make Real-Life Connections
It’s helpful to give students background information before reading the material. Assist them in making
meaningful connections to the text, and help them understand how it applies today. What will students find
interesting? Are there themes that students can relate to currently? Is there anything happening in the news
that relates to it? Help students see these connections to make the material more interesting.
Use Outside Resources
Don’t let the textbook do all the work. Bring in other resources to make the material more interesting. Are
there any songs, video clips, or other material that coincides with the information? Share it with your
students to make it more memorable for them.
Collaborate on Note Taking
Taking notes on textbooks is a slow and monotonous process for many students. Make this task more
interesting and memorable by working together. There are online resources and apps that you can use to
collaborate on the note-taking process. They let you type notes and add videos, links, and pictures. Students
can work together to create notes and write about the connections to their lives to share with the rest of the
Bring the Textbook to Life
Unfortunately, students probably don’t spend as much time reading as they do watching movies and
YouTube or Vine clips. So why not let students create their own movies or video clips based on the reading
material? Split students into groups, and ask them to write a script to teach the rest of the class about a
particular section in the textbook.
basic principles of illustration Used for textbooks
Basic Design Principles
As already mentioned, there is no real consensus in the design community about what the main principles of
design actually are. That said, the following twelve principles are those mentioned most often in articles and
books on the subject.
One of the most common complaints designers have about client feedback often revolves around clients who
say a design needs to “pop” more. While that sounds like a completely arbitrary term, what the client
generally means is that the design needs more contrastContrast refers to how different elements are in a
design, particularly adjacent elements. These differences make various elements stand out. Contrast is also a
very important aspect of creating accessible designs. Insufficient contrast can make text content in particular
very difficult to read, especially for people with visual impairments.
Every element of a design—typography, colors, images, shapes, patterns, etc.—carries a visual weight. Some
elements are heavy and draw the eye, while other elements are lighter. The way these elements are laid out
on a page should create a feeling of balance.
Emphasis deals with the parts of a design that are meant to stand out. In most cases, this means the most
important information the design is meant to convey.
Proportion is one of the easier design principles to understand. Simply put, it’s the size of elements in
relation to one another. Proportion signals what’s important in a design and what isn’t. Larger elements are
more important, smaller elements less.
Hierarchy is another principle of design that directly relates to how well content can be processed by
people using a website. It refers to the importance of elements within a design. The most important
elements (or content) should appear to be the most important.
Hierarchy is most easily illustrated through the use of titles and headings in a design. The title of a page
should be given the most importance, and therefore should be immediately recognizable as the most
important element on a page. Headings and subheadings should be formatted in a way that shows their
importance in relation to each other as well as in relation to the title and body copy.
Repetition is a great way to reinforce an idea. It’s also a great way to unify a design that brings together a lot
of different elements. Repetition can be done in a number of ways: via repeating the same colors, typefaces,
shapes, or other elements of a design.
Q.4 What are the basic steps of textbooks evaluation? Develop a checklist for the text book evaluation
and review.
Textbook Quality Criteria
Criterion 1: Scope and Sequence
1.1: Textbook contains a comprehensive standard scope and sequence for a particular college course or set of
1.2: Textbook is easily divisible into smaller sections, with text that is not overly self-referential in order to
enable modularity as much as possible.
Criterion 2: Content Accuracy
2.1: Textbook contains accurate content without factual errors.
2.2: Content is presented with no or minimal bias or slant, taking into account the context of the particular
subject being addressed.
2.3: Content is up-to-date and avoids presenting information that will make the text obsolete quickly, taking
into account the particular subject being addressed.
2.4: Content has been reviewed by subject matter experts through a peer review process – preferably, but not
restricted to, double-blind peer review.
Criterion 3: Instructional Design
3.1: Textbook contains a variety of instructional materials, including reflective questions, learning activities,
and other features which promote learner engagement and active learning.
3.2: The relationship between the use of the textbook and fulfilling particular learning outcomes is clearly
Criterion 4: Text Clarity
4.1: Content is written in accessible and internally-consistent prose for the intended reader.
4.2: Textbook contains a structured, clear, and logical progression of topics.
4.3: Textbook contains no grammatical, spelling, or other typographical errors.
Criterion 5: Visual Clarity and Fidelity
5.1: Textbook does not contain distorted images or charts, and does not contain any other display features
that may distract or confuse the reader.
5.2: Image resolution is up to the current standard for all viewing devices.
Criterion 6: Accessibility and Inclusive Design
6.1: Textbook provides accessible and structured text and images to meet the needs of diverse learners.
6.2: Textbook reflects diversity and inclusion regarding culture, gender, ethnicity, national origin, age,
disability, sexual orientation, education, and religion, whenever possible, taking into account the context of
the particular subject being addressed.
Criterion 7: Ancillary Materials
7.1: Textbook has high-quality ancillary (supplementary) materials which aid the instructor in the teaching
Ancillary Materials Quality Criteria
Criterion 1: Content Relevance
1.1: Ancillary materials contain content which fully addresses the targeted learning outcome(s).
Criterion 2: Content Accuracy
2.1: Ancillary materials contain accurate content without factual errors.
2.2: Content is presented with no or minimal bias or slant, taking into account the context of the particular
subject being addressed.
2.3: Content is up-to-date and avoids presenting information that will make the material obsolete quickly,
taking into account the particular subject being addressed.
2.4: Content has been reviewed by subject matter experts through a peer review process – preferably, but not
restricted to, double-blind peer review.
Criterion 3: Instructional Design
3.1: The overall set of ancillary materials contain a variety of instructional methods and activities which
promote learner engagement and active learning.
3.2: The relationship between the use of the materials and fulfilling particular learning outcomes is clearly
Criterion 4: Technical Usability
4.1: Ancillary materials are in standard file formats or markup languages and easily adaptable to other
4.2: [For ancillary materials based on coding and/or software platforms] Ancillary materials are free of
technical errors and glitches.
Criterion 5: Clarity and Fidelity
5.1: Ancillary materials do not contain distorted images or charts, and do not contain any other display
features that may distract or confuse the student.
5.2: Audio, video, and image quality are up to the current standard for all devices used to access the
Criterion 6: Accessibility and Inclusive Design
6.1: Ancillary materials provide accessible and structured text and images to meet the needs of diverse
learners, or provide alternative means of access to multimedia content in formats that meet the needs of
diverse learners when applicable.
6.2: Ancillary materials reflect diversity and inclusion regarding culture, gender, ethnicity, national origin,
age, disability, sexual orientation, education, and religion, whenever possible, taking into account the context
of the particular subject being addressed and the format and goals of the materials.
Develop a checklist for the text book evaluation and review.
Textbook evaluation can be a guide and reference to the educational institutions, curriculum designers,
writers and educators in selecting the suitable material regarding their learners’ needs. A checklist is one of
the common instruments used in textbook evaluation studies.
Many checklists have been developed to evaluate whole textbooks. However, few checklists are available
that focus on a specific feature of an English language learning-teaching textbook. This study presents the
development procedure of a checklist that focuses on the presentation of vocabulary in ELT textbooks.
The instrument was developed in the light of a number of previous evaluation checklists. It was further
refined based on interviews with a number of English language teachers, who commented on the relevance
and clarity of its items. The reliability test revealed very high overall internal reliability of the instrument.
The paper presents the checklist that can be used as a guide and reference to other researchers, curriculum
designers, writers, teachers, as well as material evaluators.
Q. 5 Highlight the general issues and problem of lesson designing and textbook model .Criticise the
model Of GTZ peshawar model for lesson plan for lesson developing.
The 4-A Model
Lesson plans are an important part of education. They're a written plan of what a teacher will do in order to
achieve the goals during the school day, week, and year. Typically, lesson plans follow a format that
identifies goals and objectives, teaching methods, and assessment. These basic components can be modified
in many ways depending on specific student and teacher needs.
The 4-A lesson plan model focuses on four main concepts. Each is necessary for student success, and by
identifying how they will be used in instructional practices, teachers ensure they are front-and-center. The
four components are:
1. Activate prior knowledge
2. Acquire new knowledge
3. Application
4. Assessment

These somewhat broad categories, which we'll narrow down in a bit, allow teachers to make sure students are
ready to learn. By activating prior knowledge, students make important connections to past learning and
prepare their brains for new content. New content is presented and taught, then applied to real-world or past
situations. Finally, an assessment is given to determine student understanding. Let's dig a bit deeper into
these components.
Activating Prior Knowledge
What does it mean to activate prior knowledge, and how can teachers accomplish this? The term simply
refers to tapping into a student's previous experience with the topic. For example, if the new learning is
oceanic life, a teacher could activate students' prior knowledge by connecting to other life forms they
studied, or asking students to share experiences about the ocean. In fact, many instructional methods can be
used to activate prior knowledge, including:
Concept Mapping

Virtually any way you can think of to get students thinking about a prior experience will do the trick.
Acquire New Knowledge
During this instructional time, teachers promote higher order thinking and prompt students to use inquiry
skills in order to master content. Why do this? Instead of a serve-and-return method of instruction, which
simply has students listen and repeat content, the 4-A model fosters a more rigorous learning model, one that
has students thinking deeply about content. This is accomplished in countless ways, such as having guest
speakers, using interactive learning logs, role-playing, and teaching mini-lessons. This is the typical
'instructional methods' portion of lesson plans with an emphasis on pushing towards high-level skills.
For one lesson in the oceanic life study, a teacher may have students watch a video of life in the ocean, then
read about how mammals and fish interact to survive. Another day she may have a zoologist speak to the
students, then have students respond to the experience by writing a letter asking further questions.
During this portion of the 4-A plan, teachers plan for ways students can take in the new information,
consolidate it, and apply it in new and useful ways. Students apply their knowledge by sharing their ideas,
creating a product, participating in activities, doing a case study, and so on.
In our oceanic example, students may create a 3-dimensional model of the ocean, applying all the
information they learned to demonstrate understanding.
Finally, teachers plan on methods to assess students both during and at the end of learning. These
assessments can be completed in typical ways, such as quizzes and tests, and more formative methods as
well, such as giving a 'thumbs up,' using think-pair-share, or using exit slips. Teachers use this data to drive
future instruction or determine final student understanding.
model Of GTZ peshawar model for lesson plan for lesson developing
A strategy and road map for the implementation of proposed CPD program in the 3 districts was discussed
and agreed upon with representatives of the department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Govt of
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, DCTE, PITE, and management of the target districts.
The programme was successfully implemented by ESDP-GIZ in all the target districts. Mode of
implementation was PDU (Professional Development Unit) based. Around 780 (M&F) selected supervisors
were trained in Jan-Feb, 2014. After the training of supervisors, they started classroom observation and other
assigned duties in their respective PDUs.
In December, 2014 a follow up study was conducted in all the 3-districts to measure the impact of activities
carried out under CPD program. The study showed encouraging results both in teaching and learning.
Results of the study were shared with E&SED and resultantly department agreed to continue the program at
its own level.
ESDP-GIZ hold a number of meetings at department level to develop a sustainable and cost effective
mechanism to continue the program. After deliberation the department of Elementary & Secondary
Education decided to establish a dedicated CPD unit at PITE and support it at all levels to implement the
program effectively.
The Unit was established at PITE in Oct, 2015. The Unit started its activities in late 2015 and up-scaled the
program to one new district (Mardan). The CPD program as per notified CPD model, is now being
implemented in 2- different modes (1.School-Based, 2. PDU-Based).
The program is now a regular feature of the department and up-scaled every year to 2-new districts. During
the current financial year 2 more districts covered (Malakand and Karak).
Objectives of the CPD program are:
To enable teachers to teach effectively and to ensure students’ learning through:
Enhancing their understanding of 2006 curriculum and its pedagogic principles.
Sensitizing teachers to ensure effective learning through regular self- assessment and peer learning.
Supporting teachers with external professional supervision (observation of teaching and targeted feedback)

Enhancing capacity of teachers through need based and targeted In-service training.

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