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Name: Del Rosario, Jerome D.

E-mail Address:

Program/Yr./Block: BSTM 2C

Instructions: Answer the following questions comprehensively.

1. In your own perspective, how different is cultural tourism from heritage

tourism? (Cite
sources properly)

As per the United Nations World Tourism Organization, social the travel
industry is "developments of people for basically social inspirations, for
example, study visits, performing expressions and social visits, travel to
celebrations and other social occasions, visits to locales and landmarks, travel
to examine nature, legends or craftsmanship, and journeys." In other words,
Social the travel industry is a type of the travel industry framework in which the
principal inspiration of the traveler is to know, find, insight and devour the
social attractions/items that are unmistakable and elusive in a travel industry
objective. Too, Social the travel industry requires the development of
individuals from different social foundations to get the imperative information
from the inhabitants. The principle point of social the travel industry is to give
new information and travel experiences.While in legacy the travel industry,
One of the main parts of social the travel industry is legacy the travel industry,
which is centered around the experience of spots and exercises that genuinely
mirror the recorded, social and common assets of a given territory or locale. It
is an event for the most part considered to be visits to memorable spots.
Besides, Legacy the travel industry is described as something that a local area
procures from the past to the present as a change. In the present case, those
transmissions incorporate social materials, theoretical legacy, and
characteristic heritage.From my point of view, solid qualifications exist
between legacy the travel industry and social the travel industry. Contrasted
and social the travel industry, legacy the travel industry is said to be
place-based. While social the travel industry is centered around experience
with negligible to no zero in on the site, legacy the travel industry is appended
to the area.

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