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Why is it a dystopian fear?

(AO3) – CCTV:
o Omniscience – it gives people too much power o CCTV is everywhere
o Terrifying – gain knowledge over you o Society is supportive of it – it’s there for our protection
o Privacy = a human right o Orwell = was terrified of microphones in the countryside - he would be terrified to live in the 21st
(AO3) – Bentham’s Panopticon:
o Power of thinking that you are watched (AO3) – Hitler Youth:
o Bentham wanted it for prisons – it’s a system of power that is built on discipline - enables those in o Child spies – Hitler indoctrinated the young and encouraged them to report any disloyalty to the party
power to dictate social norms o Even report family members
o By controlling prisoners, he believed it would create a heterotopia that would benefit society o Made them place camera in their homes
o It’s an ongoing sense of surveillance o (AO4) – 1984 & Parsons children
o All about suppression – outsiders are considered mists
(AO3) – Patriot Act:
(AO3) – Orwell’s Fears: o Came after 9/11 – government can read emails to protect people from potential terrorist attacks
o Afraid of those who hide behind the face of liberal democracy o Patriot = bound to give up security (giving up our human rights)
o Afraid of the power of surveillance

(AO3) – China 2019:

(AO3) – Atwood’s Fears:
o Muslims watched through Muslim identification cards
o Self-surveillance – forced in orthodoxy
o “Map of Dead Debt” App
o Gendered surveillance – male gaze
o Women are objects that are watched -> disempowers them Þ App notifies you if you’re in debt
o Worse for women Þ All your records and information on their database
o Similar to Apple Pay – bank/ account details on apples database

(AO3) – Bradbury’s Fears:
o Feared the potential of technology -> surveillance = entertainment
(AO3) – Panopticon Today?:
o News = form of entertainment & not for information
o No it’s a synoptic surveillance
o ‘Popular culture’ & masses = self-surveillance
o We hold each other to account e.g. police camera
o 2019 – Samsung’s ‘The Wall’ TV – similar to “the wall” in F451
o We are empowered through surveillance
o Consumerist panopticon – internet history tracked e.g. shopping ads
1984 – Panopticon Control:
o O’Brien’s telescreens – he knows Winston’s fears (QUOTE?) (AO5) “form of isolation…their internalised watcher” – Nystrom
o Propaganda “Big Brother is watching you” – posters everywhere to remind the populous they’re being Þ Isolated & watched – The Handmaids show behaviours that Gilead want --> conformity
watched & under surveillance Þ Won’t do anything against the commander
o Newspeak – discipline is not necessary as the party restrict language, thus restrict thought – language Þ “internalised watcher” = people discipline themselves as the fact that you think your being
can support us in uniting ourselves – platitude watched = more powerful
o Parsons children – society surveilles each other - McCarthyism (QUOTE?) Þ Self-surveillance the panopticon uses –> you self-regulate yourself
o Þ 1984 – “few cubic centimetres in your skull” = rebelling is a prison -> power of isolation

AHT – Panopticon Control:

o Distinctive clothing – more conscious of the way the handmaids act (QUOTE) (AO5) “justifying their actions to Christian beliefs” – Bobbio
Þ Today schools – know who you are through uniform Þ Power of incorporating religion into a regime – can establish it as good & right
o The eyes – unknown spies create a sense of paranoia (QUOTE) Þ God as a centre piece = unquestionable
Þ Orwell & Atwood advocate questioning
Þ Stalin’s justification = communism
F451 – The “Hound”:
o Through the mechanisation & modernisation of society, the regimes form of surveillance is through a Þ Hitler’s justification = wants to make Germany great again
hound: a robustised & altered version of a police dog Þ Sarasanders said “God wanted Donald Trump to win the 2016 election”
o Its job is to hunt down and kill fugitives Þ Retric of America – God = unquestionable
o Its nostrils “quivering gently” & its likened to a dog -> good sense of smell used as a powerful & Þ God = omniscient (all seeing) -> ultimate power
shivering tool to survey the population Þ Power through God & observation -> power always on your side

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