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Basic Research—Biology

Biofilm Formation Capability of Enterococcus faecalis

Cells in Starvation Phase and Its Susceptibility to Sodium
Hongyan Liu, MS, Xi Wei, MDS, PhD, Junqi Ling, PhD, Weilu Wang, MS, and Xiangya Huang, MS

Introduction: Enterococcus faecalis is commonly
associated with persistent periapical infections. The
physiologic state of the cells in the canal is probably
E nterococcus faecalis is a predominant organism that plays a major role in the
etiology of persistent periradicular lesions after root canal treatment (1, 2).
Studies investigating its occurrence in root-filled teeth with periradicular lesions
closest to the starvation state. However, the biofilm have shown a prevalence ranging from 24% to 77% (3). The inherent antimicrobial
formation capability of starved E. faecalis cells on resistance and the ability to adapt to changing environment help E. faecalis to persist
human dentin and the susceptibility of the biofilm to in root canal.
5.25% sodium hypochlorite remain poorly understood. E. faecalis can adhere to the root canal walls, accumulate, and form communities
Methods: E. faecalis American Type Culture Collec- organized in biofilm, which helps it resist destruction by enabling the bacteria to
tion (ATCC) 29212 in different growth phases were become 1,000 times more resistant to phagocytosis, antibodies, and antimicrobials
incubated on human dentin and polystyrene blocks. than non–biofilm-producing organisms (3). In vitro studies have shown a similar bio-
Scanning electron microscopy and biofilm assay were film formation capability of E. faecalis strains isolated from oral cavity and root canals
used to investigate the biofilm formation capability of (4) and the ability of E. faecalis biofilm to calcify as it undergoes ‘‘maturation’’ within
these cells. The susceptibility of the biofilm to 5.25% the root canal (5).
NaClO was also determined by the plate count method. Most of the studies on E. faecalis biofilm formation in root canal have been con-
Results: Scanning electron microscopy and biofilm ducted in environmental conditions allowing cells to grow and divide normally (6, 7).
assay showed that starved cells were able to form bio- However, it has been shown that a major change in the environment induced by root
film on dentin with reduced efficiency as compared canal treatment is related to a dramatic reduction in nutrient availability and oxygen
with the cells in the exponential phase and stationary (8). Bacterial cells in the root canal encounter a harsh ecologic milieu. It is probable
phase (p < 0.05). Biofilm grown on dentin harbored that the physiologic state of the cells in the canal, particularly in retreatment cases, is
more cells than polystyrene (p < 0.05). Biofilms of closest to the starvation phase (9).
starved cells were more resistant to 5.25% NaClO There have been few studies on the biofilm formed by starved E. faecalis cells on
than those of stationary cells (p < 0.05), and the impact dentin. George et al (10) showed distinct ultrastructure of the E. faecalis biofilms
of 5.25%NaClO on them decreased as the biofilm formed under nutrient-rich, nutrient-deprived, aerobic, and anaerobic conditions.
matured. Conclusion: E. faecalis cells in the starvation They also reported a significant increase in the level of calcium in the biofilm structures
phase could develop biofilm on human dentin, which is formed under an anaerobic nutrient-deprived condition and a significantly greater
responsive to 5.25% NaClO. It may contribute to the depth of bacterial penetration in nutrient-rich condition. Lleo et al (11) reported
predominant role of E. faecalis involved in persistent that starved and stationary enterococcal cells were able to form biofilms on plastic mate-
periapical infections. (J Endod 2010;36:630–635) rial albeit with reduced efficiency as compared with cells in the exponential phase.
However, particular environmental stimuli such as the substratum could trigger
Key Words different developmental pathways and influence the quantities although not the struc-
Biofilm, dentin, Enterococcus faecalis, sodium ture of the associated biofilms (12). By far, the topographic changes in E. faecalis bio-
hypochlorite film developed by starved cells on human dentin remain poorly understood.
Furthermore, the comparative study of the biofilm formation ability of starved cells
on dentin with the cells in exponential phase and stationary phase has not been re-
From the Department of Operative Dentistry and Endodon- The physiologic state of the bacteria will also have an effect on the outcome of the
tics, Guanghua School of Stomatology, Sun Yat-sen University,
Guangzhou, Guangdong, China. antimicrobial treatment. For planktonic cultures, starvation has been shown to increase
*Hongyan Liu and Xi Wei contributed equally to this study. resistance in E. faecalis cells to chemical, osmotic, and oxidative stress (13). Portenier
Supported by Key Clinical Program of the Ministry of et al (9) reported that starved cells survive in numbers 1,000 to 10,000 times higher
Health, China (no. [2007] 353). after being challenged with sodium hypochlorite, one of the most commonly used
Address requests for reprints to Dr Junqi Ling, Department endodontic irrigants, as compared with cells in the exponential phase or stationary
of Operative Dentistry and Endodontics, Guanghua School of
Stomatology, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510055, PR phase. However, the impact of NaClO on biofilms formed by starved cells has not yet
China. E-mail address: been investigated.
0099-2399/$0 - see front matter In this study, the ability to form biofilms of starved E. faecalis cells was compared
Copyright ª 2010 American Association of Endodontists. with those in exponential and stationary phases. The susceptibility of the so-formed bio-
film to 5.25% NaClO was also investigated.

630 Liu et al. JOE — Volume 36, Number 4, April 2010

Basic Research—Biology
Material and Methods tinsried, Germany) for 30 seconds to remove loosely adherent cells. The
Bacterial Strain, Culture Conditions, and Starvation blocks were subsequently kept in 1 mL of cysteine peptone water (16)
for 1 minute. Biofilm samples were harvested by scraping and vigorous
pipetting. The bacteria were serially diluted. Each dilution was plated
E. faecalis (ATCC 29212; Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of
onto BHI plates. The plates were then incubated for 48 hours in an
Microbiol Culture Collection and Application, Guangdong Institute anaerobic atmosphere at 37 C, and CFU per block were calculated.
of Microbiology, Guangzhou, China) was used in this study; 500 mL
of bacterium (1.5  107 CFU/mL) were added to 50 mL brain heart
infusion (BHI) medium, which was further incubated without shaking
Sodium Hypochlorite Treatment
at 37 C under anaerobic condition. Cell growth were monitored by the A solution of 5.25% (m/v) sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) was
colony-forming unit (CFU) counting of the culturable bacteria on BHI freshly prepared. Forty-eight-hour-old E. faecalis biofilm formed by
agar plate as described by Portenier et al (9). In detail, after the desig- bacterial cells in different physiologic states on dentin blocks were
nated incubation time, 1 mL of bacterial suspension was serially diluted removed aseptically from the wells; washed twice with 10 mmol/L
and plated on BHI agar in triplicate. After 48 hours of incubation in an PBS; transferred into 1 mL of 5.25% NaClO; and incubated for 30
anaerobic atmosphere at 37 C, the number of colonies was counted, seconds, 10 minutes, and 30 minutes, respectively. After the designated
yielding a value in CFU/mL. contact time, the blocks were carefully transferred to 1 mL of 0.6%
For the induction of starvation state, cells in the exponential phase sodium thiosulfate to terminate the antimicrobial action of NaClO
(1.5  109 CFU/mL, after incubation for 4 hours) were harvested, (17). Then, the blocks were transferred into 1 mL of cysteine peptone
washed twice with 10 mmol/L phosphate-buffered saline (PBS, pH = water and the suspensions were harvested, serially diluted, and quanti-
7), resuspended in PBS at a final density of 109 CFU/mL, and maintained fied as described earlier. Controls were exposed to 10 mmol/L PBS
at 37 C for 48 hours without direct illumination (14). Colony-forming instead of 5.25% NaClO. All NaClO treatments were performed in trip-
ability was determined in duplicate on samples plated on BHI agar plate. licate in three independent experiments.
In order to investigate the impact of 5.25% NaClO on biofilms at
different stages of maturation, 6-hour-old, 24-hour-old, and
Specimen Preparation 48-hour-old biofilms developed by E. faecalis cells in the starvation
Healthy human third molars were extracted from adults (19-25 phase were exposed to 5.25% NaClO for 30 seconds, 10 minutes,
years old) in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Sun and 30 minutes, respectively. Bacterial viability was determined as
Yat-sen University Dental Hospital, Guangzhou, China, after obtaining described previously.
informed consent from each subject, and the protocols were approved
by the University Ethic Committee. The teeth were split longitudinally,
and the coronal pulp chamber surfaces were prepared into blocks
Scanning Electron Microscopy
(4.5 mm  4.5 mm  1 mm) without scraping. The same size of poly- After the designed incubation time, dentin and PLS blocks with bi-
styrene (PLS) blocks were made. All blocks were washed with distilled ofilm were washed twice with 10 mmol/L PBS buffer and fixed with 2 mL
water and ultrasonically cleaned. Dentin blocks were autoclaved. PLS of 2.5% glutaraldehyde for 2 hours at 4 C. Further preparations
blocks were sterilized by ultraviolet irradiation. All sterile blocks included dehydration through a series of ethanol rinses (30%, 50%,
were stored in 10 mmol/L PBS at 4 C and used within 1 week. 70%, 95%, and 100%) and critical point drying with liquid CO2 (for
PLS blocks, air dried) before coating with gold (Hitachi E-1010, Ibrar-
aki, Japan) with the thickness of approximately 20 nm. Scanning elec-
Biofilm Assay tron micrographs of at least three randomly selected areas from each of
Bacterial cells in the exponential, stationary (after incubation for the three samples were taken with a scanning electron microscope
12 hours), and starvation phase were harvested and prepared at the operating at 20 kV (Hitachi S-3000 N). Images presented in the
same concentration of 1  108 CFU/mL. BHI medium, the nutrient- following results were representative of three samples.
depleted BHI medium, and 10 mmol/L PBS were prepared as culture
medium for biofilm formation of cells in the exponential, stationary,
Statistical Analysis
and starvation phase, respectively. Nutrient-depleted BHI medium
was prepared as described before (15) with some modifications. In Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software (SPSS for
detail, the medium was prepared by adding E. faecalis to BHI medium windows; SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL). For the effect of substratum and phys-
and incubating at 37 C under anaerobic condition for 10 hours. After- iologic phase on the biofilm formation capability of E. faecalis during
ward, the cultures were centrifuged (5,000 rpm, 10 minutes) at 4 C to different phases of maturation of biofilm, the data of CFU counts were
acquire the supernatant. The pH of the supernatant was adjusted to pH analyzed with analysis of variance for a 3  2  6 factorial design.
7.0, and then the medium was passed through a 0.22-mm-pore-size For the comparative study of susceptibility of biofilm developed by
filter. Blocks were placed in 24-well polystyrene cell culture plates E. faecalis cells in different physiologic states to 5.25% NaClO and
with pulpal surfaces upwards for dentin blocks. Each well were inocu- the impact of biofilm aging on the susceptibility of biofilm formed by
lated with a suspension of E. faecalis cells (1 mL of 108CFU/mL) and starved E. faecalis cells, the reduction of viable cells per block were
plates were left undisturbed in anaerobic incubator at 37 C for 6 hours, analyzed by analysis of variance for a 3  3 factorial design followed
24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours, 96 hours, or 168 hours. The bacterial by the Bonferroni test; p < 0.05 was regarded as the difference of statis-
suspension was replaced every day. In detail, the cultures containing tical significance. Data that violated the prerequisites of normal distri-
nonadherent cells in the wells were aspired. Fresh BHI medium, butions or equality of variances were pretreated with logarithmic
nutrient-depleted BHI medium, or PBS was added to the 24-well culture transformation.
plate with dentin or PLS blocks. All biofilm assays were performed in
triplicate in at least three independent experiments on different days. Results
At the end of incubation time, each block was aseptically removed Growth of E. faecalis in BHI Medium
and washed twice by being kept in PBS and shaking on a shaker (Uni- The amount of living cells increased exponentially during the first
twist RT, Uniequip Company, Laborgerätebau & vertriebs GmbH, Mar- 6 hours of incubation (the exponential phase). Between 6 hours and 24

JOE — Volume 36, Number 4, April 2010 Biofilm Formation of E. faecalis Cells in Starvation Phase 631
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hours, the amount of living cells remained stable (the stationary phase);
it decreased between 24 hours and 48 hours and remained stable there-
after (Fig. 1).

Ultrastructure of Biofilm Developed by Starved

E. faecalis Cells on Dentin
We used scanning electron microscopy to monitor the ultrastruc-
ture of biofilm developed by E. faecalis cells in different physiologic
phases on dentin or PLS blocks (Fig. 2). The representative micropho-
tographs showed that biofilm formation by starved cells on dentin pro-
gressed through each of the following typical biofilm stages: initial
attachment of individual cells (2 hours, Fig. 2A), microcolony forma-
tion (6 hours, 16 hours, Fig. 2B and C), and development into a mature
biofilm with complex architecture (24 hours, Fig. 2D). Thus, E. faecalis
cells in the starvation phase could form biofilms that exhibited typical Figure 1. Growth of E. faecalis in BHI medium; 500 mL of bacterium (1.5 
biofilm architecture on dentin. Meanwhile, E. faecalis cells in the expo- 107 CFU/mL) added to 50 mL BHI medium, which was further incubated
nential (Fig. 2E) and stationary (Fig. 2F) phases developed matured bi- without shaking at 37 C under anaerobic condition. Bacterial viability was
ofilm on dentin after incubation for 24 hours. On PLS blocks, the determined by plate count method. During the first 6 hours of incubation,
starved E. faecalis cells could also form matured biofilm at this time the cells were in exponential phase. Between 6 hours and 24 hours, the cells
point (Fig. 2G). were in the stationary phase.

Biofilm Development Capability of E. faecalis in Different Statistical analysis showed that there was no interactive effect between
Physiologic States on Human Dentin or PLS Blocks the physiologic state and contact time. Over the period of 30 minutes,
Statistical analysis showed that there were significant interactive the reduction of viable cells of biofilms developed by stationary cells
effects among the substratum, physiologic phase, and incubation time was significantly higher than those of biofilms formed by cells in the
in terms of biofilm formation capacity. Both the physiologic state of cells other two phases (p < 0.05, n = 9). No significant difference was de-
and substratum has significant effects on the biofilm formation capa- tected between biofilms formed by cells in the exponential and starva-
bility. The CFU counts varied with the physiologic state of cells tion phases (p > 0.05, n = 9, Fig. 4).
(p < 0.001, n = 9) and the substratum (p < 0.001, n = 9) after We investigated the effect of biofilm aging on the susceptibility
a different incubation time (p < 0.001, n = 9). First, the average levels of biofilms developed by starved E. faecalis cells to 5.25% NaClO.
of the physiologic state of cells were significantly different, xgrowing > Statistical analysis showed that there was no interactive effect between
xstationary > xstarvation (p < 0.05, n = 9), with the other two factors incubation time and contact time. Over the period of contact time,
controlled. Second, in terms of the substratum, xdentin was greater 48-hour-old biofilms showed a significant lower reduction of viable
thanxPLS (p < 0.05, n = 9) with the other two factors controlled. Third, cells compared with those of 6-hour-old and 24-hour-old biofilms
as for the incubation time, with the other two factors controlled, the (p < 0.05, n = 9, Fig. 5).
difference of the CFU counts of viable cells between 48 hours and 96
hours and also between 168 hours and all the other groups were statis-
tically significant (p < 0.05, n = 9). There was no statistically signifi- Discussion
cance between other groups (Fig. 3). It was shown that starved cells The results presented here showed that starved E. faecalis cells
were able to form biofilms with reduced efficiency as compared with were fully capable of biofilm formation on human dentin. The formation
cells in exponential phase and stationary cells. of biofilm by starved E. faecalis cells on human dentin appeared to
The results were further analyzed with file split by substratum. On progress through the following typical stages that had been previously
human dentin blocks, there was no interactive effect between the phys- observed during biofilm development of esp-negative E. faecalis strain
iologic state and incubation time. Over the period of incubation, the in a chemostat-based biofilm fermenter (18): initial bacterial adher-
difference in cell density of biofilm formed by E. faecalis cells in three ence to the substratum, microcolony formation, and maturation into
physiologic phases on dentin were statistically significant (p < 0.05, complex three-dimensional structures.
n = 9) (Fig. 3B). Our results indicated that the nature of substratum may influence
There was an interactive effect between the physiologic state and the biofilm formation (12). With the other two factors (physiologic state
incubation time on PLS blocks (p < 0.05, n = 9). Data were further and incubation time) controlled, biofilm developed by E. faecalis cells
analyzed by a splitting file with incubation time. The results showed displayed higher growth on human dentin than on PLS blocks. The bio-
that at different stages of biofilm maturation, the patterns of comparative film formation capability of E. faecalis cells in different physiologic
levels of the biofilm formation capability of E. faecalis cells in the expo- states varied with the incubation time on PLS; it remained stable on
nential phase, the stationary phase, and the starvation phase varied with dentin. The specific binding of E. faecalis cells to dentin may account
incubation time (Fig. 3C). for the consistent adherence and biofilm formation on dentin. First,
E. faecalis could invade dentinal tubules and adhere to pulpal walls
Susceptibility of Biofilm Formed by E. faecalis Cells in mediated by bacterial specific cell-surface components such as aggre-
Different Physiologic States to 5.25% NaClO on Human gation substance (3) and Ace (collagen-binding protein of enterococci)
Dentin (19). Second, some components of dentin, such as collagen type I, may
Forty-eight-hour-old biofilm formed by E. faecalis cells in expo- act as selective factors for bacterial adherence and invasion (20, 21).
nential, stationary, and starved phases on human dentin blocks were However, the exact interactive mechanism of E. faecalis with dentin
exposed to 5.25% NaClO for 30 seconds, 10 minutes, and 30 minutes. needs further investigation.

632 Liu et al. JOE — Volume 36, Number 4, April 2010

Basic Research—Biology

Figure 2. SEM analysis of biofilm development by E. faecalis cells in different physiologic phases on dentin and PLS blocks (original magnification 2,000).
Aliquots of 1 mL of cell suspension of starved E. faecalis cells were grown on human dentin and incubated anerobically undisturbed at 37 C. (A) Tight
cell-substratum attachment was observed after incubation for 2 hours. After incubation for 6 hours (B) and 16 hours (C), cellular aggregation and microcolony
formation were observed. (D) Biofilm matured into complex three-dimensional structure after incubation for 24 hours. Biofilm developed by E. faecalis cells in
exponential (E) and stationary (F) phases matured after incubation for 24 hours. (G) Twenty-four-old biofilm was formed on PLS blocks by starved E. faecalis cells.

Our data showed that with factors of substratum and incubation physiological states were grown on plastic material surface to form bio-
time controlled, the E. faecalis cells in the exponential phase formed film. Interestingly, George and Kishen (22) reported that the hydropho-
biofilm with higher efficiency as compared with stationary cells. Starved bicity and adherence of E. faecalis to dentin were significantly increased
cells showed the lowest biofilm formation capability. These findings during starvation. Although adherence is considered to be the first step
agreed with a previous study (11) in which E. faecalis cells in three for bacterial colonization of host tissue, biofilm formation is more likely

JOE — Volume 36, Number 4, April 2010 Biofilm Formation of E. faecalis Cells in Starvation Phase 633
Basic Research—Biology

Figure 4. Susceptibility of biofilm formed by E. faecalis cells in different

physiologic states on dentin to 5.25% NaClO; 48-hour-old biofilm formed by
E. faecalis cells in exponential, stationary, and starved phases on human dentin
blocks were exposed to 5.25% NaClO for 30 seconds, 10 minutes, and 30
minutes. Statistical analysis showed that over the period of 30 minutes of
contact, biofilms of cells in exponential and starvation phases showed similar
reduction in enumeration of viable cells (p > 0.05, n = 9), which were signif-
icantly lower than that of biofilm of stationary cells (p < 0.05, n = 9).

to be dependent on cell-to-cell adhesion rather than on the amount of

cells initially attached to the surface (23). Moreover, it has been shown
that environmental signals and regulatory pathways influence biofilm
formation (24). A release of catabolite repression and the change of
fsr and its downstream proteases mediated by a glucose-dependent
transcriptional regulator (25, 26) may account for the reduced biofilm
formation capability of starved E. faecalis cells. Further study needs to
be performed to identify the signal transduction proteins involved in bi-
ofilm formation in E. faecalis.
Our study showed that E. faecalis biofilms developed by starved
cells and cells in the exponential phase were more resistant to 5.25%
NaClO than those of stationary cells. Portenier et al (9) reported that
cells harvested during the stationary phase were more resistant than
cells in the exponential phase, and starved cells were the most resistant.
We also found that the susceptibility of E. faecalis biofilm formed by
starved cells decreased with the maturation of the biofilms. Similar
observations in Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans biofilm and
Streptococcus mutans biofilm have also been reported by Japanese
and British researchers (27, 28).
Figure 3. The growth of biofilms of E. faecalis cells in different physiologic states Multiple factors may play a cumulative role in the resulting
on various substrata over 168 hours. Bacterial cells (1 mL of 108cells/mL) in expo- increased biofilm resistance (29). First, microbial nutrients and waste
nential, stationary, and starvation phases were grown on PLS and human dentin products modify the local environment inside a biofilm. Cells deeply
blocks incubated anerobically undisturbed at 37 C for 6 hours, 24 hours, 48 placed within the biofilm may slow their growth as the results of
hours, 72 hours, 96 hours, or 168 hours. (A) Substratum has significant effect some nutrient limitation. It has been suggested that the slow growth
on the biofilm formation capability at different stages of biofilm formation. The can account for the resistance of biofilm to antimicrobial agents (29,
CFU counts varied with the substratum (p < 0.001, n = 9) after different incuba- 30). In our present studies, it is possible that E. faecalis cells in the
tion time. **Significant difference between connected groups (p < 0.05). (B)
Further analysis by splitting file by substratum showed that on dentin cells in expo-
exponential phase in biofilm may slow their growth rate and be more
nential phase showed the highest growth followed by stationary cells. Starved cells resistant to 5.25% NaClO than their ‘‘normal’’ cells. Second, biofilm/
displayed the lowest growth. Difference among them was statistically significant attachment-specific phenotypes develop inside a biofilm. It has been
(p < 0.05, n = 9). (C) The results on PLS blocks varied with the increase of incu- suggested that some genes are activated or repressed in biofilms
bation time, which differed from those on dentin. *Significant difference against compared with planktonic cells (31–33). It is possible that specific
stationary cells (p < 0.05). #Significant difference against starved cells (p < 0.05). gene expression may occur during biofilm formation of E. faecalis

634 Liu et al. JOE — Volume 36, Number 4, April 2010

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