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Disability Accommodations



Disability Accommodations

In reality, United States is very outstanding in the way it deals with the issues of

disabilities among its people, unlike many other nations across the world. In essence, the

government of United States plays a pivotal role in facilitating fair treatment of all the people

with disability (Ong-Dean, 2009). Worth noting, the kind of concentration on these matters about

disability gets very influential. In short, the government of United States aims to improve the

living standards of all the people living with disabilities (Weber, 2012). Notably, the Americans

with Disabilities Act or the ADA helps in the facilitation of this kind of process. Moreover, the

ADA forms the base rock to manage the issues of disability in America.

By the same token, the guidance of ADA helps the United States of America in managing

all the matters of disability. Since its interception in 1990, it is very clear ADA has been in

existence for quite some time. In other words, this act brings with it a lot of benefits in the way

America tries to manage the issues of disability. For example, the application of ADA helps in

covering the persons with disabilities in diverse ways (Gold & Vanderpool, 2013). This act

specifies that no qualified person can be denied the opportunities for employment. As a

consequence, it helps in setting people with all kind of disabilities in a similar field with

everyone else (Weber, 2012). That is to say, the use of ADA plays a crucial role in creating

employment opportunities available to the persons that include the disabled ones. In essence, the

creation of availability of the possibilities of employment aims at giving this particular lot the

ability to be financially stable (Ong-Dean, 2009). In summary, the act of self-reliant is one of the

vital aspects to give people with disabilities the opportunity of living a comfortable life. In

reality, the self-motivating factor to all the people with disabilities results from the availability of


Most importantly, ADA is seen as an umbrella that protects against any discrimination.

Worth noting, this aspect of protection applies in worship centers, business premises, learning

institutions, and also other relevant places (Gold & Vanderpool, 2013). Moreover, Americans

with Disabilities Act require that all the systems try and restructure for the accommodation of the

people affected with a disability to live comfortably. Additionally, the same case of

reconstruction applies to the public transport (Weber, 2012). In this case, all the public

transportation should always be in a good position of accommodating the physically challenged

people under the jurisdiction of ADA.

ADA plays a pivotal role to shield its subjects from any oppression. Primarily, it covers

them from, legal procedures, religious discrimination, denial of business opportunities, a

different form of abuse, and criticism. In short, ADA covers all these interests (Ong-Dean,

2009). Additionally, ADA also tries to address real issues that are related to the disability in a

more analytical sense. To put it in another way, ADA helps in protecting the physically

challenged people from all kind of oppressions that may get inflicted on them by taking

advantage of their condition (Weber, 2012). For a long time, ADA has successfully managed in

running all the matters that concerns disabilities in a more efficient manner.

South Africa is considered the most developed African country, but on the other hand, it

remains behind on the issues that relate to disability. Furthermore, the country has a bad culture

of handling disability (Gold & Vanderpool, 2013). Moreover, the South African government is

yet to provide any legal procedures in governing the matters of disabilities. That is to say, this

kind of scenario negatively affects people with different forms of disability.

In contrast to America, South Africa lacks any valid legal act in handling disability. In

reality, South Africa attracts all kind of discrimination (Weber, 2012). Some of the areas of

discrimination include legal matters, job opportunities, business engagement, educational rights

and so on. In general, what brings forth the adverse effects in South Africa is the presence of

weak protection rights. Again, the disabled people are evidently destitute (Ong-Dean, 2009). In

the same fashion, lack of legal guarantees in the country increases the abuse of these disabled

people. This form of mistreatment affects them negatively hence making them look hopeless.

Unlike in America, the disabled people in South Africa lack empowerment through doing

business, education or employment. In America, these people enjoy the government protection

(Gold & Vanderpool, 2013). That is to say; they have access to employment opportunities,

business rights, access to education, and religious freedom. In America, the institutions are

restructured with an aim of accommodating the disabled people.

In conclusion, all people ought to be provided with the same treatment. The disabled ones

equally deserve opportunities for enhancing themselves in all possible manner. That is to say,

accommodating the people with a disability helps to establish a diversified workforce hence

facilitating the work management.



Gold, L. & Vanderpool, D. (2013). Clinical guide to mental disability evaluations. New York,

NY: Springer.

Ong-Dean, C. (2009). Distinguishing disability. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Weber, M. (2012). Understanding disability law. New Providence, NJ: LexisNexis.

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