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Deposita 21,244-250 (1986) MINERALIUM

© Springer-Verlag 1986

Geologic and metallogenic aspects

concerning the Nahuelbutamountains banded Iron Formation, Chile
R. Oyarzfin ~, H. Clemmey 2 and S. Collao
Departamento de Geociencias, Universidad de Concepci6n, Casilla 3-C, Concepcidn, Chile
2 Department of Earth Sciences,University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9ST, England

Abstract. Paleozoic banded-iron-formation (BIF) deposits Introduction

occur within the Nahuelbuta-Queule Complex (south
central Chile) which hosts the following stratigraphic The banded iron formations of the Nahuelbuta Mountains
units: Cabo Tir6a (green schists, mica schists, and meta- are located in central south Chile (Fig. 1) and are the only
cherts), Lieu-Lieu (iron-bearing metacherts, mica schists, reported occurrence of this type of ore deposit along the
and serpentinites), and Colcura (metagraywackes and Pacific margin of South America (Van N. Dorr 1973). The
metapelites). The lithological, structural, and geochemical main body of the Nahuelbuta Mountains comprises meta-
characteristics of the Lieu-Lieu and Cabo Tir~a units morphic and plutonic rocks of the so-called Crystalline
indicate that they were part of a tectonic m61ange accreted Basement Complex of Chile which ranges in age from
to the South American paleocontinent during the Paleo- Early Paleozoic to Carboniferous and is the oldest group
zoic. BIF ores are restricted to the Lieu-Lieu metacherts of rocks in this region of South America. Little is known
and are characterized by oxide-silicate-sulfide BIF facies. regarding the detailed Paleozoic history of the region
The iron-bearing metacherts present mineralogical and owing to the polyphase high-grade metamorphism and
geochemical characteristics close to the volcanogenic BIF accompanying deformation which has obliterated many of
types and are thought to have been formed by submarine the diagnostic features of the sedimentary and volcanic
volcanic exhalative activity. layered sequences. Nevertheless, the geologic, structural,
and geochemical features of the region seem to indicate
that some of these rocks were most probably part of a
tectonic m61ange including slices of oceanic crust, cherts,

15' 73ow ............... Is

Pllocene TUIBUL (7) Formation

CHOL- CHOL Forrnotion



Or~ovlcian LLEU- LLEU UNIT

~2 Devon on(?)
¢o I


PLUTON (~20 +24 m.y.) ~_<
~a EZ3
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Fig. 1a-b. Geologic map (a) and stratigraphic column (b) of the southern part of the Nahuelbuta Mountains. (1) dunes, gravels; (2) Tubul
Formation; (3) Cholchol Formation; (4) Triassic, sandstones; (5) Colcura unit; (6) Lieu-Lieu unit; (7) Cabo Tirua unit; (8) faults; (9) ser-
pentinitic bodies; (10) BIF deposits; (11) strata-bound massive sulfide deposits

and sediments accreted to the South American continent AI

in the Early Paleozoic (Herv6 et al. 1976 a; Godoy 1979;
Oyarzfln 1982, 1986).

General geology
The Nahuelbuta Mountains (Fig. 1) are made up of
metamorphic, plutonic, and sedimentary rocks ranging
from the Lower Paleozoic to Upper Tertiary in age. The
oldest rocks in the area belong to the Crystalline Basement
Complex, which is subdivided into the Western Series and
the Eastern Series (Aguirre etal. 1972; Herv6 1977)
reflecting the differences in deformation and metamorphic
grade. In order to avoid the ambiguity created by this
terminology, as far as the Nahuelbuta-Queule region is
concerned, the units have been combined and redefined si Fe(+MnJ
according to accepted international stratigraphic proce- Fig. 2. A1-Si-Fe (+ Mn) relations in iron formation and ironstone.
dures (Hedberg 1976) as the Nahuelbuta-Queule Complex Open circles, iron-bearing metacherts from Nahuelbuta. Iron for-
of Paleozoic age. Work undertaken during this research marion and ironstone fields after Stanton (1976)
has provided the basis for subdivisio~, at an informal level.
The lowermost unit, Cabo Tirua (Fig. 1), consists of green
schists, mica schists, and metacherts. The green schists are 60"
recrystallized tholeiitic ocean-floor basalts (Oyarzfln 1982,
1986) and contain strata-bound massive sulfide deposits of \oo
minor economic importance. The Lieu-Lieu unit is formed
by quartz-albite-muscovite-chlorite-biotite-garnet schists,
garnet-stilpnomelane-bearing metacherts (BIF facies), and 40 \o
chromite-beating antigorite serpentinites. The uppermost \
unit, Colcura, is comprised of rhythmic alternations of g \o
metapelites and metagraywackes. ~0
Structure \
20- \
Three episodes of deformation are recognized in the study \
area (F1, F2, F3). The first two are associated with \
penetrative schistosity and recrystallizafion. The second
one (F2) is of Carboniferous age (316 Ma, based on Rb/Sr
whole rock, Herv6 etal. 1976b; 281 _+ 11 and 296+ 12 Ma,
based on K / A t in muscovite, Oyarzfln 1982) and accounts i i i I I
for most of the observed textural and mineralogical ~0 4.0 SO 60 70 80
features of the Nahuelbuta-Queule Complex rocks. The % Si 0 2
third episode (F3) is of Triassic age and produced no Fig. 3. SiO2 versus FelOn(t), iron-bearing metacherts from Nahu-
recrystallization but, rather, gentle undulating folds super- elbuta
imposed on the Paleozoic structural trend.
Three structural zones are recognized in the Nahuel-
buta-Queule Complex representing different styles of regional metamorphism ranging from medium-pressure
deformation which broadly from east to west are: Struc- greenschist facies (Cabo Tirfia, Lieu-Lieu, and the western
tural zone 1, colcura unit rocks. This structural zone is part of the Colcura unit) up to the amphibolite facies
characterized by a gradual passage (east to west) from (central and eastern part of Colcura unit). Between the
open folds into recumbent and finally into a flat lying two deformation episodes F1 and F2 and after F2 the rocks
foliation with intrafolial folds and shear zones. Structural probably underwent retrograde metamorphism as wit-
zone 2, mainly Lieu-Lieu unit rocks. This zone is charac- nessed by the presence of posttectonic chlorites as an
terized by a gently dipping undulating foliation with alteration product of garnet and biotite (post-F1) and
small-scale intrafolial and tight recumbent folds in the stilpnomelane (post-F2).
mica schist and metacherts units. Structural zone 3, mainly
Cabo Tirua unit rocks. This zone is characterized by a flat-
lying foliation and minor development of small-scale con- The iron deposits
certina and box folds.
Many workers regard the term BIF as applicable to
The mineral parageneses present in the Nahuelbuta- Precambrian iron ores only. However, as Kimberley (1979)
Queule Complex rocks indicate that the units underwent has shown there is no time restriction for the various facies

of iron formation. Certainly, there are periods when thickness of up to 45 m (including some mica schists inter-
certain types of iron-formation facies are well developed calations) and has a general strike of N60°W, dipping
(e.g., "volcanic linkage" with peaks in the Archeozoic, Ordo- 5°-25°SW. The UIBB has a maximum thickness of 12 m
vician, and Devonian), but no time restriction generally and has a general strike of N60°E, dipping 25°SE. The
exists. Thus, although the Nahuelbuta banded iron ores iron beds are disrupted by normal faults E - W to NE and
are of Phanerozoic age, they will be considered as a N - S to NW. Both the MIBB and the UIBB are lensoid,
banded iron formation since they fit chemical, mineralogi- and their thicknesses generally diminish toward the SE.
cal, and stratigraphical characteristics considered to be Both of the mineralized horizons have similar petro-
diagnostic of the BIF ore types i.e., a low A1/Si+Fe ratio graphic characteristics: magnetite-garnet-stilpnomelane-
and an iron-silica antipathetic relationship (Stanton 1976; (Fe-Cu-sulfides-apatite) metacherts. Average grades range
Figs. 2, 3), and BIF oxide, silicate, sulfide facies and a from 31% Fe (Mahuilque) to 39% Fe (Relun) with possible
rhythmic layering of well-defined quartz-iron oxide meso- reserves of 170 million tons. (C) La Cabafia. The minerali-
and microbands, which also fits the definition given by zation at La Cabafia (Fig. 1) consists of several beds of
Beukes (1983) for iron formations, i.e., an iron-rich sedi- iron-bearing metacherts intercalated with mica schists.
mentary rock consisting of microcrystalline iron minerals Bed thicknesses range 0.1-15 m having a general NNW
and chert, which occurs as meso- or microbands as well as strike and dipping gently toward the E. The metachert
interstitial grains between the iron minerals. beds present similar petrographical characteristics to those
The banded iron ores of Nahuelbuta occur as scattered of the Mahuilque-Relfin area, although a clear correlation
outcrops along a 50-km N - S belt between the localities of with either the MIBB or UIBB has not yet been made.
Pocuno and La Cabafia (Fig. 1). Host rocks for the ore are Normal faults NNE and NW to NNW disrupt the iron-
the metacherts of the Lieu-Lieu unit and the iron-bearing bearing horizons.
mineral is almost entirely magnetite.
In economic terms, the whole belt is regarded as a
potential iron source although no mining activity has been Mineralogy
recorded to date. The main iron ore mining activity in
Chile is restricted to the Cretaceous magmatic and meta- Magnetite occurs as anhedral to subhedral crystals up to
0.25 mm in diameter. Numerous inclusions of pyrite,
somatic iron ores of northern Chile, where grades are
chalcopyrite, bornite, pyrrhotite, and minor galena in the
higher, and there are port facilities for shipment better.
magnetite crystals are typical textural features. The in-
clusions occur as blebs up to 0.05 mm in an "emulsion" or
Geology of the ore deposits
"mottled" texture which may be the result of a progressive
Three main mineralized areas can be observed from north unmixing, resulting in an exsolution of sulfide grains in
to south: (A) Pocuno. This area (Fig. 1) comprises low- magnetite. The contact between the exsolution bodies and
grade (15% Fe) iron-bearing horizons composed of meta- the magnetite are sharp and no gradational chemical
cherts intercalated in mica schists having a general N70°E changes have been detected. The sulfide blebs occur as
strike and dipping 40°SE (Alvarez 1970). The thickness of free and composite particles such as bornite-chalcopyrite
these horizons ranges between 3 and 60 m. Forestry work and pyrite-chalcopyrite grains.
carried out during the 1970s has resulted in an almost Pyrite, chalcopyrite, and traces of galena also occur as
complete covering of the Pocuno area with pines, which isolated anhedral crystals infilling cavities and sur-
prevents any detailed examination within this zone. (B) rounding crystals of stilpnomelane and magnetite. These
Mahuilque-Rehin (Figs. 1, 4). Two iron-bearing metachert crystals are larger than the inclusions, reaching diameters
units have been recognized in the Mahuilque-Relun of up to 0.5 mm and can even be recognized in hand
mineralized area. These are the main iron-bearing bed specimens. Supergene alteration has led to the formation
(MIBB) and the upper iron-bearing bed (UIBB), separated of martite, maghemite, limonite, covelite, and chalcocite,
by a vertical distance of around 70 m. The MIBB reaches a which partially alter magnetite and the Fe-Cu sulfides.

ooO g . .%°0
. o o"

~ ' Relun Area

Lisperger~Areal " ~¢)

I .I [ .

Fig. 4. Geology of the Mahuilque-

Rel~n area. (1) gravels; (2) mi-
~ " / - -; ~ 2 %, /
I ~ I2 ~ F:3u[t caschists; (3) main iron-bearing bed
(MIBB); (4) upper iron-bearing bed
(UIBB); modified from Alvarez

Table 1. Major element analyses (%) of different types of BIF deposits (*)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

SiO2 46.87 47.9 43.3 32.1 21.7 43.35 51.2 46.4 47.9 20.97
TiO2 0.11 0.05 0.22 0.14 0.05 0.01 0.00 0.04 0.03 0.25
A120~ 3.07 0.90 0.08 1.43 2.22 0.48 0.42 0.90 0.33 4.34
Fe203(t) 43.69 47.91 54.4 44.12 66.90 48.57 45.66 40.57 42.87 39.90
MnO 1.44 - 0.04 0.13 1.48 - 0.02 0.63 < 0.01 7.49
MgO 0.46 1.80 1.33 2.17 2.12 0.32 0.62 2.98 2.49 1.16
CaO 0.70 1.45 0.62 2.28 1.01 0.10 0.00 1.60 1.85 1.59
Na20 0.55 0.20 0.13 0.08 0.22 0.33 0.02 0.04 0.12 -
K20 0.19 0.32 tr 0.14 0.16 0.01 0.01 0.13 0.11 0.87
P205 0.83 0.10 0.14 0.16 1.97 0.04 0.03 0.08 0.19 -

(1) Nahuelbuta BIF, average of 17 analyses of iron-rich metacherts (Oyarzfin 1982); (2) Algoma-type BIF, average of 4 analyses Timagami
Lake area, Ontario (Canada) (in Jensen and Bateman 1979); (3-5) SVOP-IF (a), Subganian (URSS), Pickle Crow (Canada), Austina Brook
(Canada); (6) Lake Superior-type BIF, average of 6 analyses, Knob Lake Iron Range, Quebec and Labrador (Canada) (in Jensen and
Bateman 1979); (7-9) MECS-IF (b), Sokoman (Canada), Biwabik (USA), Brockman-Hamersley (Australia); (10) umber, Cyprus (Barret
(a) Shallow-volcanic-platform iron formation
(b) Metazoan-poor, extensive, chemical-sediment-rich, shallow-sea iron formation
(a, b): Kimberley (1979)
(*) The table also includes geochemical data of an umber

Table 2. Trace element analyses (ppm) of different types of BIF deposits (*)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Cr 146A 11 28 23 9.3 9.4 190 112 17.1 28.5 31

Ni 34.3 150 19 12 . . . . 20.5 212
Co 81.1 136 108 99 4.15 31.0 66.1 83.0 5.39 69.0 101
Rb 16.9 19 32 90 . . . . . . .
Sr 33.1 20 14 36 . . . . . n.d. 414
Y 67.5 15.7 25.2 21.6 . . . . . . .
Zr 73.3 29 49 76 . . . . 17.3 370
Nb 2.8 9.6 7.6 2 . . . . . . .
Cu 157.7 256 64 57 60 140 97 31,450 - 22 897
Zn 100.0 167 85 24 . . . . . 235
Pb 13.4 18 17 n.d. - . . . . . 161
Ba 295.1 159 45 435 . . . . . 179.0 427

(1) Nahuelbuta BIF (Oyarzfin 1982); (2-4) silicate-facies iron formation, Redstone, Canada (Robin-
son 1984); (5-8) oxide-, carbonate-, silicate-, sulfide-facies iron formation Isua, West Greenland
(Appel 1980); (9) oxide-facies iron formation, Sokoman, Canada (Fryer 1977); (10) itabirites, Minas
Gerais, Brazil (Barbosa and Grossi Sad 1970); (11) umber, Cyprus (Barret 1981)
(*) The table also includes geochemical data of an umber

Table 3. REE analyses (ppm) of different BIF facies and metalliferous sediments

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

La 28.60 44.40 2.72 5.71 2.88 7.7 10.1 19.3 100.9 55.0 0.30
Ce 45.00 64.00 4.52 8.14 3.4 14.0 24.6 36.1 43.4 17.2 0.84
Nd 33.30 52.00 2.37 3.39 - 11 17 20 91.3 66.1 0.58
Sm 7.70 11.50 0.43 0.59 0.43 2.40 4.65 2.93 18.6 14.4 0.21
Eu 1.96 2.72 0.15 0.22 0.18 1.25 0.29 0.30 4.5 3.5 0.074
Tb 1.52 2.01 - 0.59 0.10 0.64 1.34 0.58 2.6 2.0 0.049
Tin 0.70 1.39 . . . . . . 0.9 1.1 0.033
Yb 4.40 8.20 0.24 0.15 0.56 3.01 3.96 1.57 6.2 5.9 0.17
Lu 0.75 1.44 0.03 - 0.094 0.46 0.52 0.19 0.8 1.0 0.031

(1-2) Samples M6 and M20, Nahuelbuta BIF (Oyarzfin 1982); (3-4) average oxide-facies iron forma-
tion (Sokoman, Canada) and Brockman iron formation (Australia) (Fryer 1977); (5-8) oxide-, car-
bonate-, silicate-, sulfide-facies iron formation (Isua, West Greenland) (Appel 1980); (9-10) umber,
ochre, Cyprus (Robertson and Fleet 1976); (11) average chondrite (Haskins et al. 1966)


facies. However, Appel (1980) has noted that the low
3O0 absolute amount of REE seems to be a common feature of
Precambrian iron formations. The normalized light REE
trend of the Nahuelbuta samples (Fig. 5) partially share at
200 an incipient level some of the characteristics of the Cyprus
hydrothermal sediments and the silicate, sulfide facies of
the Isua iron formation, i.e., Ce and Eu negative ano-
Kimberley (1979) noted that BIF deposits formed on
90 extensive, chemical-sediment-rich continental shelves or
eO nonvolcanic platforms are minor-element-poor in contrast
I'- 7O to BIF deposits formed on shallow volcanic platforms
6O which may have substantial minor-element abundances,
St which seems to be the case in the different facies of the
Isua iron formation (up to 31,450 ppm Cu, 76 ppb Au,
0 ,40
-r and 13 ppm Ag in the sulfide facies; Appel 1980). Recent
3O I
geochemical data on the Nahuelbuta BIF and genetically
7 linked strata-bound massive sulfide ores (Oyarzfin and
Helle 1985) show Au contents of up to 0.23 ppm (iron-
LU 2 0 bearing metacherts, i.b.m.) and 1.03 ppm (massive sulfides,
a. m.s.) as well as rather high contents of Cu (up to 400 ppm
in i.b.m, and 36,300 ppm in m.s.). Besides, preliminary
< studies on sulfur isotopes (Collao, in preparation) in
pyrites from the Mahuilque orebody (Nahuelbuta BIF,
Fig. 4) have shown a 6834 mean value of-0.48, which as
8 in the case of the Isua iron formation (Monster et al. 1979;
7 Appel 1980) may indicate a primary source of sulfur
6 instead of bacterial fractionation.

Discussion and proposal of a genetic model for the

Nahuelbuta BIF
3 I I ~ I I I
La Ce Nd Sm ELI Tb
Previous workers have regarded the Mahuilque-Relfin and
Fig. 5. Chondrite normalized REE pattern of iron-bearing La Cabafia banded iron deposits to be of sedimentary
metacherts from Nahuelbuta, samples M6, M20 (1, 2); carbonate, origin and have compared them to the Lake Superior-type
silicate, sulfide facies from the Isua BIF, West Greenland, Appel banded iron formation (Ruiz 1965; Alvarez 1970). This
(1980) (6, 7, 8); umber, ochre, Cyprus, Robertson and Fleet (1976) comparison was based on certain similarities regarding
(9, 10) mineralogy and rock types with the Lake Superior-type
facies. The previous workers have also proposed a Pre-
cambrian age for the iron formations since BIF deposits
are supposedly restricted to that time.
Geochemical characteristics
However, as indicated earlier in this paper, Lake Supe-
The Nahuelbuta BIF shows a rather high major- and rior-type BIF seems to have formed in rather stable
trace-element content (Tables 1, 2) when compared to platform, sedimentary-tectonic settings where no or only
Lake Superior BIF deposits and the MECS iron forma- remote relations to volcanic activity exist, as in the case of
tions (as defined by Kimberley 1979). Its content in Cu, various facies of iron formation in the Transvaal Super-
Cr, and Zr is 7, 5, and 4 times higher than the one shown group (South Africa; Beukes 1983). In the case of the
by the Minas Gerais BIF (Brazil, Table 2). Data on Cr and Nahuelbuta BIF, a clear spatial relation with the Cabo
Co have been given by Fryer (1977) for the Sokoman iron Tirfia metabasalts toward the west exists, and the struc-
formation (Canada); compared to these values, the iron- tural and lithological features seem to indicate an accre-
bearing metacherts of Nahuelbuta are up to 8.6 times tionary wedge rather than a platform setting during
richer in Cr and 15 times richer in Co. However, major- Paleozoic times (Oyarzfn 1982, 1986). The geochemistry
element and base-metal (e.g., Cu, Co, Zn, Pb) contents in and mineralogy also highlight two main differences be-
the Nahuelbuta BIF are rather similar to BIF facies linked tween the Nahuelbuta BIF and the Lake Superior type:
to volcanogenic activity as in the case of the SVOP-IF-type (1) the Nahuelbuta BIF has a higher trace-element con-
deposits (Kimberley 1979; Table 1) and probable ex- tent, and (2) the Nahuelbuta BIF has a copper sulfide
halative BIF episodes such as the silicate BIF facies of mineral phase which was most probably coprecipitated
Redstone (Canada, Robinson 1984), Isua (West Green- with the magnetite.
land; Appel 1980), and hydrothermally precipitated sedi- According to Kirkham (1979) copper is not an im-
ments (umbers, Cyprus; Barret 1981) (Table 2). The trace- portant component of iron formation but it can be con-
element enrichment is particularly important in the case of centrated in some Algoma-type BIF to such an extent that
the REE when compared to Lake Superior-type BIF from copper mineral such as chalcopyrite can be formed in the
Canada and Australia (Table 3) and the Isua different BIF oxide-sulfide-silicate facies. The iron oxide and iron-

copper sulfide link has been found in several different particularly the polyphase paragenesis including iron
iron formations in the world, e.g., Broken Hill (Australia; oxide, iron-copper sulfide, and iron silicate (oxide-sulfide-
Richard 1966; Stanton 1976; Pouit 1977), the Isua supra- silicate-facies iron formation) which is essentially restricted
crustal Belt (West Greenland; Appel 1979), Pacaud, Town- to Algoma-type BIF.
ship, Antikokan iron formation, Snakeweed Lake, and Based on these premises, the following genetic model
Granduc mine (Canada; Kirkham 1979). Most authors can be proposed: (1) The iron and copper were precipi-
have proposed a probable submarine exhalative origin for tated by hydrothermal exhalative solutions from vents
these Algoma-type facies. A similar hypothesis has also associated with mid-oceanic ridge activity. (2) The exhala-
been proposed for the Archean iron formations of South tive flows probably migrated a considerable distance
Africa (Anhaeusser 1976; Fripp 1976). Sato (1972) has (some tens of kilometers?) before precipitating their metal
proposed some physicochemical mechanisms to account load, forming "distal" (in the sense of Plimer 1978) iron
for the expulsion of metalliferous brines onto the seafloor. oxide-rich, iron-copper sulfide-subordinate ore facies. (3)
In his model, three basic types of ore-beating brines are Successive metamorphic episodes rearranged the initial
postulated: Type 1. The ore fluid is expelled flowing down mineral facies thus generating the observed iron oxide,
the slope because of its high salinity. The resulting brine iron-copper sulfide paragenetic assemblages. Probably, the
should become densely layered if ponded in a seafloor premetamorphic iron oxide mineralogy was hematite and
depression, where ore deposition could occur. Laminar hydroxide rich and later converted into magnetite.
flow characterizes this type of brine. Type 2. the brines are The suggested model explains not only the particular
characterized by turbulent flow and pass through a density tectonic and mineralogical characteristics of the Nahuel-
maximum as a result of the initial mixing with seawater. buta banded iron formation but also the "anomalous"
Type 2 brines may also become ponded. Type 3. These are high trace-element content, because hydrothermal ex-
brines which are initially very hot. They are less dense halative activity may have greater metal-bearing capacity
than seawater and therefore become bouyant. They than purely exogenic-sedimentary activity.
gradually cool and mix within the water column. Thus, Nevertheless, considering the almost 60 years of con-
any minerals precipitated from the brine may be dispersed troversy concerning the origin of BIF, no important
over a large area forming a thin blanket that conforms to breakthroughs seem to have been made so far. As James
the seafloor topography. It may be expected that most of (1966) wisely stated, the suggestions for the origin of the
the mineral species will be in the oxide form in contrast to ironstones and banded iron formations have to be taken
the species precipitated from type 1 and 2 brines which for what they are, that is, plausible speculations more than
should be reduced. final answers.
In the opinion of Kirkham (1979), the copper occur-
rences in iron formation might be products of type 1 or 3
exhalative solutions, although the mechanism may be Acknowledgements. This research was carried out during the
more complex. Turner and Gustafson (1978) have experi- tenure of Grants 20.34.11 and 20.34.19 (University of Concep-
mentally studied the possible behavior of hot saline ci6n).
solutions emanating from vents in the seafloor. They con-
clude that dense, hot, saline exhalative flows would be no
less stable than turbiditic flows, thereby indicating that References
exhalative flows would be no less stable than turbiditic
flows, and thereby indicating that exhalative flows could Aguire, L., Herve, F., Godoy, E.: Distribution of metamorphic
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Fe in proximal zones. More distal precipitates include iron Formation and in Basaltic tufts in the Early Precambrian Isua
silicates, ferric oxides, and hydroxides. Off the volcano of Supracrnstal Belt, West Greenland. Econ. Geol. 74:45-52
Santorini (Cyclades volcanic arc, eastern Mediterranean) (1979)
sulfides occur locally as a minor component of hydro- Appel, P.: On the Early Archean Isua Iron Formation, West
thermally precipitated chemical sediments which are Greenland. Precambrian Research, 11:73-78 (1980)
Barbosa, A., Grossi Sad, J.: Tectonic Control of sedimentation
mostly composed of iron oxides. Iron precipitates close to and trace elements distribution in iron ores of Central Minas
the vents and decreases in concentration away from the Gerais (Brazil). In: Genesis of Precambrian iron and manga-
volcanic source as Mn concentration increases. nese deposits. Symposium de Kiev, 1970, pp. 125-131 (1973)
Two factors must be considered prior to formulating a Barret, T.: Chemistry and mineralogy of Jurassic bedded chert
genetic model for the Nahuelbuta banded iron formation: overlying ophiolites in North Apennines, Italy. Chemical
(a) the probable submarine origin of the Lieu-Lieu unit Geology 34:289-317 (1981)
which hosts the iron formations of Pocuno, Mahuilque- Beukes, N.: Palaeoenvironmental setting of iron formations in the
Relfin, and La Cabafia, and the close stratigraphic and depositional basin of the Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa.
In: Iron Formation: Facts and Problems. Trendall, A.F. and
tectonic association with the Cabo Tirfia unit metabasalts
Morris, R.C. (eds.). Chapter4, 131-209. Developments of
which most probably originated in a mid-oceanic ridge Precambrian Geology, 6 (1983)
system; (b) the mineralogical and geochemical charac- Cronan, D., Smith, P., Bignell, R.: Modern submarine hydro-
teristics of the Mahuilque and La Cabafia BIF ores, thermal mineralizations: examples from Santorini and the Red

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