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Developmental Lesson Plan 2

Teacher Candidate: Mandy Xu Date: 4.20.2021

Group Size: 16 Allotted Time: 1 Hours Grade Level: First Grade

Subject or Topic: The Seed: Parts of the Seed

Common Core/PA Standard:

3.1.1.A5 Identify and describe plant parts and their function

K-LS1-1. Use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including
humans) need to survive

Learning Targets/Objectives:
1. After learning about a plant's life cycle, the first grade students will discover different
kinds of seeds and where they come from.
2. The first grade students will learn the parts of the seed. To be more specific the
anatomy and its purpose of their function to help the seed survive.
3. The first grade students will learn about the purpose of seeds and how it connects to the
world we live in.
Assessment Approaches: Evidence:
1. Comparison of seeds 1. Comparing size and colors of different
a. The bad seed types of seeds from fruits or
2. Dissect a lima bean vegetables.
3. Essential question/Chalk labeling 2. Dissecting the lima bean to showcase
the parts as well as their functions.
3. Students will write on a sticky note a
purpose of a seed
Assessment Scale:
3. Dissecting Lima Bean
● The first grade students are able to name and identify the purpose > ⅔ parts of the seed
● The first grade students are able to name and identify the purpose < 1/3 parts of the
seed -Proficient
Subject Matter/Content:
● Different kinds of seeds and where they come from
● The structure of a seed and their function that help them survive to grow
● The purpose and importance of seeds
● Understanding of a plant’s life cycle
● Understanding of basic needs
● Understanding of reproduction
● Understanding of using pincer grasp: Tweezers and fingers
Key Vocab:
● Seed Coat- The outer layer/covering of the seed that helps protect the inside of the seed
and to help it from drying out.
● Embryo- The baby plant. (Looks like a thin strong/cord like root.
● Cotyledons- A temporary food supply that is packed inside of the seed during birth to
help keep the seedling fed until it can parts to make food of its own food.
● Dormant- The state in which the seed is still alive but will not germinate (grow) until it
has the proper resources such as water, soil, etc to help provide the nutrient to grow.
● Example of seeds
○ Lima Bean
○ Acorn (squirrels)
○ Pin code
○ Sunflower seeds
○ Dandelion(Wind nature)
● Parts of the seed
○ Seed Coat
○ Embryo
○ Cotyledons
● What is classified as a seed?
○ Baby embryo that can grow to be plant
○ Produced from an offspring that used sunlight as a source of energy to help
● Where seeds can be found
○ Flowers
○ Fruits
■ “Most of the times you will find that a fruit or vegetable contains many
seeds. This would be like fruits such as peach, cherries or mangos.
Some fruits may only contain one seed, this would be called a pit. A pit
is one singular seed inside of the fruit.”
■ Using the avocado- “Now does anyone know if an avocado is fruit or a
■ Hint to the students the avocados characteristics such as the color, size,
or seed. *(Some students may think avocado is a vegetable due to the
bright green colors.)*
■ “Surprisingly avocado is a fruit because it has a pit, one singular seed.”
○ Vegetables in a garden
● Purpose of the seed/impact
○ Food source
○ Decorations
○ Reforestation
○ Shelter
Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies:
Book: The Bad Seed By Jorn John and Illustrated by Peter Oswald
● To get the students interested in the book allow them to make a complete observation
of the front cover.
● Ask introduction questions such as the following
○ “What do you think the book will be about?”
○ “How do you think this book will tie in with what we are learning about
● Have them use their prior knowledge from the lesson yesterday to build those
● When reading the book, make sure to let the students view the illustrations. Allow them
to see all parts of the pages, not just a vivid image of the bad seed. Let them observe
the other characters in the book
○ “Wow have you seen one of those before?”
○ “Are the characters in the story all foods you have seen before? Or better yet
have you eaten them before?”
○ “What are the names of those seeds?
○ “What kind of seed is the bad seed?”
○ “What were some of the other seeds in the book with the bad seed?
● Allow the students to build the connection that all the characters in the story are seeds.
Have them point out seeds that they may have seen before they ate homework. This
will help the student build a connection that seeds are seen throughout their life.
● Have students discuss what the bad seed was? Where the bad seed came from? What
purpose did the bad seed serve as in the book.
Development/Teaching Approaches
Transition, tie the different kinds of seeds in the story and then show them real life examples of
those seeds in the book.
Differentiating seeds
● Use real life physical seeds the students can observe, allow them to make their own
observations. Allowing the students to explore their own discoveries of different traits
may be a seed.
● Display the various fruits/vegetables for the students and ask them if they can find the
seeds? (Carefully open to show the insides where the seeds can be found)
○ Pumpkin
○ Snow or snap Pea
○ Avocado
○ Strawberry
● Display the different nuts or flower seeds for the students to observe
● Questions to ask the students while showing the various types of seeds
○ “What kind of seed do you think this is?”
○ “Have you ever seen this kind of seed before in your house?”
○ “Where do you think this seed came from?”
○ “What are the colors of that seed.”
○ “Do some of these seeds look alike?”
○ “Why are some seeds smaller or larger than others?”
● Engage the students in rich discussion about what they think about the seed. Allow
them to discuss between one another ways they can share and express their thinking,
while learning from their peers about what they were thinking from a different
● Ask the first grades if they have ever planted seeds in their use before
Seed Anatomy: Lima Bean Dissection
● Lima beans should be pre soaked overnight
● Express the importance of parts of a seed and how their components are vital to the
survival of the seed.
○ “Now just like you and me we all have different parts to our parts that serve a
function to help us live and survive. “We use our stomachs to help digest the
food we eat in order to give our bodies the nutrients. We have a skeleton inside
of our bodys to help stand straight and give us a structure.
● Using the projector, take a pre soaked lima bean and model for the first grade students
the steps they take inorder to help take apart or dissect the lima bean.
○ “Now we are going to be putting our Botanist hats back on because today we
are going to dissect or take part of the seed to see all the different parts of the
● Model for the student first to demonstrate how they should follow along.
● Dissect the lima bean on a black piece of construction paper to ensure that there is
contrast and make it visible for students to see the parts of the lima bean.
● Make sure the students can clearly view what they are expected to do on their own
inorder to follow along with taking apart the lima seed.
● The first step is to use the tweezers or the toothpick to help prick off or remove the
seed coat.
○ “The seed coat is the very thin layer on the outside of the lima bean. Now it
sounds just like how it is. THe coat helps protect the insides of the seeds just
like your coat when you go outside, it helps you keep warm.”
● Prep the Beans fo the first grade student
● Take the presoak 16 beans and slightly rip open the seat coat and breaking apart the
bean for the student. Be sure to leave the two halves intact so the students are still abel
to break it up on their own.
● There should be two even half sized beans and this is where the embryo and the
Cotyledons will be present.
● The thin cord like structure will be found around the edges near the curve of the bean is
the Embryo
○ “The Embryo is the baby plant, they are the main star of your show. It is
protected by both the Cotyledons and the seed coat to help in order to help it
● The two large halves of the seed are the Cotyledons.
○ “The Cotyledon is the largest part of the seed structure. The purpose of it is to
serve as the food backpack for the seed. When the seed is still young it can not
provide food for its own without the leaves or roots.
● Prep the students to allow them to dissect their own lima beans
● Either the teacher or the students handout 16 pieces of black construction paper and 16
lima beans.
● The construction paper will be for the students work area when dissecting the lima
bean, the black helps contrast the seed for students to see more visibly.
● Walk around the room to see that the students are dissecting the lima bean in and
showing them the parts of the seed.
○ Point to the seed coat (Clear thin layer on the outside of the seed)*
■ “Now the seed coat is the thin clear layer around the outside of the seed.
It's like a jacket to help protect the insides of the seed. The coat also
keeps the seed from drying out.”
○ Point to the Embryo (The thin cord like structure)
■ “ The embryo is the baby tiny plant that is the star of the show in the
seed, it may be the smallest part of the seed but this is where the plant
■ Note the embryo is connected to the Cotyledon, have the students
disconnect the two parts.
○ Point to the Cotyledons (The two large white halves of the seed)
■ “This is the food supply the embryo takes energy from at birth, it relies
on the nutrients because it can not make food for itself yet.
● Have each student place the three parts of the lima bean (Seed coat, Embryo, and
Cotyledons) on different areas on the black construction paper.
● Allow the student to take time for discussion amongst their neighbors to look at one
another's lima bean.
● Ask the first grader students to wrap up their discussions.
● Ask the first grader students an essential question: “What is the purpose for each part
of the seed? How does it affect the plant growth if it wasn’t there?”
● Discuss the three parts of the parts of the seed (Seed coat, Embryo, once more on their
○ Ask the students to identify each part by their name

● Chalk and record their answers
○ The first graders should individually circle all the three different parts of the
○ The first graders will use the chalk to label the name of each part of the Lima.
(They can refer the teacher’s model for the names incase they can not spell)
○ The first graders will use the chalk to write down the purpose of each part of the
● Look for the following words in their description to correctly identify
○ Seed coat: Protect
○ Embryo: Baby plant
○ Cotyledons: Food source
Closure/Summarizing Strategies:
● Snack time discussions with Sunflower seeds
○ Give each student a small handful of sunflower seeds.
○ Allow the students to crack open the sunflower seed and have them try to
identify some parts of the seed they learned from the lima bean.
○ Allow the student to enjoy them as a snack as well.
● Refer back to the story of the bad seed.
○ “I hope no one accidentally spits out a bad seed! Does anyone remember in the
story why the seed went from good to bad?”
○ “That's right the seed went through and adventure and that's why he became a
bad seed”
○ “The bad seed started from a sunflower, to a bag of sunflower seeds to living in
a soda.”
○ “This idea of travelling of the seed is super important, but in real life a
sunflower seed does not travel by foot but with the help from nature.

Student X who experiences a visual impairment may have difficulty seeing the tiny seeds. In
order to help student X to participate in this lesson have them sit closer to you the instructor.
When showing the different types of seeds come up to the students and have them touch and
feel the different kinds of seeds. When it comes time for the Lima Dissection, I will provide
Student X with my personal model in order to help the students follow along. I will provide the
student with their own Lima Bean and construction paper but I will give them my model to
help them get a close up visual to help them replicate their own.

● Book: The Bad Seed
● Various types of fruits and vegetables (for seeds),
○ Avocado
○ Strawberry
○ Pumpkin
○ Snap or Snow Peas
● Peanuts (Be mindful of allergy)
● Pistachios
● Bag of Sunflower seeds
● Tooth Picks
● 16 Lima beans
● 16 Pieces of black construction paper
● 16 Pieces of chalk
● A couple pairs of tweezers

Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels
Reflect after lesson is taught
Includes remediation for students who fail to meet acceptable level of achievement
Remediation Plan (if applicable)
Personal Reflection
Questions, written before lesson is taught, pertaining to YOUR GROWTH as a teacher.
setting goals/focus to enhance your growth.
Additional reflection/thoughts can also be included

Personal Reflection Questions

How was my Pacing?
Was my lesson effective?
DId I hit the “So What factor”

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