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AACN Advanced Critical Care

Volume 28, Number 4, pp. 359-365

© 2017 AACN

Designing a Resilience Program for

Critical Care Nurses
Meredith Mealer, RN, PhD Sona Dimidjian, PhD
Rachel Hodapp, MSW Barbara O. Rothbaum, PhD
David Conrad, LCSW Marc Moss, MD

Background: Workplace stress can affect job Results: Thirty-three nurses participated in
satisfaction, increase staff turnover and hos- 11 focus groups. Respondents identified
pital costs, and reduce quality of patient potential barriers to program adherence,
care. Highly resilient nurses adapt to stress incentives for adherence, preferred qualifica-
and use a variety of skills to cope effectively. tions of instructors, and intensive care unit-
Objective: To gain data on a mindfulness- specific issues to be addressed.
based cognitive therapy resilience interven- Conclusions: The mindfulness-based cogni-
tion for intensive care unit nurses to see if tive therapy pilot intervention was modified
the intervention program would be feasible to incorporate thematic categories that the
and acceptable. focus groups reported as relevant to inten-
Methods: Focus-group interviews were con- sive care unit nurses. Institutions that wish
ducted by videoconference with critical care to design a resilience program for intensive
nurses who were members of the American care unit nurses to reduce burnout syndrome
Association of Critical-Care Nurses. The need an understanding of the barriers and
interview questions assessed the feasibility concerns relevant to their local intensive
and acceptability of a mindfulness-based care unit nurses.
cognitive therapy program to reduce burn- Keywords: resilience, mindfulness, cognitive-
out syndrome in intensive care unit nurses. behavioral therapy, focus groups

W orkplace stress is an issue that has

gained attention and the nursing and
medical communities have highlighted the need
Meredith Mealer is Assistant Professor, University of Colorado
School of Medicine, 12631 E 17th Ave, F493, Aurora, CO 80045
to address clinician’s psychological health and (

subsequent risk for anxiety, depression, and Rachel Hodapp, Department of Medicine, University of
Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, Colorado.
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).1 If left
unaddressed, workplace stress can adversely David Conrad, Department of Pediatrics, University of
Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, Colorado.
affect job satisfaction, increase turnover and
Sona Dimidjian, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience,
hospital costs, and ultimately reduce quality University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, Colorado.
of patient care.1 Barbara O. Rothbaum, Department of Psychiatry, Emory
Nurses in specialty areas such as the inten- University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia.
sive care unit (ICU) are predisposed to work- Marc Moss, Department of Medicine, University of Colorado
place stress. The ICU is a fast paced, tension- School of Medicine, Aurora, Colorado.
charged environment in which nurses are
directly and indirectly exposed to traumatic This research was funded by National Institutes of Health
events and morally challenging decisions.2 grant number R34AT009181.

Exposure to the long-term stressors of the DOI:


ICU environment likely contribute to the high the differences between the groups were iden-
prevalence of burnout syndrome, PTSD, anxi- tified in 4 domains: (1) worldview, (2) social
ety, and depression in critical care nurses.3,4 network, (3) cognitive flexibility, and (4) self-
Some critical care nurses appear unaffected care/balance. Highly resilient ICU nurses used
by the adversities and challenges of the ICU positive coping skills to address workplace
and thrive in that workplace environment. stress and continue working in the ICU envi-
Nurses with high levels of psychological resil- ronment. These positive coping skills were
ience are significantly less likely to develop used to develop a pilot, multimodal resilience
burnout, psychological distress (eg, PTSD, anx- training program for ICU nurses.
iety, and depression), and problems with daily
functioning (personally and professionally) Multimodal Resilience Training
in response to workplace stress.4 Program
Resilience is defined as adapting or bounc- The multimodal resilience training program
ing back after being exposed to stressful situ- included mindfulness practice, aerobic exercise,
ations or adversity.5 Resilience encompasses event-triggered cognitive-behavioral therapy,
3 components: (1) recovery, (2) sustainability, and expressive writing (written exposure ther-
and (3) growth.6,7 Recovery involves a return apy [WET]). Twenty-nine ICU nurses were
to baseline functioning after extreme stress; randomly assigned to be part of an 8-week
sustainability is the capacity to continue func- resilience program or part of a control group.
tioning without disruption; and growth is the The results of the study indicated that the
ability to enhance adaptation beyond original resilience intervention was both feasible and
levels of functioning.6 Resilience is not a clearly acceptable to ICU nurses. Although the study
delineated or a static construct; individual lev- was not able to determine the effectiveness of
els of resilience may vary based on context, the intervention, significant differences were
which includes organizational and/or environ- found between the 2 groups in PTSD symp-
mental issues (eg, the type of patients being toms and resilience scores.11 Continued
cared for in a unit).6 Importantly, resilience research is needed to understand which inter-
can be learned. ventions are most effective at enhancing resil-
ience and whether the interventions are
Background feasible and acceptable to ICU nurses, who
Resilience resources can be innate or learned are often restricted by the demands of their
through experiences, and role models become work schedule.
stronger or weaker due to prior experiences.5
Resilience resources can be grouped into such Written Exposure Therapy
categories as self and ego-related resources, Written exposure therapy may build resil-
personality, worldviews, spiritual or cultural- ience and subsequently reduce psychological
based beliefs, social or interpersonal resources, distress. By writing and therefore confront-
and cognitive and behavioral coping skills.6,8 ing traumatic experiences, an individual is
Cognitive-behavioral skills and approaches forced to reflect on the negative experience,
often are used to enhance resilience in adults6 reconstruct meaning of the event, and engage
and include cognitive flexibility/reframing, in transformative actions. The earliest study
physical exercise, positive emotions and of expressive writing involved college students
optimism, spirituality, strong social support who wrote for 15 to 20 minutes on 3 to 5
system, active coping skills, and commitment consecutive days about their most traumatic
to a mission or cause.5,9 To our knowledge, experience.12 Writing was associated with
no large randomized controlled trials have improved grades, fewer visits to the infir-
been conducted to determine the effectiveness mary, and better adjustment to college. Since
of resilience training in critical care nursing. then, more than 200 similarly structured
In a national qualitative study, ICU nurses randomized trials have been conducted that
were divided into two groups: (1) highly resil- addressed common illnesses or common
ient and (2) met diagnostic criteria for PTSD stressors such as workplace issues and trau-
and thus not highly resilient.10 The nurses matic events.13-17 These randomized trials
were interviewed about resilient coping skills. and several subsequent meta-analyses dem-
Twenty-seven interviews were conducted onstrate that writing generally improves
before thematic saturation was reached and psychological health.


Written exposure therapy has been found Methods

to be an effective treatment for PTSD. In a The purpose of our qualitative study was
randomized clinical trial, 46 adults with a pri- to gather data for the adaptation of an MBCT
mary diagnosis of motor vehicle accident PTSD resilience intervention for ICU nurses and to
were randomly assigned to WET or to a wait- determine whether the program would be
list.18 Participants assigned to the WET inter- feasible and acceptable in the traditional
vention had large between-group effect sizes 8-week delivery method.
(3.49 and 2.18), and significantly fewer WET Focus-group interviews were conducted
participants met diagnostic criteria for PTSD between September and November 2016 and
at both the 6- and 18-week postbaseline assess- involved purposive sampling with US-based
ments compared with the waitlist participants. clinicians employed as critical care nurses
Additionally, the WET participants had a who were members of the American Associa-
lower PTSD symptom severity at the 6-month tion of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN). The
follow-up assessment.18 AACN sent an advertisement in their weekly
More research is needed to understand the electronic newsletter to its national member-
efficacy and effectiveness of these resilience ship asking interested nurses to contact the
interventions in the critical care nursing pop- study team to participate in a 1-hour qualita-
ulation. Additionally, the feasibility of resilience tive group telephone interview. Nurses were
interventions must be understood so that orga- included if they were currently working in
nizations can develop effective strategies to the critical care setting. No exclusion criteria
retain experienced nurses who contemplate were specified. Before the study was con-
leaving the profession because of stress. ducted, approval was obtained from the Col-
orado Multiple Institutional Review Board.
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive A priori focus-group questions about MBCT
Therapy in the ICU context were developed. The goal
Mindfulness and cognitive-behavioral of the questions was to gather data about the
therapy are 2 strategies that can enhance preferred timing of MBCT sessions (eg, what
resilience.5 Mindfulness-based cognitive time of day); preferred format of sessions (eg,
therapy (MBCT) is the combined practice face-to-face, online); preferred qualifications
of mindfulness and cognitive-behavioral of the MBCT instructor; feasibility of daily
therapy. The mindfulness practices help indi- homework and preferred amount of home-
viduals become aware of negative thoughts work time per day; optimal amount of didac-
and feelings as a result of stress,19,20 whereas tic instruction in the sessions; and what type
the cognitive-behavioral therapy practices of examples the MBCT program should include
help develop a different relationship to those as triggers for burnout syndrome in the ICU.
thoughts and feelings, thereby interrupting The focus-group format included a welcome,
the negative thought patterns.19-22 Mindfulness- an overview of how MBCT can increase resil-
based cognitive therapy was developed for ience and decrease symptoms of burnout and
the treatment of depression and has since psychological stress (eg, PTSD, anxiety, and
been modified to address a variety of psycho- depression), ground rules for the interview,
logical symptoms and conditions including and then the questions. The size of each focus
PTSD, anxiety, and phobias. group ranged from 1 to 6 nurse participants
The MBCT intervention includes didactic and the interview questions were delivered in
exercises as well as mindfulness practices to chronological order. All focus groups were
allow individuals to become acquainted with moderated by the principal investigator (Mer-
their thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensa- edith Mealer), with a research team member
tions while simultaneously learning to develop in assistance.
a new relationship to them. In the traditional The focus-group interviews were recorded
MBCT model, the intervention is delivered videoconferences and included audio and
over 8 weekly 2-hour sessions and includes video images. Focus groups continued until
daily homework ranging from 30 minutes to thematic saturation was reached. The audio
1 hour. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy recordings were transcribed verbatim and
is led by a qualified instructor or cofacili- manual qualitative analysis was used to ana-
tated by 2 instructors who have been trained lyze the data. Transcripts were read and a
on the delivery of the intervention.23 coding framework and themes were discussed


Table: Concerns About an 8-Week MBCT Resilience Program, as Identified by Focus Groups
Barriers to Incentives for Preferred qualifications Didactic content should
adherence adherence (of MBCT instructors) address ICU-specific triggers:

Length of sessions: Stipends and/or At least 2 instructors Burnout PTSD, anxiety,

2 hours may be covering salary depression
ICU nursing experience Environmental
too long Mandatory overtime No debriefing after
Hybrid online/
Experience in MBCT
Hesitancy to face-to-face patient deaths
delivery Staffing issues
attend after work Startle reactions to
Teleconference Fast turnover of
Importance of context
Childcare issues component monitor alarms
and perspective patients
Long shift hours Podcasts to listen Guilt associated
Same instructors Supplies not
to while driving with “bad care”
Consecutive for each session restocked
or multitasking Emotional injuries
12-hour shifts No physician Inexperienced nurses
at home
Length of involvement Nurses left to
Mindfulness Coworker apathy
homework deal with family
practices that Family needs when patient
can be com- close to death
Work–home life pleted at work Administrative
balance Improper training for Stressful events
technical procedures
Didactic content Anxiety from being
time limits Environment not most experienced
conducive to nurse in ICU
Helping families
Disconnect with bed- through trauma
side nursing issues
Residents who rely
Pettiness on the nurses for
critical issues
Coworker arguments
and intradepartment
Administration trying
to fill FTE position
without regard to
how staff would fit
with the team

Abbreviations: FTE, full-time employee; ICU, intensive care unit; MBCT, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy; PTSD, posttraumatic stress disorder.

and agreed on by the research team. A sum- interviews until thematic saturation was
mary report of the findings was shared with obtained, a response rate was not needed.
the research team for concurrence as an Thirty-two of the 33 nurses who participated
additional validity check. were female; 29 were white, 1 African Ameri-
can, and 2 identified as Hispanic (1 partici-
Results pant did not identify race/ethnicity). The work
Participants units included medical, surgical, neuro-trauma,
Forty-five nurses agreed to participate in burn-trauma, critical care, and progressive
the focus groups. However, 12 nurses did not care. Each interview lasted between 45 and
call in for their scheduled interviews, leaving 60 minutes.
a final cohort of 33 nurses in 11 focus groups The qualitative data analysis revealed 4
who completed the qualitative telephone inter- overarching themes: (1) barriers to MBCT
view. The AACN has more than 100 000 mem- adherence, (2) incentives for adherence, (3)
bers who were eligible to receive the electronic preferred qualifications of instructors, and
advertisement but, because we conducted (4) didactic content (see Table).


Barriers to Adherence content, teleconference components, and

The barriers for an 8-week MBCT inter- podcasts. Exemplar from this theme included,
vention to adherence as identified by the “The more online the better, it would increase
focus groups were related to the required participation.” Nurses highlighted the impor-
face-to-face sessions. Some focus-group par- tance of providing a stipend for participation
ticipants expressed that recent nursing gradu- or institutional support for the MBCT pro-
ates and nurses who are early in their careers gram by offering to cover the nurses’ salary
may have childcare issues that would be a during program participation.
concern if the MBCT sessions were held on Homework could be a challenge for ICU
scheduled days off. One participant stated, nurses. Focus-group participants indicated
“A lot of young nurses with families have that providing short mindfulness practices
issues with childcare if they have to come in that could be done while working in the ICU
for a session on a day off.” would be an incentive for adherence to the
In contrast, other participants expressed entire program but particularly with home-
that coming in for an MBCT session on a work compliance. One participant requested
day off would be preferred to having the “[h]aving very short 30 second to 1 minute
training during work hours or directly before mindfulness practices that could be practiced
and after shifts. These participants felt they at work.”
would be more focused and engaged at those
times; one stated, Preferred Instructor Qualifications
I would prefer coming in on off days Focus-group participants felt that more
instead of directly after shifts because than 1 instructor should lead the sessions.
I’m likely to be more focus and engaged. The focus-group participants believed that the
After work, my brain is exhausted and same instructors should be at each session
completely checked out. because relationship building would help ICU
nurses open up and share during the program.
Focus-group participants noted that after The participants favored having an
the required critical thinking and emotional instructor who is a nurse with ICU experi-
weight of working a 12-hour shift in the ence and an instructor who is an expert in
ICU, mental exhaustion would complicate delivering MBCT. A nurse with ICU experi-
the acquisition of new skills. ence was preferred because he or she would
Regarding homework assignments, par- be able to relate to the trauma and day-to-day
ticipants indicated that completing daily home- experiences to which nurses in the ICU are
work would be difficult because of the length exposed. The MBCT expert would provide
of their shifts, the number of consecutive shifts, the procedural experience, which would be
and physical fatigue at the end of a work shift. essential for program success. In contrast,
However, the participants suggested that com- most of the participants interviewed did not
pliance with homework would be greater if support including an ICU physician in the
the assignments were short and if mindful- delivery of the sessions because of the differ-
ness practices could be carried out at work. ences in philosophy between the nursing
Additional barriers reported included the model and the medical model.
travel distance to the group sessions and poten- Exemplars included, “The nursing model is
tial distraction during the didactic portions different from the medical model and an ICU
of the session because ICU nurses are used physician would not be a good idea for an
to being active and on their feet. instructor;” and “Having an ICU nurse leader
who can appreciate perspective is essential.”
Incentives for Adherence
The incentives for adherence identified by Didactic Content
the focus groups were related to the required Focus-group participants agreed that the
face-to-face sessions. Most participants agreed didactic content should be work specific as
that a hybrid delivery format would be pref- much as possible and include ICU-related
erable to 8 weekly 2-hour in-person sessions. triggers of burnout syndrome and other psy-
Delivery methods suggested as alternatives chological distress. To aid the development
to face-to-face sessions to help with recruit- of an ICU-specific program, the nurses identi-
ment and retention included online didactic fied the following environmental events as


potential triggers of burnout syndrome: with critical care experience; a stipend is pro-
mandatory overtime, staffing issues, rapid vided for participation in the intervention;
turnover of patients, patients who do not and didactic content related only to depres-
require critical care monitoring, team mem- sion has been replaced with ICU-specific
bers who do not restock supply carts, lack content related to burnout, PTSD, anxiety,
of experienced ICU nurses, coworker apathy, and depression. Intensive care unit nurses
and family member demands. Administrative who enroll in the subsequent MBCT pilot
issues contributing to burnout syndrome intervention will be able to provide local
included not providing the appropriate training contextual feedback that can be incorporated
for new technical procedures being imple- into further iterations to the intervention.
mented in the ICU, an environment not
conducive to learning, overall disconnect Limitations
with the bedside nursing issues, pettiness, This focus-group study had several limita-
coworker arguments and/or interdepartmen- tions. We did not ask the participants if they
tal and intradepartmental conflict, and feel- had experience with resilient coping skills or
ing as though administration is trying to fill MBCT. Prior experience with these inter-
full-time positions without regard to how ventions may have influenced the responses
new employees would fit in with the team. given, although the interview responses were
Triggers that were most related to PTSD, constructive and supportive of the need for
anxiety, and depression included the lack of resilience interventions for critical care nurses.
debriefing after patient deaths, the noise of In addition, participants self-selected to par-
monitor alarms, guilt associated with deliver- ticipate in the focus-group interviews and,
ing “bad care,” and emotional injuries. Exem- although the methodology did include pur-
plars from the didactic content theme included, posive sampling, selection bias limits the
“When patients are not doing well and they generalizability of the results. Participant
may be getting close to death, a physician is demographics were not collected, which may
on call and is not present and the family stares limit generalizability to other populations of
daggers at the nurses because they think the nurses. Finally, the results are limited to the
nurses are not doing enough to save their loved design and delivery of an 8-week MBCT
one;” and “I feel as though the administra- resilience intervention, which would not be
tion is just trying to fill their FTE [full-time generalizable to resilience programs of vary-
equivalent] with bodies.” ing time commitments and procedures.

Discussion Conclusions
Focus-group qualitative interviews were Understanding if a resilience program is
conducted to understand feasibility and accept- feasible and acceptable to ICU nurses is criti-
ability design issues of an 8-week face-to-face cal when designing interventions that are
MBCT resilience program for critical care efficacious and effective. For example, if
nurses to reduce burnout syndrome. The the- critical care nurses are unable to attend ses-
matic categories identified included barriers sions because of their work schedules or
to adherence, incentives for adherence, pre- personal commitments, potentially efficacious
ferred qualifications of instructors, and interventions will be dismissed prematurely.
didactic content. Therefore, careful planning and method con-
No single design for the delivery of the siderations are necessary when designing a
intervention was accepted, suggesting that clinical trial or implementing an institutional
institutions that wish to incorporate a resil- resilience intervention.
ience program would need to understand The results of this study will be used to
the barriers and concerns relevant to their refine a pilot MBCT resilience intervention
local ICU nurse clinicians. to reduce burnout syndrome in ICU nurses.
Participants enrolled in the pilot MBCT resil-
Intervention Modifications ience intervention will be interviewed after
Based on the results of the focus-group the 8-week program to identify additional
study, we modified the intervention as follows: modifications that may need to be considered
the MBCT program now has 2 instructors before conducting a larger trial powered to
for the course—a psychotherapist and a nurse determine efficacy and effectiveness.


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