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1) What is Product Specification ? How to write a product specification?

A product specification is a strategic document with requirements aimed to provide product
teams with the data they need to develop new product features. It is also known as Product
An effective product specification gives team members relevant context about business needs,
potential customers/ users, and other useful criteria that help them make right decisions as they
design solutions.
Product managers will agree that a well-written specification should contain clarity and
transparency.  The more information you add to your spec, the more clarity you’ll give the team
working on the product
A product specification consists of:

 Summary – the main idea that your product suggests.

 Relevant user stories.
 User personas – the common portrait of your potential customers who is the solution for.
 Business cases demonstrated the value that this may create for the business and potential
 Design solution.
 Functional specification – the technical details of the solution.

How to write a product specification is as follows-

 Define the sources of problems.

 Use customers’ feedback.
 Determine and evaluate requirements.
 Break a specific problem down into hypotheses.
 Add the pages/screens with all the features if needed.
 Arrange discussions across your team if needed.
 Add user testing with your closest customers.
 Simplify the document.
 Send the spec to development.

2) Write down 7 Creative Idea Generation Methods.

Idea generation is defined as the process of creating, developing and communicating abstract,
concrete, or visual concepts. To put it simply, it’s the process that requires finding new solutions
for practical problems in all fields of life and work.
#1 The 5W+H Method

Although it may seem like a random set of numbers at first glance, the 5W+H method is a really
meaningful way to cope with the creative drought. The technique represents basic questions you
need to ask when thinking about a specific topic: Who, what, where, when, why, and how?

Jason Richardson, a content creator at essay papers, shared his thoughts with us: “If you answer
each of the 5W+H questions precisely – regardless of the topic – you can get one step closer to
solving your problem. These answers should stimulate your brain to rethink the whole subject
and find a new angle of looking at things.”

#2 Social Listening

Idea generation doesn’t mean you have to come up with a great suggestion single-handedly. On
the contrary, sometimes it’s enough to do a little bit of social listening and see what the target
audience has to say about a certain topic. You can use social networks like Facebook or Twitter
to find precious ideas coming from end-users.

Besides that, you can always organize an opinion poll to directly ask people what they want. For
example, a platform such as Survey Monkey allows you to launch a simple survey within
minutes, so why not use it as the idea generation tool?

#3 Brainstorming

Brainstorming is a well-known method that people all over the world use for decades already.
What makes this tactic so popular? Well, it’s the fact that no one gets laughed at for proposing a
stupid idea. There is no right or wrong here – you just need to say the first thing that comes to
your mind and that’s it. After a quick brainstorming session, you just need to filter through all
suggestions and find the ones that have the biggest potential to succeed.

#4 Role Playing

Walking in someone else’s shoes is everything but easy, but sometimes it’s the only way to
break the barrier and think of a brilliant idea. The process is simple: you just need to switch
places with your colleagues and try to embrace their point of view. It doesn’t guarantee
immediate results, but it often leads to interesting conclusions and brand new ideas.

#5 Use Online Tools

The Internet is filled with interesting tools that can assist you in identifying alternative ideas.
You can choose between many different options, but the final decision usually depends on the
nature and peculiarities of your business. However, we can definitely recommend a couple of
valuable platforms here:
o Evernote: Nothing hurts like coming up with amazing solutions and forgetting it along
the way. Evernote prevents this because it allows you to write down every thought
o Ninja Essays: It’s a team of incredibly creative authors who can help you to brainstorm
and craft high-quality topics for your websites, blogs, or research papers.
#6 Mind Mapping

Mind mapping is another method to get through the creative drought successfully. By definition,
a mind map is a diagram for representing tasks, words, concepts, or items linked to and arranged
around a central concept or subject using a non-linear graphical layout that allows the user to
build an intuitive framework around a central concept.

Let’s say you are writing a screenplay. In this case, you can put the main character in the center
of the map and then add links leading to all other elements of your movie – from plot and love
relationships to supporting roles.

#7 Think In Reverse

The last solution on our list is very amusing. Instead of thinking about how to reach your goal,
you can think about how not to achieve it. For example, you can make a plan on how to reduce
the number of Instagram followers instead of increasing it. The so-called negative thinking often
leads people to unbelievable conclusions, which in turn brings them a bunch of new ideas.


You can be the most creative person in the world, but it won’t save you from an
occasional creative drought. Everybody knows that feeling when you feel miserable because
you just can’t seem to think of a good idea, but there is a way to get out of the whole.

In this article, we showed you seven creative idea generation methods. You might not like each
one of our suggestions, but make sure to test them all and find the technique that works well for
you – it could be a real lifesaver on some occasions!

3) Write down the difference between 2D & 3D .

4 ) Explain in detail 3D rendering process.
The method below describes the 3D rendering of 2D images. Although the process
is broken down into steps, a 3D artist does not always follow this order and may
jump between processes. For example, understanding the client's vision is a
continual task throughout a project.


In order to build a model, a 3D artist needs to understand the project. Using plans,
sketches, and reference images provided by the client, a 3D artist starts by
visualizing the project in his or her head. From this point camera angles are
typically agreed upon based on the 2-dimensional plans.

The 3D artist uses specialized 3D modeling software to create a digital model.
This phase is analogous to building the structure of a physical model, except that
the model only exists digitally. Check out this list of free 3d modeling software .


The 3D artist applies images to the 3D models to make them look as realistic as
possible. This step is analogous to painting a physical model or gluing materials
and photographs onto it. In most cases, there is also material setup. This reffers to
the settings that control if something is matte or glossy. The artist can also modify
the roughness of surfaces and many other parameters depending on the software

The 3D artist sets up lights in the 3D scene to replicate real-world lighting. This
process is similar to the way a photographer or videographer would set up lighting
before shooting with the addition that the 3D artist needs to setup the sunlight and
or ambient room lighting.

endering is when the computer generates the 2D image or images from the scene
created in the steps above. It is analogous to taking a photo in the physical world.
Rendering can take anywhere from a fraction of a second to several days.
Rendering time is depending on the complexity of the scene and the quality
desired. This process is completed solely by the computer. In some cases, images
are rendered on large clusters of computers called render farms.
Step 6: Refining
During the refining, process drafts are provided to the client for feedback, usually
in a low-resolution format to speed up the revision process.
The artist makes the requested revisions to the scene, textures, and lights until the
desired results are achieved. Generally, changes can be made independently: for
example, most changes to the model do not require the texturing to be updated.


The agreed-upon final 2D image or images are provided to the client. Depending
on the desired resolution, the images will be provided in a specific format to
support and size. For web, images are generally optimized medium size jpg, while
for print images are high-resolution raw files . 
5) Which are the steps required for 3D rendering process .
6) What is 3D rendering? Write down Advantages of Using 3D Rendering for
Mechanical Product Design
7) What is Parametric Modelling? Which are benefits offered by 3D parametric modelling
over traditional 2D drawings.

8) How to Conduct Market Research?

Uses for Market Research

The following paragraphs mention some of the primary uses for market research. Useful data
collection methods are associated with most of the items in the following list.

1. Identify opportunities to serve various groups of customers.

Verify and understand the unmet needs of a certain group (or market) of customers. What do
they say that they want? What do they say that they need? Some useful data collection methods
might be, for example, conducting focus groups, interviewing customers and investors, reading
the newspaper and other key library publications, and listening to what clients say and observing
what they do. Later on, you might even develop a preliminary version of your product that you
pilot, or test market, to verify if the product would sell or not.

2. Examine the size of the market – how many people have the unmet need.

Identify various subgroups, or market segments, in that overall market along with each of their
unique features and preferences. Useful data collection methods might be, for example, reading
about demographic and societal trends in publications at the library. You might even observe
each group for a while to notice what they do, where they go and what they discuss. Consider
interviewing some members of each group. Finally, consider conducting a focus group or two
among each group.

3. Determine the best methods to meet the unmet needs of the target markets.

How can you develop a product with the features and benefits to meet that unmet need? How can
you ensure that you have the capacity to continue to meet the demand? Here’s where focus
groups can really come in handy. Conduct some focus groups, including asking them about their
preferences, unmet needs and how those needs might be met. Run your ideas past them. At the
same time, ask them what they would need to use your services and what they would pay for

4. Investigate the competition.

Examine their products, services, marketing techniques, pricing, location, etc. One of the best
ways to understand your competitors is to use their services. Go to their location, look around
and look at some of their literature. Notice their ads in newsletters and the newspaper. Look at
their web sites.
5. Clarify your unique value proposition.

Your proposition describes why others should use your organization and not the competition’s. A
particularly useful data collection method in this area is the use of focus groups. Get some
groups of potential clients together and tell them about your ideas. Tell them how your ideas are
unique. Tell them how you would want your program to be seen (its positioning). Ask them what
they think.

6. Conclude if the product is effectively meeting the needs of the customers.

One of the best ways to make this conclusion is to conduct an evaluation. An evaluation often
includes the use of various data collection methods, usually several of them, for example,
observing clients, interviewing them, administrating questionnaires with them, developing some
case studies, and, ideally, conducting a product field test, or pilot.

7. Conclude if your advertising and promotions strategies are effective or not.

One of the best ways to make this conclusion is to evaluate the results of the advertising. This
could include use of several data collection methods among your clients, such as observing
clients, interviewing them, administrating questionnaires with them, developing some case


1) Which are the stages of successful ideation?

An organization needs to follow three main stages namely generation, selection and
implementation for successful ideation.

Stage #1: Generation

For a lot of companies, making use of ideation to address a specific problem or requirement is
frequently a good starting point. The majority of companies can easily identify these kinds of
needs – the main decision is whether they contribute to an ideation approach. After problem-
solving, come two other key chances for utilizing ideation: core competencies and consumer
Core competencies, in reference to ideation, have to do with leveraging ideation to develop upon
a company’s abilities. In this kind of ideation, the organization is looking for fresh applications
or new markets for existing services/products.
Consumer insights, with reference to ideation, have to do with utilizing principles of
conventional market research (for example: focus groups and surveys) and implementing them in
the context of a joint idea-sharing milieu. Surveys are effective though there are a few
drawbacks: respondents would not be able to view other replies (to vote up/down or comment)
and the response rates are usually pretty low. Even focus groups are effective though they fail to
reach the heights of online ideation owing to factors such as price constraints that hinder them
from accessing a bigger participant pool.

Stage #2: Selection

Picking the best ideas starts much before the beginning of the ideation process. It is essential that
you fix the criteria by which the ideas are to be assessed, who would be responsible for
evaluating the ideas, and how the top ideas would be given to the concerned internal teams for
further assessment or execution. A proper selection process begins with the use of tags or labels
to arrange the ideas into meaningful clusters. An example would be labels being arranged along
product lines (such as phone, laptop, tablet) and tags being a level lower, concentrating on
attributes (easy navigation, portable, long battery life, lightweight) and/or on features (display,
operating system, interface). Labeling and tagging should be followed by prioritization to be
certain that the most essential ideas reach the stage of application/execution.

Stage #3: Implementation

The success of implementation is dependent on an organization’s ability to choose the top ideas
and take action based on them. It also depends on the organization having appropriate workflows
in place so that the right groups take part at the appropriate time in the three steps of the ideation
process. The makeup of these workflows (that call out particular roles and aspects of
responsibility) is very essential for organizations if they are to start any ideation endeavor. The
people in the roles called out should be ready to take in new ideas that don’t come from within
the company and possibly can be incentivized or otherwise acknowledged for their readiness to
implement the new approach

2) Why company should conduct business market research?

 Identify the problem areas in your business
 Understand the needs of existing customers and why they chose your service over
 Identify new business opportunities and changing market trends
 Recognize new areas for expansion, and increase your customer base
 Discover potential customers and their needs, which can be incorporated into your
 Set achievable targets for business growth, sales, and latest product developments
 Make well-informed market decisions about your services and develop effective

3) How to Select the Best Idea by the end of an Ideation Session ?

 You write all of the ideas which have been generated in the ideation session down on
individual Post-its.
 Then you give all participants a number of votes (around three to four should do) to
choose and write down their personal favourite ideas.
 Participants vote by using stickers or simply using a marker to make a dot on the ideas
they like.
 You can also use variations in colour in order to let participants vote on which ideas they
like the most or which they dislike the most.
 You can invent other voting attributes when it makes sense.
 This process allows every member to have an equal say in the shortlisted ideas.

4) What is 3D modeling?
In 3D computer graphics, 3D modeling is the process of developing a mathematical
representation of any surface of an object (either inanimate or living) in three
dimensions via specialized software. The product is called a 3D model. Someone who works
with 3D models may be referred to as a 3D artist. It can be displayed as a two-dimensional
image through a process called 3D rendering or used in a computer simulation of physical
phenomena. The model can also be physically created using 3D printing devices.
Models may be created automatically or manually. The manual modeling process of preparing
geometric data for 3D computer graphics is similar to plastic arts such as sculpting.
3D modeling software is a class of 3D computer graphics software used to produce 3D models.
Almost all 3D models can be divided into two categories.
 Solid – These models define the volume of the object they represent (like a rock). Solid
models are mostly used for engineering and medical simulations, and are usually built
with constructive solid geometry
 Shell or boundary – These models represent the surface, i.e. the boundary of the object,
not its volume (like an infinitesimally thin eggshell). Almost all visual models used in games
and film are shell models.
Solid and shell modeling can create functionally identical objects. Differences between them are
mostly variations in the way they are created and edited and conventions of use in various fields
and differences in types of approximations between the model and reality.
Shell models must be manifold (having no holes or cracks in the shell) to be meaningful as a real
object. Polygonal meshes (and to a lesser extent subdivision surfaces) are by far the most
common representation. Level sets are a useful representation for deforming surfaces which
undergo many topological changes such as fluids.
5) What is 3D rendering ?
3D rendering refers to adapting the likeness of an object in the form of an image. 3D
rendering—both technical and artistic—employs the use of   3D software  to help create
images to help better explain or advertise concepts and designs. The use of technical
drawings or CAD designs is common in the creation of 3D models. After creating the
3D model, the 3D artist adds lights, textures and cameras. The final step in the
process referred to as "Rendering" is where the 3D software computes all inputs to
create a two-dimensional image. These images can be used as a single image still
rendering, stitched together into an animation or created on-the-fly in realtime
programs such as video games.
Some of the more common applications of 3D rendering include; architectural
renderings  of real estate,  interior   renders  of rooms and spaces, and product
renderings . 3D Renderings are also standard in visualizing prototypes for
entrepreneurs. 3D modelling and rendering are highly flexible, so it is possible to
create a 3D render of just about anything imaginable .

6) What is Parametric Modelling?

Parametric is a term used to describe a dimension’s ability to change the shape of model
geometry as soon as the dimension value is modified.

Parametric modelling uses the computer to design objects or systems that model component
attributes with real world behaviour. Parametric models use feature-based, solid and surface
modelling design tools to manipulate the system attributes. One of the most important features of
parametric modelling is that attributes that are interlinked automatically change their features. In
other words, parametric modelling allows the designer to define entire classes of shapes, not just
specific instances. Before the advent of parametrics, editing the shape was not an easy task for
designers. For example, to modify a 3D solid, the designer had to change the length, the breadth
and the height. However, with parametric modelling, the designer need only alter one parameter;
the other two parameters get adjusted automatically. So, parametric models focus on the steps in
creating a shape and parameterize them. This benefits product design engineering services
providers a lot.

7) Write short note on product specification.

8) What are some common uses of sketching of products?

5 Uses for Sketching in Design

 Rapid Concept Development. Sketching is an excellent way to quickly explore

concepts. ...
 Basic Composition or Layout. Sketches are a quick way to create the basic composition
of your illustration. ...
 Client Communication and Approval. ...
 Visual Exploration. ...
 Refining Visual Solutions.
9) Which are the categories of 3D models? Explain it.

10)Which are benefits offered by 3D parametric modelling over traditional 2D drawings.

These are the benefits offered by 3D parametric modelling over traditional 2D drawings:

 Capability to produce flexible designs

 3D solid models offer a vast range of ways to view the model
 Better product visualization, as you can begin with simple objects with minimal details
 Better integration with downstream applications and reduced engineering cycle time
 Existing design data can be reused to create new designs
 Quick design turnaround, increasing efficiency
11) Write down Advantages of Using 3D Rendering for Mechanical Product Design.
Advantages of Using 3D Rendering for Mechanical Product Design

 Help designers and manufacturers weed out and remove product imperfections before
final production, thereby saving a lot of time and money. This is especially useful when the
product in question has an intricate design, or features multiple parts which need to work
together, such as PCB boards
 Allow thorough experimentation while designing the look and feel of the mechanical
product, including textures, colors, etc., without having to develop separate prototypes
 Use pre-defined HDRI scenes to ensure better lighting and motion blur effects, which can
then be reused again and again
 Presents convincing design proposals in an effective manner to stakeholders and
investors, as well as create advertising material
12) Which are the Sources for new ideas?

External sources: customers; lead-users (user solutions); patents/inventions; competitors;

suppliers; acquisitions; trade fairs and conventions; published information; trade magazines;
outside consultants; channel members; universities; government; law/regulations.

Internal sources: internal R&D; employees; engineering/IT; shelved ideas; complaints systems;

customer service; sales force.

MCQs –

1. Product development is a central business activity because?

a) It is expensive and complicated
b) It determines organization’s future
c) It is risky
d) All of the mentioned
View Answer
Answer: d
Explanation: All of the conditions are reason for central activity.

2. Which of the following statement is false?

a) A product plan is a list of approved development projects, with strat and delivery dates
b) Marketing is a process of conceiving products and planning and executing their promotion,
distribution, and exchange with customers
c) An opportunity funnel is a mechanism for collecting product ideas from specific source
d) None of the mentioned
View Answer
Answer: c
Explanation: Opportunity funnel is a collection of ideas from diverse source.

3. Which of these is not a part of product planning?

a) Identification of opportunities
b) Evaluation and prioritizing opportunities
c) Allocation of resources and time determination
d) Finalizing process
View Answer
Answer: d
Explanation: No such case is part of product planning.

4. How does marketers study customers and products for the generation of ideas?
a) Surveys
b) Focus Groups
c) Interviews
d) All of the mentioned
View Answer
Answer: d
Explanation: All of these are part of idea generation.

5.. Which of these are known as Project mission statement?

a) Business case document
b) Project charter
c) Project brief
d) All of the mentioned
View Answer
Answer: d
Explanation: The project mission statement can be addressed by all of these.

6.. What is the project mission statement?

a) It is a document that defines development project’s goal
b) It is a document that specifies project’s limits
c) It is a document that defines development project’s goal & specifies project’s limits
d) It is a document which specifies project mission
View Answer
Answer: c
Explanation: The correct definition of project mission statement includes both.
7. Which of these is not a part of the project mission template?
a) Introduction
b) Product vision and project scope
c) Business requirements
d) Functional requirements
View Answer
Answer: d

8. The computer-aided design (CAD) hardware doesn’t include.

a) Graphic display terminals
b) Computer
c) Computer programmes
d) Keyboard
View Answer
Answer: c
Explanation: CAD has both hardware and software components. The hardware components are
Graphic display terminals, Computer and Keyboard. The software components include all
computer programmes that implement computer graphics.

9. How many types of CAD are there?

a) 6
b) 4
c) 2
d) 5
View Answer
Answer: d
Explanation: The five types are 2D CAD (flat drawings of product), 2.5D CAD (Prismatic
models), 3D CAD (3D objects), 3D wireframe and surface modelling (skeleton like inner
structure) and solid modelling (solid geometry).

10. Decisions through which an organization follows development?

a) Competitive strategy
b) Accountability
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: It is a procedure followed for development.

11. What are the factors Profitability depends on?

a) Eventual cost of product for development and marketing
b) Release of competitive product
c) Concern for target markets
d) All of the mentioned
View Answer
Answer: d
Explanation: Targeted markets are concerned for profitability.

12. Marketing management is ________.

a) managing the marketing process
b) monitoring the profitability of the company’s products and services
c) the art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping, and growing customers
through creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value
d) developing marketing strategies to move the company forward


13) Two dimensional represents an object with just two diamension that are___________

a. length, height & width

b. length & height
c. All of the above
d. None of the above

14) The following is the source(s) for developing new or improved product

b) (A) Research and Development department of the enterprise

c) (B) Consumer suggestions and Complaints
d) (C) Other competitive products in the market
e) (D) All of the above
(Ans: D)

15) Product cost can be reduced by considering the following aspect(s) at the design stage
(A) Minimum number of operations
(B) Unnecessary tight tolerance should not be provided
(C) Design should consist of standard parts
(D) All of the above
(Ans: D)

16) The ultimate objective of the product is

(A) To provide a new look
(B) Utilizing existing manpower
(C) To monopolize the market
(D) All of the above
(Ans: C

17) The “simplicity to operate and easy to understand” of product is concerned with its
following aspect
(A)     Functional aspect
(B)     Operational aspect
(C)     Durability aspect
(D)     Aesthetic aspect
(Ans: A)

18) -Based on their field of application, manufactured goods can be classified as

(A) Primary, Secondary and Tertiary
(B) Consumer, Capital and Defense
(C) Essential, Market and Standard
(D) Primary, Luxury and Consumer
(Ans: B)

19) ______ helps in establishing the interchangeability of products

(A) Standardization
(B) Simplification
(C) Diversification
(D) Specialization
(Ans: A)

20) In which of the following type the manufacturing cost may go up

(A)     Standardization
(B)     Simplification
(C)     Diversification
(D)     All of the above
(Ans: C)

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