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1. To further the definition scope of "World Literature", _____ and _____ defined the term
as any literature from any part of the world that has cosmopolitan characteristics. This
definition was written in their book _____ published in 1848.

Response: Karl Marx

Response: Friedrich Engels

Response: Communist Manifesto

2. Select all three literary sub-genres that fall under the prose fiction

Response: novel

Response: short story

Response: parables

3. The term World Literature was coined by German writer, _____.

Response: Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

4. Match the following items with the given choices.

Response: myth => prose fiction

Response: biography => prose non-fiction

Response: coined the term Weltliteratur => Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Response: things that make up literature => elements

Response: sonnet => non-prose

5. Literature is defined as "an expression of significant human experiences told in words,

both written and oral, that are creative and well-chosen to arouse the imagination of the

Response: True

6. Literature has the following characteristics except for one:

Response: must always give people hope

7. The very purpose of reading a literary piece is to uncover the moral or the lesson in it.

Response: False

8. Choose the one which does not belong to the group.

Response: epic (journal, biography, autobiography)

9. is the term coined by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe to describe pieces of literature which
circulated beyond their countries of origin.

Response: Weltliteratur

10. The technical definition of literature discussed in class involves the perspective of both
the reader and the writer.

Response: True

11. Why is it important for literature students and readers in general to be familiar with the
various genres?

Response: because different genres require different skills

12. Cosmopolitan characteristics is the same as __________________.

Response: Universality

13. Literature helps the reader release whatever pent-up emotions they have. This process is
also called ________________.

Response: catharsis

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