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Which qualities best describe your life

(organized, exciting, dull)?

“The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you
cannot do, said Walter Bagehot. I can describe my life as
organized and at the same time dull.
First, why organized, because I always follow a strict
program to be able to go to school, to do my homework
practice sports and go to sleep. It happens every day and
it becomes a routine. I call this boring life without colors.
For example, I would like to have a little fun with my
friends, but I have a dad too strictly, I ask myself how from
to school he let me go.
Next, there are also plenty of pluses to be organized
like that employers love the people organized. But
sometimes I want to be more impulsive, the soul requires
something energetic but the brain always has priority. For
instance, I want to travel through the world, to take away
all my worries. The journey is an escape from everyday
life and last but not least knowledge.
In conclusion the way they live depends on
circumstances, people around. Once I finish the high
school I think it will change the lifestyle, will be less boring.

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