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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR PRECISION SERIES 612 ano 614 TUBE ano BATTERY TESTERS Is made to operate your “However, as an lure, the CONDENSED pro- following page is out- lined for CONVENIENCE PURPOSES ONLY: G Test EQUIPMENT Staradardefdbeourary PRECISION APPARATUS COMPANY, INC. 92-27 HORACE HARDING BLVD, + ELMHURST, NEW YORK Pee Ee CO ee a TING IR 612 - 614 " Button and connect attachment plug to 110-125 volts, 50-60 cycle Set Controls "a", "B", "C", and the Lever designated under position "D" to positions listed on the roller chart: (ALL OTHER LEVERS REMAIN IN "NORMAL" POSTTZON.). Release the "OFF" button by depressing the "READ METER" button, IMENT" control until meter pointer lines up with "ADJUST LINE” 4, Rotate the "LINE ADJ indteation, Insert tube and ALLOW TO HEAT. 5, Re-sdjust the "LINE ADJUSTMENT CONTROL". Throw each lever individual2y to "k" position and then back to "NORMAL", (WITH THE ‘ON OF THE LEVER(S) -kHICH ALREADY HAS BEEN THROWN TO POSITION "D",' Observe the Neon lamp while each,lever {s thrown to "P" position, If neon lamp glovs vhen any lever is throvn to "P" position the tube should be discarded as defective. (*With the exception of lever(s) listed under "FIL, CONT." on the roller chart.) The tube should be lightly tapped during these tests. no short ciroults have been indicated, and neon glow has been obtained on the L, GONE" lever(s) , then throw the levers indicated on the roll chart under "E" "to the nunbered positions indicated, 3 the "KEAD METER" push button and observe the tube Quality meter reading. read on the 3 colored "REPLACE ~ ? - GooD" scale with the exception of DIODES and special types noted on the roller chart. Meter readings for DlODE® and DiGDE SECRONS of multi =purione tub should be re the 2 colored "DIODES-SPECIAL” are, PRECISION APPARATUS COMPANY, INC. 92-27 HORACE HARDING BLVD, + ELMHURST, NEW YORK ec Ch aL LY Press SERIES 612 and 614 - Page 1 INTRODUCTION, The Series 612 and 614 Tube and Battery Testern are modern lever type vacuum ‘tube testers incorporating the new PRECISION-designed Lever-Operated, Eloment Distribution System The Cathode Conductance test ciroutt employed, (based upon the basic vacuum tube emissive testing circuit recommended by the Radio Manufacturers Association.) se rf the fullest degree through the use of super-flexible interlocking element svitoung. teo- Viding complete non-arbitrary adaptability to ali modern recotving tubes and to tases’ yet to be designed, FEATORES 1, n. ae, 23, a, 16. NE-PKOVER CATHODE CONDUCTANCE TESTING CIRCUIT subjects tube to s thoroughly reliable standardized eminsive-capability tent, OFS ELEMENT TEST Special secondary check factiitios supplenents the primary Cathode Con- ductance test providing &@ COMPLETE question-free test, 7 LEVER TYPE ELEMENT DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM - this highly important PRECISION feature COMPLETELY ELI Ss due to unusual multiple tube basing termina- tions of nev tubes and tubes yet to be developed, QUALITATIVE TUBE MERIT readings directly indicated on a three colored ENGLISH READING SCALE Supplenented by @ linear scale for tube matching and qualitative comparison purposes: A SPECIAL ‘TWO COLORED Si sROVIDES POR 5) 8 AND § CURRENT TYPE TUBES. DOUBLE-WINDOW, BRASS GEAR-OPERATED ROLLER TWBE CHART provides speedy, easy reading tube references, New charts furnished periodically, upon Poquest, as a f-charge PRECISION SER- VICE to ali registered ovners, DUAL PREE-POINT FILAMENT TERMINAL SELECTION locates terminals of ALL filaments (single, double, center-tapped) regardless of rotating pin positions common to many modern F.M, and tolevinion tuber. VISIBLE FILAMENT CONTINUITY TESTS; rapidly performed by the PRECISION NIMBERED LEvER-TYPE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM; shove up open filanents for ail types of tubes roekealeee oF ieee ane connections. In addition, this PRECISION feature immediately roveals the open sone tion of tapped filaments, ACCOMQDATES ALL MODERN TUBE TYPES AND FILAMENT VOLTAGES .75 to 117 volts, including .75, 20, 18.9, 35, 45, 50, 70, 85 and 117 volts. TESTS NOVAL BUTTON 9 PIN TUBES, SUB-MENIATORE TYPES, DOUBLE CAP U.H.F. TYPES, LOKTALS, BANTAM JUNIORS (Miniature Hearing Aid and Pocket Radio’ Tubes), SINGLE ENDED (1.0. and P.M, Amplifiere) REGULAR OCTALS (MC, G and METALS), SPRAY-SHIELD'AND GLASS TYPES, MINIATURE 7 PIN TYPES AND ACORN TUBES, SPECIFIC INDIVIDUAL LOADS AND VOLTAGES available for application to varied classes of tubes, oy TESTS diodes, tricdes, rectifiers, tetrodes, pentodes, multi-purpose tubes, gaseous types such ax OY4,°0Z3, and’oz4 and remote control gaseous types such as OA4 and DAs, regardiess of varying filament terminations or other rotating element positions. LCT-SECTION TUBES: Individual tests for each section of multi-section tubes, where re- guived, ineluding visible tests of tho fluorescent screen and winking effect ov commode Pay indicator tubes and FM/AM altgnnent ray indicator tubes, “No ehistise of tubse 1s neceseecy to obtein all tests. WOT CATHODE LEAKAGE TEST: Sensitive neon method quickly shows up poor cathode structure accord with leakage spocifications of leading tube manufacturers, DUAL SENSITIVITY HOT INTER-ELSMENT SHORT TESTS made ingeniously simple through the use of PRECISION LEVER DISTRIBUTION SYSTS¥, and lens—protected magnified neon lamp,” Double sensitivity 1s made available through the flip of a svitch to permit special application tube nelection to more rigid standards. NOISE TEST pin Jacks incorporated for earphone or amplifier connection. Each element can be separately ndise tested through use of the flexible Lever Distribution System. BALLAST TEST: The regular tube test sockets accomodate all ballast untt tests for open and loose elements and leakage between sections of multi-~section ballasts; made possible through the raptd-action LEVER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM, PILOT LIGHT TESTS for all miniature screw base and bayonet type lamps. a7. ag 25. SERIES 612 and 614 - Page 2 ACCURACY of the tube test circuit in closely maintained by the nse of individuel calibrating controls, adjusted and sealed at the factory against laboratory standards, and through use of individual, 18 pridge-calibrated vire vound shunts, LARGE EASY-TO-READ D'Arscnval double-Jeweled Meter, accurately balenced and factory-calibratea to within 2 percent, ‘TUBE SELECTION REFERENCES plainly marked on panel in large easy-to-read characters eliminat- ing memorization or guesswork, PILOT LIGHT ON-OFF INDICATOR. PANEL-MOUNTED FUSE EXTRACTOR POST, MICRO-LINE ADJUSTMENT, read directly on meter, provided by use of continuously variable, heavy duty line voltage control, ‘TELEPHONE-CABLED PLASTIC INSULAT2D WIRING EMPLOYED THROUGHOUT, PAPER CONDENSER LEAKAGE TESTS, SENSITIVE NEON METHOD. iY ISOLATED PRON POWER LINE. "EST CIRCUITS COMPLE IMPORTANT PRELIMINARY OPERATING NOTES: CONTROL A - Load and vi THE FOLLOWING IDENTIFICATIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS SHOULD BE CAREFULLY READ: PULL PAMILIARITY WiTH TaB CONTROL FUNCTIONS WILL GREATLY PACILITARE TESTING. PROCERURESS olector Vo2tage This svitch selects any one cr a combination of loads and plate potentials applicable to the particular tube under test, In addition Control "A" serves as the function selector for Bry Battery testing. plete range of 17 f1lament operating QONTROL B - Filament voltage selector: Provides a com; potentials from .75 through 117 volts. Control "B" also functions as DRY BATTERY TEST RANOZ SELECTOR when svitch "a" is set_to "BATTERY TEST” position. CONTROL ¢ - Meter sensitivity potentiometer: A special, tapered potentiometer enabling the netting of calibration limits for all tubes as noted on the tube test roller chart. ELEMENT DISTRIBUTION LEVER SWITCH This distribution lever switch consists of 10 individual 4 position switches, Zach switch is individually numbered from 1 through to 10, Each number represents a tubs element number as listed by Tube Manufacturers and the Radio Manufacturers Association, For oxample, con- sider the case of a screen grid tube type 68J7, The tube element numbering, as listed in standard tube manuals, is as follows: Pin 1 ~ No Connection Pin 2 - Heater Fin 3 > Suppressor, Pin h ~ Control eria Pin 5 - Cathode Pin & - Screen grid Pin 7 - Heater Pin 6 - Plate When a type 6807 tube 1s inserted into its socket, pin 1 of the tube 1s automatically connec ed to lever 1; pin 2 to lever 2; ping to lever 3; Ste, Bach suabered lever, therefore cone trols the appitcation of its corresponding tube element into the appropriate tube tester giroult. Tt will be noted that each Master Lever can be throvn into any one of % positions, ingteatea an; "pt, “gt, Apt, and "NORMAL", The purposes of thone positions are linted ar ‘ollows: Position "D" - Filament Return Position. any lever throvn'to the "D" position connects its corresponding element (usually one filament termination) to the filament potenticl selected yy Switch MB! Position "5" ~ open Circuit Position, Any lever throvn to the "E" position open-circuits its corresponding tube element. Position "Fr" ~ "TEST" or Cathode Conductance Test and meter indicating circuit, For the normal tube test, all tube elements other than those included in the filament- cathode conductance Sa" position; 1n the case of 6SJ7 therefore levers 3, #, 6 cathode circuit are thrown to’ and 6 are thrown to "F" position, SERIES 612 an Positton "NORMAL" - Connon termination to cathode and/or reference potential, It ts therefore seen that the complete settings for the lever avitehes are as follows: og apr ~ Ret) (open) (Test) 7 - 3-4-6-8 MAL" Pos! ttor All other lovers remain pa_addLblon the lever switches serve as the "Short" and "Filament Continuity" test system, (Fee section C- "General Operating Instructions”, ) "READ METER" BUDION. | This push-button (vhen depressed) provides the meter reading for cathode ON Conductance quality tests "ors" BuDTON, This push-button (vhen_in_the down_or depressed position), shuts the instrunent OFF To turn the tnstrument ON, the "READ METER’ button in depressed, Toleasing the "Orr™ Dutton, SOCKETS: Thia Instrument Incorporatés the new Noval 9 pin, 8 contact acom, loktel, combination 7 prong, Button 7 pin, 6 prong, 5 prong and 4 prong scexeta. A "SPARE" socket 18 alee ine corporated providing accessible panel apace for Innovations in tube basing design. CTOR CAPS ("Grid Caps") OVERHEAD CON Three separately functioning grid caps are employed: 1, BLACK DUAL GaP (accomodates both large and small type tube-eaps), 18 used for all single capped tubes other than pin type caps, 2. FED DUAL CAF (accomodates both large and small type tubde-cea), t8 used only in conjunc- Elon ith ‘tuaes having 2 caps (such as type 2022) OR tn accomlance With sposial Sn strevttons (roller chart). neorporating 3. SMALL BLACK PIN CAP. Used 1n conjunction with acom type tubes and others similar pin type caps THE METER employed ts of rectangular, modern design, Incorporating a ruggedly constructed, Diarsonval type movement of 2 accuracy, Tube performance Merit 1s read directly on two non= confusing multi-colored arcs supplemented by a linca> reference scale for tube-matching pur. poser. “RUBB-SPEC," SWITCH: Tlis switch, 1n the "IUBE" position adjusts the short check circuit sens!- tivity in ecnforaity vith recommended practice. In the "SPEC," test position, extra-high sensitivity 1s provided for apecial perp tubo selection and quelitative check of paper condensers THE PILOT LIGHT TEST SOCIH? Iccated in center of combination 7 prong socket, accomodates all miniature screw and bayonet base pilot lamps, EUSE EXTRACTOR POST; This pont accomodates a type 3AG, 1 ampere fuse, conveniently repleceable from front of panel, NOISE TEST PIN JACKS; Th NEON LAMP SHOR? INDICATOR (A sensitive GE type WE-57) Is incorporated in a low electrostatic ‘attraction stort and filament continulty test cireult, Jacks provide for audible tube noise teats. QONDENSER TEST TTP JACKS: These ttp jacks provide for qualitative paper condeaser tests and general continiity checking by the neon lamp methoe. + The double-window, brass geared, tube-test data roller chart, (rotated through use of the thumb-dctuated roller wheel) provides for trouble-free rapid acces. to ail standard tube test settings. Seo back of inetruction manuel for test data covering special puzpose tubes and tube types infrequently encountored, HOLLER OHA! ‘SERIE! 612 and 614 - Page 4 With "OFF" button depressed, connect the attachment plug of the instrument to any 50-60 eyole 110-125 volt A.C, source 5 RETURN ALL LEVERS TO THE "NORMAL" poSTTION. Refer to the tube test roller chart for the tube test number to be tested and set gn} ‘conpaois "A", "B", and "O", and the Lever designated unten ponition "D" to position(s) indicate Tovroile® chart prons (and then remove finger from) the "READ METER" button to turn instrument oN, (it noted that the “OFF” button 1 thereby released to the up or ON position.) Then rotate the LIN® ADJUSTMENT" control knob to bring pointer of meter to the vertical "ADJUST LINE" INDICATION. NOT: "ADJUST-LINE" indication will be had on the meter ONLY when control "A" Je get to one of the tube test positions 1 through 5. Insert tube to be tented into its respective socket and allow the tube to heat, (Use black om pin type overhead cap connector vnen necessary.) Sce Page 3 for use of RED cap eonnector DigeFovietion of the moter pointer from the "ADJUST LINE" position (after tube has heated) shoule S57 Strected by rotating the "LINE ADJUSTMENT! knob to bring the meter pointer back to "ADJUST Lit position (center of scale). FILAMENT CONTINUITY, HOT CATHODE LEAKAGE AND INTER-ELEMENT SHORT TESTS. After settings are made (as noted above) W[TH LEVERS in the "NORMAL" POSITION @xcept the lever(s) which has been thrown to “D" ooo TE A the MTURESSPIO. Mevitch in "TUBE" pos! sree elon proceed to obtain these tosts by simply individually throving the numbered levers 1 See ee eo pogition "er! and then sack to "NORMAL in consecutive onder. Watch the neon lamp SHORT" indicator for glow or continuous flicker as ‘each lever is thrown into "F" position, The tube under test should be LIGHTLY tapped during "SHORT" tests, to reveal loose elements which might become shorted under vibration. IMPORTANT: NEON LAMP SHOULD GLOW ONLY WHEN THOSE LEVERS DESIGNATED ON TUBE CHANT FOR FILAMENT CONTINUITY, ("FIL, CONT." ARE ACTUATED, OR ON THOSE ADDITIONAL LEVER NUMBERS SPECIFIC. HOTED ON THE ROLLER CHART. Inasmich as the filament of the tube under test 19 disengaged when the "F11.Gont* Lever s) (designated on the roll chart) 1s actuated for “SHORT” tests, it 1s necessary that this lever(s) (O"lncaiately returned to "NORMAL" position thereby allowing the tube to remain in a heated condition for further test. ime tube under test should be rejected as defective (open filament) if neon lamp fails to glow when the designated Filament Continuity lever(s) 1s actuated. DISREGARD ANY MOMENTARY NEON LAMP FLASHES AS LEVERS ARE ACTUATED. These flashes are merely the discharge of the blocking condenser in the short eheck circuit oma; Inasmuch as the lever numbers directly coincide with socket prong numbers, it becomes apparent that the operator (for short check purposes) need only actuate that quantity of Peoers equal te the munber of socket prongs involved, For exemple: If tube under test inserts {ite thei prong socket, then only lovers 1 through 4 need be short-checked; if the tube in= serts into the 5 prong socket, then levers 1 ‘through 5 are the only ones involved, etc, If @ top grid cap in present, then add lever 9 to the short check procedure, A discerntble neon lamp glow or continuous flicker, vhen any one of the levers "2 to 20” are actuated, (w! | aD EP Tin of the dest nated fitament continulty lever] indicates an inter- Siectiede higt meuiatance Jeakage or-snort apd the tube should be 1 jected without further vestine nets Cte ae eet on the tube test wolle® chert] Inasmuch as’ these teste are made vhite She HS ee eet Condition, the tube should be @lloved tine to heat up sufficiently. In this manner, shores oF leakages that may occur due to expansion of internal elements can be more readily detected, Because all tube elements connect to individually numbered lever switches, there 1s no necesst sy, to entloy a separate cathode Leakage lever, cathode ieakage Will be detected vhen the respective lever (corresponding to ® particular tube's cathode), is actuated, SERINS 612 and 614 - Page 5 NOTE; Levers 1 through 10 are numbered in accordance with standard tube basing sequence, Should short in- Gications be obtained on any one or more levers, (for example levers 5, 6 and 8), then the tube elements, corresponding to’ the tube pins No, 5, 6 and 8 are either internally shorted or are connected through Sow leakage paths to other elements of the tube. AUDIBLE NOISE TEST. An audible noise test of defective and notay,tubes can be hed, if cesired by inserting an An Signe or audio amplifier system into the "NOISE TEST" tip jacks. The testing procedure garppentane as outlined for obtaining HO? CATHODE LEAKAGE TESTS AND HOT INTER ELECTRODE SHORT TESTS deseribed previously. an intermittent or constant LOUD audible hum vhen making CATHODE LEAKAGE AND HO? INTER” APaSTRODE SHORT TESTS, vi11 indicate Joose or shorted tube elements, @ sosgible cause for Fading and noiey radio reception, A loud audible hum vhen the "FIL. CONT." lover 1s eetusted fe normal and in indicative of a continuous filament, in 7 TO OBTAIN TUBE QUALITY METER INDICATION UNTIL AFTER SHORT TESTS. ‘SERIOUS SE _MAY RESULT 70 IAS! . TUBE QUALITY INDICATION (CATHODE CONDUCTANCE TESTS, TER SHORT. 3. q ‘SHAVE BEEN ACCOMPLISHED, throw APIET yore indteated (on the roller chart) under "s" and "P” to the positions called Tor. OGUER LEVERS (with the exception of the lever listed under position "D' which,has already Me otromn to. Soe nee Pen TR EHS STL, CORT. test], MOST ABNAIN IN. "NOAMAL™ POSTTION . then depress the "READ METER" button and obtain the (Cathode Conductatice) Quality Indication, IMPORTANT NOTE: DIODES, diode sections of milti purpose tubes and special tubes + QRTANE NOTE: AL PeGrchart gre checke! on the (vo colored arc marked "DIODES-SPEOIAL", NOTE: he flexible element aclestion eireult of the SERIES 612 and 61} allows for either UsSies or paralie! connection of center-tapped filaments, In order to obtain Ufiromity of test settings and to minimize operating errore, all tubes with center {apped filaments are tested in parallel connection, ‘Should the neon lamp fat} to glow vhen any one of the levers (listed on the rolier chart under "FIL, CONT.") are Eceuated during the "FIL, CONT." test, the tube should be discarded, Ir, hovever, one section of @ center-tapped filanent be indicated to be open-ctroutt- 222 and for’ some reason the operator does perform a Quality,Test, it will be found in many caren that & Yeading in the upper section of the red, "REPLACE" sector can be Atlihed. Thin ia, of course, due to the peralle] filament connection. The intact forthon of the fiiament ia still operating and causing e partial meter reading to be Betatned. Such tubes should have been previously dincarded aa the result of the “PIL, CoWT.” test failure. TESTS the cathode or Control grié of a tube to be tested,be open circuited within the tube fan unusual occurrence! @ "SEPLACE" indication wil] autouattcally be obtained during the Quality Test. should the relatively rare condition of an open circuited Screen or plate, etc. qeethy ene sondition may be ascertained during the Quality Zest by holding the "READ METER" fatten dom end individually throwing the levers under "FY position on the roller chart to Reh position and then pack to "r" position, If an elenent is open circuited XQ movement of the hetor pointer vill be noted as ite corresponding nunbered lover is actuate SPECIAL ROLLER CHAR? NOTATIONS "EYE TESTS" (electron ray type ind‘cator tubes) OPEN PLEME! ghoul Single Target Type, Thin type is typified by tyrca Ge5 and 665: For example a roller chart line for type 625 appears as follows: ‘TyBE Sz0TLON ABCD E& OF PLL. Cont, 655 Bye a or - hafo}loving test procedure gust be-cmploved: After performing, the standard HORT? tent, eet all svitcnes and levers as indiceted on the roller chart. Depress the “READ METER" Dutton and observe the circular fluorescont screen vhich should tTluninate completely. ext, throw the FIRS? of the tyo levers indicated under the "F" lever setting (in this example, lever 2) [0 Tas "NORMAL" POSITION. papa the aame finest. SERIES 612 and 614 - page 6 lever to its original "P" position and note closure of the shadow angle, ‘SREGARD METER INDICATIONS . Double Target Type, (vin electron ray indicator tubes) SADE This type 18 typified by type OAF6 and ADO; Por example, a typical roller chart line for type GADS appears as follovs: TUBE SECTION A BoD Ez PF Fil,cont, baD6 Bye Br oe 2 aks 7 The following test procedure must be employed: After performing the standard "SHORT-TEST", set all switches and levers as in- dicated on the roller chart, Depress the "READ METER' button and observe the circular fluorescent screen vhich should 11luminate completely, Rext, throw the FIRST of the three levers under the "“F" settings (in this example, Jever 3) to the "NORMAL" position, A good tube will nov exhibit a typical angula? shadow, Next throw the SECOND of the three levors under the "P" settings (in this example, lever 4) to the "NORMAL" position. The tube, if good vill exhibit another angular shadow opponite the pesttion occupied by the firet shadow’ *BEERSE oy METER INDICATIONS, EW/AM Zye Tents (Puntng tndscator tubes). This typo of electron ray tube 19 typified by typo 64L7 gn Is tested simply and positively through virtue of the flexibility of the Series 612 ene 614. Test procedure is ar follows: After performing the standard "SHORT" test set all levers and svitches as in- indicated on the roller chart including the lever numbers listed in the parenthest Depress the "READ METER" button and observe the tvo rectangular fluorescent patterns on the screen of the tube, with the "READ METER" button depressed throw the FIRST lever listed tn the paren- thesis from its "D" position to "2" position, One rectangular pattern should become slightiy shorter in tengins Next, throw the SECOND lever 1isted in the parenthosts from its "D" position to "EY position, The other rectangular pattern should then become shorter in length, Next, throw the THIRD lever listed in the parenthesis from its "D" position to "E’ position. BOTH ends of the pattern (opposite to the ends noted above) Showa ther —— sitghtiy deaiwasr th length, “obberve those sade aise ‘yas the movement may be slight. SFECIAL RECTIFIER TEST (types 7OAT, 117N7 and 117P7) Because of unusual internal connections (plate tied to one side of filament) the 7OA7, AITIT and 11777 RECTIPIBR sections require slightly special test procedures. Set ali controls and lever 2 tn accomiance with the roller chert, SUFFICIENTLY throw levers 2 rapidly to "E" position and apidiy to "F" position - then quickly depress the “READ METER™ button, The firet meter deflection obtained ts the significant reading, inasmuch as the meter reading vill quickly recede coincidental vith cooling of the heater, JATNT eng 117P7 - RECTIFIER SECTION. Sot a1 controls and lever 2 1n accordance vith the roller chart, All levers, with the exception of lever 2, mist be "posits AETER THE TYEE HAS HEATED SUFFICIENTLY, throv founp 2 maaudiy to 7g ae ¥ ARD Jever 7 rapidly top" position, then quickly depress the "HEAD METER” button The first meter de- flection obtained ts the significant reading, inasmuch as the meter reading vill quickly re- cede coincidental vith coolfng of the heater. SHOR NOTES. Listings for several tubes on the roller chart bear notes in- @ieating that cortain tubes "Mist Show Short" on one or more levers in ecdition to the PIL. Cont." For normal usage any tube which does not show short on the designated Jevers shold be considered a defective tube. ~ Hovever duo to multiple teminetions of elements in many modern tubes, certain of these tubes gay be salvaged for specific applications wherein the exact eipeult application ts known. “Tyo of these canes are noted an follows: SERD i" _-_ Page 7 a) Tubes with the negative filament connection terminating in 2 base pins, Should one of the tvo base pin connections become open, the tube may bé salvaged ani the remaintag pin may be used for negative filament termina~ tion only 4f the radio or electronic cfreuit will allow the use of thas pin or BOTH. b) Tubes with an element such as plate, grid, etc. teminating at two or more base pine, Again, 1f one terminating pin remains connected to the element, the tube gay be salvaged If the electronic clreuit will allow the use’ of that pin and does not require the use of the open-circutted vase pin or BOTH, 0z3 and oz po Rectirt When tenting these gar rectifier typas, it vi21 be noted that the meter pointer vill remain, for a short interval, in the "REPLACE" soctor and then deflect rapid2y into the "Gdop" sector, This condition Is normal for a good gag rectifier, However, should the meter pofnver roma!n constantay in the "REPLACE" sector (after the lapse of several seconds), then the gas rectifier should be rejected, (SUB-MINIATURE TUBE TESTS he sub-niniature type of vacuum tube, (typified by types 108 and 2831) employs closely- specid flexible leads for element temminationa in contrast to standard rigid pin basing. In addition, tvo bulb shapes are in productions The ROUND type with lead terminations arrarged eirculariy, and the FLAT type with lead terminations arranged in one linear plane, Consider- {ng this condition ané the fact that many submintature typos are directly soldered into oper- ating circuits, with leads cut to varying lengths, PRECISION engineers offer a simple but Mapivit an MIVERSAL submintature tabe Test-adapter unst with flextble leadn_and positive contact clips, This adapter unit permite poritive connection of sub-miniature tubes with maxi- fun facility tegardless of ead length variations, and with a minimum possibility of inter-lead Shortigg, Seo Fig 1 below This adapter, Precision Ho, G-110 is avallable ag a soparate optional item in view of its specialized and Limited application, Adapter G-110 can be obtained directly from distributor or factory, at nominal cost, It can also be readtly fabricated from stan- dardly available parts through reference to Flg,1. Each lead is numbered 1 through § tn accordance with the standard basing of the octal plug. ‘TUBE-BRAND VARIATIONS. In determining the tube test limite for this instrument, PRECISION engineers have spent considerable time checking thousants of tuber fron the production runs of leading tube manu- facturers rom the Informaticn so gathered, the data on the roller chart, accompanying th: inrtrument, has been compiled Inasmuch ag extensive and intensive research 1s constantly being made in the radio tube in- dustry to Improve and stabilize the electrical and mechanical construction of tubes, it 1s not uncommon fora tube manufacturer to make a change in a particular tubes specifications. This change, though not necessarily readily noticeable in radio set performance, may nevertheless be made to improve tube stability and life, This change or variation may, hovever, indicate itself on the PRECISION Series 612-614 and necessitate a new test limit for that particular type number, Therefore, should a particular type number be found to vary consistently from the assigned average roller chart linits, merely redetermine the new CONTROL "c" average setting required to Pass these tubes at approximately 70 of the 0-100 linear scale below the 3 color tube testing arc, It can readily be seen that a consistently low or high reading for any particular tube type of a defintte manufacturer 1s not Ascessari2y to be taken as Indicative of @ poorer or better run of tubes, nor as defect in the tube tester. PILOT LaMP tess located in the center of the combination seven prong tube socke ‘The mintature base socket, ‘pase type pilot lamps, Christmas tree ‘bulbs, etc. Accomodates all miniature screw and bayonet Test procedure 1s as follows: SERIES 612 and 615 Tase & 4) Select proper Ptiament voltage by setting CONTE te one of the following applicable voltages: CONTROL "B" —yoL7s POS. ) voLEs “15 1 20 2s 2 12.6 8 210 ; 1819 nn 2s 25 lz 33 5 35 1 510 é 50 x 613 i 3 45 75 5 28 uz, Vy 2) Set Lever #2 to position "D"; turn instrument "on"; ad- just ror "Ling"; insepe bulb, Nowe i 2 THROUGH 20 wuoT’pe In "Nomwat scstTioH BALLAST TESTING The neon short check circuit, tn conjunction with the mumbered Lever-Distrivuiton systom pr vides a simpl> and positive method for obtaining the following ballast tests. 1. Point to point continutty test of each section of single unit aa vell as multiple nection ballastr. 2 Tests for loose elements, een sections of multi-element ballasts, for leakage be 3. Tes , on? ney encounter privately numbered ballast tubes, vhose numbers have no relationship to the standard RHA Ballast Coding System, A uniform moth of ballast resistor test can only be devised on the barin of sone type of syste The "Prectsion" ballast test data, which follows, is related to the tarde f Code. Therefore, privately nunbeted ballasts shéuld be refermed te ballast me facturers' replacenent marials for identification of the ballast in terpe of ti rd RMA Gode, BALLAST RESISTOR CODE: A yample and Interpretation of the code appearing on standan’ octal type and replac ballasts are as follow: (RMA STANDARD CCTAL TY BKIOAG (REPLACEMENT TYPE, BRESAG The first lester, "B" on both types, 1f used, inatcates ballast action. The letter "Kk", "L" or "M" on both’ types, indicate type of pilot lane, The letter "x", "Y" cr "Z", immedietely following the pilot lamp designation, denotes « particular SERIES of pase Wiring and appears only on replacement type ballasts. The nunerals "45" or "55", appoaring on the respective types, indicate tie tote) tolt- age drop produced by the ballast resistor including the pllod laup. The lecter "A" or B-C-D-E-F-G-i-J, appeering on both types (and timedtately following the voltage drop numerals) designates the particular BASE WINING Girenrt used, Toe etter "G" following the bane viring circuit designation on both types, If used, merely indicates octal base glass unit, and 1s of no importance as faras testing 1s concerned 4 letter "J" following the base wiring destenation such as KS5CJ, refers to an ine ternal jumper between pina 3 and 4, (See BALLAST TEST PROCEDURE) , where the letter "P" on "PR" appeare after the base wiring designation, such as KS5cP op KS5CPR, this indicates an additional resistor section in employed for the sectibier plate circuit (See BALLAST TEST PROCEDURE) . FOR STANDARD RMA OCTAL TYFE BALLASTS, THE BASE WIRING DESIGNATION A-B-C-D-E-F-G-1 THE ONLY INFORMATION NECESSARY FOR TEST PURPOSES, FOR REPLACEMENT TYPE BALLASTS, THE X, Y, OR Z SERIES AND BASE WIRING DESIGNATION IS THE INFORMATION RECESSARY FoR’ THE TESTING OF THESE TYPES, TIS SERIES 612 and 614 - Page 9 SERIES 612 and 614 - Page 9 PROCEDURE: BALLAST TE: The OCTAL SOCKET 1s used to accomodate all octal base type ballasts, + REFN OE TS MA OVERS MUST BE IN THE POLLOWING DESTONATED POSITIONS BEFORE Ny ATTEMPT IS MADE 10 TEST BALLAST UNITS: Set CONTROL "A" to #1 position Set CONTROL "B" to #18 position Set CONTROL "C" to 0 Position Throv all levers to "NORMAL POSITION" ae aap anegament ON and adjust for "ADJUST-LINE" indication on the meter, Insert the Ballast, 3. Gareity, the BALLAST unit to be tented according to its R.M.A. Base viring, Re- for to Fig. 1 below and determine the applicable base pin numbers vidual: Jevera corresponding to the base pin numbers, O84 tho; esition, A neon glo should be obtained af each Tstee is throvn to "F” position. For example, Ballast type BK86A 1s an "A" type base vired unit, It 1s checked by zeferring,to disgran "a" of Fig. 2, which reveals that lever 3 muse Se thrown to TF" position and then back to "NORMAL" position. Lever 7 must then be similarly actuated, Reon lamp should glow as each of these 2 levers is thrown to "F" position, Should the ballast ineormorate 8 jumper (for example from pin 3 to pin Sas for ballast designation axusas) neon glow must also be obtained when lever hese thrown to "F" ponition, CAUTION: NEVER DEPHESS "READ METER" BUTTON DURING BALLAS? TESTS, ADES 012 and 614 - Page 10 4, A continuous neon lamp glow, an each numbered lever (caliod for) tn throw: A piposition, indicatenctnat the section 18 not Open circus tea”) An open eet {anywhere in’the chain) will cause the neon lamp to extinguish when that rection's numbered lever is throvn to "F" position. It 1a advisable to tap tho ballast unit while each lever (called for) is betr actuated, In this manor, loone elenents can be ascerteined by noticing flickering instead of continuous glov of the neon Lamp, NOTE: Where letter "P" or "pR" rollove the base wiring designation, such Be or BKSOAPR, then it iy aleo necessary to actuate levers, tn’aldtion to t levers required for the base wiring code “A”. LEAKAGE TESTS; ‘Tosts for leakages vetweor sections of multi-section ballast units hay BASE WIRING designations "Pe, "cr, "H" or "J" are accomplished by throwing BOTH levers 2 and 3 to "F" position (simultaneously), vith all other levers remaining 1 the "NORMAL" position. A neon lamp glow (if obtained) vill indicate leakage or ti between the tvo independent sections, and the ballast unit should be rejected ae C ective. If any spectal ballast resistors are ever encountered (vhich cannot t Identified vith any standard RMA Coded basing), then merely determine the interna: ¥iring from a service manual schenatic and proceed as outlined for all ballast cor Enutty checks, ALITATIVE PAFER CONDENSER The jacks marked "COND, TEST" are used to obtain paper condenser tests by the sensitive nec lamp method. ‘The self-contained pover supply applies the necessary rectified voltage to t paper condenser, PROCEDURE: 1. Connect instrument to power line and turn instrument "oN", 2, Set the "TUBE-SPRC," Svitch, to "SPEC." position, (itgh sensitivity post 3. With CONTROL "A" set to #2 position, rotate "LINE ADJUSTMENT" mob to Obtain "ADJUST-LINE" indication on meter, 4, Insert test leads into the "COND, TEST" Jacke. Apply the free ends across tho paper condense? to be tested and observe the indications of the neon Janp, a) A steady gloy indicates a low D.c, resistance or short circuited condenser b) A continuously flickering neon glow indicates a high resistance leakage condition. ¢) No indication of neon lamp indicates that the condenser undor test is eithor open oF the capacity is too amall to cause the neon lamp to register visibly. 4) A good condenser vill cause 4 momentary neon amp flash, the dur- ation of which 18 dependent upon the capacity being checked. The greater the capacity, the longer the duration and vice versa. Polarity need not be observed vhen testing paper condensers. BATTERY TesPING INSTRUCTIONS ‘The PRECISION Series 612-614 Tube and Battery Testers incorporate a highly efficient, DIREC? READING, Dynanio battery performance testing circuit, developed and designed by PRECISION eng: Stressing extreme simplicity in both operation and readability, the PRECISION battery perfcr ance teste eetle nevertheless, DISECTIT sccouodaton ALL POPULAR Gry batteries including port avle-radio "a", "B" and "C" batteries, from ‘1.5 through 135 volts, ‘Through the use of a specially designod evitching circuit, each battery is TESTED UNDER LOAL sim lating operating conditions, vhich the battery MAY be required to serve in @ receiver. TE load condi tone ARE NOT ARBITRARILY CHOSEN. TR® *ane basis applies to the calibration of each Tange, so that batteries will definitely be ejected vhon thoi LOADED terminal voltage no Jon er cotes'up to the stability requirements of 6: © reception or similar usage. SERIES 612 and 61% - Page 12 HOW [0 TEST BATTERIES ALL SELECTORS MUST ALWAYS BE SST 10 THEIR APPRO- PRIAYE POSITIONS BEFORS MAKING ANY BATTERY TESTS, 1, Set Selector Switeh "A" to "BATTERY TEST". 2, Selector "BY, in adéition to its functions in the tube testing cireuit, serves sere Tonbinetion voltage and load selector for battery testing, and is set to Sts required positions as follows: Pos. #1 - 1,5 volt batteries Pos. gq = 15 volt batteries wf Tt © n * BBS * Bohs © ” " 1G : a -6 ® . " #l0~ ® " " "45-75" " #il- 67.5 " " n HBl9 u Gael go’? " « Bsus 8 “ once Control "A" in set to "BATTERY TEST", Selector "B" is the ONLY switch crete getting changes for batteries of different voltages. No other switch or Controls are associated vith battery testing, 3, Jnsert tent loads into (-) end (+) "EXTERNAL TEST! pin jacks and apply test pre TIN Eroper polarity) directly across appropriate temminals of battery under, (Ln PUEFPT Ene moter vill tamediatelindicate the perfomance condition of the tattery on the vide 3 colored "REPLACE - 7 - GOOD" scale, + CAUTION: IN THR EVENT THAT BATTERY TERMINALS ARE NO? IDENTIFIED AS TO POLARETY On VOLTAGE, ALAYS FIRST REFER 10 RECEIVER OR BATTERY MANUFACTURERS | PATA SHRETS POR THE NECESSARY INFORYATION BEFORE TESTING, TO AVOID TH POSSIBILITY OF OVERLOADING AND DAMAGING THE METER, pettertes reading tn the RED "REPLACE" sector should imedietely end unquestionably be_replacec,(Read on large 3 colored arc) batteries reading in the YELLOW "7" sector, although normally stil1 capable of ure Batter vort pericd of tine, should also be replaced, Weak batteries are known cau: ef stow "fade-cuta", drift and other receiver instabilities. NOTE 1. When testing batteries used in test equipment ohameter ofzeut! WRopattery may test "GOOD" and nevertheless, not give full soale meter deflection in the ohmmeter circuit. This is simp: Explained by reason that the rejection point of ohnmeter kiteries is usuelly considerably above that for receivers, t Deciliators and similar devices, Accordingly, ae far as ohn- eters are concerned, a battery is considered unuseable vhen Tali scale ohmmeter adjustment can no longer be obtained in t! particular tester in vhich 1t 1s employed, as described by the Rest equipment manufacturers. his same battery, if it reads "GOOD", may yet nevertheless furnigh some additional service in a portable radio, though, of fourse, its remaining useful life 1s considerably below that « Stand new battery, as its position on the battery test "GOC! Seale vill indicate. yore 2, Al1 nev batteries, regardless of voltage type, vill, vhen ney 223 Uitn the proper "B" setting, read at approximately the 70 $26 Nation on tho 0-100 scale, SOME LITTLE VARIATION 15 70 Bi JROIGTED BETWEEN BATTERY BRANDS. Because ono brand of nev ae eeeey may read @ little higher than another, it ts not ant: peektIen of a superior battery, This is attributable to cert Gicetel chemical conditions vithin the battery, and in servic: smal average around the seme operating point. ATA qhe PRECISTON SERIES "600" test instruments have pot only been designed te securat tntente TRG BREGISTON SER eubes, but have been constructed to vithstand the ebisce oF indteate ‘the merit of vacouponente havo been exhaustively samplo-tested by Paoctescn!s tot general Shela ute. ony ans have been approved for general long-1ife wesge, Generous mechan design ig a major Precision precept. povever , . . . .ft 4a impossible to fully control the two major contributions to operative instruments namely: Series 612 and 614 - page 12 patlure of components arter instruments have passed Precision's Performance Test Department and pamage of components due to miroperation, accidental or othervise, including fallure to OBSERVE PRESCRIBED OPSRATING PROCEDURES . qhorefore, in order to expedite rehabilttation of your instrunent, (should the need arise), the therefor are Tost commonly encountered possible fallures and recommended remedial measures isted as follows: ImroRPANT NOTE: Your PAECISION SERIES 612-514 19 a velatively complex instrument, x and has been carefully inspected and calibrated by Precision's Per- Tormance-Teat Department. - - DO NOT attempt repairs or modifi- cations other than those listed below unless upon specific recomend- ation by Preciaion's SERVICE DEPARTMENT. Instrument does not become energized upon application of line voltage and release of "OFF" button. a) Remove 3AG, 1 ampere fuse from panel mounted fuse holder, If blown, replace with seme 4ize and type fuse only #f the cause for blowing of fuse is known and has been Pemedied, Reasons for fuse-blowing may be Fatlure to short-check a tube before attempting quality test. Shorted power transformer windings or other internal shorts. several type tubes with the namo "A" sviteh setting do not provide metar mertt indications. a) The load resistor associated vith the particular "A" switch position may be open. Refer to the schematic, check the resistor with an ohmetor, If open circuited, contact Preci#ton's Service Department for a replacement Resistor Meter doos not indicate "ADJUST LINE" check when instrument 1s energized. a) Remove 5Y3 rectifier tube and replace if defective. "Line" adjustment is erratic a) Examine Line potentiometer item #830 ("Line adjustment") for shorted, open Unsoleer the three leads and check Tor continuity with an If defective, contact Preciston's Service Department, ratte checks of several tubes with the sane type base, a) Examine that particular socket contact and check for being loose or broken, If new sockets are required, contact Precision's Service Department or your parts dletributor, Tubes vith overhead caps check improperly. a) cheek cap leads for continuity espectally at the cap end, Continuous use fant attendant flexing of the vire oceasfonelly cause breaks; ition of Switch "B": eproper operation of Battery Test at any one pos a] Check Battery network vesistors with an ohaseter. multiplier reatgter assoclated with each position of svitch 'p" are mounted on Switen "5" >) Should the meter read off-scale on "Battery Tent" check shunt resistors RET, 28 and 29 for open circuit, All replacement items are obtainable through contact with Prectalon's Service Department, Apparent defective operation of the instrument acter, a) Repair and recalibration of the meter of a Series 612-614 is a delicate highly specialized operation, DO NOT ATTSyp? 70 REPAIR AN INOPERATIVE NETER Al¥uys contact Precision's Service Department ‘your meter appear de: fective or damaged, SERIES 612 and 614 - Page 13 SPECIAL NOTE RE REPAIR SERVICE When returning @ Precision instrument for repair-recelioration service, ALMAYS ie carefully in a strong oversized corrugated shipping container, using a generous supp K Soap gush as excolsior, phreded payer or crumpled newspaper, | The original contal oe petting pads (if avellable) are ideal for this purpose. Please ship via Rallway Exp? AID and mark fo: PRECISION APPARATUS COMPANY, Inc. 92-27 Horace Harding Blvd. Elmhurat, L.I., N.Y. ATT: Service Division ERAGILE labo? should appear on at least four sides of the carton, Hever return an instrument unloss tt 1s accompanied by full explanation of aiff qultien encountered. The wore explicit the detatls, the more Yopialy your instrineat cen fandled and processed. GENERAL NOTES AND INFORMATION }. The "Spare" SOCKET, In anticipation of unusual recetving type tube developnents in * Miuren a "spare” socket has been provided on the instrument panel, Available reserv Janel apace thorofore avaits the insertion of unusual type tube sockets, Roller Chart: Wey roller charts, including data for the latest type tubes, ere print Boriedically, and are issued free of charge, @s @ Precision service, upon individual Ruest, It 1 VERY important thst such requests lst the following inFemmat? on: a) Series No, (on panel or nameplate). b) Serial number of instrurent (on Nameplate RM NUMBER OF YOUR PRESENT ROLLER CHART ¢)_Fo) o) POM Wed at che upper tert and comer oC every roller chart). A quaranteo-registration card is enclosed with this instrument, Mail card at once fc registration. 5, Tube-Test Accessories Included: 2, Instruction vanual 1 Tube Test Roller Chart 1] Type 5Y3 rectifier tube 1) ghe°628 voit pitot Temp 1) #m-57 neon lamp 1, Registration cara PAECISTON APPARATUS COMPANY, INC. 92-27 Horace Harding Bive, Elmhurst, b.1., N.Y. Sek. 4 = bef ep of sf ef on FT Snel ote toe - ie Ae GBs me 4A we NA (e'_ies oy es wes OL ON Sg) 30¥05 eu mgs at ‘e120 asus NLL, outage oy 6 KE so,

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