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Blog Ideas:

 The plight of avocados

 But where do you get your protein?
 Being a vegan is expensive (bust those myths!)
 A post about soup
 A post about salads
 Cheese- how do you live without cheese? And what are some good alternatives?
 The cheeseboard- talking about social eating and how eating is so intrinsically linked
with social conventions and traditions (religious etc)
 I love Carbs
 The gluten free vegan (who eats eggs) and how that person changed my life (and my
 Do we need meat to survive? Talk about the history of meat and the B12 etc
 Being a vegan must mean I have to take loads of supplements. NOT TRUE! Talk about
the fear in going vegan.
 Veganism and identity. People feel that their identity is so wrapped up in animal
products how do we change this?
 The Game Changers- Talk about mum and dads friends thinking there must have
been a motive but they never question the motive of the meat industry advertising
 The Meat Conspiracy- Talk about marketing and what it was like growing up in Aus
with the beef industry. Talk about clinical trials sponsored by the meat and dairy
 All hail tempeh! The power of tempeh and tofu
 Baking as a vegan is difficult and time consuming- not true, it’s not so hard to
veganise recipes!
 Misconception that becoming a vegan means eating super healthy and giving stuff
up. And it’s actually not about this at all! You can flip your mindset and instead of
thinking about all the food you can’t eat, you open yourself up to a world of food
you CAN eat.
 The difference between Vegan and Plant-Based.
 Peer pressure (or partner-pressure) surrounding plant-based eating. Perhaps people
want to try going vegan (eg Cassie, Mimi) but they have a spouse who could never
do it and therefore they don’t even try. Same with other things like giving up alcohol.
People find it hard to change on their own. ‘If it were just up to me.’ Social
conventions etc.
 Sausage Roll- Didn’t think about it. Felt pressured to eat it. Didn’t enjoy it.
 You may not want to jump on the V train but you can still wave from the platform
 There’s going to come a point (a tipping point) when the question won’t be ‘why are
you vegan? But Why do you still eat meat? There will reach a point when it will no
longer be sustainable to eat this way. Change will be forced upon us
 Jackfruit story with Karen’s dad. 70 years old and open for change. Totally
unexpected. People can change who you don’t imagine would.

It is a common misconception that vegans don’t get enough protein. In fact, most people
living in the Western world eating a balanced diet have too much protein! (This is also true
for vegetarians and vegans). Do Vegetarians Get Enough Protein? |

Due to good marketing over the last few years, protein suddenly became the most important
thing to have in a diet and now everyone seems obsessed with it! What you should be asking
yourselves instead is, am I getting enough fibre and vital nutrients and vitamins? Since a
vegan diet only consists of plants and plants contain fibre (fibre cannot be found in meat) a
vegan diet can in fact be more balanced than an omnivore diet. Coupled with the fact that
there are some incredible plant-based protein sources such as beans, chickpeas, lentils and
tofu (all of which do not contain saturated fats such as meat), it would be very difficult for a
vegan or vegetarian to be protein-deficient. However, many people (especially those on a
traditional western diet) are deficient in fibre due to the lack of plants they eat. 

Blogging and SEO Course

Brainstorm Ideas- What will you write about and what do people want to read?

Create persona- Who is your ideal reader for this post? Think details and step into the
readers mindset and think of 3 problems the reader is facing and solutions that you would
1. They want to try being vegan but feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start
Solution: Take them through a step by step guide of how to be vegan in the simplest
way possible using my experiences as a reference. Make them feel like theyre not
2. They want to make and eat delicious food
Solution: Post delicious and easy recipes that people can make easily and not miss
3. They want more information when it comes to veganism as there are a lot of
conflicting views and opinions
Solution: Present my own personal story along with well-researched facts so they
are armed with knowledge and can make their decision and justify their decision
instead of feeling confused.

Find Keywords
Use the auto-suggest feature in google
You can do this on pinterest too
You can also use keyword generator tools

Create a rough draft- Headings, sub headings, call to actions, solutions etc. Create a basic
structure of the post

Write four other headings for your post. (Five altogether) This is because you can use the
other headings for promoting your blog post.
Complete post and edit

Edit and proof-read the post

Add pictures as people are more likely to read the content. Optimise the alt tags and
headings of images so they rank better in search engines

Publish and Promote- 30% of time writing and 70% promoting what you have written.

Keyword Useage:
1. Use keywords in headings, subheadings, content and URL but avoid overusing them
2. 2000-3000 words is the best length for blog post. Make sure the words you are using
are adding value and the content is good
3. Try and rank on pinterest to get more traffic. (Search key words)
4. Optimise the post for SEO (how do I do this?)
5. Creating viral content for social media- this is essential to getting traffic and ranking
6. Optimize the images and use proper key words and description in the image title and
Alt tags
7. Use quora to answer questions regarding your blog post topic and share post links.
Offer value to the readers and uses of quora
8. Achieve quality backlinks.

Blog Writing & Traffic Tips:

 Use time blocking. Set timer for 25 mins and take break for 5 mins
 Write easy sections first
 Highlight quotes and key points
 Use app like evernote to write and organise ideas
 Write at least one guest post per month- this will increase your traffic and audience
and promote your content.
 Create 1 pin each week for Pinterest
 Whenever you write a blog post answer the questions to it on quora and link it back
to your blog post. Do this every week (15-30 mins)
 Write posts on trending topics.
 Promote blog post in the first month.


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