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Project Summary

I have gotten an opportunity to see how my students memorize spanish but don't get to
use their spanish outside of school. I would love to be able to show my students how to
adapt spanish to their everyday lives and show them ways they can use it in their
community. My goal with this project based learning lesson is to allow students to find
an interesting connection between communication barriers. After gaining knowledge of
some spanish vocabulary and all Spanish vocabulary on “introductions”, my students
will be introduced to this lesson by answering the overall driving question, “How can
language be a barrier within communication?” From there we will have many discussion
moments as well as a field trip to the airport to gain data / information on those who
travel outside of the country. I want my students to be aware that many who travel
outside the country will face a barrier when communicating. Students will be able to use
technology such as audio recording, video recording, Google Drives, and any
technology they think will assist them in creating their final project. My students will be
creating an infographic for travelers at the airport. On the final day of this lesson my
students will be able to post their infographics at the airport as well as communicate
with travelers.

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