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1) which of the following types of companies would you prefer to work for? what are the
advantages and disadvantages of working for each one

-I prefer work a trendy new hight-tech corporation, because its advantage is to be at the
Forefront and its disadvantage is that it generates problems with privacy and security.


2) Developments in technology: The development of technology generates a positive

impact, revealing new ways of life, in turn helping people with everyday situations.

On the other hand, the negative impact of this development can cause people to
depend entirely on technological entities.
Growth in the power of consumer groups: An important positive impact on consumers
would be to boost the market and asset movements in profit-rich countries.
On the other hand, the negative impact it generates is from the unnecessary purchase of
items that people do not usually use.
Expansion of e-business: The expansion of electronic commerce generates as a positive
impact a broad market for smart purchases.
The negative impact of these businesses would be the future piracy that would be created
as the market is updated annually.
Increase in sharehoulder power: The power of the shareholders generates a positive
impact due to the increase in investments for a company.
On the other hand, the negative impact would be the low purchasing power for the company
directly serving its shareholders.
Financial scandals: Financial scandals generate an impact in my opinion only negative,
since it can generate chaos or in case of being investigated, it would prevent the authorities
from carrying out the said analysis to obtain the concrete answers of why there was such a
Transfer of money and Jobs to cheaper countries :It is not a surprise to know that in
(third world) countries there are cheap labor, however a positive impact that it would
generate would be to offer jobs and purchasing power to said people from that country.
On the other hand, the negative impact that job exploration would generate would be the
lack of benefits in work contracts, cut wages and poor quality labor.
Weakening trade unions: A positive impact on the weakening of the unions, would be the
control recovered by the company, sometimes by said monopolies of these so-called unions,
good prestigious companies go bankrupt due to petitions that are out of place by these said

On the other hand, the negative impact of this term comes in that there are cases in which
a company commits exploitation and negligence with the workers, which causes these
unions to be created and they manage to obtain what was agreed from the beginning.

PAG 10
1. Find the words in the text to describe people who:
1- Freelance
2- Venture caoitalists
3- Entrepreneur
4- Consumers
5- Production
6- Shareholders
2. Match the words with the definitions:

1. Bureaucrazy ----------------------- B. Inflexible system of administration

2. Flattened hierarchy ---------------------------- D. more middle than senior managers

3. Standardised products -------------------------- A. goods of the same quality and design

4. Lifetime employment ------------------------------- F. permanent Jobs

5. Merguer ---------------------------------- H. when tow companies become one

6. Customised -------------------------------- G. made for a particular user

7. Tangible assets ----------------------------- E. buildings and machinery a company owns

8. Lease ----------------------------------- C. rent a building on a temporary basis

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