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___________Social Studies 9 – Chapter 5 Review______________

March 23rd
Review Lesson - 47min

9.1.1  appreciate the impact of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms on rights and governance in Canada (C, I,
9.1.2  appreciate the various effects of government policies on citizenship and on Canadian society (C, I, PADM) 9.1.3
appreciate how emerging issues impact quality of life, citizenship and identity in Canada (C, I, PADM)
9.1.8 assess, critically, how legislative processes attempt to address emerging issues of immigration by exploring and
reflecting upon the following questions and issues:
 What factors influence immigration policies in Canada (i.e., economic, political, health, security)? (C, ER, PADM)

 How are changes to Canadian policies on immigration and refugees a reflection of world issues? (PADM, GC, C, I)

 What impact does increasing immigration have on Aboriginal peoples and communities? (C, I, GC, PADM)

 How are provincial governments able to influence and implement immigration policies? (PADM, GC)

 How is the implementation of immigration policies in Québec an attempt to strengthen the French language in North
America? (PADM, GC, C, I)

 What is the relationship between immigration policies in Canada and the rights guaranteed in the Canadian Charter of
Rights and Freedoms? (I, PADM)

 To what extent does Canada benefit from immigration? (GC, PADM)


- By the end of this lesson, students will have reviewed Chapter 5, will have a better idea of what kinds of questions will
be on their exam, will have an opportunity to discuss their ideas about the Chapter with peers, will be able to ask any
remaining questions, and will be able to further develop their skills in analyzing sources


- Projector, Wifi, Device, Kahoot link and Google Slides

- One student in each group will need a device

- Chapter 5 review booklets


- Formative Assessment through whole group discussion and small group discussion

- Formative assessment through embodied learning activity

- Formative assessment through Kahoot results

- Formative assessment through teacher observation and answering questions.

- Summative assessment upcoming

Diverse Learning
- Images, bolded and underlined key words.

- Embodied learning and opportunities to move around the classroom

- ELL students working in groups with students who speak home language – this is an awesome resource to have in the
classroom! It won’t always work out this way, but it is working great for now!

- Analyzing resources with low word-load – understanding in many languages.


Introduction Activity (7 min)

- Begin the lesson with embodied learning

- Students moving to different corners of the classroom for the descriptions of different immigrant categories

- ½ students at a time for distancing and to increase engagement/who you are getting answers from

Remaining Slides + Analyzing Sources (approx. 5 minutes per resource)

- Let students know that the sources they view today will be on the exam
- Go through each source (read out the resource that is not a cartoon to reduce word-load)
- Students can work with someone near them to discuss each source (they must stay in their desk to do this discussion in
order to make the transition to whole class discussion easier)
- Go through the IPAD with students
- Discuss the Indigenous perspective on immigration and the freeze on immigration that was called for in order to
address 3rd world conditions here in Canada

Kahoot (20 mins)

- Teams of 3 (10 max due to new Kahoot restrictions)
- 20 Questions
- Students may discuss with the people in their group BUT lay down the ground rule that if we need to talk about a
question, it needs to be quiet.
Conclusion – Hand Out the Review Sheets to Students. Inform students that they will have next class to review and when their
test will be.
- **Ensure that students are not leaving the class with questions


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