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Assignment On

Function Of Culture

Submitted To
Taniya nahsin
Victoria University of Bangladesh
Course name: Introduction to Social Science
Course Code: SOC 104
Submitted By
Md. Ariful Hauqe
Batch: 46th , B.B.A.
Date :- 19 Jan 2021
Functions of Culture:

Among all groups of people we find widely shared

beliefs, norms, values and preferences. Since culture seems to
be universal human phenomenon, it occurs naturally to wonder
whether culture corresponds to any universal human needs.
This curiosity raises the question of the functions of culture.
Social scientists have discussed various functions of culture.
Culture has been fulfilling a number of functions which may be
divided into two - (a) for the individual and (b) for the group.

Importance of Culture to the individual:

(1) Culture defines Attitudes, Values and Goals: Each

person learns in his culture what is good, true, and
beautiful. Attitudes, values and goals are defined by the
culture. While the individual normally learns them as
unconsciously as he learns the language. Attitude are
tendencies to feel and act in certain ways. Values are
measures of goodness or desirability, for example, People
value private property, (representative) Government and
many other things and experience.

(2) Culture defines situations: Each culture has many subtle

cues which define each situation. It reveals whether one
should prepare to fight, run, laugh or make love. For
example, when someone approaches with right hand
outstretched at waist level it means he wishes to shake
hands in friendly greeting is perfectly obvious in some
place. But in another place or time the outstretched hand
might mean hostility or warning.

(3) Culture provides traditional interpretation to certain

situations: Through culture man gets traditional
interpretations for many situations according to which he
determines his behavior. For example, if a cat crosses his
way he postpones the journey.

(4) Culture shapes personality : No child can develop human

qualities in the absence of cultural environment. Culture
prepares man for group life. For example, an introvert in
one place isn’t likely to be the gregarious life of the party in
another. Gregarious people are also likely to be assertive.
Different behaviors tend to covary or be present together.
Importance of Culture for the group:
Culture keeps social relationship intact. Culture has
importance not only for men but also for the group. Culture
prepares man for group life. Group life would have been poor,
nasty, and short if there had been no cultural regulations.
Group solidarity rests on the foundation of culture.

(1) Culture has given a new vision to the individual.

Secondly, culture has given a new vision to the co-
operation of the individuals. Culture teaches him to
think of himself as a part of the larger whole. It
provides him with the concepts of family, state, nation
etc. and makes possible the coordination and division of

(2) Culture creates new needs: Finally, culture also

creates new needs and drives, for example, thirst for
knowledge and arranges for their satisfaction. It
satisfies the moral and religious interests of the
members of the group.

From the discussion it can say that culture is the unique

possession of man. No one can develop human qualities
without culture. Culture distinguishes, leads, changes the
personality of the individual and structure of the group.

-The End-

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