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Diajukan Untuk Memenuhi Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis


Arranged by :

Juan charmel askeleon siregar (7203510027)

Muhammad Rizaldi Nasution (7203510015)




No Aspects of Journal Elaboration
1. Identity of Journal 1 THE INFLUENCE OF HUMAN
Book Tittle :

Edition :8
Author : Sarif Hidayat
Year of publisher : 2018
Pages : 55 – 67
E-ISSN : 2503-4413
2. Summary of Journal 1 The economic crisis that occurred
had a huge impact on the world
Indonesian business. The rise of the
disconnection crisis
employment relationship either
voluntarily or
unilaterally shows that SDM (source
human power) is still considered wrong
one factor of production and not as an
company which means partner
system (Simamora, 1995). Because the
sources owned by the company
limited so that the company Any
corporate organization
using all sources
its power to be able to produce a
both marketable goods / services. In
this is the management of the resources
they have
company including financial resources,
physical, human resources, and
technological capabilities and
is required to be able
empower and optimize
its use to sustain
survival of the company.

From various resources owned

HR companies occupy the position
strategic among other resources.
Without human resources, other
resources are not
can be used let alone managed for
produce a product. But deep
in fact there are still many companies
not realizing the importance of HR for
survival of the company. Still
many companies consider
HR is the most organizational asset
important, because human resources are
the driving force
and create other resources

HR problems continue
increased especially with respect to
supply of skilled labor, that is
have adequate adaptability,
and able to deal with existing
ambiguity (ambiguity). HR
have a big share for
business success. HR issues include
manpower-related business issues
work, and these issues affect
business essentials such as
survival, competitiveness, adaptability
and flexibility.

The critical role of HR is not

accompanied with the nature of labor
certainty. Precisely on the contrary
there is an increase labor uncertainty
faced organization. Organizations
cannot determine exactly which things
are with regard to the labor supply
among others: 1) How interesting,
maintain, and motivate HR more and more
diverse 2) How get individuals who have
skills, knowledge, and the right
abilities. Finally how to direct
existing human resources in order to be
a source of excellence competitive both
domestically andinternational.

3. Review of journal 1
A. The strenghts of the 1. The method used was a survey with a
journal 1 questionnaire so that many people were
interested in the company .
2. book 1 describes the material in a very
detailed and clear manner making it easier for
readers to understand the.
3. he order of the journal is very complete,
starting from the abstract, introduction,
research methods, results, conclusions and
B. The weakness of the 1. Has no journal purpose. Therefore,
journal 1 it is difficult for the reader to
understand what this research is
for .
2. The researcher did not include the
average score obtained by the
informants who were given the
3. The language used in this journal
is English, which makes it
difficult for lay people to
understand it and must translate
the language first.

NO Aspects of Journal ELABARATION

1 Identity of Journal 1 Journal Tittle : ETHICS AS A FOUNDATION OF MANAGEMENT – A

Vol : 16
Author : Joanna Hernik
Marcin Gębarowski
Year of publisher : 2011
Pages : 147 - 156
2 Summary of Journal 2 Ethics according to Polish SME – assumptions and research
results Society is inluenced not only by large market entities, but
also by small and medium-sized ones. Currently, consumers
expect companies, irrespectively of their size, to offer good
products and treat their cooperants and employees fairly
(Augustyniak, 2011). It means that just as every person has
certain commitments towards their communities, analogically
each business should realize certain obligations so that they
could participate in social life in an active, ethical and
responsible way. It is true for all forms of activity can be relected
in various types of social commitment (Responsible Business
Forum - Forum Odpowiedzialnego Biznesu, 2009). Based on the
above mentioned assumptions, it has been researched if
business people share this view. If we agree that the crisis
echoes the longest in entrepreneurs` and consumers’ heads, it
should therefore be assumed that it will end no sooner than
when people have accepted its end, and not when companies’
proits increase. The key element is their trust in market because
the majority want to believe in (and follow) the principles and
seeks conirmation that these rules are being followed. This is
why the current crisis has triggered growing expectations
towards business reliability which includes incorruptibility,
fairness, solidarity and honesty. Ethics in management applies
mainly to managers’ behaviors – the way they fulill their duties
towards employees, shareholders, supervisors and loyal
community. Their actions often depend on what others do (e.g.
their peers, competitors, co-workers). Their behaviors are also
inluenced by less direct circumstances, such as the tax system or
social pressure. Therefore managers’ behaviors are triggered
both by internal convictions as well as external conditions. Since
ethics is a set of rules binding at a particular time at a given
location, it is worth asking if we actually perceive the
environment as a capital that needs to be preserved for future
generations and whether businesspeople are exempt from
that duty. If we argue that the current condition of the
environment is a priority for the society, then the society should
demand an active role of businesspeople, who should – as a
result – display ethical behavior because without it, the market
is going to be an arena for egoistic and immoral operations.
Deliberations presented in this paper tend to assume that
businesspeople constitute a part of their society and therefore
should obey social norms. Empirical research proves, however,
that this „social imperative” does not translate into attitudes
presented by people running small and medium-sized
enterprises. The research showed that 45% of the interviewed
respondents believed that there were no rules to play by.
Among those who agreed that not everything is allowed in
business, 28% could not name any commonly respected social
rule. It could be argued, then, that Polish businesspeople are not
fully convinced that ethics is a fundamental value in their
operations. Although it is hard to determine whether it stems
from current economic situation or is related to some other
causes, one may see that a large portion of the respondents was
focused on their own needs rather than social ones. Such
attitude should not be fully condemned as it is commonly
believed that an effective businessperson creates job
opportunities, provides market offers, pays taxes and aids the
development of a particular community, therefore while caring
about their own business, in a sense they do care about the
needs of their environment. Current situation, however, 156
Joanna, Ethics As A Foundation ... allows to advocate ethical
business conduct among small and medium-sized entities’
managers, highlighting the beneits for their companies. As this
paper has shown, the literature and practice provides
contradictory opinions about the role of ethics in business
operations. It is worth mentioning that the less ethical the
society, the less ethical the business. Irrespectively of the
current situation, whether it is a bull or bear market, the level of
obeying ethical norms in business management depends on
general ethical sensitivity displayed by a particular society,
which is both conditioned historically and related to current
economic situation.
3 Review of journal 2
The strenghts of the 1. Systematics is written in the right journal.
journal 2 2. The language used is simple, so it's easy to reach.
3. in the journal there is a table so that it is easy for the reader
to understand
The weakness of the of the advantages of the above this journal has shortcomings
journal 2 there are some who are difficult to apply if paid

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