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from random import randint

from time import sleep

print("\nwelcome to battleships!\n")
print("Both players have a 10x10 board filled with randomly positioned ships,
neither players know where")
print("the ships are and have to guess where the other persons ships are unitl they
are all destroyed.\n\n")
p1Board = []
p2Board = []
p1ships = {}
p2ships = {}

# using y, x for the board

for i in range(7):
p1Board.append((["."] * 7))
p2Board.append((["."] * 7))

def printBoard(board):
temp1 = []
for stuff in range(len(board)):
temp = []
for i in range(len(temp1[0])):
temp1.insert(0, temp)
for i in range(len(temp1)):
if i < 10:
temp1[i].insert(0, str(i) + " ")
temp1[i].insert(0, str(i))
for row in temp1:
print(" ".join(row))

def BuildShipList(board, dictionary):

for i in range(5):
for num in range(i + 1):
size = 5 - i
if size == 5:
name = "Carrier" + str(num + 1)
elif size == 4:
name = "Battleship" + str(num + 1)
elif size == 3:
name = "Cruiser" + str(num + 1)
elif size == 2:
name = "Submarine" + str(num + 1)
#elif size == 1:
# name = "Destroyer" + str(num + 1)
complete = False
while complete is False:
complete = True
x = randint(0, len(board[0]))
y = randint(0, len(board))
ship = []
for seg in range(size):
if x in range(len(board[0])) and y in range(len(board)):
ship.append([y, x])
if num % 2 == 0:
x += 1
y += 1
complete = False
for object in dictionary:
for cord in dictionary[object]:
for pos in ship:
if cord == pos:
complete = False
dictionary[name] = ship
return dictionary

p1ships = BuildShipList(p1Board, p1ships)

p2ships = BuildShipList(p2Board, p2ships)

def listShips(ships):
for x, y in ships.items():
print(x, y)

player1 = input("Enter name for player1: ")

player2 = input("Enter name for player2: ")
p1items = [p1ships, p1Board]
p2items = [p2ships, p2Board]
allItems = [p1items, p2items]
counter = 1

def LoseCondition(ships):
shipnum = 0
for ship in ships:
shipnum += 1
if shipnum == 0:
return True

def checkhit(ships, attack):

for name, poslist in ships.items():
for pos in poslist:
if pos == attack:
return True, name
return False, "null"

def editBoard(turn, inverse, attack):

global allItems
hit, ship = checkhit(allItems[inverse][0], attack)
if hit:
# shipCords = allItems[inverse][0][ship]
# board = allItems[turn][1]
for pos in allItems[inverse][0][ship]:
allItems[turn][1][pos[0]][pos[1]] = "H"
allItems[turn][1][attack[0]][attack[1]] = "X"
del allItems[inverse][0][ship]
print("We've hit %s!" % ship)
print("We have missed all of the oppponents ships!")
allItems[turn][1][attack[0]][attack[1]] = "M"

StillGame = True
while StillGame:
counter += 1
if counter % 2 == 0:
turn = 0
inverse = 1
name = player1
iname = player2
turn = 1
inverse = 0
name = player2
iname = player1

if LoseCondition(allItems[turn][0]):
print("Oh no {0} you have lost all 15 of your ships and {1} has won! How
could you let this happen!")
print("Attack: {0} :: {1} This is your board and where you have
attacked".format(counter-1, name))
print("{0} has {1} ships Left!\n".format(iname, len(allItems[inverse][0])))

for row in allItems[turn][1]:


var1 = True
attac = []
attac.append(int(input("Please enter row number(1 - 10): ")) - 1)
attac.append(int(input("Please enter column number(1 - 10): ")) - 1)
if 0 <= attac[0] <= 9 and 0 <= attac[1] <= 9:
print("You have to enter a number between 1 and 10")
attac = []
attac.append(int(input("Please enter row number(1 - 10): ")) - 1)
attac.append(int(input("Please enter column number(1 - 10): ")) - 1)
editBoard(turn, inverse, attac)

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