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Title: Teammates Title: Testing the Ice

Genre: Genre:

Key Details: Key Details:(STOP AND THINK: What details or information that you are
● reading do you think are important to the story plot?)
● Players in Negro leagues were treated differently than Major ●
League players (lower pay, no hotels, etc.).

● Pee Wee Reese stood up for Jackie during a game to show they
were teammates.

Summary Statement: (STOP AND THINK: What was this text mostly Summary Statement:
about? Based on the details we pulled and the characters we learned
about, what could we say for a great SUM UP statement based on what
we read?)

When I read... It made me think... When I read…. It made me think...

● When I read that Branch Rickey thought segregation was unfair and ●
everyone should have opportunities to play, it made me
think that he was and do what was right
and probably had many people treat him because of his

● When I read that Jackie felt very alone and had to face ,
it made me think that he was a and knew
he had to go through these challenges in order to make an impact
and positive change for other people.
● I can summarize events using supporting details.
● I can draw conclusions using the text as support.

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