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common to the respondents are becoming hyper and happy.

1. Have you tried to stop or cut down yourself in consuming

sugar products?

Regarding the question, “Have you tried to stop or cut down in

consuming sugar products” it resulted that 80% answered yes while 20%
answered no. Thus, it is concluded that majority of the respondents are
trying to stop or cutting down their intake of sugar products.

3.4 Proposed Alternative

In our everyday life we cannot get away on consuming sugar since
almost every food that we eat or consume in our daily lives contains
sugar, but there are still some solutions that can be done in order to
minimize the consumption of it. According to the respondents, 17 out of
20 agree on using alternative products that can be use other than sugar
such as sugar-free sweeteners. Best example of alternative for sugar is
honey because it is way too similar to sugar because of the vitamins and
mineral they have but honey is healthier than sugar. According to Mayo
Clinic Staff, natural sugar substitute is healthier than the actual sugar
itself, and according to them artificial sweeteners can help you on
weight control and also diabetes due to that you'll just use a little but it is
many times sweeter than sugar and it has no calories that can totally help
you on your diet. Therefore, almost all the respondents recommend on
using alternative sweeteners as a substitute for sugar.

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