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1. What is this data privacy scandal all about?

The scandal is all about Facebook, which is the most widely used social media platform. The
Facebook data privacy controversy focuses on the political research and strategic communication
company Cambridge Analytica's collection of personally identifiable information from "up to 87
million accounts."

2. How does this Facebook privacy scandal relate to Heidegger’s notion of revealing of
modern technology as challenging forth?

The Facebook privacy scandal is linked to Heidegger's notion of disclosing/revealing modern

technology as challenging-forth because it raised concerns about the privacy, security and human
rights of Facebook users because Facebook improperly shared the personal data of 87 million

3. How are Facebook users “enframed’ in this particular data privacy scandal?

People who use Facebook entrust their personal data to the company. They believed that this data
would remain private and that it would not be leaked. There are a number of users of Facebook
who are affected by the problem as it poses privacy issues for these said users. Other businesses
have accessed the personal information of the users and this information has been used to create
the sort of advertising that would appear on the news feed of the user. This leads to
individuals/users worried about the state of their privacy.

4. How do you think can Facebook be used in a way that is more consistent with
Heidegger’s idea of poeisis or bringing forth of technology?

Facebook is a platform where, with the use of the internet, people can communicate with others. It's a
convenient way to connect, so now that this form of technology is present, exchanging important news
and information, is less of a concern. Facebook also has a feature where users can interact via video chat
with other users. This gives users/people the chance, even at a long

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