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Historical Antecedents in the course of Science and Technology

Questions for Reflection:

1. Give three other major scientific and technological developments in the world (or in the
Philippines) that created a large impact on your daily life.
 Gadgets
 Internet
 Electricity

2. What historical antecedents gave rise to the inventions you mentioned in the first

 Gadgets spans as far back as humanity itself – since hominids began creating

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tools to make their lives easier. It is widely used in everday living. Computers are

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seen in offices, homes, and schools, while majority of the population owns a
smartphones. These developments made communication a lot easier, where

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emails and messaging can be easily accessed through these new technologies.
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 The official birth date of the internet was considered to be on January 1, 1983
but the first workable prototype of the Internet came in the late 1960s with the

creation of ARPANET, or the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. The

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Internet is bringing culture closer to more people, making it more easily and
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quickly accessible for all. It is also nurturing the rise of new forms of expression
for art and the spread of knowledge.
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 The first documentation in the history of electricity dates all the way back to 500
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B.C. when Thales of Miletus discovered static electricity by rubbing fur on amber.
But it wasn’t until two thousand years later, in the 1600s, that English physician
and physicist William Gilbert published the first theories about electricity in his

book, De Magnete. Electricity is an essential part of our society today that makes
our lives significantly easier. It has made the economy active all day, every day.

With electricity, factories and retail outlets can now operate around-the-clock
and the same with other parts of the economy.

3. How did the development in science and technology shape human history?
Science and technology have had a major impact on society. Through the inventions and
constant changing of times where things are enhanced, it led to todays advancement of

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science and technology making life easier for a lot of people. Gadgets, the Internet, and
engines allow people and goods to move from place to place much quicker, and we can
communicate around the world instantly. Also, Science and technology is improving the
life conditions across the globe which made life a lot easier and also a lot better with the
advancement of medicines and analysis on diseases.

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