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G Cloud Resources:

- Speech-to-Text API
- Classroom API
- Firestore

Additional Feature Brainstorming:

Google Classroom API for students to organize their schedule

Please provide a project proposal that includes: research problem to be solved, GCP tools to be used, project timeline,
key milestones and outcomes, and how GCP can support your research in the future. Please include a link to your
shared Google Doc OR copy and paste text in the field below. (500-word maximum.)

Main Proposal:

During the pandemic, there was an abrupt switch to online learning which hindered
learning capabilities. Many people are not able to focus on and understand particular
subjects as they did on campus. This problem is causing people to not learn as
effectively because students don’t have a teacher to consult. If students can’t get their
questions answered, they can’t learn a particular subject well. GRASP helps solve this
critical problem with online learning by allowing students to chat with mentors and peers
to help them communicate and troubleshoot difficulties, and provide step-by-step
solutions to problems. This app can be used for not only students for learning online,
but also for students who are attending classes in-person. The origin of this project was
in Kent Hack Enough. To build this app, we will be using the following Google Cloud
products and what we’re using them for: Google Cloud Speech-to-Text API for voice
typing, Google Cloud Vision API for detecting problems with your camera, Firebase for
secure user authentication, and Firestore to bring the real-time chat feature. The project
timeline will span from today to December 31st. We will start by creating more Figma
designs for our app and get it finished as soon as possible, so we can start creating the
UI. After we have created the UI, we will start to integrate more GCP products into our
app. We will first start integrating Google Cloud’s Speech-to-Text API and use it for
detecting what the user says when they select to voice type the problem. This
integration will be finished in 7-8 weeks. After we have integrated Google Cloud’s
Speech-to-Text API , then we will start integrating Google Cloud Natural Language API
as Google Cloud’s Speech-to-Text API is a precursor to the Google Cloud Natural
Language API to check if the Speech-to-Text is able to convert correctly. We will have
the Google Cloud Natural Language API integrated in 7-8 weeks. We will then integrate
Cloud Vision API to allow the user to take a picture of their problem and convert it to text
within 7-8 weeks. We will also be integrating Cloud Translation, so this program can be
used by many and it will be integrated within 7-8 weeks. On top of all of this, we will also
integrate reCAPTCHA Enterprise to add another security layer for users, so their
information isn’t compromised. Google Cloud can support us on our journey by
providing us enough funds in GCP Credits and by helping us along the way if we need

Timeline for Features:

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