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Annual assessments can be "wildly inaccurate" - not to mention "soul-

(Make it sound more “textbook.)

Annual assessments can be faulty and depressing for employees.

By all available evidence, formal attempts to rate employees don’t seem to

meaningfully improve employee performance or give companies any sort of
competitive advantage.
(Make it sound a little more dramatic.)

It is well-known that formal attempts to rate employees neither improve by

any chance employee performance nor give companies any sort of
competitive advantage.

Out of all of the methods used to rate and grade employees, the dreaded
annual or semi-annual performance reviews are especially unhelpful and
potentially harmful.
(Sugarcoat it; try to make it sound positive.)
The annual or semi-annual performance reviews don’t seem to help
companies in all of the cases.

They’re only doing it because human resources told them to.

(Make it sound like less of a chore.)

They are doing it as a part of human resource management .

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