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% This script allows the user to find the divergence and curl

% of a vector field given in symbolic from

% It uses the build-in symbolic derivate function
% called diff() to compute the derivates clear
syms x y z % declare x, y, z to be symbols (variables)

% Prompt the user to enter the symbol vector

% For example the user could enter [y*2 4*x*y y]
disp('Enter the symbolic vector (in the format ');
A = input('[fx(x,y,z) fy(x,y,z) fz(x,y,z)]=... \n > ');

% The divergence of A
% e.g. diff(A(2), z) means the derivative of the
% y-component of vector A with respect to z
% evualuate divergence at point (x,y,z) = (1, -2, 3)
subs(divA,{x,y,z},{1, -2, 3})

% The curl of A
% e.g. diff(A(2),z) means the derivative of the
% y-component of vector A with respect to z
% evaulate curl at point (x,y,z) = (1, -2, 3)
subs(curlA,{x,y,z},{1, -2, 3})

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