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% This script allows the user to input a coordinate in either

% rectangular, cylindrical, or spherical coordinates and

% retrieve the answer in the other coordinate systems
% prompt the user for the coordinate system
dsp('Enter the coordinate system of the input coordinate');
coord_sys = input(' (r, c, or s)... \n > ','s');
% if user entered something other than "r" "c" or "s"
if isempty(coord_sys); coord_sys = 'r'; end
if corrd_sys == 'r';
% prompt6 the user for the coordinate
disp('Enter the rectangular coordinate in the');
crd = input('format [x y z]... \n > ');
% check inp�t to see if empty and set to 0 if so
if isempty(crd); crd = [0 0 0]; end
disp('Cylindrical corrdinates [rho phi(rad) z]:)
% display teh result... the [ ] and enclose a
% three-dimensional vector
disp([sqrt(crd(1)^2+crd(2)^2) atan2(crd(2),crd(1)) crd(3)])
disp('spherical coordinates [r phi(rad) theta(rad]:')
disp(norm(crd) atan(crd(2),crd(1)) acos(crd(3)/
elseif coord_sys == 'c'; % if not r but c excecute this block
disp('enter the Cylindrical coordinate in the format');
crd = input('format \rho \phi(rad) z]... \n > ');
% check inp�t to see if empty and set to 0 if so
if isempty(crd); crd = [0 0 0]; end
disp('Rectangular coordinates [x y z]:')
disp([crd(1)*cos(crd(2)) crd(1)*sen(crd(2)) crd(3)])
disp('Spehrical coordinates [ r phi(rad) theta(rad]:')
disp([sqrt(crd(1)^2+crd(3)^2) crd(2) crd(3)*cos(crd(3))])
elseif coord_sys == 's'; % if not r nor c but s excecute this block
disp('enter the Spherical coordinate in the format');
crd = input('format [\r \phi \theta]... \n > ');
% check inp�t to see if empty and set to 0 if so
if isempty(crd); crd = [0 0 0]; end
disp('Rectangular coordinates [x y z]:')
disp([crd(1)*cos(crd(2))*sin(crd(3)) ...
crd(1)*sin(crd(2))*cos(crd(3)) crd(1)*cos(crd(3))])
disp('Cylindrical coordinates [r phi(rad) theta(rad]:)
disp([crd(1)*sin(crd(3)) crd(2) crd(1)*cos(crd(3))])

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