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CS1 : P204, Toà N08, Ngõ 123 Trần Đăng Ninh,Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội
CS2 : Số 25, Ngõ 121 Thái Hà, Đống Đa, Hà Nội
Hotline: 0972888754

Tổng hợp đầy đủ bộ câu

trả lời mẫu Part 1
IELTS Speaking

CS1 : P204, Toà N08, Ngõ 123 Trần Đăng Ninh,Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội
CS2 : Số 25, Ngõ 121 Thái Hà, Đống Đa, Hà Nội
Hotline: 0972888754

TOPIC 1: HOLIDAY ............................................................................................................................... 3
TOPIC 2: SHOPPING ............................................................................................................................. 3
TOPIC 3: TRANSPORT ......................................................................................................................... 3
TOPIC 4: ROBOTS................................................................................................................................. 4
TOPIC 5: HOUSEWORK ........................................................................................................................ 5
TOPIC 6: SLEEPING.............................................................................................................................. 7
TOPIC 7: WEATHER.............................................................................................................................. 8
TOPIC 8: VEGETABLES ......................................................................................................................... 8
TOPIC 9: CHOCOLATE .......................................................................................................................... 9
TOPIC 10: WATCHES .......................................................................................................................... 10
TOPIC 11: SHARING ........................................................................................................................... 12
TOPIC 12: STREET MARKETS .............................................................................................................. 13
TOPIC 13: BORROWING..................................................................................................................... 13
TOPIC 14: TEACHERS ......................................................................................................................... 14
TOPIC 15: MATHS .............................................................................................................................. 15
TOPIC 16: TRAVEL .............................................................................................................................. 16
TOPIC 17: SKY .................................................................................................................................... 17
TOPIC 18: WATER .............................................................................................................................. 18
TOPIC 19: LETTERS AND EMAILS ....................................................................................................... 18
TOPIC 20: PUBLIC HOLIDAYS ............................................................................................................. 19
TOPIC 21: TEA AND COFFEE .............................................................................................................. 20
TOPIC 22: SMILE ................................................................................................................................ 20
TOPIC 23: PATIENCE .......................................................................................................................... 21
TOPIC 24: CITIES ................................................................................................................................ 22

CS1 : P204, Toà N08, Ngõ 123 Trần Đăng Ninh,Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội
CS2 : Số 25, Ngõ 121 Thái Hà, Đống Đa, Hà Nội
Hotline: 0972888754

1. What do you do in your holiday?
Truth be told, I’m a slave to travelling; therefore, for most holidays, I would like to travel.
If it’s short holidays, I just take a road trip to some mountainous areas, and if it’s long, I
would book a flight to the middle and the south of my country.

2. Do you think your holiday is more and more important?

Of course yes. I believe that the harder you work, the more indispensable holidays become
to you. I consider holidays as gifts and encouragement for me to try my best on my work.

3. Do you like long holidays or short holidays?

It depends, when summer is coming, I really want to have a long holiday, so that I could
recharge my batteries after a hard working semester.

1. Do you like shopping?
Actually, I’m a slave to vintage clothes and weekends are great time for me to hang out at
the boutique together with a group of my friends.

2. How often do you go shopping?

Truth be told, it really depends, but in general about twice a week. Shopping with my
friends really helps us reduce stress and have a better eye for clothes

3. What kinds of shops are there in the area you are living?
Obviously, boutique and clothing stores are the most common in my hometown. In
addition, online shopping also becomes more and more popular nowadays as it could help
us save time.

4. Do you prefer to shop alone?

To be honest, seldom do I go shopping alone. It’s not enjoyable at all and in fact, my
friends could give me lots of advice if I couldn’t make a decision when trying on clothes

1. What type of public transport can be found in your city?
CS1 : P204, Toà N08, Ngõ 123 Trần Đăng Ninh,Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội
CS2 : Số 25, Ngõ 121 Thái Hà, Đống Đa, Hà Nội
Hotline: 0972888754

Well, in my city, buses, and taxi motorbikes are the most popular means of public
transport. You know, high-way trains are being constructed in some routes in my city. It
would be the first time that this kind of transport appears in Vietnam.

2. What type of public transportation do you use most?

Actually, I remember that when I was in high school, I went to school by bus daily. How
to say, It’s cheap and it’s also considered to be the most environment-friendly vehicle
which helps avoid traffic jam.

3. Are there any transport problems in your city?

Of course, yes, traffic congestion is the biggest problem in Hanoi, especially in rush hours,
there are usual long lines of vehicles on the street. I believe, it’s a total waste of time and

4. How would we improve that problem?

Truth be told, it’s a tough question. But I suppose, we should use public vehicles instead
of our private cars if we could. Because researches show that 70% of jam is caused by too
many cars on the street. In addition, the government should allocate more budgets
updating the road system.


1. Do you like using robots ?

I have to say yes, I’m really fanatical about robots. If I have them in my house, it would
be wonderful as I could save a lot of time and energy which otherwise could be wasted in
washing clothes, sweeping floors, cleaning rooms and so on.

 To be fanatical about: Rất yêu thích cái gì

2. Have you ever had a robot?

Actually yes, when I was a little kid, but it was just a toy, a birthday gift from my mother.
It did not have the function of doing household chores. And until now I still keep it as a
 Household chores: Việc nhà

3. Do you think robots will replace human completely?

CS1 : P204, Toà N08, Ngõ 123 Trần Đăng Ninh,Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội
CS2 : Số 25, Ngõ 121 Thái Hà, Đống Đa, Hà Nội
Hotline: 0972888754

My answer is no. Although robots could massive replace human beings; however we still
need to control and operate them, and recharge them when they run out of energy as well.
So I suppose that there’re still things that are irreplaceable by robots.

 Control and operate: Điều khiển và vận hành

 Massive replace: Thay thế hàng loạ

1. Do you like doing housework
Actually, yes, it’s my daily habit. Everyday, I help my mother tidy up the rooms, sweep
the floor and do the laundry. I feel relaxed and reduce stressed when I don’t have to
think about my work and deadlines.

=> Tidy up the rooms: Dọn phòng

=> Sweep the floor: Quét nhà
=> Do the laundry: Giặt là

2. Do you think men and women should share housework?

Why not ? You know, nowadays, in modern society, gender equality is highly
appreciated. Why do only women have to take charge of household chores while they
still work hard as men !

=> Gender equality: Sự bình đẳng giới

=> To be highly appreciated: Được đề cao
=> Take charge of: Đảm nhiệm
=> Household chores: Việc nhà ( = housework )

3. How do you think housework could be made more interesting?

Well, I guess we should notice the changes between before and after tidying up your
house, then we would be motivated to do the chores to make the home better. Or we
can listen to music while mopping the floor or washing the dishes to make your
housework less boring

=> To be motivated: Có động lực

4. Which do you think is better for doing housework, a machine or a person?

CS1 : P204, Toà N08, Ngõ 123 Trần Đăng Ninh,Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội
CS2 : Số 25, Ngõ 121 Thái Hà, Đống Đa, Hà Nội
Hotline: 0972888754

It;s very hard to answer, but I’ll probably go with machines. You know, people are
using machines to mop the floor and mow the lawn. I mean, machines can do
housework more efficiently and time-saving

=> mow the lawn: Cắt cỏ

=> Time - saving: Tiết kiệm thời gian

CS1 : P204, Toà N08, Ngõ 123 Trần Đăng Ninh,Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội
CS2 : Số 25, Ngõ 121 Thái Hà, Đống Đa, Hà Nội
Hotline: 0972888754


1. How many hours do you sleep every day?

Actually, I’m kind of a workaholic, and I just have 5 hours to sleep every day, usually
from 12am to 5am. I think it’s enough for me to recharge my batteries and get ready for
the next working day.

 Recharge my batteries: Sạc năng lượng

2. Do you often have a good sleep

Normally I always have a sound sleep, because I often go to bed after a long day of
burying myself into workload. Just sometimes I have a nightmare because of being too
tired or stressed.

 A sound sleep = A deep sleep: Một giấc ngủ ngon

 Bury myself into workload: Vùi đầu vào trong công việc
 Have a nightmare: Bị ác mộng

3. Is it necessary to take a nap every day?

Of course yes, taking a nap every day is essential as it’s break time to relax. We are not
robots, right? So how can we keep working continuously for 8 hours without having a
break. Scientists show that, just a 15-minute nap helps us have lucid mind and
concentrate on working in the afternoon.

 Keep working continuously: Làm việc liên tục không ngừng nghỉ
 A 15-minute nap: Giấc ngủ trưa tầm 15 phút
 Lucid mind: Đầu óc minh mẫn

4. Do you like to get up early in the morning

I have to say yes. You know, I’m kind of an early bird. Every day I wake up at 5am, and
then do morning exercises by jogging around the park. I can’t stand getting out of my
bed at 8 or 9am, it’s such a waste of time

 An early bird: Một người dậy rất sớm

 Such a waste of time: Một sự lãng phí thời gian

CS1 : P204, Toà N08, Ngõ 123 Trần Đăng Ninh,Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội
CS2 : Số 25, Ngõ 121 Thái Hà, Đống Đa, Hà Nội
Hotline: 0972888754

1. What is the weather like in your country?
As far as I know, Vietnam is a tropical climate country and enjoys 4 distinct seasons.
Well,we don’t have to experience any kind of extreme weather condition
2. What do you do when the weather is bad?
How to say, when the weather is not in good condition, I always stay at home, just lie in
bed and read books or watch TV. Hardly do I go out these days.
3. What type of weather do you like best?
Actually, autumn is my most favorite. You know, I really love the cool air, yellow leaves,
and going for a walk under this kind of comfortable weather, kind of, not scorching hot
nor extremely cold.
4. What type of weather do you dislike?
Let me think, I guess it’s winter. This’s probably because the freezing and chilly
temperature makes me feel really lazy and as a result, I don’t want to take part in any kind
of outdoor activities

1. Do you like eating vegetables?

Of course, I eat vegetables every meal, especially cabbage, green beans, lettuce and
potatoes. You know, in dinner, I just almost eat vegetables and grains but not meat or fish,
because I want to lose weight and keep me in good shape.

 Lettuce: Xà lách
 Grains: Ngũ cốc
 Lose weight: Giảm cân (= Shed excess pounds )
 Keep me in good shape: Giúp tôi giữ dáng

2. Should we eat vegetables all day?

Definitely yes, simply because we cannot find another food group that is as perfectly
matched to our everyday human needs as vegetables. There are various protein, fibre and
vitamin that cannot be found in other food.

 To be perfectly matched to: Rất phù hợp

 Fibre: Chất xơ

CS1 : P204, Toà N08, Ngõ 123 Trần Đăng Ninh,Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội
CS2 : Số 25, Ngõ 121 Thái Hà, Đống Đa, Hà Nội
Hotline: 0972888754

3. What are the benefits of eating vegetables?

You know, there are a lot of benefits from eating vegetables daily. The nutrients in
vegetables are vital for health and maintenance of your body. It also helps slow down the
aging process and beautify your skin

 maintenance of the body: Sự duy trì cơ thể

 Slow down the aging process: Làm chậm quá trình lão hóa
 Beautify your skin: Làm đẹp da

4. Is there any special fruit in your hometown?

Oh yes, there are lychee trees everywhere in my hometown. Lychees are very sweet and
they are exported to some other countries. In addition, they can also become medicine.

1. Do you like chocolate?
Actually, I’m really into eating chocolate. To say the truth, I’m a chocoholic. You know,
milk chocolate is probably my top priority which I could indulge myself with

 A chocoholic: Người nghiện ăn socola

 Milk chocolate: Socola sữa
 Top priority: Ưu tiên hàng đầu
 To indulge myself with: Say mê

2. When was the first time you ate chocolate?

Let me remember, it’s so hard to remember exactly the time but I guess 4 years ago when
my boy friend gave to me on Valentine day. How to say, it was the first time I ate dark
chocolate, and it’s really bitter, while I’m having a sweet tooth

 Dark chocolate: Socola đen

 Bitter: Đắng
 To have a sweet tooth: Người thích ăn ngọt

CS1 : P204, Toà N08, Ngõ 123 Trần Đăng Ninh,Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội
CS2 : Số 25, Ngõ 121 Thái Hà, Đống Đa, Hà Nội
Hotline: 0972888754

3. Is it healthy to eat chocolate?

I suppose it’s really beneficial for our health. As far as I know, chocolate is good for our
heart, blood circulation and brain. Besides, it helps prevent diabetes and obesity

 Blood circulation: Tuần hoàn máu

 Diabetes:Bệnh tiểu đường
 Obesity: Bệnh béo phì


1. How often do you wear a watch ?

Actually, timepiece is my must-have item everyday. A lot of my friends use mobile
phones instead, however, to me, wristwatches are much more convenient, especially when
driving a motorbike.

 Timepiece = Wristwach = Watch

 Must-have item: Phụ kiện phải có

2. What was your first watch like ?

My first watch was a gift from my father in his business trip to France 2 years ago. It was
a luxurious watch brand Rotary. It had a blue-sky strap, a large ish-round face and is in
stainless steel and gold. It reminds me of the time and helps me never late for work or
important meetings.

 Blue-sky strap: Dây đồng hồ xanh da trời

 Large ish-round face: Mặt đồng hồ hình tròn
 Stainless steel and gold: Vàng và thép không gỉ

3. What kind of watches do you like to wear?

I’m not sure, because I just have 2 watches for me until now, one is Casio and one is
Daniel Wellington. But maybe I love to wear DW watch, a fashionable accessory that
keeps me on trend

CS1 : P204, Toà N08, Ngõ 123 Trần Đăng Ninh,Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội
CS2 : Số 25, Ngõ 121 Thái Hà, Đống Đa, Hà Nội
Hotline: 0972888754

 Fashionable accessory: Phụ kiện thời trang

 To be on trend: Hợp thời trang

CS1 : P204, Toà N08, Ngõ 123 Trần Đăng Ninh,Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội
CS2 : Số 25, Ngõ 121 Thái Hà, Đống Đa, Hà Nội
Hotline: 0972888754


1. Do you share things with other people?
Definitely. I think that the act of sharing with other people enhances your own
enjoyment of something. Most of the highlights or milestones in our lives are more
special – more memorable – when we experience them with someone else. It also shows
that we care about others and not just our own selfish interests. Like the saying goes,
“Sharing is caring“.
2. What do you usually share with others?
“I usually share everyday stuff like food, and I guess also experiences. Like when I go on
a trip with some friends and we encounter a spectacular view or a funny scene, it’s
something that we will always remember and look back on fondly because we had that
moment together.”
3. Have you shared anything with others recently?
Yes! I thoroughly love sharing and making people happy. Recently, I just purchased an
abundance of essential stationary items like pencil cases, pens and notebooks. I gave
some to my best friends. They jumped for joy after receiving their gifts. Seeing their
beautiful smiles and eyes light up could make anyone’s day.
4. What kind of things are not suitable for sharing with others?
Well, the first item that crosses my mind (or: comes to mind) is a toothbrush or a
toothpick (lol). I mean it would be exceedingly unsanitary to share those items to
anyone. As well as this, all your personal and private belongings such as your diary or
your phone are obviously inappropriate to share because it invades your privacy.
5. What would you like to share with others in the future?
I would definitely love sharing my knowledge, such as giving free English lessons to
students from deprived and less fortunate backgrounds. I strongly believe in the
saying “Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and

CS1 : P204, Toà N08, Ngõ 123 Trần Đăng Ninh,Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội
CS2 : Số 25, Ngõ 121 Thái Hà, Đống Đa, Hà Nội
Hotline: 0972888754

You Feed Him for a Lifetime”. That’s why I want to share necessary skills for others to
help them turn their lives around


1. Are street markets common in your country?
Definitely yes. Our country has a long tradition for street markets. There is usually from 1
to 2 street markets in every local community.
2. What is usually sold there?
There are almost all sorts of products that are on sale there. They vary from food, clothes
to handmade accessories and jewelry. Besides, there are some vendors selling different
types of mouth-watering junk food nearby.
3. Do you think people like street markets? Why?
Yes, I do. Street markets are usually close to residential area which is very convenient for
purchasing daily groceries. Besides, vendors at street markets offer products at a more
affordable price compared to supermarkets.


1. Have you borrowed books from others?
Not even once because I don’t want to bother other people. I make sure to buy the books
that I need in school. In case, I cannot find the books in a bookstore or in an online shop, I
just usually go to a city library to check if there’s one in there and if I’m lucky to find,
that’s the time that I borrow.
2. Is it good to borrow money from friends?
Well I don’t see any problem on borrowing money from friends as long as we keep our
promise to pay them on time. As you know, money can usually break relationship, so as
much as possible we have to avoid compromising our good relationship with our friends,
and repay them on the exact date as we promise.

CS1 : P204, Toà N08, Ngõ 123 Trần Đăng Ninh,Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội
CS2 : Số 25, Ngõ 121 Thái Hà, Đống Đa, Hà Nội
Hotline: 0972888754

3. Do you like lending things to others?

Well it’s on a case-by-case basis, if the borrower is the person who is near and dear to me,
without any ounce of hesitation, I will lend. However, if the person who wants to borrow
things from me is irresponsible, I never ever give them any chance to borrow and use my
4. How do you feel when people don’t return things they borrowed from you?
Of course, I will be very upset most especially if the borrower is the person whom I give
my full trust. But, I’m patient anyway, so if he gives me a reasonable explanation as to
why he can’t return, then I will wait until he can give my things back. Well as long as
there is an acceptable reason, I don’t stress myself on thinking about it.


1. What’s the difference between the young and old teacher?

What’s the difference between young teachers and old teachers?

To tell them apart is not an easy task. Based on my experience and observation, old
teachers seem to have more hands-on experience than young ones. However, it is obvious
that there are few generation gaps between younger teachers and their students so it is
easier for teachers to pass their knowledge on to students and for students to perceive it.
2. What is the most important part in your study, teachers or classmates?
In my study, both of them play important roles. When it comes to teachers, they are
always sources of motivation for me to overcome study problems and help me broaden my
knowledge. At the same time, friends seem to create an ideal learning environment for me
to compete as well as cooperate in order to break my own limits and bring my best out. All
things considered, I guess the importance of teachers out-weight that of friends a little bit
3. What sort of personality do teachers need to have?

CS1 : P204, Toà N08, Ngõ 123 Trần Đăng Ninh,Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội
CS2 : Số 25, Ngõ 121 Thái Hà, Đống Đa, Hà Nội
Hotline: 0972888754

“Patience is a virtue” as the saying goes, and I believe teachers need to possess this quality
in abundance. It’s a tiring and stressful job, so teachers have to be calm and in control at
all times. They also need to have a passion for their subject.


1: When did you start learning math?
In fact, Math is a compulsory subject in Vietnamese schools, so every child has to learn
this complex subject from the first grade, and I’m not an exception.
2. Do you like math?
Frankly speaking, since I was a little girl, I was not keen on learning Math because I
found it complicatedand tedious. I usually got bad marks in this subject and this just made
me hate learning Math even more.
3.Who’s your favorite Math teacher so far?
To be honest, I do not have any favorite Math teacher. However, the best math teacher I
have ever studied with was the one in primary school. In the beginning, as she knew that I
was not really good at Math, she just spent her extra time to tutor me and I did make
progress. Although Math is not my cup of tea, she still left a good impression on me as
a qualified and devoted teacher.
4: Is math difficult for you to learn?
As I said already, it’s a tricky and incredibly hard subject. When it comes to solving Math
subjects, it’s always a nightmare for me.
5: Do you like to use a calculator?
I’m really into using a calculator because you know, I’m not a Math lover and a
calculator will allow me to calculate numbers more quickly without having to thinking
6. Is it necessary for everyone to learn mathematics?

CS1 : P204, Toà N08, Ngõ 123 Trần Đăng Ninh,Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội
CS2 : Số 25, Ngõ 121 Thái Hà, Đống Đa, Hà Nội
Hotline: 0972888754

Yes, I think it is. We all need a basic grounding in maths so that we can do daily tasks,
like managing our money, working out bills, and so on.


1. Do you like travelling?

Yes, definitely! I think seeing the world, from great historical monuments to white sandy
beaches, is what life is all about. It’s a very interesting way to learn about new cultures
and explore new places.
2. Who do you often spend holiday with?
It depends on what kind of holiday it is. If it’s Christmas vacation, I prefer hang out with
my friends here and there and have a chit-chat. If it’s New Year holiday, I just want to
celebrate the holiday with my family and relatives in a cozy ambiance.
3. How much traveling have you done?
Well for a start I’m an international student, so my life can be counted as travelling. I’ve
been on a road trip to USA, a vacation to Japan, and Korea when I was younger thanks to
my father meeting sales goals, and most recently Australia – a splendid country.
4. What kind of places have you visited in your life?
I am a working person. Therefore, I prefer to visit the places which elevate my mood and
energize me. I have been to some of the most beautiful beaches and lakes in my country.
These places bring me closer to nature and rejuvenate me.=revitalize
5. When you visit new places, what do you like to do?
It seems to me that there’re a lot of stuff to do when visiting a brand-new places. At first, I
would love to take photographs to bookmark my travel experience as well as share with
my best mates. Culture vulture seems to be my another character when I feel like
discovering the places of great aesthetic appeal everywhere I set foot in.
6. Do you prefer traveling alone or in a group?

CS1 : P204, Toà N08, Ngõ 123 Trần Đăng Ninh,Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội
CS2 : Số 25, Ngõ 121 Thái Hà, Đống Đa, Hà Nội
Hotline: 0972888754

Well, it depends on my current mood. A trip to the off-the-beaten-track destinations,

mountainous or forested place for instance will be my initial choice if I feel devastated.
On the contrary, I will congregate with my companions and sign up for guided tours as
it’s a chance to be shown around and take photograph – one of my hobbies when feel
7. In which seasons do you prefer to travel?
I guess it would be autumn. This season has little rain, clear skies and temperate
conditions. It’s really the best season when most places are at their best at that time.
8. What places would you like to visit in the future?
If I have the chance to visit one famous place, it will be Paris, a must-see place to me. I
would love to visit the Eiffel Tower, to tuck into French delicacies in prestigious
restaurants. In addition, it’d be great for me to visit the Louver Museum and discover
history as well as La Sorbonne University – the oldest educational institution in modern


1. Do you like to watch the sky?
Yes, when it comes to nature some people say they like the beaches, the mountains, or
the oceans. But I always say the sky. It’s so magical when you can see countless
glittering and twinkling stars. It’s almost like a glimpse of heaven. The sky never
disappears like the flowers in spring or the leaves in autumn, but it is always there,
continually changing.
2. What is the sky like at night in your hometown?
To be honest with you, with the high level of air pollution in Hanoi, the chance you can
enjoy spectacular views of the sky are almost never. Having said that, on some
clear, cloudless nights the stars are bright and visible, I can see all the constellations in
the vast cosmos.
3. Do you like to watch stars?
Absolutely. One of my most cherished memories from my childhood is lying outside at
night and watching shooting stars during a meteor shower. I still like to watch stars but
of course these days I don’t have time to kill aimlessly star gazing in the way that I did in
my youth.

CS1 : P204, Toà N08, Ngõ 123 Trần Đăng Ninh,Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội
CS2 : Số 25, Ngõ 121 Thái Hà, Đống Đa, Hà Nội
Hotline: 0972888754

4. Have you ever taken a course about stars?

No, and to be honest, Astronomy doesn’t really appeal to me (= or: Astronomy doesn’t
really tickle my fancy). I think, sometimes studying something academically can kill the
simple joy that comes from uninformed appreciation. As people often say, ignorance is


1. Do you drink a lot of water everyday?
Absolutely yes! Without water, human beings would die just 3 days and you know, the
human body is made up of 70% of water, therefore, it’s indispensable. That’s why I go to
great lengths to drink at least 1 litre per day to stay hydrated. Another factor that is
important is that water would definitely keep your skin smooth, healthy and glowing.

2. Do you drink tap or bottled water?

In my country, it’s not advisable to drink tap water. This is primarily because it has
come through rusty metal pipes which may be contaminated and unsafe to drink. That’s
why some people choose to buy bottled waterdespite the expense. However, in my
family, we often drink boiled water. It maybe time-consuming but we are
accustomed to the taste.

3. Do you ever drink other kinds of water?

Well, I don’t know if this counts but I am partial to (= enjoy) drinking Coconut water a
few times a week because it has tremendous nutritional benefits. It’s an effective
beverage to drink because it can cool you down on a scorching summer day. In addition
to this, it even works well when you are suffering from a hangover or so I’m told.
4. Have you ever been thirsty but you didn’t have anything to drink?
Yes, I have. I still clearly remember one time I went on a long walk in the countryside
with some friends. We were stuck in the middle of nowhere and all three of us had left
our bottles in a car. Needless to say, we were all rather parched (= extremely thirsty).


1. Do you usually write by hand?
Not really anymore. These days I find myself typing a lot on computers and texting on my
phone, due to the growing popularity of digital devices so I rarely use paper and a pen
anymore. That said, I still have to jot down notes in class because laptops are not allowed.
I think it’s a pain, really

CS1 : P204, Toà N08, Ngõ 123 Trần Đăng Ninh,Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội
CS2 : Số 25, Ngõ 121 Thái Hà, Đống Đa, Hà Nội
Hotline: 0972888754

2. Do you think it is a good thing that companies send out spam email for advertising
I believe that spam emails are a nuisance. As far as I know, many companies are
becoming over-dependent on spam emails to advertise their products and promote the
brands. However, this may be counterproductive, as the act of sending numerous spam
mails may simply disburb and annoy those who receive and cause them to delete the
emails at once instead of paying attention to the products.

3. What are the differences between handwriting and emails?

Obviously, handwriting and emails are quite different from each other. In terms of speed,
hand-written letters take more time to complete than writing emails. Regarding purposes,
handwritten letters tend to convey more emotions and are more personal than emails.


1. Do you like the New Year celebration?
Absolutely yes! New Year always brings a sense of opportunity and a chance to turn
over a new leaf. As well as this, there’s an abundance of lively activities
and meaningful traditions to enjoy such as firework displays, scrumptious cuisine and
the giving and receiving of lucky money. Also, all people love to take a long break to let
there hair down and chill out for a few days.

2. How many public holidays are there in your country?

I would say we have roughly 19-21 days. It may sound like a lot but in fact, our
neighbors Thailand or Laos, they have even more national holidays than us. From my
latest updates on the government websites, this year 2019, we would have 21 days off in
total such as Reunification Day, International Labour Day and so on.
3. What do you do during these holidays?
I would surely make the most of those valuable days off by taking a short trip to any
nearby resort toget away from it all and recharge my batteries. Otherwise, I would
enjoy / do the same as everyone else, spending quality time with friends and families,
hanging out or catching up on sleep.

4. Which places are normally crowded in your country during holidays?

For sure, there are certain places that are packed during holidays. The most obvious
example of this is pagodas/ temples during the New Year are jammed full of families
who gather to pray for good health and prosperity. On other occasions, people
would hit numerous fashionable clubs and lively barsin the Old Quarter areas.

CS1 : P204, Toà N08, Ngõ 123 Trần Đăng Ninh,Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội
CS2 : Số 25, Ngõ 121 Thái Hà, Đống Đa, Hà Nội
Hotline: 0972888754

Whereas, other tourist hot spots such as Sapa or Halong Bay are popular with
more affluent families.
5. Do you enjoy being in crowded places?
I would say it really depends on my mood. If I’m in the mood to parties, then I would
definitely visit my favourite bars or clubs to enjoy a high level of adrenaline with
everyone dancing and singing along to theupbeat music. However, if I feel a little more
insular (or I feel blue/ down in the dumps), I would prefer to remain copped up and
cosy in my world at home.


1. Do people in your country like to drink coffee or tea?

Yes, absolutely. We enjoy both tea and coffee equally. From my observation, the
elderly people tend to drink tea almost everyday. Whereas, younger generation are much
more fanatical about coffee despite the fact that it is some of the strongest coffee in the

2. Why do you think that is?

Well, as a matter of fact, the land of Vietnam is 70% agriculture so tea has been widely
grown for consumption. Similarly, our tropical climate, fertile soil and central
highlands areas are highly conducive for the growing and cultivation of coffee beans.

3. Which do you prefer drinking tea or coffee?

I’m definitely more of a tea person. However, I need a cup or two of coffee to shift myself
into gear (to get started) in the morning. After this, I always stick with (choose) tea.
Coffee tends to make me feel a bit anxious, whereas tea gives me a natural, energized
feeling. Moreover, tea has more health benefits for me, especially since I’m prone
to (easily get) colds and coughs.
Every time I drink tea, I feel so refreshed and I don’t feel bloated after eating.


1. Should everyone express their feelings to others?
It depends. Sometimes when you have something nice to say to others about how they make
you feel, you should do it. It may brighten their day or at least make them feel a little bit better.
But some other times, you should just keep it to yourself if you don’t want to hurt others’
feelings. You are entitled to how you feel about others but letting them know your feelings is
another story.
2. Can you tell if a person’s smile is fake?

CS1 : P204, Toà N08, Ngõ 123 Trần Đăng Ninh,Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội
CS2 : Số 25, Ngõ 121 Thái Hà, Đống Đa, Hà Nội
Hotline: 0972888754

Yes and I’m good at recognizing it! Just simply looking at the person’s eyes, if the eyes are not
expressive as the person’s lips, then his smile is not genuine. As they say, the eyes are the
window to the soul, the eyes can surely express what the inner thoughts or feelings of a person.


1. Do you think patience is important?
Over the years, I’ve learned that patience is a common personality trait among many self-
made billionaires like Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba - a giant e-commerce company in China.
So it’s definitely vital to a person’s success in general. Being impatient during hardships is just
gonna cloud your mind, preventing you from seeing things clearly. Eventually you could end
up making wrong decisions
• a common personality trait: một đặc điểm tính cách chung, thường thấy
• cloud your mind: che lấp tâm trí của bạn

2. Would you say you are a patient person?

It’s a case by case situation but generally speaking I’m an extremely patient person. I don’t see
the point of getting all riled up for the things that are out of my control, because anger can
distract me from objective and logical thoughts in stressful situations. However, I would get
mad/ irritated if someone stood me up or didn’t show up on time.
trigger my impatience

3. What do you think “patience” is?

To me, patience is the quality that allows somebody to remain calm and collected in
possibly high stressful situations. Also, when you are able to carry out repetitive or
monotonous actions.
Do you think patience is important?
Absolutely/ 100%/ Obviously, teaching children requires a high level of patience, in my
opinion. For example, if the students throw a tantrum or run wild, you must be able to keep
your temper and stay calm.
Do you think being patient is an important part of being polite?
For sure, patience and politeness come hand in hand. One example I can think of is when
you are trying to hold a conversation with a person who is extremely talkative, you would not
want interrupt them. This could be rude and offensive.
Would you say you are a patient person?
On a daily basis, I receive constant complaints at my job (customer service) without letting
my blood boil (= losing my temper). So yes, I can say with confidence that I’m a patient
Have you ever lost your patience?

CS1 : P204, Toà N08, Ngõ 123 Trần Đăng Ninh,Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội
CS2 : Số 25, Ngõ 121 Thái Hà, Đống Đa, Hà Nội
Hotline: 0972888754

Yes, for sure. I mean, who doesn’t? For me, the thing that makes me lose my patience the most
is inevitable traffic congestion in


1. What kind of cities do you like?

Well, I admire cities that still have trees like the one that I’m currently living now. Most cities
nowadays, are crowded with skyscrapers that seeing greeneries is impossible.
2. Which city did you visit recently?
Well, I had a whale of a time visiting Hoi An Old Town a couple of months ago with my
beloved family. And you know, I was instantly captivated by the ornate architecture,
tranquility and stunning cuisine. It’s really a must-see destination for any tourists visiting
3. Which city are you going to visit in the future? Why do you want to go there?
London is at the top of my list because it has always captured my imagination. It costs a
small fortune visiting this fancy city, that’s why I’m saving up money right now. I can’t wait
to take up classes in elocution to perfect my British accent as well as visit the magnificent
Buckingham Palace.
4. Why do people like to live in cities?
Well, obviously there’s a multitude of advantages that offered by big cities. Living in an
urban environment means you can enjoy a higher standard of living such as a variety of
entertainment facilities, optimal healthcare and advanced education system.


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